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New Address On Driving License

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I need help, yes I know I have for a long time but this is serious.

I have moved from my old address to my new house, which the wife and I have bought.

She is on the Tabian Baan, and naturally I am not.

a few years ago I used my old address and landlords rental agreement to get the official paperwork from Immigration for the address for my 1st driving licenses, but as I have moved I need to change the addresses.

I don't have a rental agreement now, we own the house. How can I get the immigration document stating my abode with out a rental agreement?


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Shoot, the marmite is still arround here? I prefers mermaids :o

A for your address, go to your emabssy and tell them where you live. They will confrim your statement on an official form which is sufficient for your DL needs.

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That is correct,just go to your embassy, But you should be in your wifes house book as a resident there also, Who ever resides in the house is supposed to be in that book, I am in my wifes book ,plus I have a house book of my own,just like a thai cept mine is yellow colored.

She can go to the amphur with your passport and visa and what ever other papers and have you put in the book,and you can get your own if you so wish,,saves a lot of trouble.

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............ from Immigration for the address for my 1st driving licenses, but as I have moved I need to change the addresses.

I don't have a rental agreement now, we own the house. How can I get the immigration document stating my abode with out a rental agreement?


You don't need a rental agreement.

You report to the immigration every 90 days ---- don't you?

Well that is all Immigration needs to issue the letter showing where you live.

Generally it is free.

Just take that with you next time you go to renew you licence,

and it will all ne smooth sailing.

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The address on the thai D/L is not used for anything anyway, so why bother changing it? The DL is not accepted as a form of identification anywhere (in banks etc). You only use it when driving and if you rent a car (in which case they ask for a secondary form of ID anyway).

Anyway, as someone already pointed out - all the thai DMV need is a letter from your embassy stating your address in TH. Don't ask for one if you are on the run from the authories in your home country.

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I don't report every 90 days, I am on a multi entry O type visa but I work overseas, and am out of the country before my 90 days is up.

I don't want to treck up to Bkk just for this piece of paper, waste of money and the only benifit would be Thai airways,


Who ever resides in the house is supposed to be in that book, I am in my wifes book ,plus I have a house book of my own,just like a thai cept mine is yellow colored.

that sounds interesting but does it only apply to folk who have applied for 1 year residency?

answers greatfully received

Marmite rules k.o.


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I need help, yes I know I have for a long time but this is serious.

I have moved from my old address to my new house, which the wife and I have bought.

She is on the Tabian Baan, and naturally I am not.

a few years ago I used my old address and landlords rental agreement to get the official paperwork from Immigration for the address for my 1st driving licenses, but as I have moved I need to change the addresses.

I don't have a rental agreement now, we own the house. How can I get the immigration document stating my abode with out a rental agreement?


Bash, I got a Letter from Immigration, same room reporting residence. They geve me a letter and said I had to go to the local Police Station with the letter from them. Then the Police came around and confirmed I am actually living there. Then I had to go back to Suan Plu to pick up the letter.

The letter was good for buying and registering a car, applying for a Bai Kup Kee and Opening a Bank account. One can add any other specific reason one wants for the purpose of this Proof of Residence Letter. It cost absolutley nothing except the Bus Fares and the Time. It helped to have my wife to deal with the officials though.

Good Guy

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