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Naked Donald Trump statues pop up in cities across the US


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4 hours ago, teatree said:

And let me guess, if it were a naked Hillery it would be a disgusting example of right wing misogyny.


As long as it is against the other side anything goes.


Inside the mind of a 'liberal'.



Sounds like the thinking of the MSM when it comes to electing a democrat for president. The end justifies the means.

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What a bunch of filthy minded Clinton Supporters we have here !
3 year old brains dealing with a threat.  


Grow up Hillary people. These statues, along with those idiots pulling up Trump Signs on private property....are signs of desperation. Democrats are hurting themselves, more than anyone else.  


A sure backfire way of losing...self defeating at best.





Edited by slipperylobster
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1 minute ago, slipperylobster said:



What a bunch of filthy minded Clinton Supporters we have here !
3 year old brains dealing with a threat.  


Grow up Hillary people.


Mary Whitehouse....Are you still with us dear? 

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22 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Too true. There are many things that should never be seen and once seen can never be forgotten. For me it's feces eaters. Each to their own and all that, but feces eaters? I am reminded of this by Trump and those who eat up his undigested shit. 


Or Penguins! Horrible chattering penguins vomiting up their food into the mouths of their offspring. Should never have seen that too. Thanks Attenborough, thanks a lot. I am reminded of this by watching Trump regurgitate his garbage directly into the mouths of those who dine on such stomach swill. 


These things will not soon recede from memory. Our flirtation with Trump our very own Oswald Moseley moment.


Haha, feces eater. Very descriptive portrait of Trump to go along with those statues as a final image.

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This election has become so mean spirited that it appeals to my jaded sense of humor.  We now have a dark comedy which could quickly evolve into an American tragedy, a political soap-opera.  The end of America's world dominance must surely be results of this election.

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14 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Is that how you see it?  I think it's more the artist's rendition of Trump's grotesque persona, coupled with his obsession with his "size."  As such, it's pretty accurate.  Trump is much more repulsive on the inside.

That's exactly how I see it.


There's no need to state your opinion as a fact - I don't find him repulsive on the inside. That's just silly talk. Perhaps my distance as a non-American living far away allows me to see it more objectively.

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2 hours ago, Alive said:

Moral decline live in America. (Sounds like a great band name!) And it's coming from Hillary and Trump's supporters.





Yeah, end of the world, isn't it.. as if American wasn't in moral decline decades ago. The "Good Book" they're chucking out predicts it anyway, so whoever leads the country are merely puppets.


It's fairly ironic though, that people living in or intimately connected with Thailand are stressing about the moral decline of America. Thailand it about as morally bankrupt as a country could be. At least most people still count in America - In Thailand people are barely a notch above fresh meat.

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:) great work from indecline!



trump sure cant win the election after this shame:)

reminding simple realities to other people trapped in mainstream and partial media and means of information is the job of all of us. thanks for ones did it. they have just showed us how a good citizen should be and how beneficial such actions can get for a nation.

agree, it is shocking but sometime you need to shake people in deep sleep hard to let them wake up.

and this is done through peaceful way of art without any harm or damage, respectful. it is art, you have no chance to object it too:)


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NYC Parks Dept. issues cheeky response to naked Trump statue


"The department issued a short response after an arts group called Indecline hoisted a life-size,
naked Trump statue in Union Square park Thursday."
"NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small,"
said Sam Biederman, a parks spokesman.
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a good example of the biggest problem of long threads: people posting stuff that has been posted way before.

suggest - to the ones who control - to limit post length to 100 or less. no one - including me - ever reads all the posts prior.

double / tripple / quad posting, it is just wasting our time.

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11 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

a good example of the biggest problem of long threads: people posting stuff that has been posted way before.

suggest - to the ones who control - to limit post length to 100 or less. no one - including me - ever reads all the posts prior.

double / tripple / quad posting, it is just wasting our time.

Relax - you take this forum stuff too seriously. If you're wasting your time, better find another hobby.:)

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1 minute ago, tropo said:

Relax - you take this forum stuff too seriously.  

no, it - the forum -  is just part of my thai life and reading quad - posts is like talking to a dicta phone.

you have no idea how relaxed i am, but perhaps i will be a lot more rx once i posted 17000+.

be good


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1 hour ago, Galactus said:

great work from indecline!


I am not sure that indecline is an organisation with which any right-minded person would want to be associated.

It is the creation of Ryen McPherson, the guy behind Bumfights, a video series that paid homeless men a few dollars to humiliate themselves on camera. He also tried to post stolen human body parts from Thailand, including a baby's head, back to the US.

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On 20/08/2016 at 7:00 AM, slipperylobster said:


now, now children.

clean this up.


This is actually the worst form of trolling I have seen.


Liberal Condemnation of Ageist and Body Shaming Statue. Liberal PC Police Joining with Conservative PC Police want action of Trump statue.




The whole thing is disgusting and shameful. Outrageous.

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On 8/20/2016 at 3:40 PM, manfredtillmann said:

no, it - the forum -  is just part of my thai life and reading quad - posts is like talking to a dicta phone.

you have no idea how relaxed i am, but perhaps i will be a lot more rx once i posted 17000+.

be good


You certainly don't seem relaxed about it as you're getting upset by long threads. Just chose another thread. It's that easy. I never read through more than a page or two of a thread at most. If I'm repeating something someone else has already said, too bad - I don't care. I joined the forum 8 years before you did, so the posts do accumulate. Perhaps you will learn to handle the ups and downs in time.

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

You certainly don't seem relaxed about it as you're getting upset by long threads. Just chose another thread. It's that easy. I never read through more than a page or two of a thread at most. If I'm repeating something someone else has already said, too bad - I don't care. I joined the forum 8 years before you did, so the posts do accumulate. Perhaps you will learn to handle the ups and downs in time.

i have learned - just read my post you are replying to. :)


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