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Thai police: Bomb suspects remain at large, declares country is back to normal


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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

BANGKOK:-- Thailand’s deputy police chief said that those responsible for the co-ordinated bomb attacks in southern Thailand remain at large.


Speaking at a video briefing on Saturday morning, Pol Gen Pongsapat Pongcharoen said there have so far been no arrests in connection with the attacks and denied that two suspects were in police custody.


Regarding the reports that two people had been arrested, Pol Gen Pongsapat “we only questioned some of the witnesses. We have not detained anyone”.


He also said the results of DNA evidence taken from the locations of the bomb blasts will be ready by Sunday and that police expect to issue arrest warrants soon.


He added that he believes those responsible are still in Thailand.


Pol Gen Pongsapat said that while police did not believe the bombings were an escalation of the violence in the south, the devices used were similar and could be have been supplied by the same group of people.


Pol Gen Pongsapat ended the press briefing by saying that the situation in Thailand had now returned to normal as there had been no further incidents.


He told people they no longer needed to be scared and could go about their lives as normal.


He added that police had no reports of threats at other locations.


I know that the police are under a lot of pressure to solve these attacks, but statements like the one above, IMO, do nothing to help the situation.


The situation in Thailand was 'normal' up to the second the first device was detonated as nobody in authority had a clue as to what was about to happen. Because there have been no incidents over a relatively short period does not mean that things are back to normal.


The second point i would like to mention is this reliance on DNA. If they do retrieve DNA evidence from any of the scenes, unless they have a record to match these samples against, they will be utterly useless. As they have no suspects being held at this time, it will, again IMO, a game of fortune they will be playing with future suspects. I also realize they have a DNA database as such, but how reliable is it, how many samples?


DNA alone does not solve crimes.....................;)

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This is a extremely serious incident and the police chief not the deputy should be the one making those press statement. He should also invite the forensic, army ordinance officers to explain their findings. It has been 2-3 days since the bomb incidents and we have yet to hear about the type of bomb device or the bomb material that were used. The deputy police chief making a sweeping statement does not give confidence that they have any solid clues and certainly not reassuring to the general public. Are they trying to hide and afraid to present the evidence. Maybe too soon? I will see in next few days whether they will announce the bomb device and material. Could surprise a lot of people. 

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I live in Hua Hin. Everything is normal here. Meaning no police anywhere. No police at the train station, bus station, no increased patrols on the streets or in the bar areas near the bombings. NO NOTHING! 


SAME SAME. Two days later nothing to see here. You want massage?

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2 hours ago, djjamie said:

The hotel lady suggested or implied tourist numbers have subsided due to this tragedy. Of course I am not suggesting she lied. I never said she did. I am more than confident she is telling the truth. She has no reason to lie.


What I said is (if you read my post) "This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!"


Have a great evening and stay safe.




<deleted> somebody else mentioned you're the only one talking about tourist numbers

Edited by Alwyn
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the dead can go back to life as normal, and their families? 

He added that he believes those responsible are still in Thailand.  red shirt bombers are still in thailand. where else are they going to go? democracy has taken a back seat to the country being more secure. you think a military dictatorship is going to work? 10 years in this country and i have never seen it so f#cked up.  i thought we were just going to go through another cycle of coup and elections but i am wrong. army has gone too far this time.

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Something wrong here as BBC told world two suspects arrested. Not true. So are all foreign tourists and Thais still at risk tonight as normal tourism in holiday places resumes as Thai officials  say everything normal now. Something looks odd? How do they know when no one has been arrested for the 4 deaths on Thursday and Friday? I this business driven or safety driven, In London if their were further risks of death by terrorism we would warn  all our citizens.

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There was an armored personnel carrier parked on beach road in front of Central mall. 2 young unarmed solders hanging around cameras around their necks.  no side arms.  Three Thai police sitting on the wall outside police station.  Nothing extra on the 2nd road side.  Sounds like a real lock down... ;)





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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

I live in Hua Hin. Everything is normal here. Meaning no police anywhere. No police at the train station, bus station, no increased patrols on the streets or in the bar areas near the bombings. NO NOTHING! 


SAME SAME. Two days later nothing to see here. You want massage?

If that is true then Western  foreign offices should complain as two deaths and many injuries from terrorism within 48 hours ago in this major family resort suggests serious issues for Thai tourism and  Thai responsibility. Are you absolutely sure there is no extra security for this top Thai tourist destination for Europeans which had at least 4 bomb explosions in two days?

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Just now, peter48 said:

If that is true then Western  foreign offices should complain as two deaths and many injuries from terrorism within 48 hours ago in this major family resort suggests serious issues for Thai tourism and  Thai responsibility. Are you sure there is no extra security for this top Thai tourist destination for Europeans?

There probably should be some extra "visible" security, but realistically....no matter what they do they will need a lot of luck to catch somebody.


They can't stop and search every single vehicle and person in and around Hua Hin so I think if there was a large presence it would be more for show than anything effective.

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just flew back in to suvarnabumi at 5pm the arrivals section is totally packed. tried to get the next bus to pattaya but the next 4 vip buses booked out so grabbed a cab.


tourists couldnt give a flying &lt;deleted&gt; . nothing short of a nuclear explosian will deter tourists. sorry haters but thats just the way it is

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5 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

whatever normal is.

Normal is the RTP making lame and conflicting statements, the crims never brought to justice, the government stating they are taking action to protect tourists and the TV readers feeling like it is groundhog day.

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21 minutes ago, joeyg said:

There was an armored personnel carrier parked on beach road in front of Central mall. 2 young unarmed solders hanging around cameras around their necks.  no side arms.  Three Thai police sitting on the wall outside police station.  Nothing extra on the 2nd road side.  Sounds like a real lock down... ;)






The cameras are so they can shoot any criminals they see and then post the photos on facebook in hope that some alert resident will bring them into the nearest police station

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Which was 40 yards

2 minutes ago, Reigntax said:


The cameras are so they can shoot any criminals they see and then post the photos on facebook in hope that some alert resident will bring them into the nearest police station

which was 30 yards away.

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Yes no one doubts the difficulties but the writer above is saying that this major prestigious  resort which had 2 deaths over last two days and many tourists  injured shows no visible signs of extra security. If that is true it is serious for Thai Tourism because it suggests a very worrying attitude to international family tourism. Lets hope the blogger is mistaken.

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6 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

So confident that country back to normal? How do they know? What if it happens again? 



thats  is normal for the system here,     if you don't  keep mentioning things, they don't exist 

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24 minutes ago, mcfish said:

just flew back in to suvarnabumi at 5pm the arrivals section is totally packed. tried to get the next bus to pattaya but the next 4 vip buse bookes out so grabbed a cab.


tourists couldnt give a flying &lt;deleted&gt; . nothing short of a nuclear explosian will deter tourists. sorry haters but thats just the way it is

No I do not accept this the deaths and injuries were less than 24 to 48 hours ago and it will deter some last minute family or upmarket tourists. Time will tell as all global TV news stations were covering the many bombings across  Thailand yesterday. I suspect our friend has not been updated on the many Thai explosions , fatalities and injuries covered internationally yesterday. Cancellations in the top Hua Hin resort are being reported today. The single  male and possibly childless brigade to  Pattaya clearly will override terrorism , bombs and such like and ignore it. It was always so in that place.

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13 minutes ago, mcfish said:

When people look at the news and see a bomb story they dont care about how many bombs but how many deaths. 3 out of 20 mill..do the math

What are you saying?

I did the math: 3 is exactly 3 too many!

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7 hours ago, djjamie said:

"She said out 14 bookings for this weekend, 5 had cancelled, while 3 others had simply not checked in and 2 other bookings had arrived on Saturday morning, a day later than planned"


Goodness me. This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!


I would not be so quick to say don't be scared. I understand they have a job to do in creating calm, but I would certainly still be on edge at the moment.

This Thai hotel owner/manager is telling you facts. But you prefer tangible objective data, i.e bullshit.


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Having inflicted their gutless attacks it is very likely the perpetrators have  hastily retreated  back to  their own family houses  and are acting out pshycopathic expressions of horror in the hope and belief they will not  be discovered. In that sense Thailand is  back to normal.

In much the same way  Europe  now is. :whistling:

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7 hours ago, z42 said:

Again more utter stupidity in the statements, I fail to see the correlation between a gang of terrorist bombers not yet in custody yet the country back to normal (whatever that is). I'd have thought that until all the bombers and their backers are in chains that the situation is actually incredibly unstable, and there is more than a fair chance of further attacks in the not too distant future :facepalm:

you have protect the tourism figures :bah:

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