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How many western man live in thailand and are happy


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34 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Strange question OP IMO,  people do come in all sorts of flavours :) it would be easy to assume there are ones that are happy and those who are not,  how they go about dealing with it either way is their problem.


Who knows whether it will end up being full time. 


You say you have friends in Thailand who are trapped after selling their lot back home and can't move out of the place, they must be happy with there lot here or senile then.


Don't know where your from,  my truth is,  it's not hard for me to know that l am certainly better off in Thailand than l would of been staying in England.  


My decision to retire here in Thailand had been planned over a good few years,  l keep myself active with my hobby's and indulge in Egyptian athletics when l choose to.  :)  


34 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


I am happy for you that you like thailand I am saying I see more and more man who are not and my friends have put the lot in to thailand and can't return home because it cost lots of money to get back and buy a home .and I have seen how lots of man have lost the lot to thai women.


34 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:





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2 minutes ago, georgemandm said:


just that I see now thailand is not the same place as it once was .

My thai partner tells me how lucky we are in my country Australia to have such a great life and that is coming from a thai not from me and she has live in Australia off and on in the last 16 months.

And yes I agree with you one million % I not going to support a thai women .



What country is "the same place as it once was"?


Things change

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24 minutes ago, georgemandm said:


And one more thing if you have not noticed the cost of living in thailand is very high now and when I first came to thailand 7 years ago it was very low cost of living and the bht for the dollar was great not now . 


The increased "expense" has more to do with the weakness of foreign currencies than it does to modest price increases. 


A few years ago when the $AUD was riding high, Aussies were crowing about how cheap Thailand was.


They're a lot quieter now as are the Brits

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I've enjoyed the time I have spent in Thailand but will be leaving for Cyprus in a couple of months ... before the UK closes the  door on Europe (rather stupidly, in my opinion). I will come back to Thailand at some point as I would like to use it as a base for exploring further afield (Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, etc) and it serves that purpose well.


My take on the question is that I can be happy in many places and I like the flexibility that travelling offers me ... I would not like to stay in Thailand forever, and plan to spend my retirement years in my own country or one that is culturally similar as I would like to own the home that i stay in and live in a legal system that I trust.

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2 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


The increased "expense" has more to do with the weakness of foreign currencies than it does to modest price increases. 


A few years ago when the $AUD was riding high, Aussies were crowing about how cheap Thailand was.


They're a lot quieter now as are the Brits

Are you trying to tell me the cost of Living has not gone up in thailand in the past 4 years.

Sorry but you are so wrong , pork has gone up from 100 thai bht a kg to 160 thai bht a kg now that is over 60 % increase .

thailand is very expensive now and more so for thai people western people are ok if you have a great income from back home .

like I have said I find thailand not like it was 7 years ago .


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18 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


What country is "the same place as it once was"?


Things change

No country is the same as is was ,but my country has become a lot better country to live in the last 10 years, I can't say the same about thailand sorry to say . 

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Just now, georgemandm said:

Are you trying to tell me the cost of Living has not gone up in thailand in the past 4 years.

Sorry but you are so wrong , pork has gone up from 100 thai bht a kg to 160 thai bht a kg now that is over 60 % increase .

thailand is very expensive now and more so for thai people western people are ok if you have a great income from back home .

like I have said I find thailand not like it was 7 years ago .



I didn't say the cost of living hasn't gone up, did I?


I just suggested that the increase feels bigger because most Western currencies have weakened significantly. This means you get less baht for your pound or dollar etc.


I don't buy pork by the kilo so I can't comment on that but I do regular grocery shopping and, while the cost at the checkout is higher than it was, it's still comfortably manageable and far less than what I'd pay in London.


If people have come from cheaper Western countries, then the comparison isn't as favorable but, for me, it still is

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20 minutes ago, kannot said:

stop forcing your darned  happiness on me man :lol:


21 minutes ago, kannot said:

stop forcing your darned  happiness on me man :lol:

I am asking people about thailand if you not happy about that then not reply to it .

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13 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

No country is the same as is was ,but my country has become a lot better country to live in the last 10 years, I can't say the same about thailand sorry to say . 


Australia a better country to live in the last 10 years?????

A lot of Aussies living here (and there) would strongly disagree with that.


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25 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

I am happy for you that you like thailand I am saying I see more and more man who are not and my friends have put the lot in to thailand and can't return home because it cost lots of money to get back and buy a home .and I have seen how lots of man have lost the lot to thai women.




On both counts  ' Can't return home !!!  They should of took more care in their commitments and they could go home and rent, get job whatever '  if they can't,  how can they afford to stay in Thailand.

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Well, I don't know how many there are, but I'm certainly one of them.


I have to disagree with those who say a Thai partner is an essential to happiness here - I've never had one and I'm very content, and I have to say that many who do have one seem to end up far from happy. 


I would agree that a flexible, laid-back attitude seems to help. Those who let the little things bother them or can't cope with the fact that some things are just done differently here seem doomed to end up bursting a blood vessel sooner or later. 

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:

I have to disagree with those who say a Thai partner is an essential to happiness here - I've never had one and I'm very content, and I have to say that many who do have one seem to end up far from happy. 


Can't argue with this. 


Considering that the prevailing "wisdom" among Western men is that Thai women are "petite", "loving", sexually accommodative and willing to let their man be the "boss", there's a hell of a lot of disgruntled and disillusioned guys only too willing to slag them off at every possible opportunity.

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6 hours ago, kannot said:

Its the same for me ( 10 years) except  Im not a people  person so stay away from the locals who only seem to want to  bitch and fight with each other, I live out in a big field with no neighbours within at least 100 metres and then only 1-2 and thats how I like it.


I'm a 'people person'. But, after twenty years the locals irritate the fck out of me and the farang contingent are mostly mad in one way or another.


I don't bother any more and stay home with my cat . After all, apart from the odd trip to some overpriced eaterie/talad nat, what the hell else is there left to do? Seriously. Cue: Well, I help my wife (Thai) with her rice planting :lol:



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28 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


Australia a better country to live in the last 10 years?????

A lot of Aussies living here (and there) would strongly disagree with that.


You have no idea what you are saying I am not here to have a go at any one but Australia is one of the best places in the world.

and you saying lots of Aussie living in thailand strongly disagree is not right ok you ask them if it was not for Australia being the lucky country all of those men would not be in thailand would they now .

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43 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


I didn't say the cost of living hasn't gone up, did I?


I just suggested that the increase feels bigger because most Western currencies have weakened significantly. This means you get less baht for your pound or dollar etc.


I don't buy pork by the kilo so I can't comment on that but I do regular grocery shopping and, while the cost at the checkout is higher than it was, it's still comfortably manageable and far less than what I'd pay in London.


If people have come from cheaper Western countries, then the comparison isn't as favorable but, for me, it still is

Ok good on you but I am saying thailand is not like it was and that is the truth just ask thai people about the place.

you tryed to say it was the dollar that made thailand more expensive to live but it is not , thailand is very expensive to live in now , things have gone up a lot in thailand in the last 4 years.

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10 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

You have no idea what you are saying I am not here to have a go at any one but Australia is one of the best places in the world.

and you saying lots of Aussie living in thailand strongly disagree is not right ok you ask them if it was not for Australia being the lucky country all of those men would not be in thailand would they now .


Why are you just rehashing the same point over and over again?


No one's saying the country hasn't changed and no one's saying the country isn't more expensive than it used to be but does that prevent Western men living here being happy?


For the Western man who can adopt a flexible attitude and avoid sweating the minor irritations, I don't think it does.


It certainly hasn't prevented me from being content here.


OK so prices have risen a little in Thailand; big deal. They've risen more in my home country (despite teh official inflation figures) and wages there aren't rising much so, all-in-all, I'm pretty chuffed

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Been living in Thai since more than 7 years.

Went back home after one year. Now living in Thai more than 6 years in a row, apart from a holiday in Malaysia.

Yes, I feel quite happy and contented here. Couldn't afford a lifestyle like this at home. Wearing only shorts day and night, sometimes T-shirts, no shoes, no socks, no suits, no ties, only shirts and long pants for special occasions. How nice. I have found my comfort zone. (won't tell where I live :D)

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I have been here coming on 14 years. Happy with my lot ...yes, mostly, there will always be things that get me down a bit. I miss my kids and watching my grand daughter grow up, though I am lucky to have a son and grandson in BK, so that kind off balances things out, but Mozzies seem to think I am something special and want to spend a lot of time in my company. 

I am Soffeu, the mosquito repellent lotion company's best customer!!!!


But really, I don't think I could be much happier here, I have had a great wife for 12 years, good friends and not a bad social life


You know what they say "Happy Wife...Happy Life", although I am not saying that being married is a necessity for happiness, I have had three before that made me really miserable.

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1 hour ago, Agent Sumo said:


Why are you just rehashing the same point over and over again?


No one's saying the country hasn't changed and no one's saying the country isn't more expensive than it used to be but does that prevent Western men living here being happy?


For the Western man who can adopt a flexible attitude and avoid sweating the minor irritations, I don't think it does.


It certainly hasn't prevented me from being content here.


OK so prices have risen a little in Thailand; big deal. They've risen more in my home country (despite teh official inflation figures) and wages there aren't rising much so, all-in-all, I'm pretty chuffed

Happy for you I just ask ok but like some of the people on here like to have a go at someone who puts a post on here if you are happy or not .

i for think thailand dose not have much going for it but that is my thoughts.

and I would not say things have gone up a little I would say a lot just ask thai people not ask me .

you tell me the driving in thailand is ok ?. 

The visas to get in thailand is easy.

lots of think are what make me not like it like I did .

and why did you go to thailand you tell me the truth and not give me some story .


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I moved to Thailand because I like it here. 




Sorry if that doesn't help you in your quest to justify your choices, but that's just how it is. You seem to want to believe that people who live here full time hate it or are making a mistake, presumably to make you feel better about the fact that you don't. 

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

I moved to Thailand because I like it here. 




Sorry if that doesn't help you in your quest to justify your choices, but that's just how it is. You seem to want to believe that people who live here full time hate it or are making a mistake, presumably to make you feel better about the fact that you don't. 


2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

I moved to Thailand because I like it here. 




Sorry if that doesn't help you in your quest to justify your choices, but that's just how it is. You seem to want to believe that people who live here full time hate it or are making a mistake, presumably to make you feel better about the fact that you don't. 

So you move to thailand because you like It , would think there is more to it then you like it . I would say you are not telling 

THE Truth.

I have never said that I hate it read it again ok I just ask why people like to live in thailand full time .

i can live in thailand if I feel like it .

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5 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Happy for you I just ask ok but like some of the people on here like to have a go at someone who puts a post on here if you are happy or not .

i for think thailand dose not have much going for it but that is my thoughts.

and I would not say things have gone up a little I would say a lot just ask thai people not ask me .

you tell me the driving in thailand is ok ?. 

The visas to get in thailand is easy.

lots of think are what make me not like it like I did .

and why did you go to thailand you tell me the truth and not give me some story .



You just seem to be looking for an excuse to slag off Thailand.


For whatever reasons, you can't live here full time or you can't afford to - it's hard to tell - but others are perfectly fine here.


You've made your choices but why are you trying to convince others that they can't see some kind of "truth" about the country?


I came to Bangkok one time and made a decision to stay.


Why? Simple! It was (still is) nice, the people were (still are) nice, it was (still is) much cheaper than London and I didn't have any commitments at home like kids or a wife.


I can do my work anywhere with an internet connection so why not here?


By the way, can I assume you're not originally from Australia? Your English is a bit difficult to understand

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27 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


You just seem to be looking for an excuse to slag off Thailand.


For whatever reasons, you can't live here full time or you can't afford to - it's hard to tell - but others are perfectly fine here.


You've made your choices but why are you trying to convince others that they can't see some kind of "truth" about the country?


I came to Bangkok one time and made a decision to stay.


Why? Simple! It was (still is) nice, the people were (still are) nice, it was (still is) much cheaper than London and I didn't have any commitments at home like kids or a wife.


I can do my work anywhere with an internet connection so why not here?


By the way, can I assume you're not originally from Australia? Your English is a bit difficult to understand

I am not slagging thailand at all read it again I just ask why people like to live there .

are you a doctor in English are you .

you have no idea what people can and can't afford ok .

people like you think you are so good .

you went to Bangkok and stayed good on you I am happy for you .

But I would say there is more to you liking Bangkok that made you stay .


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I have been here since 92. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else. It's more on the love side of the love/hate scale.

When I get burned out I travel. Or spend sometime talking with my buddies back home. Listening to them rant about how live sucks where they are.

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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:


So you move to thailand because you like It , would think there is more to it then you like it . I would say you are not telling 

THE Truth.

I have never said that I hate it read it again ok I just ask why people like to live in thailand full time .

i can live in thailand if I feel like it .


Sorry, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here - perhaps you can try and put it a little more clearly? Your english really is quite confused at times. 


I moved to Thailand because I like it here and I wanted to live here. What part of that are you accusing me of lying about?

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25 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Sorry, I'm not sure what you're trying to say here - perhaps you can try and put it a little more clearly? Your english really is quite confused at times. 


I moved to Thailand because I like it here and I wanted to live here. What part of that are you accusing me of lying about?

Did I say you was lying no .

tell the truth 

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