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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Cash the checks?  You must be a quite old but not old enough to get social security..  Ever hear of direct deposit? Virtually all Social Security payments are made that way and have been for quite a long while.


Hey UG, I think this website is OK to keep you up to date, what do you think?



Electronic payments are now required. Your Social Security check probably won't come via mail. New Social Security recipients have been required to select an electronic payment option since May 2011, and approximately 93 percent of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income payments are already directly deposited into a bank or credit union account or loaded onto a prepaid debit card. 



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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Cash the checks?  You must be a quite old but not old enough to get social security..  Ever hear of direct deposit? Virtually all Social Security payments are made that way and have been for quite a long while.



They can not get a bank account without a picture ID. My bank would not open one without 2 of them. You also need one to withdrawal cash. You can't participate in society without one.


Old people have to have picture IDs like everyone else. If you do not understand that, you have been drinking too much far-left Kool Aid. There are dozens of things that one can not do without them.


You can't:

1. Buy Alcohol

2. Adopt a Pet

3. Rent/Drive/Register a car

4. Buy tobacco products

5. Open or access a bank account

6. Get on an airplane

7. Buy some cold medicines

8. Get a job

9. Buy a gun or ammo

10. Buy a cell phone


And so on. Why would you be able to vote without one?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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How  many  generations on and the term African/American is  still used ! Where have the Irish/americans   gone? The  Poles?The  Semites? The  American  Indians? (oops! soory! The Indians are not  allowed off the  reservations!)

The  slaves are still a political excuse !:bah:


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7 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

How  many  generations on and the term African/American is  still used ! Where have the Irish/americans   gone? The  Poles?The  Semites? The  American  Indians? (oops! soory! The Indians are not  allowed off the  reservations!)

The  slaves are still a political excuse !:bah:


Don't be silly.

Many Americans use hyphens.


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What trump is really on about with this strange rhetoric:





It’s clear that Donald Trump’s “black outreach” isn’t actual outreach to black communities. A Trump who wanted to reach black voters would speak to black churches, black colleges, and organizations like the NAACP or the Urban League. The actual Trump, instead, has made his pitch to lily-white audiences in towns and neighborhoods with few black residents. And for good reason. Trump is never going to win more than a token percentage of black voters. If he wants the White House, he’ll need to persuade as many white voters as possible, and a visible commitment to diversity is one way to win over a certain class of right-leaning, suburban whites.


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23 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



They can not get a bank account without a picture ID. My bank would not open one without 2 of them. You also need one to withdrawal cash. You can't participate in society without one.


Old people have to have picture IDs like everyone else. If you do not understand that, you have been drinking too much far-left Kool Aid. There are dozens of things that one can not do without them.


You can't:

1. Buy Alcohol


Say what now?





Added: Oh, and the phone bit's crap too.  They laughed in AT&T when I offered my ID for a SIM card.


Where do you live exactly UG?

Spencer's Mountain?

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Strikes me that all this flip flopping is going to cost him a lot of his core support: racist rednecks.




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20 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Added: Oh, and the phone bit's crap too.  They laughed in AT&T when I offered my ID for a SIM card.




Ok, everyone but you. How about the many other things that one can't do? Talk about nit-picking :lol:

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Ok, everyone but you. How about the many other things that one can't do? Talk about nit-picking :lol:


I stopped after two.

Do you want me to continue?

Tobacco products?

You really are out of touch.

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15 minutes ago, Chicog said:

You really are out of touch.


I actually live here. You are the one who does not have a clue about what it is like with no ID in USA. You must have one to participate in modern society.


Why don't you comment on obtaining library cards, renting a car, flying, getting a bank account, applying for a job, applying for unemployment, buying a house, renting a room, getting a fishing license, etc.? Continue indeed.

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7 hours ago, Chicog said:


Strikes me that all this flip flopping is going to cost him a lot of his core support: racist rednecks.





He won't lose the original devotees because the perception of the  establishment political insider that Hillary  embodies represents all they have no faith in and they have nowhere else to go. He'll keep them sweet with the odd tweet.

The next few months should prove interesting.

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On 8/20/2016 at 1:27 PM, mtls2005 said:

Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


"Vote for me and find out."


(If they let you vote in your state.)

Sometimes it's better to remain silent, etc. Considering the sources, why I'm not surprised, that you'd actually get 7 "likes" to your (ahem) considered opinion. :whistling:_duh!

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On 8/20/2016 at 2:42 PM, iReason said:

The Bloviator really is an ignorant, repulsive piece of work.


He has the gaul to stand and spew this to an entire race:


"You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs,

58 percent of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?"


This is what this Silver Spoon, Ivory Tower dwelling cretin believes.

This man-child is a Doom and Gloom purveyor of the First Degree.

And of course, a liar.

This buffoon has been spewing that made up number of "58%" since January.

Easily fact checked by others many times:


Trump and the Black Vote


"We can quickly dispense of Trump’s claim that unemployment among black youths is 58 percent."

"That’s more than twice as high as the official unemployment rate."

"The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the unemployment rate in January was 25.2 percent for blacks ages 16 to 19."



Does this Clown ever get anything right?


"Trump painting the entire community as living in poverty with no jobs,

continues to show he is completely out of touch with the African-American community."



And lest we forget this:

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White


"According to the data, 37.6% of food stamps were being allotted to White non-Hispanics."

"African Americans were allotted 23.6% of SNAP benefits."




Dunning Kruger.

Correction #1 ~ African-(Black) Americans are not an entire race of people, but a ethnic demographic group, instead.

Correction #2 ~ Donald Trump is the exact required solution, to provide the much overdue "wake-up" call, especially to the black people of the U.S..

Comment  #1 ~ MLK was a Republican, as were most "educated" Black_American people, 50 years ago. The Judas Goat (Reverend J.J.) lead his own people "down" the Yellow_Brick_Road.The  Reverend (Entertainer) Al Sharpton, is the current holder of that "Judas Goat" baton.

Comment  #2 ~ A verse in H.W. Longfellow's poem A Psalm of Life states: "Be not like dumb, driven cattle, etc." Since the average of American people (especially those Sunday morning "Gospell" singing black folks) are far too stupid to ever "see" the hand-writing on the wall, etc., duh!  "A people get the government they deserve" ~ Thomas Jefferson, 1790. :coffee1:

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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I actually live here. You are the one who does not have a clue about what it is like with no ID in USA. You must have one to participate in modern society.


Why don't you comment on obtaining library cards, renting a car, flying, getting a bank account, applying for a job, applying for unemployment, buying a house, renting a room, getting a fishing license, etc.? Continue indeed.


With a list that long, you were bound to get some right.



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They are ALL right - just not in every situation. A bitter old man in drag is not going to have any problems buying booze, but his grandson would have to show ID to buy beer and the old codger could not rent a hotel room without one.


9 minutes ago, Chicog said:


With a list that long, you were bound to get some right.



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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:



They can not get a bank account without a picture ID. My bank would not open one without 2 of them. You also need one to withdrawal cash. You can't participate in society without one.


Old people have to have picture IDs like everyone else. If you do not understand that, you have been drinking too much far-left Kool Aid. There are dozens of things that one can not do without them.


You can't:

1. Buy Alcohol

2. Adopt a Pet

3. Rent/Drive/Register a car

4. Buy tobacco products

5. Open or access a bank account

6. Get on an airplane

7. Buy some cold medicines

8. Get a job

9. Buy a gun or ammo

10. Buy a cell phone


And so on. Why would you be able to vote without one?

  As for buyng alcohol, I regularly visti the usa. I'm never carded in a liquor store because obvioiusly I'm not a teenager. or anywhere in the vicinity of 21. I don't smoke but I doubt people who are obviously over 21 get carded for the purchase of tobacco products.  And you don't need a picture ID to open a bank account nor to access it.   Nor do you need a picture ID to get a job. Just a social security number.  Same goes for cell phones.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

  As for buyng alcohol, I regularly visti the usa. I'm never carded in a liquor store because obvioiusly I'm not a teenager. or anywhere in the vicinity of 21. I don't smoke but I doubt people who are obviously over 21 get carded for the purchase of tobacco products.  And you don't need a picture ID to open a bank account nor to access it.   Nor do you need a picture ID to get a job. Just a social security number.  Same goes for cell phones.


Nonsense. I live here and have had to do some of these things recently and I HAD to produce a photo ID. I am caucasian by the way. You don't know what you are talking about. 

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yea, sure. They just trust you. :gigglem:

Such assertive ignorance:  Here's a link to a teensy weensy bank called Bank of America.  Have you heard of it?



And I noticed you've backed down on the other claims I've challenged.

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Black and other minority group voters have for 15 years been subject to being screwed by Republican party controlled states. However, the federal courts have thrown out just about every Grandson of Jim Crow law put on the books of the various Republican controlled states.


Federal courts have instructed the perp Republican controlled states to use or to establish alternatives to photo ID requirements, although no court has invalidated the photo ID for any use.


Just sayin as we tour the waterfront of photo ID applications in the USA. Photo ID in the hands of Republicans in government is always dangerous to the fundamental duty and right of the citizen, which is to vote. Black citizens especially, which all goes back 400 years.

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43 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

They are ALL right - just not in every situation.



Like for example if you're a student in Texas and have a valid TSU photo ID but they won't let you vote because you haven't got a gun license?

That kind of "not in every situation"?


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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nonsense. I live here and have had to do some of these things recently and I HAD to produce a photo ID. I am caucasian by the way. You don't know what you are talking about. 


You do not live in a black community. You have no idea of the black experience. Your posts against African American are on record on TVF and span many years. Your claim of superior knowledge or insight based on your current location is bogus and meaningless. Even taking into account your proven bias against African American people, you are not on solid ground when it comes to the experience of white people living in poverty in the US.


The only issue of relevance to people living in poverty from your absurd list of actions requiring ID is access to financial services. Most people living in poverty will never engage in the activities that you so blithely describe as necessary for modern life. The financial services industry for poor people, white and black, has developed specifically to prey on them with a consequence of keeping them in poverty. Many poor people do not cash their checks, government or otherwise, they take 'pay day loans', presumably without the need for a photo ID and then redeem their debt with the check from the following pay day. http://www.washingtonlawhelp.org/resource/payday-loans-what-to-do-if-you-get-caught-in?ref=oFJjq


This is the rotten system that needs changing. Not the fight by old white men against diversity and respect for others i.e. PC.


Your unremitting, ridiculous posts in defense of the requirement of photo IDs to vote as being 'normal' is a text book example of 'The Big Lie'. This is its method:


"Make a claim that is so outrageous that people will assume that it cannot be a lie, and so accept it as truth.

Strongly assert the lie. Massage available data to 'prove' the lie as being true. Reframe vigorous denial as proof of guilt. "



Research and respected legal opinion agree that the requirement for voters to have photo ID disenfranchises poor people, predominantly minorities. Where you live does not change this fact. We all know your reasons for your strident advocacy of this corrupt, evil and inhuman system.

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15 minutes ago, PTC said:


You do not live in a black community. You have no idea of the black experience. Your posts against African American are on record on TVF and span many years. 


Produce some of these alleged posts before flaming me. Oh that's right, It is made up nonsense, so you can't.


I do not need to live in a black community to know they need a photo ID to deal with a bank. It is plain common sense.

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On 8/24/2016 at 11:46 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Your tongue must be somewhere else. You can not ride a train without ID or rent a room. It is impossible to participate in society without one. 


  • And, of course, there is the FACT that something like 80% of the American people support the neccesity of proof of identity to vote - including the majority of blacks. :whistling:



My mother and none of her brothers or sisters has a photo ID.   Some never had a Driver's License and those that did, have quit driving because of age.   None of them have a valid passport.   They are elderly.   Of course, it probably doesn't matter too much because they are dyed in the wool republicans.   


I wonder how one of them recently got on a train to visit one of her children?  She certainly doesn't have a photo ID of any kind.  

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19 minutes ago, Credo said:

My mother and none of her brothers or sisters has a photo ID.   


Yeah sure. Are they hillbillies living in a hut far from civilization?

Funny how I can't do any of these things without an ID in Southern California. I needed TWO photo IDs to open a bank account when I came back from Thailand. My passport was not good enough.  :rolleyes:

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Produce some of these alleged posts before flaming me. Oh that's right, It is made up nonsense, so you can't.


I do not need to live in a black community to know they need a photo ID to deal with a bank. It is plain common sense.


You do need to live in a black or poor community since your comments are completely detached from reality. Your common sense is so ethnocentric that it has become common drivel. You don't even need to go visit a poor community. There are plenty of studies and research for those who are not so cocksure that they are inveterately lazy to go find out.


The wonderful thing about TVF is that I do not have to produce links to those posts where you expressed racially motivated opinions against African Americans. The posts are there for ever for all to see. As a starting point, just visit any thread about black persons being killed by white cops. There are so many of these posts that your standpoint cannot be denied. Be careful what you ask for.

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yeah sure. Are they hillbillies living in a hut far from civilization? Funny how I can't do any of these things without an ID in Southern California. :rolleyes:

W/out a photo ID anywhere you can't take out a phone contract, (ok, buy a burner if you're inclined), drive a car, buy liquor, get on an aeroplane and now even AmTrack as well.

Basically, you can't live in America w/out a photo ID.

Anyone who say different is patently wrong.

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2 minutes ago, PTC said:


The wonderful thing about TVF is that I do not have to produce links to those posts where you expressed racially motivated opinions against African Americans. The posts are there for ever for all to see. 


You can not produce those posts because they do not exist. As usual, you are posting complete fabrications. 

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