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Mexico marijuana fair pushes for drug to be made legal


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Hello All, this is from Aug 4 NYT

"Colombia’s New, Legal Drug Barons Focus on Medical Marijuana"

“We think that Colombia can build a successful international business around the exportation of medical marijuana,” Alejandro Gaviria, Colombia’s health minister, said in an email. “The country is ready to participate in this emerging global market.”

PharmaCielo, based in Toronto, was founded in 2014 and in June became the first company in Colombia to receive a license from the government to manufacture cannabis products. It is still waiting for licenses for cultivation.

Other companies have followed suit. In July, the government granted production licenses to another Canadian company, Cannavida, and a Colombian company, Labfarve-Ecomedics. Unlike PharmaCielo, Labfarve-Ecomedics will focus on the domestic market, which may allow it to start faster since it will not need an export license.

Once it receives approval, PharmaCielo will start growing marijuana and then process the material into medical products that can be exported to Canada and other countries that allow the importation of medical cannabis. The United States, for now, remains a long way off.

“Ultimately, this has the ability to be a global marketplace measured in the billions,” said Anthony Wile, a Canadian venture capitalist who is one of PharmaCielo’s backers. Jim Rogers, a co-founder with George Soros of the Quantum Fund, is also an investor."


Follow the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


This is some pretty screwy reasoning here, indeed.





It has been 9 hours and not one soul has "liked" your reply. I believe that the majority agree with me about legalization of drugs. At the very least soft drugs. To classify marijuana as a class 1 substance is the zenith of both insanity and horrific government policy.


As of 2015, 25 states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Yet the hooligan goons at the Justice Dept. continue to pursue pot, as if it were as dangerous as heroin or cocaine. 


As the above post shows, it is all about the money. When they figure out a way to profit from this, it will be allowed. Until then, lives will continue to be destroyed over bad policy, that is completely lacking in wisdom or common sense.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:



It has been 9 hours and not one soul has "liked" your reply. I believe that the majority agree with me about legalization of drugs. At the very least soft drugs. To classify marijuana as a class 1 substance is the zenith of both insanity and horrific government policy.


As of 2015, 25 states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. Yet the hooligan goons at the Justice Dept. continue to pursue pot, as if it were as dangerous as heroin or cocaine. 


As the above post shows, it is all about the money. When they figure out a way to profit from this, it will be allowed. Until then, lives will continue to be destroyed over bad policy, that is completely lacking in wisdom or common sense.


Sorry Mike but making a drug legal does not get people to stop using it. 

I live in Colorado and nobody is saying, "Geez guys this just ain't cool anymore I think I will quit." 


BTW, the Feds are not pursuing pot in Colorado...maybe I misunderstood your post and you mean they are pursuing it in some States. 


You do appear to have some knowledge on the subject...can you tell me how a driver impaied by marijuana can be tested by law enforcement in a "measurable" way? For instance, blood alchol content can be analyzed to prove level of intoxication. 


What is the science behind proving someone is currently impaired or under the influence of marijuana? 


A blood test and a urine test can measure THC but it cannot determine when that chemical was ingested into the system...is that correct?

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17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Sorry Mike but making a drug legal does not get people to stop using it. 

I live in Colorado and nobody is saying, "Geez guys this just ain't cool anymore I think I will quit." 


BTW, the Feds are not pursuing pot in Colorado...maybe I misunderstood your post and you mean they are pursuing it in some States. 


You do appear to have some knowledge on the subject...can you tell me how a driver impaied by marijuana can be tested by law enforcement in a "measurable" way? For instance, blood alchol content can be analyzed to prove level of intoxication. 


What is the science behind proving someone is currently impaired or under the influence of marijuana? 


A blood test and a urine test can measure THC but it cannot determine when that chemical was ingested into the system...is that correct?



These are reasonable questions. There would have to be ways to determine the level of intoxication while driving. I am referring to the general use of pot, and also it's medicinal purposes, of which there are many. Driving is another story. But, I can tell you from personal experience way back when, there were many occasions I was stoned out of my mind, on super high end herb, and I rarely if ever found if difficult to drive. Not the same with alcohol, where there was serious impairment. 


Having said that, I am sure there could be ways developed to determine just how stoned someone is. And the driving aspect is just one small part of the equation. Many are being arrested in some states for simple possession, and being sent away for years, at least in part to support the private prison industry. 


I agree that the desire does not go away after legalization, but the allure sure diminishes. 


The Feds are still pursuing growers in California, even though possession is basically legal. 

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13 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



These are reasonable questions. There would have to be ways to determine the level of intoxication while driving. I am referring to the general use of pot, and also it's medicinal purposes, of which there are many. Driving is another story. But, I can tell you from personal experience way back when, there were many occasions I was stoned out of my mind, on super high end herb, and I rarely if ever found if difficult to drive. Not the same with alcohol, where there was serious impairment. 


Having said that, I am sure there could be ways developed to determine just how stoned someone is. And the driving aspect is just one small part of the equation. Many are being arrested in some states for simple possession, and being sent away for years, at least in part to support the private prison industry. 


I agree that the desire does not go away after legalization, but the allure sure diminishes. 


The Feds are still pursuing growers in California, even though possession is basically legal. 


Although I don't often see eye-to-eye with you (50/50) I always enjoy reading your posts.


What I have found in CO is that drivers are frequently impaied by being under the influence of pot and I am sorry but I don't buy the "pot does not affect my driving" claim made by so many because I have heard the same thing from drinkers and I have seen the drivers in CO who are stoned and I have seen tests on coordination and reaction time of people that are high. 


I am of the opinion that a drug should not be legalized until their is a scientific method recognized by the court system that can accurately measure the level of impairment the person has since they operate motor vehicles on the same raodways as my loved ones. 


I see drivers every day in CO blowing smoke out there windows and I can smell the pot. 

I can stop to fill up my gas tank and the guy next to me gets out of his car and reeks of pot. 


Pot sold in CO has a THC content of 20-35...this is advertised by the retsilers in newspaper ads. 


This is about 4X the level of THC from 20 years ago and 2-3X the level in your "killer bud" dude ;-)





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32 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Although I don't often see eye-to-eye with you (50/50) I always enjoy reading your posts.


What I have found in CO is that drivers are frequently impaied by being under the influence of pot and I am sorry but I don't buy the "pot does not affect my driving" claim made by so many because I have heard the same thing from drinkers and I have seen the drivers in CO who are stoned and I have seen tests on coordination and reaction time of people that are high. 


I am of the opinion that a drug should not be legalized until their is a scientific method recognized by the court system that can accurately measure the level of impairment the person has since they operate motor vehicles on the same raodways as my loved ones. 


I see drivers every day in CO blowing smoke out there windows and I can smell the pot. 

I can stop to fill up my gas tank and the guy next to me gets out of his car and reeks of pot. 


Pot sold in CO has a THC content of 20-35...this is advertised by the retsilers in newspaper ads. 


This is about 4X the level of THC from 20 years ago and 2-3X the level in your "killer bud" dude ;-)







I know the newer breeds of pot are crazy strong. Driving is a consideration. It sounds like you guys have some serious stoners out there, and they may pose a problem. 


I have a suggestion. How about bringing stoners who are suspected of being high into a room, with a table full of brownies, apple pie, cookies, chocolate, and other goodies? See what their reaction is. Look at the dilation of their pupils, when faced with this level of temptation.


Of course, I am saying this in jest. Hard to imagine they cannot come up with a reasonable way to test stoners, to see what their levels are. Of course, a legal limit would have to be determined. 



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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Sorry Mike but making a drug legal does not get people to stop using it. 

I live in Colorado and nobody is saying, "Geez guys this just ain't cool anymore I think I will quit." 


BTW, the Feds are not pursuing pot in Colorado...maybe I misunderstood your post and you mean they are pursuing it in some States. 


You do appear to have some knowledge on the subject...can you tell me how a driver impaied by marijuana can be tested by law enforcement in a "measurable" way? For instance, blood alchol content can be analyzed to prove level of intoxication. 


What is the science behind proving someone is currently impaired or under the influence of marijuana? 


A blood test and a urine test can measure THC but it cannot determine when that chemical was ingested into the system...is that correct?


I am sure I already explained to you that overall use will diminish over time due to loss of appeal to new users and that this has been demonstrated in cases in Europe, your comeback being that Americans are different to Europeans just does not cut it I'm afraid and so unless you have some evidence that legalization does not decrease use in the long term then I think we will all just have to conclude that you haven't the first idea what you are talking about.  And by the way, the US is well within the initial expected short term increase so your Colorado observations would not actually be relevant even if we were expecting current users to quit due to legalization, which nobody is anyway.

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



I know the newer breeds of pot are crazy strong. Driving is a consideration. It sounds like you guys have some serious stoners out there, and they may pose a problem. 


I have a suggestion. How about bringing stoners who are suspected of being high into a room, with a table full of brownies, apple pie, cookies, chocolate, and other goodies? See what their reaction is. Look at the dilation of their pupils, when faced with this level of temptation.


Of course, I am saying this in jest. Hard to imagine they cannot come up with a reasonable way to test stoners, to see what their levels are. Of course, a legal limit would have to be determined. 




Hound Labs have developed a breath tester that can measures precisly the level of THC in the system and so can be used to equate to the level of impairment, it is the first of its kind and is currently going through medical testing.

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23 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


I am sure I already explained to you that overall use will diminish over time due to loss of appeal to new users and that this has been demonstrated in cases in Europe, your comeback being that Americans are different to Europeans just does not cut it I'm afraid and so unless you have some evidence that legalization does not decrease use in the long term then I think we will all just have to conclude that you haven't the first idea what you are talking about.  And by the way, the US is well within the initial expected short term increase so your Colorado observations would not actually be relevant even if we were expecting current users to quit due to legalization, which nobody is anyway.


What is wrong with you?   Did your momma not give you enough positive reinforcement when you were growing up? 


You can learn to be respectful on here or you can be one of the negative idiots.  Right now its not hard to see which way you are leaning. 


BTW, how old are you because you lack any  common sense. People are not going to quit smoking pot in the State of CO because it has become legal. Maybe they will in your State but it is a lifestyle in CO.


Now go away...or better yet I think I am just going to put you on ignore right off because I have not seen you make a decent post yet. 




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7 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


What is wrong with you? 

Did your momma not give you enough positive reinforcement when you were growing up? 


You can learn to be respectful on here or you can be one of the negative idiots.

Right now its not hard to see which way you are leaning. 


BTW, how old are you because you lack any common sense. People are not going to quit smoking pot in the State of CO because it has become legal. Maybe they will in your State but it is a lifestyle in CO.


Now go away...or better yet I think I am just going to put you on ignore right off because I have not seen you make a decent post yet. 





you should learn how to read properly, no one is saying people will quit, everyone who has examined the evidence is saying that there will be less new users, quite different things and quite clearly what I just said above.

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9 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


What is wrong with you? 

Did your momma not give you enough positive reinforcement when you were growing up? 


You can learn to be respectful on here or you can be one of the negative idiots.

Right now its not hard to see which way you are leaning. 


BTW, how old are you because you lack any common sense. People are not going to quit smoking pot in the State of CO because it has become legal. Maybe they will in your State but it is a lifestyle in CO.


Now go away...or better yet I think I am just going to put you on ignore right off because I have not seen you make a decent post yet. 





Exactly what was disrespectful?  It is you with the lame insults, I just stand a clear fact, that you don't know what you are talking about, you are meeting arguments that can be substantiated with the evidence of observation with your personal conjecture, that's weak to say the very least.

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