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Over half Republican voters not happy with Trump as presidential nominee: poll


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I understand that Trump has to do a lot of U-turns to try and stall his downfall.  Now he has said he wouldn't really deport the illegal Mexicans and before he said that he probably wouldn't ban the Muslims either.  Whilst this may help to pacify the anti-Trump republican voters it pretty much sells his original supporters down the river.  The amount of times Trump declares "I can promise you that" and then goes back on it is quite staggering for someone laying down his policies in an election campaign.


Still it helps to illustrate the sort of moron you are dealing with.

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Another concern regarding Trump and his debt. Deutsche Bank continues to loan Trump millions of dollars but the bank is in hot water over mirror trading concerns based out of Russia. Deutsche Bank would benefit greatly from a Trump presidency.

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18 minutes ago, dunroaming said:



Glorious twelfth has come and gone, shouldn't you be keeping your head down? 


Now that, sir, is the best comment I've heard on here for a long time!


I wonder how many of the pheasants understand it???


Doubles all round!!

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11 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

I do not care about polls as you have no way of knowing who they polled and most have some special interest.


I am an 81 year old US Citizen and I will tell you, our Country is at the greatest Cross Road that I have seen. Socialism and Welfare are draining the pockets of people like me who pay Taxes, even though I have lived in Thailand 13 years. The other problem is we have been spending lives and money on trying to make changes in lives parts of the World where they neither like us arer appreciate what we did. We currently have a Culture knocking on the doors who want to dominate the whole World and has been trying since 632 A.D.


You do not have to like Donald Trump to understand he is the only one running who has a chance to correct some of the last 20 to 30 years of decline. He inherited some money and has been successful in building it.


The Clinton's have contributed to the mess all their lives !!

Hey Gramps, cashed any government Social Security cheques lately? 

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9 hours ago, Chicog said:


Actually it's long been known that he has not, and that he would have been far more successful if he'd simply invested daddy's money in the S&P.




More BS. This is nothing but the same kind of dishonest rhetoric that comes up in every election - usually directed at Republicans.


He actually LIVED as a billionaire for all these years, spending millions if not billions for his uber luxury lifestyle such as private jets and yachts and what not. If he was idly sitting on a cumulative fund that paid no dividends, interests or distributions, how was this possible? Furthermore, by conducting his businesses, he has given jobs to tens of thousands of employees, paid tens of billions in corporate and individual taxes over the decades, made way for several billions of secondary money circulation and sales taxes immensely helping the local economies his properties are situated in. None of this would have been possible if he had been stashing the money his dad gave in an idle fund. 


Edited by Ulysses G.
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24 minutes ago, jackh said:

I still have high hopes Trump will get elected. The hammer is going to lower on the Clintons very soon now. She could well be serving her term.......jail term that is.



It is pretty obvious that she is untouchable, no matter what she does - including violating national security. Proof positive that the government right now is corrupt.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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When polls show something favorable to Trump, he shouts it loud and often - while taunting opponents. 


When polls show something unflattering, he and his sheeple say polls don't mean anything. 


Typical Trump:  he's all over the map, depending on what he thinks will get him more votes.  Here are some other examples:


>>>  wanting to penalize US companies for moving their operations overseas while he himself hires overseas workers, at home and abroad.


>>>  dissing teleprompters while using teleprompters


>>>  chastising opponents for soliciting funds while he solicits funds


>>>  chastising opponents for connections to Wall Street/Koch Brothers/Goldman Sachs while concurrently, he sucks up to Wall Street/Koch Brothers/Goldman Sachs.


>>>  putting down HRC for voting to go into the Iraq II war, while video shows he was in favor of going into that war. .....and his VP pick voted along with HRC for going there. 


The hypocrisies are voluminous.  A list like this, showing Trump flip flops could fill a large book, small font.

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18 hours ago, Pinot said:

46% of Republicans were found to be low-info racists? Probably a low figure. Can't trust polls. :whistling:

47.349% of Democrats are found to be scuzzy looking millennial douche bags with beards, tattoos and pierced noses.  :whistling:

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I wonder what time will being us. In November I will be packing up for a couple of

months in Thailand.  I guess the American election will give me something to

watch just before I get away from the Winter weather of 2016.

Good Luck America, I guess you will get the government

that you vote for,

and likely deserve


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18 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Go Donald, go :) You are the only chance America has for bettering it,s sad state, and as soon as you get in (Check the furniture as the pigmentally enhanced family will probably try to nick lots of it) do your best to put hillary where she deserves to be, in jail in the next cage to her a*s*h*l* husband :) Then perhaps a mass execution of liberal lefties for a bit of entertainment :) Ah well, no harm in dreaming !


"Then perhaps a mass execution of liberal lefties for a bit of entertainment" Lovely sentiment. Classy. By the way, you misspelled a*s*h*l*, a*sh*l*. :)


17 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

I do not care about polls as you have no way of knowing who they polled and most have some special interest.


I am an 81 year old US Citizen and I will tell you, our Country is at the greatest Cross Road that I have seen. Socialism and Welfare are draining the pockets of people like me who pay Taxes, even though I have lived in Thailand 13 years. The other problem is we have been spending lives and money on trying to make changes in lives parts of the World where they neither like us arer appreciate what we did. We currently have a Culture knocking on the doors who want to dominate the whole World and has been trying since 632 A.D.


You do not have to like Donald Trump to understand he is the only one running who has a chance to correct some of the last 20 to 30 years of decline. He inherited some money and has been successful in building it.


The Clinton's have contributed to the mess all their lives !!


Yeah, someone nailed grandpa above with SS. It's all in decline. Hey gramps, get someone to change the channel at the old folks home. Faux News isn't good for you. I think statistically is the biggest cause of death in the US. More people die with Faux on the TV than anything else. 


16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's way too early to count chickens yet. If HRC's many transgressions do catch up with her ( who knows what Wikileaks has in store for her ), she may be out and Kaine wouldn't stand a chance of being elected.


As if...   Where do they get this stuff? 


16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

 the core values and principles of the Democratic Party.


What would they be, pray tell?

Never forget that the Democrats supported slavery. It was the GOP that abolished it.

They also rule several cities where blacks are doing very, very badly, like Chicago.


Oh <deleted>! 


13 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

And the other 1/2 are going to sit this election out and purchase bomb shelters and store up supplies for the coming US calamity.  


OMG, somebody make it stop!


2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


It is pretty obvious that she is untouchable, no matter what she does - including violating national security. Proof positive that the government right now is corrupt.


Proof positive! There you go U. We've been unable to nail her with our conspiracy bullshit sooooooooooooooooo...she's guilty! I love it. 


37 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

47.349% of Democrats are found to be scuzzy looking millennial douche bags with beards, tattoos and pierced noses.  :whistling:


Of course they are. And that boys is the guy sitting sitting in his bomb shelter, gun loaded watching Hannity kiss Trump's bum.


There you have it, a round up of today's not happy with the world poll. I'll be here all week, remember to tip your waitress. 

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15 hours ago, Chicog said:


Actually it's long been known that he has not, and that he would have been far more successful if he'd simply invested daddy's money in the S&P.


But we don't actually know how badly he's screwed up until he releases his tax records.



Not going to happen folks.

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6 hours ago, LPCustom69 said:

Working people pay into their Social Security their whole life. So, it's earned.


Is that not the way your country does it?

We pay a tax and are eligible for a government benefit later in life. At 56 years old in my case. Much the same as in the USA. 

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This is pretty sad - the best these left wing loons at the Washington Post can do is   A Young Trump Pulled on Pigtails, Threw Rocks.



Well, at least he didn't put the dog carrier on top of the car's roof! :lol:

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20 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Am I the only one who remembers the Fall of 2012?


 Everyone on the right (including the Romney campaign) were saying the exact same thing as the posts above.  "Oh, the polls are skewed".  "You can't trust polls".  Well,  guess what?  The polls were right, and Governor Romney got crushed.  


The poorly educated are Trump's key demographic.  In fact, Trump could become the first Republican presidential candidate to lose college educated whites in 60 years.



And Trump knows where his bread is buttered:


Yes Mr. Showmanship will make it a truly amazing 2 months. 



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20 hours ago, soalbundy said:

good grief, that means almost half are happy with him. Wait till Yellow Stone blows,they will think their luck has changed for the better.

Your right. Trump may be a Caldera in the making. His hair is the right color. His speeches are a series of mini caldera's.

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16 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

This wont make them more happy.


JUST IN: New York Times Drops Trump Bombshell, Uncovers MASSIVE Debt



Well I guess like the naked statues of Trump erected around the US the emperor truly has no clothes. Its an empire of shady bank loans, string loans (whatever that is) shady leases little true ownership the guy is a snake oil salesman. He truly shows that a snake oil salesman can survive and prosper in the 21st century. 

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Well I guess like the naked statues of Trump erected around the US the emperor truly has no clothes. Its an empire of shady bank loans, string loans (whatever that is) shady leases little true ownership the guy is a snake oil salesman. He truly shows that a snake oil salesman can survive and prosper in the 21st century. 


Bernie Madoff was loved, respected by many rich people ......up until the day he got busted.


What do Madoff and Trump have in common?  They're both NY City insiders, they're the same age, they have the same circle of friends, they both worship amassing money,  they both have ostentatious mansions/penthouses with drip with riches, they both know how to dazzle rich people and get them to invest in themselves.  They're both PR wizards and experts at amassing as much money as possible, while putting off paying back in every way possible.


The one difference:  Madoff got busted.  Trump hasn't yet, .....or at least not as thoroughly busted as Madoff, from the perspective of right-wingers.   

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