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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You article quotes MEDIA MATTERS. :lol: Who would listen to anything these partisan crackpots have to say?


Cheery picking again.


What about the study published in the Public Understanding of Science I linked?


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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. I watch Fox an awful lot. And I do mean AWFUL. It's right wing propaganda and everyone knows it. Know the enemy. 


Funny how you never get anything about it right. A VERY closed mind might explain that.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. I watch Fox an awful lot. And I do mean AWFUL. It's right wing propaganda and everyone knows it. Know the enemy. 




I hope you find the humor in the fact you watch Fox an "awful lot" as a liberal and I don't even sit through an entire episode of O'Reilly every 2-3 weeks in total as a Republican. 


Whats your favorite thing about Fox News? I am guessing its not the very "healthy" female announcers.


BTW, are you going to actually be stateside to cast your ballot?

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I can not see where they mention Fox News at all.


They mention Fox News often.


For example, by amplifying coverage of climate contrarians’ claims regarding the reality and seriousness of anthropogenic climate change, Fox News and other American conservative media have served to marginalize scientists in general and climate scientists in particular (Dunlap and McCright, 2011; Feldman et al., 2012). According to Dunlap and McCright, ‘conservative media consistently present contrarian scientists and CTT representatives as ‘objective’ experts, in stark 
contrast to their portrayal of scientists working with the IPCC as self-interested and biased



Is this going to be another discussion where you move the goalposts every time you make a post?


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35 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I only thought that a liberal would be interested in hearing the viewpoint of a black man who speaks poorly of hrc.


If you don't have time then I understand. No problem.



It's funny. I see you repeatedly criticizing people for supporting racial preferences. Yet I'm supposed to listen to somebody just because he's black?

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So Fox News present alternate viewpoints from the MSM. That is how the press is supposed to operate. It offers no evidence at all that Fox suggests that most climate scientists do not believe in global warming. Basically, that is your own spin.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

So Fox News present alternate viewpoints from the MSM. That is how the press is supposed to operate.

And maybe next they'll be promoting the viewpoints of anti-vaxxers. There's another alternative view. Science be damned.

I did watch Fox when they were spreading Ebola panic and attempting to impeach the integrity and competence of the CDC.  Another alternative viewpoint.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

So Fox News present alternate viewpoints from the MSM. That is how the press is supposed to operate. It offers no evidence at all that Fox suggests that most climate scientists do not believe in global warming. Basically, that is your own spin.


Is that the noise of the goalposts moving again ?


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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If you were to watch Fox, you'd believe that the majority of climate scientists don't believe in it.


No goalpost moving at all. This is your original claim.

The report says that Fox News gives climate change skeptics more exposure than scientists that believe in Global Warming. It does not say that Fox News claims that the majority of climate scientists don't believe in it. I have never heard Fox News even suggest that.

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35 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


No goalpost moving at all. This is your original claim.

The report says that Fox News gives climate change skeptics more exposure than scientists that believe in Global Warming. It does not say that Fox News claims that the majority of climate scientists don't believe in it. I have never heard Fox News even suggest that.

My Bold


Well there we have it, that is the voice of authority because for sure, looking at all his posts on here,  Ulysses watches Fox non-stop. Argument over. ;)

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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

My Bold


Well there we have it, that is the voice of authority because for sure, looking at all his posts on here,  Ulysses watches Fox non-stop. Argument over.



I watch it often. I also watch the BBC and Al Jazeera. It is the only way to get different viewpoints.

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47 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



I watch it often. I also watch the BBC and Al Jazeera. It is the only way to get different viewpoints.


But you gotta truth sound on when watching the BBC and Al Jazeera. 


If you truly strive to get many and different viewpoints you would not be able to seriously quote Fox as you do. I call BS

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


But you gotta truth sound on when watching the BBC and Al Jazeera.


If you truly strive to get many and different viewpoints you would not be able to seriously quote Fox as you do. I call BS


What nonsense. Both the BBC and Al Jazeera have their own bias and both present dubious information on a regular basis - especially Al Jazeera. Fox News is just one more point of view. Actually - once again - you are the one posting BS.

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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Al Jazeera was so biased it was removed from a significant numbers of cable distributors in the US.

TrueVisions thankfully doesn't carry it here either!  :)


Don't even consider the Beeb - they are "all in" for the poor and oppressed vs. supporting the decent tax-paying Brit.

On topic we see that Trump's support for the minorities is paying big dividends :)

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


What nonsense. Both the BBC and Al Jazeera have their own bias and both present dubious information on a regular basis - especially Al Jazeera. Fox News is just one more point of view. Actually - once again - you are the one posting BS.


Leftists.... if the coverage doesn't worship Democrats, it's BIASED. This strikes at the core of what is wrong with leftists- most are extremely dishonest. We've heard all kinds of lies from them about Trump. My "favorite" is how he supposedly said "all Mexicans are rapists".

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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


But you gotta truth sound on when watching the BBC and Al Jazeera. 


If you truly strive to get many and different viewpoints you would not be able to seriously quote Fox as you do. I call BS



I rely almost exclusively on BBC App on my iPad.


I catch a bit of Al-J when I am here in Thailand.


My personal favorite are the Aussie stations here at my hotel. They seem the least biased.


The only US programming I rely on are the financial networks. 


The old stand-by accusation that is abused and relied on so heavily here that all Republicans are somehow dialed into Fox News 24/7 is simply untrue. In fact, my friend JingThing has admitted to watching far more Fox News than I consider healthy for even emotionally grounded Conservatives.






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To answer Trump's Q:  "What the hell do you have to lose?"


Some answers:    national dignity.  To anyone who cares about the US, the country and its people will lose whatever measure of respect they now have.  It's already happening.   Already, foreign leaders are cringing in disgust at the possibility (however remote) of a Trump presidency.  The Pope is turned off.  The former prez of Mexico used the f-word.  That's 66% of foreign leaders who have thus far spoken up (the remainder are restraining expressing their disgust at The Divider).  The other third is Putin who seemingly likes Trump, not least because Trump will hamstring NATO and give the Russkies a clearer path to getting back some of their former Soviet satellite states. 


Perhaps most blacks in the US don't much care whether the USSR gets rebuilt, but they may sit up and take notice if/when their sons and brothers will have to don uniforms and trudge off to another war.  .....or perhaps the next big war zone will be in Asia, or in the Middle East?  


Having a hot-head, shoot-from-the-hip, uninformed, Republican, easily angered/offended man as US Commander in Chief will increase the possibility of war.  

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

To answer Trump's Q:  "What the hell do you have to lose?"


Some answers:    national dignity.  To anyone who cares about the US, the country and its people will lose whatever measure of respect they now have.  It's already happening.   Already, foreign leaders are cringing in disgust at the possibility (however remote) of a Trump presidency.  The Pope is turned off.  The former prez of Mexico used the f-word.  That's 66% of foreign leaders who have thus far spoken up (the remainder are restraining expressing their disgust at The Divider).  The other third is Putin who seemingly likes Trump, not least because Trump will hamstring NATO and give the Russkies a clearer path to getting back some of their former Soviet satellite states. 


Perhaps most blacks in the US don't much care whether the USSR gets rebuilt, but they may sit up and take notice if/when their sons and brothers will have to don uniforms and trudge off to another war.  .....or perhaps the next big war zone will be in Asia, or in the Middle East?  


Having a hot-head, shoot-from-the-hip, uninformed, Republican, easily angered/offended man as US Commander in Chief will increase the possibility of war.  




Can anyone on here, including yourself, honestly say they could care a less what an ex-mexican president has to say about anything at all? 


And its possible what black people and other Dems will first "sit up and take notice of" is wether their mailbox will continue to have the check in it from Uncle Sam every 1st and 15th of the month.

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Any one watch RT? Another biased (anti American) network. Interesting stuff but after a dose of that CNN (Clinton National Network) will get you the other side. Then when you get sick of that it's back to Fox to get a look at the short skirts. Then when they repeat the same clips over and over, it's BBC, by that time I'm ready for bed and my Thai wife cannot understand what I see in any of them when we could be watching a good soapy! Perhaps she's right, puts her to sleep anyway!

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1 minute ago, Linzz said:

Any one watch RT? Another biased (anti American) network. Interesting stuff but after a dose of that CNN (Clinton National Network) will get you the other side. Then when you get sick of that it's back to Fox to get a look at the short skirts. Then when they repeat the same clips over and over, it's BBC, by that time I'm ready for bed and my Thai wife cannot understand what I see in any of them when we could be watching a good soapy! Perhaps she's right


I have seen RT.


Spot on about the short skirts.


My wife could watch soapies 24/7.

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51 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Don't forget the false claim that he is an anti-Semite even though his daughter and her husband is Jewish. What a load of tosh.


So you're not denying the claim that he's racist against Latinos?  


Perhaps if one of his sons married a Mexican, like George Harrison did, then he would love Mexicans.  Oh wait, Trump loves Mexico.  He was photographed eating a taco salad.  That proves it. And one of his ex-wives has a Mexican maid who vacuumes her drapes (she mentioned that), so Ivanna must also like them (Mexicans and/or dust-free drapes).  


Judging from his daily assertions, Trump flip flops like those air-pressured dummies at tire shops which flop their arms at passing motorists.  Loves you one day.  Hates you the next.  Loves you the third day, ......and so on ad nauseum.   

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


So you're not denying the claim that he's racist against Latinos?  




Why do you think Trump is a racist against Latinos?


Demanding that non-Americans who wish to enter the US must do so through proper gov't channels does not make someone a racist.


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Trump asks "What do you ave to lose", right

Well, perhaps since the Democrats always play the Race Card, they really don't have anything to lose:


RACISM, STRAIGHT UP: Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine once blocked three potential jurors from hearing a case because they were white.




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