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14 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


So you are accusing 3 of us of having an agenda to advertise the Philippines? (myself, Mr. Roc and Mr.Spider). You're sounding a bit paranoid. I guess next you will be accusing us of being the same person using 3 different identities.




Agree with you. Not sure why he has such an ax to grind. I am always suspicious of people with such thin skin. Usually there is something rather deep seated that is at the heart of the matter. Anyway, we all like the PI. What on earth is wrong with that? No room for competition?

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26 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


1st morning in Baloy Beach, found a better full English breakfast than anything I have managed to find during 2 months in CM (240 peso and more than I could eat).

2nd evening a little street restaurant outside 7/11 on Baloy Beach road corner, a great local dish pork adobo, chunks of lean pork and potato in gravy served with rice (65 peso).

4th day, British fish and chip restaurant, Cornish pasties, meat pies, nothing like it in CM, meat pies here are 95% gravy (pastie and chips 180 peso).

6th evening, Mexican restaurant, really good meal for two with carafe of house red wine 750 pesos. More than we could finish. Tried 3 Mex places in CM, all total s*&%.


My only 'food' complaint, not one decent coffee bar, coffee was total c$%#.


Don't know where your pals are eating, maybe they don't look around all that much. If I'd been there longer, I'm confident I would have found many more good places to eat.


Why is fruit in Thailand so overpriced? Bananas and Strawberries are about half the price in central London.



Certainly there is good food to be found. I think it also has alot to do with dietary preferences. I eat very little meat, so Thailand suits me much better, and it is far harder in the PI to find food without meat. I found some great coffee shops, but they tend to be in towns with alot of ex-pats.


As fas as the fruit thing goes, Thailand has some amazing fruits, but only the local fruits are reasonable. And the prices of fruit have skyrocketed here in the past few years. Imported fruits can be stunningly expensive. Did a little tour of Siam Paragon recently, and they had some gorgeous fruits from all over the world. But, the prices were staggering. 


Right now, there is less local fruit than anytime in the past ten years. I think it has alot to do with the sustained drought. There are a lot of fruit growers that are really hurting right about now, unfortunately. 

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23 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Give it up - he has an agenda to advertise the place - even though some of us quickly discovered that the Filipinos weren't that great.



I don't think Spidermike has an agenda and as the P'pinnes is a potential option for me in the future i was very interested in his comments and it is good to compare the pros and cons of P'pinnes and Thaland. I can see that the mention of older men, younger ladies could have been put more delicately but i have noticed that the age gaps here (between couples?) is more evident than even in Thailand. That can be a negative for many so is still a point worth raising and in reality is probably an indication of how much poorer and more difficult life is in the P'pinnes is.

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34 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


1st morning in Baloy Beach, found a better full English breakfast than anything I have managed to find during 2 months in CM (240 peso and more than I could eat).

2nd evening a little street restaurant outside 7/11 on Baloy Beach road corner, a great local dish pork adobo, chunks of lean pork and potato in gravy served with rice (65 peso).

4th day, British fish and chip restaurant, Cornish pasties, meat pies, nothing like it in CM, meat pies here are 95% gravy (pastie and chips 180 peso).

6th evening, Mexican restaurant, really good meal for two with carafe of house red wine 750 pesos. More than we could finish. Tried 3 Mex places in CM, all total s*&%.


My only 'food' complaint, not one decent coffee bar, coffee was total c$%#.


Don't know where your pals are eating, maybe they don't look around all that much. If I'd been there longer, I'm confident I would have found many more good places to eat.


Why is fruit in Thailand so overpriced? Bananas and Strawberries are about half the price in central London.


Were you at Blue Rock when the owner the owner was murdered? Kinda funny that you judge a country by a breakfast you had. I've been in Thailand for awhile now and have spent much time in Olongapo on Merchant ships. Thailand is much better over all.

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The PI is an irredeemable shithole. That's why the locals have to leave to get ahead.
Thailand is not perfect but its light years ahead in all but English skills.
Im surprised nobody yet mentioned the ugly phenomenon where the pinoys/pinays just help themselves to your property, or come to visit and actually vandalise the furniture out of spite?

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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I don't give two hoots about Philippine women, but the booze is way cheaper over there, and if drinking is an important part of your lifestyle, Philippines beats Thailand hands down. And the food, Philippines beats Thailand hands down AGAIN.


Carafe of house red wine = 140 pesos in a restaurant (just over 110bht). 

Wine in Thailand, even with the ridiculous tax, costs about the same as Australia. Source: numbeo website.

The old world wines are overpriced for the quality however.

Because everything in Aus is now extortionate and the export value of the A$ may as well be renamed the 'peso'. So cosidering the other prices in LOS I'm way ahead.

My leftover fridge pizza tastes great when I'm drunk too. Solution, stay inexpensively drunk in the PI and the food is amaaazing.

To generalise about the women is unfair.

I've known honeys and scummers in every nationality, but... pinays insist on disappointing me with bar change scams, or bait and switch happy hour tricks. In one place they were so relentless I lost it, and called the cops (Hong Kong) it was not seedy Wanchai, this was opposite the Intercontinental in Kowloon! (Fog Bar, be warned!)

No Thai has ever fiddled my change, even in seedy Pattaya.

I can only offer my personal experience, I do know there are ratbags everywhere, but Pinays seem to be serially scamming everywhere I meet them.

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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5 minutes ago, dhream said:


No Thai has ever fiddled my change, even in seedy Pattaya.



There are some Thai market stalls I no longer visit, double pricing.

And a family Mart where the till screen is pointed away from the customer, and everything seems 2x as expensive as the shelf labels.

Did I mention a couple of MoonMuang bars where the bill is always larger if you appear drunk?

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if Oz wine is cheaper in the US than in Oz.  I know Jacob's Creek is mediocre, at best, but they get about 650 thb here in LOS for a bottle.  I can get it delivered to my door in the States for 5 usd (175 THB), and our local budget gourmet chain carries about 20 varieties of OZ wine under 10 usd per bottle...very well regarded.

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Wine in Thailand, even with the ridiculous tax, costs about the same as Australia. Source: numbeo website.

The old world wines are overpriced for the quality however.

Because everything in Aus is now extortionate and the export value of the A$ may as well be renamed the 'peso'. So cosidering the other prices in LOS I'm way ahead.

My leftover fridge pizza tastes great when I'm drunk too. Solution, stay inexpensively drunk in the PI and the food is amaaazing.

To generalise about the women is unfair.

I've known honeys and scummers in every nationality, but... pinays insist on disappointing me with bar change scams, or bait and switch happy hour tricks. In one place they were so relentless I lost it, and called the cops (Hong Kong) it was not seedy Wanchai, this was opposite the Intercontinental in Kowloon! (Fog Bar, be warned!)

No Thai has ever fiddled my change, even in seedy Pattaya.

I can only offer my personal experience, I do know there are ratbags everywhere, but Pinays seem to be serially scamming everywhere I meet them.

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

Sounds like your experience of Filipina bar girls has fixed your opinion of the people in general which is a shame really as I've found the majority of Filipinos I've met to be amongst the nicest, kindest, most polite people you can meet.

I certainly don't recognize any of my colleagues or friends in your description & find it a bit offensive to think of somebody classing my gf & family in that way, but hey if that's your opinion then simply don't go to PI.

Fwiw & I know this isn't a PI vs Thailand debate (God knows that's been done enough times) I've always said my perfect set-up would be to live in Thailand with my Filipina but recently (partly due to visa changes in Thailand but mainly after a trip to Cebu/Bohol) I'm starting to have a rethink (as the OP is doing) & reconsidering moving to Philippines (I currently live in Singapore so can easily visit/move to either).

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Whats wrong with these rude apologists?

if you wrote a small complaint about thailand, they will bark at you (ex: if you dont like it, you should leave!)

If you wrote, that you are leaving, they will bark at you (ex: dont let the door slap your butt)

If you wrote, that you left already, they will bark at you (ex: why are you still here on thaivisa?)




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16 hours ago, dhream said:

The PI is an irredeemable shithole. That's why the locals have to leave to get ahead.


The places that are good for earning money are seldom the same places as those that are good for living. If they were we would all be living on oil rigs and strip mines.

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26 minutes ago, Bender said:

Whats wrong with these rude apologists?

if you wrote a small complaint about thailand, they will bark at you (ex: if you dont like it, you should leave!)

If you wrote, that you are leaving, they will bark at you (ex: dont let the door slap your butt)

If you wrote, that you left already, they will bark at you (ex: why are you still here on thaivisa?)




So why are you still here?


I'm not an apologist, by the way. I just like it here. 

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6 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Your avoidance of the question is rather interesting. Are you afraid to examine your motives for continuing to use a forum devoted to a country you claim to have happily left behind?


Like, you've ever answered any post with information about anything. You're just another forum troll. Tell you what, just point us to any post you've ever made that contains information and isn't just putting another poster down.

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19 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Yes - definitely an advertisement for some reason.


The comment "the older you are, and the younger you like them, the more this applies" regarding the Philippines - was the nail in the coffin for me.



And that is perfectly fine. The place is not for everybody, and younger women are not preferable for all men. But it can be a wonderful, and valid choice for some. I do not make a value judgment based on the age of a couple. I know some who have younger women and they are very content. I know some who have women their age and they are very unhappy. It goes both ways. To each his own. I let people make their own choices, with my opinions unclouded by Western dogma. Personally, I prefer younger women. Women my age tend to be dull, listless, not adventurous, less open minded, less attractive, fat, and uninterested in sex, for the most part. 


All I was trying to say, is that for men who prefer younger women, the PI is a paradise. There is little concern about age there. Older guys are considered more serious, and more stable financially, hence more desirable. In the end, for 90% of the world's women, it is all about financial security. No matter what nation they are from. And I cannot blame them for that. If I were in their position I would attempt to choose a guy who was financially stable too. 


In conclusion, for a man who is single, and is looking for romance, or a serious relationship, the PI offers far more options than Thailand. The women there are simply less jaded, more open minded, and a far higher percentage seem to like foreigners even more than many of the women here.

Edited by spidermike007
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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

In conclusion, for a man who is single, and is looking for romance, or a serious relationship, the PI offers far more options than Thailand. The women there are simply less jaded, more open minded, and a far higher percentage seem to like foreigners even more than many of the women here.


Actually, I would agree that Filipinas may be more suitable for some expats....especially if one can't speak the local language as most Filipinos speak some English.  But I wouldn't agree about your reasoning as to Filipinas being "less jaded" or "more open-minded"....etc.  The only reason why Filipino women might be preferred over Thai by some expats is that Filipinas are much more desperate. 

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17 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Actually, I would agree that Filipinas may be more suitable for some expats....especially if one can't speak the local language as most Filipinos speak some English.  But I wouldn't agree about your reasoning as to Filipinas being "less jaded" or "more open-minded"....etc.  The only reason why Filipino women might be preferred over Thai by some expats is that Filipinas are much more desperate. 


Interesting. Why do you think that Filipinas are more desperate than Thai women? Similar levels of poverty exist in both countries and on the whole, Filipinas are probably slightly more educated, in the universal sense of the word. Better schools, better teachers etc.

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22 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Never under-estimate the capacity of ex-pats in any particular country to exaggerate the advantages of their chosen country - to validate their decision!


I came away with a negative impression of Filipinos after a 5 week holiday in a tourist area (about 15 years ago), but perhaps I was unlucky.


I've been a regular visitor to Pattaya for 17 years. It has become my second home and I keep my hotel room on 365 days of the year. I spend more than half my life there and love the place.


Abouy 12 years ago a chum and myself went to the PI for three weeks to visit s friend who has settled with his Flip wife in her city of Davao. We also went and stayed a few days in Cebu.


Within a few days I wanted to book a flight out of there to Pattaya but the air fare was exorbitant and not wishing to be rude I decded to stick it out till we had to come back to London.


Both places were dumps.  neither could hold a light to Pattaya for hotels, grub, service, women, shops, transport, cleanliness and conveniences. I still remember the cockroach infested toilets in some of the bars we visited, thousands of the creatures running for cover when the light was switched on, Ugh!


The ordinary people where our chum lived were lovely. But as soon as you went in a Fip run downtown bar they had to try and rip you off, we soon caught on that it was second nature to them. We even got nabbed by the army one night for having a late drink in a bar, but as soon as the sargeant in charge's attention was elsewhere we scarpered out of a side door and over the road to our hotel.


Never again! No wonder all the Flips want to get out of the place!


I might consider a visit to AC  but only with someone who knows the score.


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^^^ if you think Davao & Cebu are dumps wait until you see AC!!!

Cebu has improved massively over the past 8 years or so with the addition of Ayala Mall & the build out of the IT Park area though for mongers it's naughty (& not so naughty) nightlife has been curtailed somewhat.

Have only been in 1 "Downtown" bar in Davao (one of the Hot Legz) & you're right, it was a sh1thole (though not as bad as AC & have seen worse toilets in lots of pubs in the UK) but you don't go to Cebu or Davao for that kind of thing (or would be deeply disappointed if you did).

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2 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Within a few days I wanted to book a flight out of there to Pattaya but the air fare was exorbitant and not wishing to be rude I decded to stick it out till we had to come back to London.



CNX or BKK to Manila is around 100GBP (just under 5,000bht), hardly expensive.

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4 hours ago, JB300 said:

^^^ if you think Davao & Cebu are dumps wait until you see AC!!!

Cebu has improved massively over the past 8 years or so with the addition of Ayala Mall & the build out of the IT Park area though for mongers it's naughty (& not so naughty) nightlife has been curtailed somewhat.

Have only been in 1 "Downtown" bar in Davao (one of the Hot Legz) & you're right, it was a sh1thole (though not as bad as AC & have seen worse toilets in lots of pubs in the UK) but you don't go to Cebu or Davao for that kind of thing (or would be deeply disappointed if you did).


Back then a flight to Don Meung BKK from Davao via Manila was just over £400. I went into a travel agent and asked. That was a hell of a price for a comparatively short journey especially in those days. If it had been about £200 I'd have been off!


In Cebu there was one GGB called The Silver Dollar which to be fair was pretty good and on a par with those in Pattaya. But that was the only place we visited with any semblance of a 'nightlife'.

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Back then a flight to Don Meung BKK from Davao via Manila was just over £400. I went into a travel agent and asked. That was a hell of a price for a comparatively short journey especially in those days. If it had been about £200 I'd have been off!


In Cebu there was one GGB called The Silver Dollar which to be fair was pretty good and on a par with those in Pattaya. But that was the only place we visited with any semblance of a 'nightlife'.

Ahhh... Silver Dollar (used to be) next to the Crown Regency Hotel (with the skywalk/ride on top$, bit of a sh1thole but had a few great times there [emoji106]

Can't really compare the Cebu go-gos with Thailand but some of the so called Karaoke bars (not been for a long time but used to be Jaguar, Infinity, Voodoo) could certainly compete on talent... And on price!!!
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Seriously guys - is there not a Phillipinevisa.com you could be boring with this stuff?

Apologies, hadn't realized that (despite the OP saying it was on topic) we (who have actually travelled & experienced these places) shouldn't opine on them...

Mental note to self; don't bother in the future...

Oh, but thanks for your contributions to the thread, if there's a "I once went abroad" forum, I'm sure you're a mod [emoji106]

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