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Gen. Sonthi To Apply Pakistani Unrest Suppressive Measures

Jai Dee

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Gen. Sonthi to apply Pakistani unrest suppressive measures

The Royal Thai Army Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin, stated that Pakistan truly understands the unrest situation in the three southern border provinces of Thailand. He said he will adjust and apply the Pakistani measures to suppress the unrest in the southern region of Thailand.

Gen. Sonthi said he had a talk with the Pakistani leader on Thailand’s southern violence, and explained the situation to him. He said Pakistan comprehends the unrest in the deep South as the country has similar circumstances. In order to solve this problem, Pakistan has promoted education and career opportunities. The Pakistani leader considers that Thailand also has to apply the same measures.

Gen. Sonthi also visited about 250 Thai students in Pakistan, and they had a sincere conversation. The students stated that they are studying religious education only, and they are not at all involved with the political situation in Thailand. Pakistan is considering the details to provide scholarships to 50 Thai students in the fields of medical and engineering studies.

In Pakistan, Gen. Sonthi also went to see the weapons produced in the Middle East. He said the prices are less expensive and developing nations should procure them to strengthen the national armed forces, adding the procurement would not affect the relations between Thailand and the United States of America.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 23 November 2006

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Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake. One of the most messed-up countries I have ever had the misfortune of working in. :o

Tell the Bush or Blair what too do.

But you has a Farang have no right to tell the Thai's what to do.

Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars.

Edited by HenryB
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Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake. One of the most messed-up countries I have ever had the misfortune of working in. :o

Tell the Bush or Blair what too do.

But you has a Farang have no right to tell the Thai's what to do.

Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars.

"Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, [expletive deleted by moderator]

They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?


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Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake. One of the most messed-up countries I have ever had the misfortune of working in. :D

Tell the Bush or Blair what too do.

But you has a Farang have no right to tell the Thai's what to do.

Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars.

"Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, you imbecile.

They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?


A tad harsh don't you think? :o

Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake.

The article never talked about using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark. It talked about "apply the Pakistani measures to suppress the unrest", going on to say "In order to solve this problem, Pakistan has promoted education and career opportunities. The Pakistani leader considers that Thailand also has to apply the same measures. "

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Okay, kmart, you have a point, but you needn't revert to namecalling.

Pakistan does have a border problem with India, in Kashmir, and maybe elsewhere. Pakistan is not a perfect example. In fact, it's a Muslim country.

Nevertheless, General Sonthi is at least looking for options the prior governments may not have considered. This, for example, from the opening post: "In order to solve this problem, Pakistan has promoted education and career opportunities. The Pakistani leader considers that Thailand also has to apply the same measures."

Come to think of it, Texas had an ethnic problem with its southern border 'provinces' (counties), neglecting them, discouraging use of Spanish, etc. They resolved some of the problems by establishing university branches, funding education, setting up free trade zones, etc.

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The "caste" system is still rife in Pakistan, and the lowest of the social scale are ripe for picking out as suicide bombers and fighters for jihad.

Does anyone not see the similarities between Gen Mussharef and Gen Sondhi? Both came to power in coups to overthrow a corrupt but elected government; but Mussharef is still "President" of Pakistan.

Seven years later! :D Decided he rather likes the power, then? Hmmm,....

Mussharef recently rattled some sabres by implying that the Bush govt. threatened to "bomb Pakistan back into the stone age". Well, bad news there, because Pakistan never emerged from the stone age in the first place. 95% of the population anyway.

The lovely Gen Mussaref maintains political stability at home through repression and exporting terrorism over Pakistan's borders. He "understands the situation in Thailand's Southern Provinces" because he maintains that type of status quo at home.

Btw; what are Thai "students" studying over in Dungland that they couldn't find here? :o

Please feel free to delete any more "expletives" you find in this post...... :D

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Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake. One of the most messed-up countries I have ever had the misfortune of working in. :o

Tell the Bush or Blair what too do.

But you has a Farang have no right to tell the Thai's what to do.

Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars.

"Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, [expletive deleted by moderator]

They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?


I was born in Pakistan than lived in England. I think you should see a Doctor as suspect you just don't like Muslims. Please relax don't get so upset.

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Gen. Sonthi to apply Pakistani unrest suppressive measures

The Royal Thai Army Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin, stated that Pakistan truly understands the unrest situation in the three southern border provinces of Thailand. He said he will adjust and apply the Pakistani measures to suppress the unrest in the southern region of Thailand.

Very nice.

Part of Pakisthani measures is keeping the more radical elements of their society focused away from overthrowing the government by sponsoring a civil war in a neighboring country (India/Kashmir), paying and training fighters.

Some parts of Pakhisthan, the tribal agencies, are more or less autonomous, and one of the main drug routes from the golden crescent go through those areas nearly unhindered. Pakisthani law does not count there, only tribal law. Outsiders cannot go in these areas safely.

Paksithan has constant religious fighting between Sunni and Shia, with horrendous deathcounts. Religious freedom is a sad joke in Pakisthan, the very small Christian and Hindu minorities live in fear. Pakisthan's overall security situation, especially in Sindh and Beluchisthan is a nightmare.

It is bizzare and outlandish that Gen. Sondhi lookes at inspiration from one of the most corrupt, violent, backward and failed nations on earth.

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"Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, [expletive deleted by moderator]

They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?



anybody expected rational arguments from somebody who chose the handle "kmart"? :o

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It's totally sureal....

Why talking about the situation of south Thailand.... with Pakistan authorities ? Why present them as a model, because everybody know that Pakistan plays a double game (support of USA's "war on terror" and meanwhile support of many extremist islamists groups etc.).

I mean : it makes no sense.

Surely, after, Sonthi will try to have some advice from Allah... Because, after that trip he will go to La Mecqua, in Saudi Arabia...

What's wrong with him ?

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"Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, [expletive deleted by moderator]

They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?



anybody expected rational arguments from somebody who chose the handle "kmart"? :o

Awaiting your first response to this thread topic, pal? *taps watch* Feel free. In your own time. No pressure.... :D

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Using Pakistan as a role model, or any sort of benchmark, would be a huge mistake. One of the most messed-up countries I have ever had the misfortune of working in. :o

Tell the Bush or Blair what too do.

But you has a Farang have no right to tell the Thai's what to do.

Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars.

"Better country" my arse. Take a trip there yourself, [expletive deleted by moderator]

They never stopped the war with India. Hello? Kashmir? Nukes? Islamic Militant Training?


I was born in Pakistan than lived in England. I think you should see a Doctor as suspect you just don't like Muslims. Please relax don't get so upset.

why did you leave? and just let you know, i dislike ALL religions. that being said, i am truly interested as to the reasoning of leaving Pakistan.

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yes and no?

I do understand, and agree.

Yet it's going to have to be a case of wait and see.

If everyone gets into paranoid delusions it could turn ugly.

An analogy for you,

I read somewhere today about a guy who's girlfriend was so jealous all the time that the relationship went sour. The guy, it was found out later, had at some point been cheating on his woman regularly and an interesting question was raised:

"Did he maybe only start cheating because of the discomfort he felt with an overzealously jealous GF, constantly being told he was cheating on her? "

So far the removel of Taksin was necessary and the changeover has gone smooth.

I for one, would ideally like for things to carry on the direction they have taken. It's going well.

The unrest down south needs to be taken care of. Maybe politics hasn't been doing that very well.

You can't fight water with fire.

You can't fight paramilitary education with political science.

Let's not get paranoid.. Careful what you wish for and all that.

The "caste" system is still rife in Pakistan, and the lowest of the social scale are ripe for picking out as suicide bombers and fighters for jihad.

Does anyone not see the similarities between Gen Mussharef and Gen Sondhi? Both came to power in coups to overthrow a corrupt but elected government; but Mussharef is still "President" of Pakistan.

Seven years later! :D Decided he rather likes the power, then? Hmmm,....

Mussharef recently rattled some sabres by implying that the Bush govt. threatened to "bomb Pakistan back into the stone age". Well, bad news there, because Pakistan never emerged from the stone age in the first place. 95% of the population anyway.

The lovely Gen Mussaref maintains political stability at home through repression and exporting terrorism over Pakistan's borders. He "understands the situation in Thailand's Southern Provinces" because he maintains that type of status quo at home.

Btw; what are Thai "students" studying over in Dungland that they couldn't find here? :o

Please feel free to delete any more "expletives" you find in this post...... :D

The "caste" system is still rife in Pakistan, and the lowest of the social scale are ripe for picking out as suicide bombers and fighters for jihad.

Does anyone not see the similarities between Gen Mussharef and Gen Sondhi? Both came to power in coups to overthrow a corrupt but elected government; but Mussharef is still "President" of Pakistan.

Seven years later! :D Decided he rather likes the power, then? Hmmm,....

Mussharef recently rattled some sabres by implying that the Bush govt. threatened to "bomb Pakistan back into the stone age". Well, bad news there, because Pakistan never emerged from the stone age in the first place. 95% of the population anyway.

The lovely Gen Mussaref maintains political stability at home through repression and exporting terrorism over Pakistan's borders. He "understands the situation in Thailand's Southern Provinces" because he maintains that type of status quo at home.

Btw; what are Thai "students" studying over in Dungland that they couldn't find here?

All expletives Struck through!

:D :D

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Another piece of info could explain the whole issue.

Sonthi said that Thailand might buy some weapons from Pakistan...


Note the usual thai rethoric :

"But if Thailand buys arms from Pakistan it will not affect relations with the United States, where Thailand buys most of their weapons, Sonthi said."


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He said Pakistan comprehends the unrest in the deep South as the country has similar circumstances. In order to solve this problem, Pakistan has promoted education and career opportunities.

This is totally PR BS... Pakistan has implemented the following nationwide.....

- A complete ban on any kind of rally.

- Punitive and preventive action against leaders and individuals who are planning or carrying out what the government terms seditious conduct or language.

- Deportation without a hearing.

- The use of loud speakers is banned.

- Any gathering that causes disruption in civic life or economic dislocation or disruption is banned.

That should to work in Thailand's new Democracy. When the smoke finally clears and the Junta is out and an elected government is installed, those in Thailand will learn why the South has erupted since September 19, till then Thailand's Martial law and ban on foreign information will just have to keep you in the dark..

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I think there are a lot of posters who are really out of touch. I doubt that you can compare Pakistan and either England or Thailand. The problems each country faces is very different and as a result the solutions will be different.

The demographics and culture of a country like Pakistan as well as the geography make it much more difficult to "control"--from a governmental point of view. They have a fast growing and young population which means a lot of unemployed young men looking for something to do--hence a lot of fighting.

What these countries (including Thailand) needs is encouragement to head in what is generally considered the right direction and assistance to meet those ends.

I don't know that any of this is about what country is "better". Home, for most, is where the heart is, be it Pakistan, Southern Thailand or England.

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He said Pakistan comprehends the unrest in the deep South as the country has similar circumstances. In order to solve this problem, Pakistan has promoted education and career opportunities.

So education and career opportunities cannot be promoted now becasue it was recommended by Pakistan?

I gues when they say "similar" circumstances they mean similarities, not differences, like many posters here.

There are probably more similarities with India where Pakistani sponsored terrorists are not unlike southerners, but in Pakistani context they probably mean lawless and autonomous border regions, not Kashmir.

The questions then should be "How well these strategies work for Pakistan?" and "Can we adopt the same strategies in Thailand?"

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>>>Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars

Paks named their nuclear missiles, Allah 1, 2, 3 etc. Mohamed 1,2,3,4

pretty scary

Don't be scared just pray to Allah and you will feel better.

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>>>Pakistan is a better country than England or America they don't start wars

Paks named their nuclear missiles, Allah 1, 2, 3 etc. Mohamed 1,2,3,4

pretty scary

Pakistan doesn't have any missiles or any other kinds of weapons named in this manner. To better educate yourself on the matter:


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