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Cambodians in Australia seek ban for PM Hun Sen

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A group of Cambodian-Australians is seeking a tit-for-tat barring of Prime Minister Hun Sen from the island nation following the Cambodian government’s recently announced blacklisting of an Australian politician.


The request was agreed upon at a meeting of members of Melbourne’s Cambodian community on Saturday. It comes 10 days after the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced it had decided to bar Cambodian-Australian Victoria State MP Hong Lim following his public description of the Hun Sen regime as a “beast”.


Saturday’s request urges the Australian government to push for an end to what they call the intimidation of opposition politicians, saying visa denial to the premier could be used to encourage cooperation.


read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/cambodians-australia-seek-ban-pm-hun-sen


Hun Sen is one of the greatest despots in the region. Perhaps beyond even Than Shwe of Burma. He will stop at nothing to amass another billion dollars. Land rights, human rights, workers right, all have been completely ignored under this scums leadership. It would be lovely to see him banned from a civilized nation such as Australia. The US does not have the guts to do something like this. They consider him a friend. Thailand in comparison has not engaged in a fraction of the acts of crime and human rights violations that this creep has, and yet they are not considered a friend any more, due to a lack of democracy. I am no supporter of the little man, and his army here. But, US foreign policy is anything but reasonable and fair. 


america needs all the allies it can get leading up to the war against china.

this could be a first world war type scenario in which neither side wants war

but each side has a position which makes it inevitable.



Regrettably, Australia neither has the will, determination or balls, to pursue this person for crimes against humanity at the World Court in The Hague. 


Why should Australia want or need to take Hun Sen to the world court in the Hague. There are enough domestic issues that need attention without trying to big note themselves on the world stage.

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