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Calais chief wants migrant deal with UK


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Calais chief wants migrant deal with UK


CALAIS: -- The president of the French region that includes Calais has suggested migrants seeking asylum in the UK be allowed to lodge their claim in France.


Xavier Bertrand said 9,000 migrants, many trying to get to the UK, were in a Calais camp known as the Jungle.


Mr Bertrand said he wanted a new deal in which migrants hoping to claim asylum in the UK would be able to do so at a "hotspot" in France.


Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37211267

-- © Copyright BBC 2016-08-29
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I'd like to suggest that he, "Foxtrot Oscar"

A bunch of illegal migrants who wish to freeload in the UK but are stuck in France because of the English channel simply isn't a British problem. BTW we voted to leave the EU.

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The mayor of Calais has recently said the "violence is out of control" in Calais. Gangs of 100+ youths(totally above the law - no policeman will arrest them and if they did they will be released without charge to carry on the violence) are attacking truckers on a nightly basis to force them to stop to allow migrants onto the truck, and gangs of youths armed mainly with primitive weaponry patrol the towns streets by night forcing residents to stay indoors with the door firmly locked. Not surprising they want this "jungle" to end. Realistically unless the French government can move an active war zone to the UK border then none of the Calais residents will ever be eligible for asylum in the UK(as per Dublin convention). Fans of multiculti must research life on the ground in Calais as it is surely symbolic of post immigration realities.

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Bring in the army, bulldoze the camp. Round up and interrogate the migrants to discover their country of origin. Repatriate them. It is very simple. It just needs the French to show some strength ( historically unlikely ) Not only will this clear the Jungle of it's inhabitants it will discourage others making the fruitless journey. Australia has stopped the boats by making it clear no reffos will be given asylum. Europe needs to adopt the same hardline approach. Before it is too late. 

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4 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

I'd like to suggest that he, "Foxtrot Oscar"

A bunch of illegal migrants who wish to freeload in the UK but are stuck in France because of the English channel simply isn't a British problem. BTW we voted to leave the EU.

When the Brexit vote came in didn't a French minister have to retract having said something about no longer trying to stop migrants trying to get the Britain   ?

What makes me wonder is that so many of these migrants crossed the Med to southern France and were able to work their way north to Calais without being stopped and being deported.     Was the fact that they wanted to head across the channel that made it ok   ?

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5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:

Does France not have an army ?....................................... or balls?


I'm sure the French Military and the Legion could solve the problem pretty much overnight.

It is the politicians that lack the balls.

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Just now, NongKhaiKid said:

When the Brexit vote came in didn't a French minister have to retract having said something about no longer trying to stop migrants trying to get the Britain   ?

What makes me wonder is that so many of these migrants crossed the Med to southern France and were able to work their way north to Calais without being stopped and being deported.     Was the fact that they wanted to head across the channel that made it ok   ?


Yes they threatened to retract an agreement regarding processing. But this agreement had nothing to do with EU rules so was just another false flag from project fear.


Yes exactly, to my understanding freedom of movement within the EU was intended for people who were citizens of the EU. Not for any man jack foreigner who happened to cross into the EU from outside. It is a ridiculous state of affairs and the rest of the World must be laughing up their sleeves.

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absolutely right just freeloaders, and why do they cross many countries to get to the UK, because we give money away to them for doing jack poo. UK has gone to the dogs, maybe BREXIT will be good for us, they do not belong here full stop.

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  • Xavier Bertrand Calais chief : Of all the cities in all the towns in all the world, they walks into mine. ...
  • Illegal immigrant: We'll always have Merkel and Germany. ...
  • Xavier Bertrand: you illegals, I think this is the beginning of a rotten friendship. play is Sam....
Edited by ezzra
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50 minutes ago, stander said:

These people are not "asylum seekers". They are blatant economic migrants and the UK does not need any of them.

A quote from a song by a long forgotten English folk group from 1970:-


'strangers now have come to blight
 the seeds that we have sown'


Said it all really; 45 years ago.



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6 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

When the Brexit vote came in didn't a French minister have to retract having said something about no longer trying to stop migrants trying to get the Britain   ?

What makes me wonder is that so many of these migrants crossed the Med to southern France and were able to work their way north to Calais without being stopped and being deported.     Was the fact that they wanted to head across the channel that made it ok   ?


More or less, yes. I think what the politician said was now UK was leaving the EU, they would not allow British police of border control to be on French soil. In other words they'd not only kick the officials out but do even less in preventing the crossing of illegal immigrants. Contrary to International, EU and French law and quite rightly jumped on by Hollande who enforced the retraction.


The are mostly illegal immigrants who have come from Africa hoping to illegally enter the UK to take advantage of it's generous benefits and what they believe will be a soft touch attitude to letting them stay. They have paid criminals to smuggle them to Europe and cause considerable trouble as the know the French politicians are too weak to do anything. 


The latest idea is to allow them to apply for UK asylum whilst still in France, be vetted and processed by UK officials and if denied France would then deport them back to their home country. France should have been doing that all the while. Applying the first safe country rule, processing them in France and deporting any who were simply illegal economic migrants. But France, as so often, just doesn't have the balls and is hoping the UK will take responsibility for them. 

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Although large, the number of migrants in camps around Calais is a tiny fraction of the total number in Europe, most of whom are not trying to get to the UK.


They have their reasons for wanting to come to the UK rather than seeking asylum in another European country. Sometimes it's because they already have family legally living in the UK, sometimes it's because they speak English and no other European language, sometimes it's because of the historical ties between the UK and their homeland and, yes, sometimes it's because, like some members here, they think that once in the UK they'll be given a free house and a large bag of cash.


On that last point, they are wrong; they'll get some form of accommodation and a small allowance to buy food; but that's it; see Asylum support.


Which would members here prefer; that they get this support or that they roam the streets begging and stealing?


Of course, to get anything they do need to make an asylum claim; if they don't and so are in the UK illegally they do get nothing.


The present agreement whereby UK immigration is on the French side of the channel and French immigration on the UK side is a bilateral one and, indeed, nothing to do with the EU. Whether or not the French will wish to continue with this agreement once the UK has finally left the EU is a matter of conjecture. Despite signing the Treaty of Le Touquet, which set up this agreement, in 2003 Sarkozy has said that if he were to become French president again he would seek to have the treaty vastly amended or even annulled, as have several other candidates for next years French presidential elections.


As for Xavier Bertrand's proposal; I am currently ambivalent.


On the one hand it may clear the camps; those who are successful being allowed into the UK, those who are not being sent back from whence they came.


But as it says in the article linked to in the OP


Sir Peter Ricketts, the former British ambassador to Paris, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the proposals could make France more of a "magnet" for refugees trying to get to Britain.

He said hundreds of thousands of migrants were arriving in Greece and Italy, and nowhere near that amount were in Calais.

"As soon as you suggested that, there would be a huge magnet pulling thousands and thousands more migrants into Calais to chance their arm, make an asylum claim, hope that they might get to the UK and good luck.

"So it wouldn't help the French deal with the problem of thousands of people in Calais... I think it would make it worse, almost certainly."



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On 29 สิงหาคม 2559 at 10:23 AM, Pdaz said:

I'd like to suggest that he, "Foxtrot Oscar"

A bunch of illegal migrants who wish to freeload in the UK but are stuck in France because of the English channel simply isn't a British problem. BTW we voted to leave the EU.

Second that, you guys allowed these into France you keep them, seems most of these free loaders are African not genuine war refugees why the hell would we want them. They can foxtrot alpha.

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Excellent post 7by7.


Ofcourse those camps are not a good thing, those people should either file for asylum or leave. That the UK is more popular than France, fair enough. Just like NW Europe is more popular to seek asylum than the south, SE European countries. But if you are a true refugee, fleeing from your country for whatever reason, any save haven where you are not packed like rats, will do. The amount of refugees to Europe isn't that high, most stay in the region.  But those who do come mainly head for the same nations.  I'd prefer a EU or European agreement to handle asylum applications centraly, using the same fair and just standards to see if somebody needs shelter for some or more years. If so, divide them evenly among the European countries (based on size, population, BNP etc.). If it's concluded that they do not need shelter they need to go (back).  Those genuine refugees might still have prefered say the UK, FR or NL over Poland, Hungary or Romania, but if they seek stability, a roof over their heads etc.  they'd be happy to be granted that anywhere in Europe. This should also stop the 'magnet' effect, if you know that you will be given proper shelter and protection but won't be able to chose where you will be given that, it would discourage the 'blatant economic migrants'.  


Edit: maybe you can attract some more radical leftwingers if somebody posts "all asylum seekers are not actual refugees but simply after a free house, money and our children. Every last one of them" .  Whch would be absolute nonsense but that seems popular amongst some TV members. 555




Where are all the left-wing bleeding-heart liberals today?

Not many of those around. Liberals tend to be more right winged, especially in the current European political climate. Liberals may prefer as few rules as possible and often the cooperations do prefer relaxed migration rules (cheap labour, reduces wages overall) but that doesn't often combine with left/social views. Not saying you won't find liberal-left/socialist parties but much less then classic liberal parties (favouring cooperations and the wealthy). For those from the US: replace the proper term 'liberal'  with 'libertarian'.   ;)    And if we speak of Leftwingers and leftwinged parties, those tend to make less of an issue of the number of regufees or may put the bar lower to what makes a refugee and what makes an economic migrant but good luck trying to find any that says "the whole world is welcome here, no need for any legislation".  Haven't foudn them and being a lefty from NL I'm sure I'd found some by now if they are out there. :P 

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