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Germany could see 300,000 more refugees this year, says migration boss


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Germany could see 300,000 more refugees this year, says migration boss




BERLIN: -- The head of Germany’s Office for Migration and Refugees said that up to 300,000 more refugees could arrive in Germany this year.


Frank-Jurgen Weise told the country’s Bild newspaper that 390,000 people applied for asylum protection in the first six months of 2016.


Weise said his office would struggle to cope if more people came to the country.


Half of Germans would oppose a fourth term for Angela Merkel,according to a newpoll by Deutsche Welle. It comes amid heavy criticism for the chancellor’s ‘open door’ refugee policy.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-29


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There should be qualms about helping struggling Syrians - we should do all we can for them - but this is taking the piss with all these opportunists coming in and Germany is getting the shaft because of the misguided aspirations of some doddering elitist who will NEVER have to rub shoulders with, or be inconvenienced by, these 'refugees'.

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It was said that a stone cast in the ocean by an one idiot, a thousand

great men will not be able to find,

Markel will probably live long enough to witness the follies of her misdeeds

by allowing to repopulate Europe with Muslim who will not and don't want

to assimilate, and like a Trojan horse, they one day rise to overrun the legitimate

natives of Europe,  as history will attest to this in many countries and continents...


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Just now, ezzra said:

It was said that a stone cast in the ocean by an one idiot, a thousand

great men will not be able to find,

Markel will probably live long enough to witness the follies of her misdeeds

by allowing to repopulate Europe with Muslim who will not and don't want

to assimilate, and like a Trojan horse, they one day rise to overrun the legitimate

natives of Europe,  as history will attest to this in many countries and continents...


 Yes of course. It is inevitable. But the sickening part of it all is that she will just say "Well nobody warned me that this would happen".

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in the meantime, civilians are forced to work till 67 to sponsor this free for THEM all stuff


and get rapes, robberies, invasion in return


Thailand might be a crazy place, but at least it is not overrun by mozzies in the way Europe is getting a beating

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Birth rates have dramatically fallen in Europe with Germany and Italy apparently among the worst. As such there are going to be fewer people to tax to fund generations moving onto retirement welfare, seems the cunning plan is to maintain population growth through populating Europe with Muslims escaping the European supported NATO wars bombing their former countries into the stone age.


Despite there being a irony to the situation, Europe will gradually become more Muslim, there are projections as to when complete Ismamification will occur but can't remember the year.


What may be interesting will be what stance Europe will take to Israel when they are the center of an Islamic Caliphate. Again the irony being that Israel of course is delighted to see these Arab countries collapse, no doubt though they have their reasons to view no danger.

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40 minutes ago, ezzra said:

It was said that a stone cast in the ocean by an one idiot, a thousand

great men will not be able to find,

Markel will probably live long enough to witness the follies of her misdeeds

by allowing to repopulate Europe with Muslim who will not and don't want

to assimilate, and like a Trojan horse, they one day rise to overrun the legitimate

natives of Europe,  as history will attest to this in many countries and continents...


I'mgerman, and as far as I remember it was a colourless paranoid country. Can only become better with refugees and immigrants. 300,000 isn't that many taking into account how many foreigners settled in UK and North America. 

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I think Syrians make up just a small percent of all the "migrants" crossing Europe.

Whenever the BBC does an interview they seem to be from Pakistan, Afganistan, Iraq and a variety of African countries notably Nigeria and Somalia  - Mostly without ongoing wars or bombing.


How long is Europe going to allow these people to cross their borders illegally and squat (again illegally ) in filthy,  unregulated slum like camps ? Imagine if 300,000 penniless Europeans showed up in China, Thailand, Singapore or Nigeria and started building rudimentary shelters ?

Would they be welcomed and tolerated ?


Even with a good job, qualifications, a Thai wife and plenty of assets I still have to jump through hoops to remain in Thailand. Likewise my wife must apply online, present a pile of paperwork and pay through the nose just to visit the UK for a few weeks..


Why don't the rules apply to the migrants ? If it's legal to just walk across borders why am I wasting 170 quid for a passport every few years ?

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Germany desperately needs some-one like Geert Wilders ... correction europe needs him.

He tells it straight : Close All Mosques, Ban Koran; Poll-Leading Dutch 'Freedom' Party Unveils De-Islamization Manifesto : http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-27/close-all-mosques-ban-koran-poll-leading-dutch-freedom-party-unveils-de-islamization


Catch 22 : smart people don't have children , they can see the future .... but then you have less births ... more immigration (or invasion) .... even less births by natives , because you dont want your kids in a muslim future.




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As for UK becoming more Muslim.. The BBC showed a Muslim food festival in London yesterday and said it was a "growing Market" Then revealed that although Muslims are less than 5% of the UK population they consume 11% of total meat production <deleted> ? 


So basically we are doomed to become Halal soon. Bending over backward to please a tiny minority while greedy big business sells us ( and our culture ) down the river in search of profits..

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54 minutes ago, ezzra said:

It was said that a stone cast in the ocean by an one idiot, a thousand

great men will not be able to find,

Markel will probably live long enough to witness the follies of her misdeeds

by allowing to repopulate Europe with Muslim who will not and don't want

to assimilate, and like a Trojan horse, they one day rise to overrun the legitimate

natives of Europe,  as history will attest to this in many countries and continents...



Yes, but the western people will eventually fight back and they will do it with a purpose. The muzzis won't win. there will be great loss of life but they will be beaten back.


The current generation is a bunch of privileged pantywaists. They are bending over backwards to destroy themselves because they bought the regressive left's agenda, but they will wake up eventually and they will fight back.

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Yep. They have had it too easy and have forgotten how to fight for survival. Meanwhile Africans and the rest of the Third World are used to struggling in a dog eat dog World. Queue's don't exist, giving way to the weak is an alien concept and sharing with others is a road to starvation. Me, me, me! is all they know. You only have to watch them in the galley during mealtimes ( And these are the privileged ones fortunate enough to work offshore ) piling their plates high and pushing in front to get the best stuff. The biggest and strongest are always at the front.

The molly coddled Euro softies brought up on human rights and PC brainwashing won't stand a chance. Life is cheap in the rest of the World and only the strong and violent survive.

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36 minutes ago, ChoakMyDee said:


Yes, but the western people will eventually fight back and they will do it with a purpose. The muzzis won't win. there will be great loss of life but they will be beaten back.


The current generation is a bunch of privileged pantywaists. They are bending over backwards to destroy themselves because they bought the regressive left's agenda, but they will wake up eventually and they will fight back.

i would agree about the current generation being too soft. also the problem of falling birth rates in the west needs to be addressed. maintaining population is a major factor in economic stability. better subsidies in the form of tax breaks and subsided medical and schooling are just a start.

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Well if they made the cost of raising children cheaper the middle class might just start having move. But currently it is prohibitive to have more than one child if you want to give them a good upbringing and education. Okay if both husband and wife work and make sacrifices it is possible to have two kids but any more is a struggle if you wish to give them a good start in life.

So only the unemployed and the irresponsible can be relied on to have large families - Not really the ones you want to breed as more often than not their kids turn out to be a feckless, lazy drain on society. 

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18 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

Yep. They have had it too easy and have forgotten how to fight for survival. Meanwhile Africans and the rest of the Third World are used to struggling in a dog eat dog World. Queue's don't exist, giving way to the weak is an alien concept and sharing with others is a road to starvation. Me, me, me! is all they know. You only have to watch them in the galley during mealtimes ( And these are the privileged ones fortunate enough to work offshore ) piling their plates high and pushing in front to get the best stuff. The biggest and strongest are always at the front.

The molly coddled Euro softies brought up on human rights and PC brainwashing won't stand a chance. Life is cheap in the rest of the World and only the strong and violent survive.


I agree. Immigrants, by their very nature, are brazen and opportunistic. They are the thrusting, aggressive, ambitious ones, and they really don't care what anyone thinks - all they see is their own sense of entitlement. Having elbowed their way into their new country, despite the obvious sense of being unwelcome, they have already found that assertiveness is a successful strategy. They can be expected not to assimilate but to consolidate their differences in an effort to re-affirm their own identity and reduce their sense of displacement.When there's enough of them they will start to clamour for more cultural rights - we've seen it happen. If they're given enough freedom, they have even been known to start burning books they don't like in the streets.

There have been too many too quickly. 300,000 more is sizeable city of people. Merkel has taken leave of her senses. Her policy is akin to treason as she is giving the country away to foreigners.

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1 hour ago, BuaBS said:

Germany desperately needs some-one like Geert Wilders ... correction europe needs him.

He tells it straight : Close All Mosques, Ban Koran; Poll-Leading Dutch 'Freedom' Party Unveils De-Islamization Manifesto : http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-27/close-all-mosques-ban-koran-poll-leading-dutch-freedom-party-unveils-de-islamization


Catch 22 : smart people don't have children , they can see the future .... but then you have less births ... more immigration (or invasion) .... even less births by natives , because you dont want your kids in a muslim future.




Don't worry, dying Germany already has her Nazis and their political branch for White Trash, the AfD. 


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Just to get the numbers: There's 80 mio. inhabitants in Germany, so 300,000 is less 0.4 pct approximately. Other countries (including Thailand) have taken much higher portions of foreigners, in which you might kindly subsume yourself if you're Farang. 

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Self supporting foreigners with valid passports and visas in Thailand who have little chance of gaining citizenship or permenant residency and require nothing from the Govt have absolutely zero in common with illegal economic refugees flooding into Europe. 

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Very well put by someone in The Guardian comments. Disclosure: I read it for the comments.


Hurrellr Freddy Kosek

10 11

I perfectly appreciate your point that migration is natural. And I would stress that I have no objection to moderate multiculturalism or indeed moderate levels of migration. I absolutely agree about the scale of the problem you are referring to (1.4 billion people on the move.). But I don't accept that this matter is uncontrollable. Not alone is it controllable, but it is also existentially essential that it we control it. The consequence of accepting anything less invites a future of chaos and literal conflict - because that is the inevitable outcome of porous borders and ineffective controls combined with distinct ethnic groups competing over limited resources with profoundly different expectations regarding entitlements and outcomes.

Ultimately, migration is about resources and political control of those resources. You cannot effectively displace one population with another and expect no consequences. Especially because the rate of change in modern times is extreme and the demographic pressure exerted is felt in the working class neighborhoods, which is, simultaneously, precisely where resources are most constricted and where conflict is most likely to commence.

Modern liberal immigration policy is nothing less than the willful and deliberate priming of a tinder box. It is ideologically driven and utterly arrogant policy making which sanctimoniously passes judgement on entire swathes of the population on the back of notions of moral and intellectual superiority - notions which frankly fall very significantly short of reality when measured against the appalling outcomes of their idealistic policies. The reality of European cities divided and physically segregated into ethnic ghettos is the direct product of liberal policy. As intelligent as they see themselves they have yet to acknowledge their role in this, let alone offer a single .... solitary.... solution.

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15 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Just to get the numbers: There's 80 mio. inhabitants in Germany, so 300,000 is less 0.4 pct approximately. Other countries (including Thailand) have taken much higher portions of foreigners, in which you might kindly subsume yourself if you're Farang. 

 The number 300,000 is just pulled out of thin air - and chosen as it represents a significant drop on the 2015 figures. The important thing to remember is between 10 and 20,000(yes there are millions of links showing this) migrants are crossing the Med(mainly on European navy vessels in a "rescued" capacity) every day, and they do not much like Italy as it's welfare system is not as generous as Germany or the UK so they do not hang around in Italy but instead head north. So there is basically 7.3 million Africans that will arrive in Germany this year - official figures are nearly correct (plus or minus 7 million).

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6 hours ago, micmichd said:

I'mgerman, and as far as I remember it was a colourless paranoid country. Can only become better with refugees and immigrants. 300,000 isn't that many taking into account how many foreigners settled in UK and North America. 

*Inflammatory remark removed.*


Multiply your 300k by 10 in a decade or less.


This announcement swiftly on the heels of a German government suggesting the process of inviting all these 'refugees'  by flying them in 'to avoid the dangerous sea crossings'. Let them stay where they bloody well are then. The Australian Government have a public information video stating emphatically that all 'asylum seekers' not documented or given permission to enter the country will be turned back. Europe should follow suit, but the neo liberal cuckolds won't of course.


Yet another knifing just yesterday at a music festival http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/germany-stabbing-knifeman-shouts-allahu-8722043


Way to go Merkel. 



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3 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


Multiply your 300k by 10 in a decade or less.


This announcement swiftly on the heels of a German government suggesting the process of inviting all these 'refugees'  by flying them in 'to avoid the dangerous sea crossings'. Let them stay where they bloody well are then. The Australian Government have a public information video stating emphatically that all 'asylum seekers' not documented or given permission to enter the country will be turned back. Europe should follow suit, but the neo liberal cuckolds won't of course.


Yet another knifing just yesterday at a music festival http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/germany-stabbing-knifeman-shouts-allahu-8722043


Way to go Merkel. 




Refugees usually go back once there is no war anymore, or they become immigrants. The "breeding behaviour" of immigrants usually goes down to the level of their guestland after 1 or 2 generations. Consequently, they stabilize the population. This is exactly what a nation without children like Germany needs.

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52 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Just to get the numbers: There's 80 mio. inhabitants in Germany, so 300,000 is less 0.4 pct approximately. Other countries (including Thailand) have taken much higher portions of foreigners, in which you might kindly subsume yourself if you're Farang. 


What an utterly naïve statement and ridiculous comparison you've made.


Firstly they've already accepted over a million recently and it's going to climb to 2 million pretty soon but you're not even touching on the issue of these people being so much different culturally and actually dislike Western culture.

The hard fact is that while immigration is a good thing. It has to be controlled to allow both the native and immigrant to integrate over time, thus allowing everyone to gradually come to accept each other. Throwing this amount of people into German society will just create and us and them situation and conflicts will get out of control.


Secondly to compare farangs in Thailand to people escaping war zones or economic migrants is utterly bewildering. I won't even bother to set out the differences, as if you can't see it for yourself you will be too stupid to understand anyway.

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As has been said our falling populations have been wilfully created through poor economic policy. If the german government thinks these people want to come and work to pay the aging peoples pensions they are woefully wrong. European economies are burdened with an immigrant invasion of freeloaders. 

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