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Wanted: Trustworthy, reliable, experienced Property Lawyer


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I know, I know.

A friend of mine "owns" a house (I think it's a long term lease) outside Chiang Mai and he's looking to move it on.

Another mate is interested in buying it.


I've warned 2nd mate that he needs to carry out due diligence and make sure that what he's buying is right and proper, and that he needs a lawyer that can do that and handle the paperwork associated with the transfer.

So: Can you give me a recommendation with some kind of personal experience?

English speaking a must (in one case, Scottish speaking! <heh>).

Much appreciated.



NB: No I don't need amateur advice on what to do, I just need the name of a lawyer. I don't want to get involved and buyer knows sod all about Thailand.


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3 minutes ago, MadMac said:

Good luck :)

yeah, really, I sleep a lot better with my condo in my name, than I did with a nominee, even though she was a fine attorney, with a high level of integrity  (besides the goddamn dogs barking 24 hours per day).  You just really can't exert normal ownership rights, with a nominee, and it is still illegal to loan or give money to a Thai Citizen to buy property for you.

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4 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

If the seller used a lawyer as his nominee, it might be easiest to speak with them...might be able to save a bundle on transfer fees if ownership didn't change.


It's quite convoluted. His mate built a load of houses on land his wife owns. He's "sold" them to a few farang.

I'm not even sure he actually has the ownership papers in hand, and he would probably have signed anything put in front of him. He's quite old and quite trusting.

(I'm not saying he's been ripped off, but I told him to check it all with a lawyer many times and to my knowledge he's never done so.).


That's why I just told No. 2 to get a lawyer on it.


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21 minutes ago, sappersrest said:

Hope this is OK.

This guy did every thing for me very good and speaks excellent English came recommended  to me from a local business man 


Akarawath Intannant


Palm Springs area.

Office Tel. 053-016151, 081-5686865



Do they have an email address?

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THe first thing is to establish, who owns the property in question...if he was foolish enough not to hold the chinote with his lease recorded; he should at least send someone to the land office and find out who owns it and possibly get a copy of the chinote....not familiar  with public record info, here, but usually you just have to ask...it's a common occurrence with blight and abandoned properties.  I try to avoid paying lawyers to do things that could be done by any Thai citizen.....going to a lawyer with no papers or proof of ownership is something you would pay dearly for.

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5 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

THe first thing is to establish, who owns the property in question...if he was foolish enough not to hold the chinote with his lease recorded; he should at least send someone to the land office and find out who owns it and possibly get a copy of the chinote....not familiar  with public record info, here, but usually you just have to ask...it's a common occurrence with blight and abandoned properties.  I try to avoid paying lawyers to do things that could be done by any Thai citizen.....going to a lawyer with no papers or proof of ownership is something you would pay dearly for.


I doubt the owner even knows what a chanote is, and the buyer has never even been to Chiang Mai, so that's a non starter.

He's happy to pay someone to do the lot. But thanks anyway.

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Sounds like a bit of a mess!


Akarawath Intannant's "firm" is Chiangmai Legal Counsellors.  Email [email protected].  Phone numbers above. This is information; not a recommendation.  Not certain about property work.


Otherwise, CAVEAT EMPTOR! when it comes to foreign consulate lists.  These are lists; NOT recommendations. It seems the general claim is that they are English-speaking.  Consulates disclaim any recommendations.  Should such lists exist?


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9 minutes ago, Mapguy said:

Sounds like a bit of a mess!


Akarawath Intannant's "firm" is Chiangmai Legal Counsellors.  Email [email protected].  Phone numbers above. This is information; not a recommendation.  Not certain about property work.


Otherwise, CAVEAT EMPTOR! when it comes to foreign consulate lists.  These are lists; NOT recommendations. It seems the general claim is that they are English-speaking.  Consulates disclaim any recommendations.  Should such lists exist?


Those lists are great....great for total fraudsters, who have no degree, let alone practiced law, bilk unsuspecting farang of millions.  A few operated with impunity in Pattaya.

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2 hours ago, chiang mai said:

By far your better choice in all respects is Kuhn Sumaleee at 29 Tanin, very highly recommended by many TVF members, including myself and is on most of the foriegn embassy lists of lawyers:




Definitely recommend that you contact Khun Sumalee as suggested above. She will be perfectly honest with you and will not let you enter a lose lose situation.

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1 hour ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

Those lists are great....great for total fraudsters, who have no degree, let alone practiced law, bilk unsuspecting farang of millions.  A few operated with impunity in Pattaya.


34 minutes ago, evenstevens said:

 Total Fraudsters with no degree???? Milking??? Pattaya???? just trolling again?????

Khun Sumalee .as recommended on Post#8 is Top Draw:D

its  a Bob Dylan good evening to all:)


Actually, I have to agree with KhonKaenKowboy at least insofar as being on the list is no guarantee of anything. I know one shady, dishonest lawyer who was on that list.  So don't trust it.

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10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:


Actually, I have to agree with KhonKaenKowboy at least insofar as being on the list is no guarantee of anything. I know one shady, dishonest lawyer who was on that list.  So don't trust it.


Let's put it this way: Kuhn Sumalee has acted for me for over ten years on a range of different matters and I've always found her to be thorough, highly professional, cost effective and totally honest, she's saved my neck twice. And her name comes up repeatedly on this forum whenever people are asking about a reliable and well qualified lawyer and it's not just me who's recommending her, it's a whole range of very satisfied TVF members. Finally, whilst I've heard complaints about many other people in the legal profession here, I've never heard a single moan about Kuhn Sumalee from anyone, not one. So it doesn't surprise me that she appears on the UK government list of lawyers in northern Thailand, others however who are sceptical of all governments and indeed most lawyers themselves, may have different views.

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