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Tough Situation That Is Becoming A Hassle


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After careful research a conclusion has been reached ...

After his girlfriend peed on the playstation OP punched her teeth out ... :D

Toothless taxi boy(girl) is in fact his ex trying to make some cash to pay for her new gnashers and a new playstation ... her anger at her situation is evident in her driving ... :o

OP has good reason to be worried ... once she has made the required amount of cash ... she will buy a nicer set of teeth ... a newer playstation ... and will learn how to run faster and head the ball :D

All in all a lose lose situation ... :D

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I've slept, got up and been to work but my life is incomplete without this thread :o (surprised it's still going actually)

things have seem to have escalated rapidly what with 007 sleeping with mc toothless's bird.

007 I'm worried for your safety, I think you've overstepped the mark, you could be in serious danger now.

More importantly though, did the fella's bird do it ***** style, will you be teaching her how to do headers? can I get an update?

Edited by Robski
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erm..mr mijan, Colypat is not the O.P on this thread.

Do you not mean farang007- licence to thrill :D:o

Kayo correct thanks, Colypat apologies for the mixup, Farang007 is indeed the poster in question. Probably the change of hair colour put me off.

Edited by mijan24
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Farang007, my morbid curiousity has got the best of me...

1. How old are you?

2. What is your level of education?

3. What is your country of origin?

4. What do you do for a living, now?

5. How long have you lived in Thailand?

6. How many serious relationships have you had in your home country? In Thailand?

7. Are you straight, gay, or bi?

8. What other outlets/forums do you use for creative writing?

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Farang007, my morbid curiousity has got the best of me...

1. How old are you?

2. What is your level of education?

3. What is your country of origin?

4. What do you do for a living, now?

5. How long have you lived in Thailand?

6. How many serious relationships have you had in your home country? In Thailand?

7. Are you straight, gay, or bi?

8. What other outlets/forums do you use for creative writing?

I guess admin had enough, the OP has joined that great novel in the sky :o

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