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Bill Clinton defends embattled family foundation


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Boy the Clinton Foundation did a bang up job in Haiti while HRC was secretary of state.

What better person to put in charge of all the money ($13 billion and change) and who it went to other than her hubby slick Willey. Then she steps back in to perform a not so subtle regime change to further enrich themselves and the FOB's (Friends of Bill)



Edited by dcutman
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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


I had a look at some of those Wikileaks emails and there's considerable correspondence between Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair, especially when it comes to Qatari Royals and charitable donations. 

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21 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

so where is the claim these things went on while she was still secretary of state?


Ajaydee,  at a glance, you seem to be sympathetic towards the Clintons. Why are they always smiling, while millions of us in the middle to lower class are not?  Do you have a fat government pension and benefits, unlike the rest of us?  Do you not see through their despicable, even psychotic, behavior?  Joe Stalin was great, Hitler was mediocre and these wannabees are wannabees, though dangerous.


You can go on about claim this and that.  Good thing (for your point of view) about it is that it's hard to prove anything when the government and the laws protect those who are in power.  That is why "little people" cling to their guns, and their families.  Maybe soon, the U.S. will have Go and NO GO zones, based on culture and values. It's happening in cities, might as well let it happen out  in the country, where people have traditionally been free.

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On 10/27/2016 at 8:10 PM, thaihome said:

You do realize that Trump has given between $100k -250k to the Clinton Foundation. if you want to give to a top rated, high visibility charity ,  the Clinton Foundation is obviously the go to place and as been for some 20 years now. 



They were friends once

they were friends once.jpg

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1 hour ago, Damrongsak said:


Ajaydee,  at a glance, you seem to be sympathetic towards the Clintons. Why are they always smiling, while millions of us in the middle to lower class are not?  Do you have a fat government pension and benefits, unlike the rest of us?  Do you not see through their despicable, even psychotic, behavior?  Joe Stalin was great, Hitler was mediocre and these wannabees are wannabees, though dangerous.


You can go on about claim this and that.  Good thing (for your point of view) about it is that it's hard to prove anything when the government and the laws protect those who are in power.  That is why "little people" cling to their guns, and their families.  Maybe soon, the U.S. will have Go and NO GO zones, based on culture and values. It's happening in cities, might as well let it happen out  in the country, where people have traditionally been free.


better do more than glance then. you will have a hard time finding someone that despises your vile one-party state more than I. I'm well aware  of how corrupt the Clintons (and every other Presidential family) is and has been and I know that your country has gotten the kind of leaders they well deserve. As for Hilary, the only reason I favour her over that troglodyte Trump is that I think she would be less dangerous to the rest of us in the CIVILIZED world. 

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2 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

better do more than glance then. you will have a hard time finding someone that despises your vile one-party state more than I. I'm well aware  of how corrupt the Clintons (and every other Presidential family) is and has been and I know that your country has gotten the kind of leaders they well deserve. As for Hilary, the only reason I favour her over that troglodyte Trump is that I think she would be less dangerous to the rest of us in the CIVILIZED world. 


Well, we can't all be Chinadians.

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BREAKING: FBI Sources Tell Fox News An “Indictment Is Likely” In Clinton Foundation Case

Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.


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Reports Prove FBI ‘Aggressively Investigating’ Clinton Foundation For Potential Pay To Play Crimes




Aren't they a delightful couple?  :sleep:


NEW YORK CITY, New York — A pair of reports out on Wednesday evening from two of the nation’s biggest broadcasters brings gloomy news for the already hurting presidential campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton: The FBI has been “aggressively investigating” the Clinton Foundation for a year.

All of this comes as a third report, from the Wall Street Journal, walks through how “secret recordings” have “fueled” the FBI’s criminal investigation into the Clinton Foundation—a separate but parallel probe from the Hillary Clinton email scandal.


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Afraid that events have moved past the point where Bill Clinton can effectively defend that racketeering enterprise referred to as the Clinton Foundation.

To wit:  



Megyn Kelly Rudy Giuliani On Clinton Foundation Investigation. "Worse Than Watergate"


Edited by Boon Mee
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On 11/3/2016 at 8:36 AM, Boon Mee said:

BREAKING: FBI Sources Tell Fox News An “Indictment Is Likely” In Clinton Foundation Case

Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.



Breaking News Party Boys.


Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment


Fox News anchor Bret Baier apologized Friday for reporting that federal investigators had determined that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had been hacked and that an investigation would lead to an indictment of Clinton after the election.



Well it looks like the FBI 'seasoned' Over The Hill Mob of Dirty Harry's won't be stealing this election.


Let the purge commence.


Will you be apologizing also? It is the right thing to do of course.


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On 11/3/2016 at 4:18 PM, Boon Mee said:

Afraid that events have moved past the point where Bill Clinton can effectively defend that racketeering enterprise referred to as the Clinton Foundation.

To wit:  



Megyn Kelly Rudy Giuliani On Clinton Foundation Investigation. "Worse Than Watergate"







People are asking whether he will go to jail!


So is the FBI feeding Giuliani information to help the Trump campaign? Based on Giuliani’s own words, it certainly seems so. And if it is indeed true, what he is doing is very illegal.



What a sad end for the serial good-will squanderer to finish his career on such a note.


When do we see the Perp Walk?



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RNC: FBI Continues to Investigate Clinton Foundation




Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus reacted to FBI Director James Comey’s letter on Sunday informing Congress the agency will not change its previous decision to not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton in the e-mail probe.

Fox News further reported:

Agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI’s White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.

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24 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

RNC: FBI Continues to Investigate Clinton Foundation




Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus reacted to FBI Director James Comey’s letter on Sunday informing Congress the agency will not change its previous decision to not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton in the e-mail probe.

Fox News further reported:

Agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI’s White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.

You left this out...

The FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation continues to be "very high priority" among some local agents on the ground, sources with intimate knowledge of the probe told Fox News.

There is a split, however, between local investigators and FBI headquarters, as well as with the Justice Department.



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