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Cops suspended after soldiers raid Bangkok gambling den


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Cops suspended after soldiers raid Bangkok gambling den

By Sasiwan Mokkhasen, Staff Reporter -



Military officers raid an underground betting parlor Sunday night in Bangkok’s Phra Khanong district.


BANGKOK — Four top officers at the Phra Khanong Police Station were moved to inactive posts Monday after the military raided a gambling den operating in their midst.


The transfer came after the military on Sunday arrested 16 gamblers and three organizers for betting on football games. Soldiers said they found a list of cops who were paid bribes among the evidence collected.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2016/08/29/cops-suspended-soldiers-raid-bangkok-gambling-den-find-list-bribes/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2016-08-30
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A list of cops allegedly paid bribes to be accurate I think.

Now how many times have we read about such lists involving various aspects of officialdom and what happens,   you know I really can't answer that because I can't remember reading much in the way of follow up reports.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Four top officers suspended.Why only suspension?????

If there s proof they accepted money JAIL them, charge them, take them to court, if found guilty jail them.

I am tired of seeing inactive posts, they do wrong then get moved to a cushy, easy job, doing sweet f.a.


Long past time for a good clear out of all the corrupt police here.

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26 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Four top officers suspended.Why only suspension?????

If there s proof they accepted money JAIL them, charge them, take them to court, if found guilty jail them.

I am tired of seeing inactive posts, they do wrong then get moved to a cushy, easy job, doing sweet f.a.


Long past time for a good clear out of all the corrupt police here.

Too much here is Softly Softly because so much that goes gets too close to home and it's a sort of   '  and who amongst you will cast the first stone   ?   '   situation.

Show consideration to those in the frame because one day it could be you and have to hope the same consideration will be applied.

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1 hour ago, Thechook said:

It must be crowded in the department of inactive posts


Consider that there are roughly 250,000 police, and when the need arises for a massive presence they can only scrounge up 90,000-100,000...


1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

A list of cops allegedly paid bribes to be accurate I think.

Now how many times have we read about such lists involving various aspects of officialdom and what happens,   you know I really can't answer that because I can't remember reading much in the way of follow up reports.


The problem with the RTP and offences by its own, is that the offenders and the investigators are from the same agency, and invariably higher-ranking officers would be exposed in any in-depth investigation, so it's all too easy to put a stop to any efforts of the investigating officials. The alleged guilty are simply transferred to inactive posts until the media scrutiny dies down and the issue fades from public view. 


25 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Four top officers suspended.Why only suspension?????

If there s proof they accepted money JAIL them, charge them, take them to court, if found guilty jail them.

I am tired of seeing inactive posts, they do wrong then get moved to a cushy, easy job, doing sweet f.a.


Long past time for a good clear out of all the corrupt police here.


I would hazard a guess that "a good clear out of all the corrupt police here" would only leave a very few junior newbies throughout the entire country.


That being said, with the army currently in control, and possessing police powers, now would be as good a time as any for the necessary clean out. Pity no one with the political power or will is in a position to do what's needed.

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8 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Too much here is Softly Softly because so much that goes gets too close to home and it's a sort of   '  and who amongst you will cast the first stone   ?   '   situation.

Show consideration to those in the frame because one day it could be you and have to hope the same consideration will be applied.


Pretty much what I just replied to you! We're certainly singing from the same hymn book! :thumbsup:

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If I were the boss of the police I would be ashamed to publicize every few days

how top cops have been caught in gambling dens protections rackets and

' transferred to inactive posts ' very ashamed to repeat it over and over again

telling the world that cops in Thailand are crocked as those in 3-4th world police


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1 hour ago, jamesbrock said:


Consider that there are roughly 250,000 police, and when the need arises for a massive presence they can only scrounge up 90,000-100,000...



The problem with the RTP and offences by its own, is that the offenders and the investigators are from the same agency, and invariably higher-ranking officers would be exposed in any in-depth investigation, so it's all too easy to put a stop to any efforts of the investigating officials. The alleged guilty are simply transferred to inactive posts until the media scrutiny dies down and the issue fades from public view. 



I would hazard a guess that "a good clear out of all the corrupt police here" would only leave a very few junior newbies throughout the entire country.


That being said, with the army currently in control, and possessing police powers, now would be as good a time as any for the necessary clean out. Pity no one with the political power or will is in a position to do what's needed.

The only reason the military would clean up the police is for personal gain, one is as bad as the other and no doubt have the goods on one another at senior level. Check, with checkmate cowing in the shadows

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59 minutes ago, ezzra said:

If I were the boss of the police I would be ashamed to publicize every few days

how top cops have been caught in gambling dens protections rackets and

' transferred to inactive posts ' very ashamed to repeat it over and over again

telling the world that cops in Thailand are crocked as those in 3-4th world police


...telling the world that cops in Thailand are crocked   crooked  as those in 3-4th world police


What are you talking about? According to many of TVF's Thailand haters, this country is already a 3rd world country akin to Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan etc. As for 4th world here you are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_World

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To everyone that complain daily about the bad military government, this is a good example why I don't mind them. They have cleaned up some of the corruption, streets, beaches and it's a good start. During the initial cleanup they even touched high police chiefs with billions stocked away. For regular tourists and wintering oldies I think the life is not so much different then before. 

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5 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

A list of cops allegedly paid bribes to be accurate I think.

Now how many times have we read about such lists involving various aspects of officialdom and what happens,   you know I really can't answer that because I can't remember reading much in the way of follow up reports.


They all get moved to "inactive posts" or transferred out so they can't interfere with the "on-going investigation". End of.

Last you'll here of this case too.

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3 hours ago, Michael8511 said:

To everyone that complain daily about the bad military government, this is a good example why I don't mind them. They have cleaned up some of the corruption, streets, beaches and it's a good start. During the initial cleanup they even touched high police chiefs with billions stocked away. For regular tourists and wintering oldies I think the life is not so much different then before. 

For many Thais however , millions perhaps,  life is very different. The government which they chose in a free election has been replaced by a military junta (yet again),  fundamental personal freedoms have been removed, the economy, which means their employment and income is in a far from healthy state, and there is no sign of any real change in any of these areas.


But hey, no matter. Perhaps you regard the people of this country as mere Helots, there to service the vacations of regular tourists and wintering oldies!

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

If I were the boss of the police I would be ashamed to publicize every few days

how top cops have been caught in gambling dens protections rackets and

' transferred to inactive posts ' very ashamed to repeat it over and over again

telling the world that cops in Thailand are crocked as those in 3-4th world police


This is the key- its about 'face' and embarrassment. It has far more effect than our perception of punishment.


Look how fast the guy who was ripped off in an ATM scam got action once the bank and the police were shamed into doing things with him going public. Evolution and public awareness is the way ahead, not complacency.

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3 hours ago, JAG said:

For many Thais however , millions perhaps,  life is very different. The government which they chose in a free election has been replaced by a military junta (yet again),  fundamental personal freedoms have been removed, the economy, which means their employment and income is in a far from healthy state, and there is no sign of any real change in any of these areas.


But hey, no matter. Perhaps you regard the people of this country as mere Helots, there to service the vacations of regular tourists and wintering oldies!

No I don't disregard the people here, I personally think that the junta have done a great job to clean up after taksin X 2, this is the second time the military with approval from the royal household have cleaned up. This time they even swept some royals with that had connection with taksin. I have been in Thailand frequently for 20+ years and don't think the people have suffered except street wendors and people that paid the police to open shops that have been demolished. I enjoy the fact that you now can walk on the street in BKK and Pattaya without having to step on merchandise. Also the cabs in BKK are better today, that's an issue that many tourists have complaint about. In Pattaya for example the beach road is walkable now since some illegal constructions have been moved and the beach is clean, yes the chair vendors have had too tighten up and have a little bir smaller area but all in all its better. The biggest complaint before was that there was no space for people that didn't want to pay around 3000 baht per month so sit on the beach, they can now bring their own chair and refreshment and they are happy. We enjoy our chairs as before and I don't think it's better not worse on the beach now. I don't really know what fundamental freedom you are talking about that are removed. When it comes to the free election just for your information the last taksin paid 500 baht to people outside buriram to vote for her, my partner went to collect his money and a lot of elderly people in that village don't know how to write and read so they took the money as a blessing and woted. I guess you also think what her goverment did with the rice farmers was fair, they were scammed of a lot of money from the goverment that they got paid back by the kingdom and junta. Her goverment are in line with the republicans in Texas that love for the Mexicans to work on their farm as long as they are illegal so they can't complain, if those Mexicans got legal status the farmers have to pay more. We see things different and I guess that's the beauty of a free world

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3 hours ago, silent said:

Really. I'm surprised you've never heard you don't have a prayer in hell?


Oh, I've heard of idioms that use the word 'prayer,' just not the idiom (that you quoted), which is always 'singing from the same hymn book' or 'singing from the same hymn sheet' (why would anyone sing from a prayer book?).

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1 hour ago, Michael8511 said:

No I don't disregard the people here, I personally think that the junta have done a great job to clean up after taksin X 2, this is the second time the military with approval from the royal household have cleaned up. This time they even swept some royals with that had connection with taksin. I have been in Thailand frequently for 20+ years and don't think the people have suffered except street wendors and people that paid the police to open shops that have been demolished. I enjoy the fact that you now can walk on the street in BKK and Pattaya without having to step on merchandise. Also the cabs in BKK are better today, that's an issue that many tourists have complaint about. In Pattaya for example the beach road is walkable now since some illegal constructions have been moved and the beach is clean, yes the chair vendors have had too tighten up and have a little bir smaller area but all in all its better. The biggest complaint before was that there was no space for people that didn't want to pay around 3000 baht per month so sit on the beach, they can now bring their own chair and refreshment and they are happy. We enjoy our chairs as before and I don't think it's better not worse on the beach now. I don't really know what fundamental freedom you are talking about that are removed. When it comes to the free election just for your information the last taksin paid 500 baht to people outside buriram to vote for her, my partner went to collect his money and a lot of elderly people in that village don't know how to write and read so they took the money as a blessing and woted. I guess you also think what her goverment did with the rice farmers was fair, they were scammed of a lot of money from the goverment that they got paid back by the kingdom and junta. Her goverment are in line with the republicans in Texas that love for the Mexicans to work on their farm as long as they are illegal so they can't complain, if those Mexicans got legal status the farmers have to pay more. We see things different and I guess that's the beauty of a free world


Oh, where does one start?


Probably with the false binary division, or false dichotomy that junta supporters almost always push. For most posters here it isn't a case of 'junta bad/Shins good,' there should really be no choice between a democratically elected criminal and his puppet sister, and a—well, one is prevented by the forum rules to accurately describe the current junta's technical title or the country's current system of government—who illegally overthrew a government, granted themselves a blanket amnesty, and then installed themselves as rulers in perpetuity. And that is the tragedy that is Thailand.

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