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Thais warned not to eat food before paying first in Japan


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8 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

In Thailand the rules truly are flexible. We all know you can't buy alcohol from 2-5 pm, but you walk into a 7/11 during this period, grab a beer and open it while you wait to pay, the staff is helpful enough to take ur money, but enter it in the cash register after 5 pm.

Depends where.


i rushed my wife and her sister to hurry up with our weekly tesco shopping yesterday as there was only 10 mins left until two.


i arrived with two mins to spare and the cashier kindly scanned quickly my 2 boxes of Chang beer whilst joking about the time.  She was halfway through two trolleys full of stuff when out of nowhere this lady, a manager of some sorts, came and told her that the beer has to be cancelled.  I insisted   and the cashier confirmed that I arrived at 1.58 pm but she wouldnt have any of it...


 Much to my wife's embarrassment, I proceeded to cancel everything - and walked out leaving the two trolleys full of meat, fish etc there.


not my finest moment, but couldn't help myself. If you want to be a c***, two can play at that game.

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5 hours ago, NativeSon360 said:

As laid-back as the Japanese appear to be, Japan really is a militaristic-mentality state of being. Most Japanese people have a rigid "stick-up-the-butt" attitude, about obeying the traditional Law & Order "rules". The Japanese actively "spy" on each other, and will readily "report" any, and every perceived violation of the rules to the police. Just the facts - :coffee1:


You must have some quality Japanese friends.


I never saw that during the years I lived there.

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40 minutes ago, chefseph said:

Depends where.


i rushed my wife and her sister to hurry up with our weekly tesco shopping yesterday as there was only 10 mins left until two.


i arrived with two mins to spare and the cashier kindly scanned quickly my 2 boxes of Chang beer whilst joking about the time.  She was halfway through two trolleys full of stuff when out of nowhere this lady, a manager of some sorts, came and told her that the beer has to be cancelled.  I insisted   and the cashier confirmed that I arrived at 1.58 pm but she wouldnt have any of it...


 Much to my wife's embarrassment, I proceeded to cancel everything - and walked out leaving the two trolleys full of meat, fish etc there.


not my finest moment, but couldn't help myself. If you want to be a c***, two can play at that game.


Same thing happened to me, but luckily I had completed the transaction for the beer and proudly showed the manager lady the time stamp on the receipt.


Get's very annoying that rule, especially as it suggests drinking alcohol at 4:30 in the afternoon is wrong, but consuming at 11:00 am is fine? :rolleyes:

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33 minutes ago, denkiblue555 said:

You must have some quality Japanese friends.


I never saw that during the years I lived there.

My Japanese friend has previously pretty much confirmed in his ramblings about Tokyo what NativeSon360 wrote, especially about the spying neighbors. Maybe gaijins have a bit longer leash.

Edited by DrTuner
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8 hours ago, Clamhua said:

I thought some time ago people were being arrested or extorted for doing the same thing in 7-11 in Thailand


I remember this story.  I think it was a farang who was arrested for this.  So suggesting that this practice is somehow accepted in Thai culture is ridiculous.

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There's been cases in US and UK where people have been 'arrested' by the store security people for crazing whilst shopping.  I'm surprised by how trusting most people seem to be in Thailand - sometimes when shopping with Thai friends, they have nothing left but empty food wrappers and half drunk bottles by the time they get to the checkout - but they do pay for everything they've eaten and the checkout staff seem quite relaxed about it.  I'd not recommend us foreigners try this though, sometimes you need to be Thai to do things the Thai way.

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11 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

How does that work in a restaurant? Or you only eat out at a McDonald's or Burger King where you do pay before eating. And what about all kinds of other services like telephone, electricity, etc. I pay for these after use. It's an easy mistake to make for a Thai in Japan when in Thailand it's perfectly acceptable to consume before you arrive at the cashier, providing you pay for it of course. 

I think the unfortunate one thought they were sample food like you see in shopping centres in Thai ,  with nice young girls inviting you to take a bite, ,lick or swallow   the interpretation is there but the wrong country.

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14 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

My Japanese friend has previously pretty much confirmed in his ramblings about Tokyo what NativeSon360 wrote, especially about the spying neighbors. Maybe gaijins have a bit longer leash.


Nah, they just feel very comfortable having rules to follow. Neighbours in every country spy on each other, no different except the Japanese aren't down for any confrontation.


Now, start talking about Japanese mother-in-laws and then we can talk about spying!



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5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

OK... so this seems a bit 'Petty'... however, this news item also evidences Japans underlying frustrations with the behaviour of Thai Tourists who in general and have been reported as showing little respect for 'other cultures' when visiting Japan. 


Previous similar issues have been reported in the past regarding the behaviour of Thai Tourists in Japan which led to the issuance of 'Do's and Don'ts' for Thai Tourists in Japan....  






<<<< Link to Bangkok Post removed >>>>




..... much in the same way Chinese Tourists have been requested to 'brush up' on their knowledge of Thai Customs and 'Do's & Don'ts'.... 


That said - In general the Thai Tourists in Japan, while sometimes coming across as unworldly and sometimes a little less considerate than the extremely police Japanese society are also significantly less uncouth than the Chinese tourist... 


But, tourists in General always seem to behave badly when generalised as a 'group'.... Western Tourists in Thailand will be tarred with the same brush as those behaving poorly...  fortunately the Thai's are far very tolerant. 


The reputation of British Tourists in certain Mediterranean resorts is despicable. 



The reputation of 'SOME' British tourists in mediterranean resorts is despicable perhaps..personally always been on my best behaviour whether living in Japan, Thailand or Spain...

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4 hours ago, denkiblue555 said:


You must have some quality Japanese friends.


I never saw that during the years I lived there.

You could probably write a book about what you "never saw", during your sojourn in "The Land of the Rising Sun". Good morning:coffee1:

Edited by NativeSon360
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13 minutes ago, bangkokgas said:

The reputation of 'SOME' British tourists in mediterranean resorts is despicable perhaps..personally always been on my best behaviour whether living in Japan, Thailand or Spain...

I always found British people courteous and polite when visiting my country.


The chavs who frequent Ibiza, Ayia Napa and the rest give the whole British tourists a bad name.

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9 hours ago, captspectre said:

whatwere Thai tourist doing in a civilized country like Japan in thefirst place? thy should stay in china, burma, or laos! OR read up on civilized countries before they travel. 

Presumably you're posting your comments from some non_Thai location in the western world, eh? Or, are you just one more constipated "farang" hypocrite, troll posting to the TVF, instead? :whistling:

Edited by NativeSon360
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4 hours ago, bangkokgas said:

The reputation of 'SOME' British tourists in mediterranean resorts is despicable perhaps..personally always been on my best behaviour whether living in Japan, Thailand or Spain...


Agreed - and there are a majority of Chinese tourists in Thailand who behave impeccably.... however, the actions of a few have damaged the general reputation of a nations Tourists...  It doesn't matter how you behave, its those who tar our good name with their poor behaviour that leave the rest of us sometimes facing undeserved negativity. 


In this case, a few careless and disrespectful Thai's have unfortunately damaged the reputation of the many... 


Perhaps fortunately for the Westerners, Japan is more expensive, a little further a field and has a less debuacherous reputation than Thailand and hence the 'dregs' who may damage the reputation of Westerners are less prevalent (with the exception of the Japanese Ski resorts where Aussie skiers have developed their own tarnished reputation)....



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It would not be accepted in Australia and if he didn't like the biscuits was he still going to pay for them or put the box back on the shelf. I see some people open lolly packets and give some to their kids then put the packet back on the shelf and it annoys the crap out of me




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22 hours ago, SABloke said:


Drink beer in the 7/11 queue...classy :blink:



It only becomes classy if you combine the consumption of said refreshing beverage with a " Pattaya Muff Diver's Club" t-shirt, manky fake football shorts, flip flops that look as if they were stolen from a poor homeless bloke sleeping under the stairs to a BTS station and rampant BO that could cause a cow to miscarry.

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On 8/25/2016 at 1:25 PM, lensta said:

"He told the police that, at supermarket in Thailand, shoppers could eat before paying the price to the cashiers."

I never knew that it was ok to do this in a supermarket in Thailand.


Well it's commonly believed to be OK. Which is a nice convenience to get away with opening the pack, taking some candy etc., and putting it back on the shelf, or eating it all and hiding the empty bag.


My Thai son had numerous arguments with an old 'aunty' and his wife's older sister on this point. Contrary to his demands that they not do this they just continued, often with bags of frit o lay potato crisps etc., his arguments:


- It's wrong, it's unethical, it's theft.

- I don't want my kids to learn behaviors and values like this.


Another argument from my son - supermarkets etc., have many hidden CCTV cameras and you can easily get caught. Both ladies mentioned responded with comments like ' not true, they are not allowed to have cameras because it's rude '.


Eventually my son made a rule that they never go shopping with 'aunty' or wife's sister in tow.


Different points:


1. Son wanted to 'cut the cord' with his wife's sister joining the shopping activity because she got her own shopping cart and filled it with her own needs, giant bags of laundry detergent, 12 packs of shampoo etc., numerous 12 packs of canned fish, boxes of beer, wine, many multi-packs of junk food and mama noodles and more and then of course expected my son to pay the bill.


2. Before leaving the house both 'aunty' and wife's sister would front up to me with demands for 10,000 / 15,000Baht 'ngern sur gong' (shopping money).


No more problem because shopping now always done when the two ladies mentioned not around.   


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On 8/25/2016 at 1:25 PM, lensta said:

"He told the police that, at supermarket in Thailand, shoppers could eat before paying the price to the cashiers."

I never knew that it was ok to do this in a supermarket in Thailand.


Well it's commonly believed to be OK. Which is a nice convenience to get away with opening the pack, taking some candy etc., and putting it back on the shelf, or eating it all and hiding the empty bag.


My Thai son had numerous arguments with an old 'aunty' and his wife's older sister on this point. Contrary to his demands that they not do this they just continued, often with bags of frit o lay potato crisps etc., his arguments:


- It's wrong, it's unethical, it's theft.

- I don't want my kids to learn behaviors and values like this.


Another argument from my son - supermarkets etc., have many hidden CCTV cameras and you can easily get caught. Both ladies mentioned responded with comments like ' not true, they are not allowed to have cameras because it's rude '.


Eventually my son made a rule that they never go shopping with 'aunty' or wife's sister in tow.


Different points:


1. Son wanted to 'cut the cord' with his wife's sister joining the shopping activity because she got her own shopping cart and filled it with her own needs, giant bags of laundry detergent, 12 packs of shampoo etc., numerous 12 packs of canned fish, boxes of beer, wine, many multi-packs of junk food and mama noodles and more and then of course expected my son to pay the bill.


2. Before leaving the house both 'aunty' and wife's sister would front up to me with demands for 10,000 / 15,000Baht 'ngern sur gong' (shopping money).


No more problem because shopping now always done when the two ladies mentioned not around.   


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I'm not really interested in the subject matter...I've seen plenty of Thais eat food at markets and NOT pay for it, so I don't know if one should automatically assume that the individual's intent was to actually purchase the item...


I just enjoy it when Thais are forced to comply with the reasonable laws of other countries, and seem so dumbfounded at the severity of the punishment...

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No problem in local markets here where the vendor will give you a sample, or suggests you try some first to encourage a sale (oranges, longkong, lamyai etc).  I've never seen a Thai open a sealed box/bag in a proper supermarket and start eating the contents so IMO, this is NOT a common practice here.  The Thai in Japan is either a crass donkey, or is stretching the truth in order to save face after being caught out.  Probably both.


I get a bit irritated in proper supermarkets though when an individual pulls a handful of grapes off a bunch in the display bin and stands there open-mouth masticating, lips smacking, maybe a few guttural, animal sounds.  Then walks away to graze over other displays, hitting up the CP hot dog lady for free samples, then heads over to the lady with the free coffee/tea/juice samples to wash it all down and asks for a top up before walking away.  They are just taking the piss.

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"At the police station, the Thai defended that he had no intention to steal the cookie. He told the police that, at supermarket in Thailand, shoppers could eat before paying the price to the cashiers."



The story doesn't say what he did next. Did he put the box back on the shelf? Or did he carry it towards the checkout out?


As for Thailand, the shopper is obliged to pay before eating, notice how Tesco/Lotus has the ice-creams next to the checkout.

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