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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


It makes perfect sense, it's only you who is tired.


Maybe so.


But I did read this explanation from the Chef.  Do you think you can cut him a little slack since he lost a friend to a terrorist attack?


Le Parisien reports that the chef has since told local media: “I spoke out of turn and I apologise, I have a friend who died in the Bataclan attacks and wrongly mixed everything up. I do not truly believe the things I said, my comments did not reflect what I really think.”

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54 minutes ago, Seraphina said:


You sound very bigoted, my dear. How do you KNOW that he refused them because they were Muslim. He could have refused them because they were WOMEN, or because he's superstitious about the colour BLACK.... How very narrow-minded and presumptious you are!


You should watch the video.



He is definitely refusing to serve them because they are Muslim.



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1 hour ago, NeilSA1 said:

The owner need only advertise "Non Halaal"  food served here. Offer a few more pork courses.


Yes, because I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have eaten a salad unless it was slaughtered in the traditional Islamic fashion.



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12 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Maybe so.


But I did read this explanation from the Chef.  Do you think you can cut him a little slack since he lost a friend to a terrorist attack?


Le Parisien reports that the chef has since told local media: “I spoke out of turn and I apologise, I have a friend who died in the Bataclan attacks and wrongly mixed everything up. I do not truly believe the things I said, my comments did not reflect what I really think.”


I have not actually criticized him, I have criticized other posters who have said all sorts of crazy things.

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14 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Maybe so.


But I did read this explanation from the Chef.  Do you think you can cut him a little slack since he lost a friend to a terrorist attack?


Le Parisien reports that the chef has since told local media: “I spoke out of turn and I apologise, I have a friend who died in the Bataclan attacks and wrongly mixed everything up. I do not truly believe the things I said, my comments did not reflect what I really think.”


Does he mean it, or is he attempting damage control?

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10 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Maybe so.


But I did read this explanation from the Chef.  Do you think you can cut him a little slack since he lost a friend to a terrorist attack?


Le Parisien reports that the chef has since told local media: “I spoke out of turn and I apologise, I have a friend who died in the Bataclan attacks and wrongly mixed everything up. I do not truly believe the things I said, my comments did not reflect what I really think.”


Not a single jot, because the idiot doesn't realise that terrorists kill Muslims too.


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4 minutes ago, KBsinter said:

I remember one of the Israel cafe bombs,blew up 50+people brother and sister I believe ,she was the bomb.



Remember the IRA pub bombings in England?


I do as friends of mine were in one such pub when the bomb went off; I nearly was, too.


Would that justify all pubs in England banning Irish people?


Of course not.

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56 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I predict pork will enjoy a renaissance in many french restaurants after this incident. 


I have several Muslim colleagues that thoroughly enjoy a Full English when they are not under the watchful gaze of their peers; a habit picked up when studying at school and university in England.

Not every Muslim is a suicide bomber in waiting.


I'm afraid there are too many people daft enough to tar 1.5 billion people with the same irrational, panicky brush.

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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


Remember the IRA pub bombings in England?

I do as friends of mine were in one such pub when the bomb went off; I nearly was, too.



But presumably the French restaurant wasn't serving halal food, so the Muslims had no cause to enter in the first place. There would have been pork and plates of mussels ..... why would they want to enter?

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10 hours ago, dageurreotype said:

The point is the indigenous populations are feeling more and more uneasy about having these imports in their midst, not surprising given past and ongoing events. Perhaps it's time these countries' governments take a leaf out of this particular country's book and put their own citizens first. At least they were elected to do so.


Putting their own citizens first shouldn't involve things like segregation, insulting (or worse) others with provocation, etc. Things like this incident do not solve anything, they only fuel more resentment and hate, which only serves as a recruiting tool for the radical groups.


The problem with what is starting to happen in a few countries is that these closet racists are starting to get brave, and it's a lot easier for them to do so when you have people like Trump out there. So closet racists are becoming overt racists, and this is only going to make the problem larger. Nothing good will come from the hate, it will only reciprocate hate (and possibly violence). The only way to stop that cycle is for people to wake the hell up and get their brains out of the 1700s.

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9 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


But presumably the French restaurant wasn't serving halal food, so the Muslims had no cause to enter in the first place. There would have been pork and plates of mussels ..... why would they want to enter?


Its actually a seafood restaurant, there are many Muslims who believe that all from the sea is Halal, it depends on the branch of Islam, not that it is down to you to decide where a Muslim should choose to eat, they may only of wanted a salad and a desert!

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11 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


But presumably the French restaurant wasn't serving halal food, so the Muslims had no cause to enter in the first place. There would have been pork and plates of mussels ..... why would they want to enter?


It's a Michelin starred restaurant; it offers a lot more than pork or a plate of mussels!


This is the menu taken from the restaurant's own website.


A Muslim, or Jew come to that, wouldn't be able to eat everything on it; but there's plenty there which they can eat.


Maybe they fancied a Salade de Fruits Exotiques et son Sorbet for example; or Risotto crémeux aux Truffes or any one of the many other items which do not contravene either Halal or Kosher.

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Western society has reached such a level of tension against Muslims in light of current events, that a hitch will be distorted in the direction of greater marginalization of Muslims, so everyone should stop  pouring fuel to the fire, France is under state of emergency.  

When you say so, then you are characterized as racist . 




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2 hours ago, stander said:

If the likes of you class me as a bigot for my disdain for Islam, then I wear that badge with pride.


so what exactly about the religion do you dislike ?


edit,,  if you think it through and answer  it honestly


I think the only conclusion that can be drawn is that its a stupid statement.




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1 hour ago, Sphere said:


Bigot? You mean someone intolerant towards others opinions?


Hmmm, got it.

If the topic were which is better, French Toast or Pancakes, the issue of bigotry wouldn't enter into it. If the subject were whether or not it's worth exploring Mars, the issue of bigotry wouldn't enter into it.  But if the subject was slavery in the USA, would it be intolerant to raise the issue of bigotry on the part of people who supported it? And if the subject were Muslim dress, would it be intolerant to raise the issue of bigotry when Muslims are being subject to mass character assasination?

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


It's a Michelin starred restaurant; it offers a lot more than pork or a plate of mussels!


This is the menu taken from the restaurant's own website.


A Muslim, or Jew come to that, wouldn't be able to eat everything on it; but there's plenty there which they can eat.


Maybe they fancied a Salade de Fruits Exotiques et son Sorbet for example; or Risotto crémeux aux Truffes or any one of the many other items which do not contravene either Halal or Kosher.

Actually, who cares if the menu has anything kosher or Halal on it. Why are these non Muslims, who profess such a dislike for Islam, suddenty turning into the diet police? It's non of their business what these people eat.

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25 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I have several Muslim colleagues that thoroughly enjoy a Full English when they are not under the watchful gaze of their peers; a habit picked up when studying at school and university in England.


 In my previous job one of my colleagues was a Muslim guy who did observe Halal.


He came to the café with us for breakfast and had egg, chips and beans or similar.


If the only place to get breakfast was a McDonalds, he'd have a sausage and egg McMuffin without the sausage.


Except during Ramadan when he wouldn't come with us as he said he couldn't stand to watch us eat while he couldn't even have a coffee; his choice and we respected him for sticking to his principles.

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

If the topic were which is better, French Toast or Pancakes, the issue of bigotry wouldn't enter into it. If the subject were whether or not it's worth exploring Mars, the issue of bigotry wouldn't enter into it.  But if the subject was slavery in the USA, would it be intolerant to raise the issue of bigotry on the part of people who supported it? And if the subject were Muslim dress, would it be intolerant to raise the issue of bigotry when Muslims are being subject to mass character assasination?


If only the Islamic terrorists had settled for "character" assassinations at the Bataclan mass slaughter, the Charlie  Hebdo attacks and the recent driving the truck into the crowd attack.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


If only the Islamic terrorists had settled for "character" assassinations at the Bataclan mass slaughter, the Charlie  Hebdo attacks and the recent driving the truck into the crowd attack.

And clearly those women looking for a meal bear some responsibility for that slaughter.  All you have to do is carefully scrutinize their hijabs to see their complicity.

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If they complain ( helped by the Collective against islamophobia), and if the Restaurant owner is convicted ( easy with the video footage), then he may be fined 75.000 euros and up to 5 years jail.

actually, he is said to have left the place with his family.

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Well when you own your own place the old maxim "the management reserve the right to refuse service' exists. We have no idea if the owners family/kids/parents/relatives were killed by one of the attacks in France. I guess it is rather bigoted but the more we jump on the outrage bus then the more publicity it gets and the more 'like minded' people are likely to do the same.

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14 hours ago, rijit said:

What absolute nonsense, what is 'hard to understand' is how somebody, like yourself with such obviously limited inteligence has the abilty to write.

Whats even harder to understand is how someone always has to apologise for them when its blatently obvious that they are reaping what theyre sowing. Ive still not been killed yet by buddhists because i eat pork pies.

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Good for him.  Its his business... so he should be able to choose who he will serve.


And he was in NO WAY RACIEST.  Muslims are not a race.... Islam is a religion... same as Christians are not a race of people.. Muslims can be of any race or skin colour..... same as Christians.


I would refuse to serve bible bashing evangelical Christian missionaries in my restaurant...... that is not raciest.. its because what they are preaching and the way they are disturbing and acting to other people are repulsive to me.  


People need to keep their religions to themselves...  The Muslim women wearing the head gear is a proclamation of their religious beliefs... which include any none Muslims being scum / sinners and the enemy of Islam.. and going to hell... and worthy of being murdered.  I don't what people near me that think I am an evil disgusing person... people who would not defend me or stop me being killed because I am not of their religion. 


If someone came into my place with Nazi uniform on I would send them out the same. 



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I guess what's amazing to me is how the people expressing such hatred for all muslim people all over world because of the actions of so few don't realize that exciting  that hatred was exactly what the terrorists were trying accomplish.  The worst way to fight terrorism is going along with their agenda.


The organisers of the Paris attacks are sitting back with satisfied grins with the actions of the restaurant owner. Mission accomplished as they say...


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42 minutes ago, tomyumchai said:

Whats even harder to understand is how someone always has to apologise for them when its blatently obvious that they are reaping what theyre sowing. Ive still not been killed yet by buddhists because i eat pork pies.


I live in a Muslim country, and according to my records I have not been killed yet for buying pork in one of several supermarkets that Muslims use.

There is a separate room labelled "Pork section", and most of them don't go in it.


Even to kill you.



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