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New Zealand tourist dies after fall from Khaosan Road hotel


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There but for the grace as the saying goes. The joys of drink makes you invincible or so you think. No doubt some sort of party trick probably done it before. This time however the grim reaper caught up with him. That's life in a nutshell really  be boring and if you avoid getting <deleted> ed by a rough vehicle stay alive a boring life but alive or live it up get drunk do crazy things and if your times up doing some crazy shit so be it.

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3 hours ago, tropo said:

I don't know. All I could think of after reading this is how stupid can people be. I have the same sympathy for the victim that I have for racing car drivers and mountaineers when they meet their fate.


Truth be told my concern since reading this has been for his parents.


But the older I get the more I see the value of a life. Thats probably not the right words. I see opportunity lost. The opportunity this guy had to do something and to give something.


Thats the waste--there were 30 years of effort and energy that went into what he was and its just done.



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2 hours ago, performance said:

Body sent to finalize a release bill. The police do not give a toss about how or why. And any story from manager will do next.


I am getting to be an old man and I have to say I am very happy that my life has not turned out like yours. 


What a view of the world you have. 


If I ever started seeing life like pile of dogshit I would be moving to a more positve space.


Do you ever think about leaving here?

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56 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Truth be told my concern since reading this has been for his parents.


But the older I get the more I see the value of a life. Thats probably not the right words. I see opportunity lost. The opportunity this guy had to do something and to give something.


Thats the waste--there were 30 years of effort and energy that went into what he was and its just done.



Perhaps he was lucky to make it to 30?

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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:



I don't know how to respond.


It sounds like a strange choice of a lifestyle.


Except that the witnesses were his friends on the balcony with him and who he was showing off to.



Wrong, no showing off involved....from NZ source  the deceased was one of three NZers travelling together, another guy and a female.


The female had gone to the other room to sleep and old mate thought he would go join her..whilst transitioning from 420 to 422 which is adjacent he fell to his death..RIP fellow kiwi..

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52 minutes ago, garryjohns said:



Wrong, no showing off involved....from NZ source  the deceased was one of three NZers travelling together, another guy and a female.


The female had gone to the other room to sleep and old mate thought he would go join her..whilst transitioning from 420 to 422 which is adjacent he fell to his death..RIP fellow kiwi..


EDIT..he may have been on a 'promise' or she may well have been his g/f and gone to the room and locked the door and passed out and the guy tried the ,alternative way to get access to their room and sadly didn't get there!

Some of the comments made so far by  posters are totally out of order, insensitive, and a reflection of the pathetic nature of so many posters on TV now. A young guy simply made a drunken mistake here and paid for it was his life...those of you who never have 'pushed the boundaries' ,sober or not and got away with it have obviously lead a very sheltered life.

Edited by garryjohns
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37 minutes ago, garryjohns said:



Wrong, no showing off involved....from NZ source  the deceased was one of three NZers travelling together, another guy and a female.


The female had gone to the other room to sleep and old mate thought he would go join her..whilst transitioning from 420 to 422 which is adjacent he fell to his death..RIP fellow kiwi..


I knew it was a touch of the Juliet's.


Well she knows wherefore he art now.


Always a female involved when young males are showing-off.


Very sorry for his girlfriend and mates and especially his family, but not for him.


Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer chances.


We have all done very stupid things, including climbing on balconies, but if fell off I would not be blaming any body else.


I would be too busy counting!


Cynical, you bet.


I have been known to give my kids a good thump on the arm for injuring themselves when riding scooters without a helmet.


But I really do wish his parents could do just that.


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9 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Because Thai Visa under George managed to make this website appear when anything to do with Thailand is googled. 

Why would the family be googling it, don't you think they'd have better things to do?

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2 hours ago, The manic said:

Another  balcony relate tragedy. Perhaps the authorities should rethink their liberal attitude to such building design.


  You've heard of the stairway to heaven; this is becoming the fairway to heaven!

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Given the crass and insensitive remarks made by a few posters, I'm wondering if the moderators would consider a "WITHDRAW POST" function on Thai Visa, operable only by the poster who made the remark. Some may have the grace to admit their post was inappropriate.

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I don't keep track but does Thailand have the highest rate of Tourists falling from hotlel balconies in the world? Where can I get some statistics on this?!  Am i as a tourist or Expat, say 10 times mor likely to take a flying leap if living or vacationing in Thailand than say, Honolulu or Blackpool?


or is it 20 times


or is it 50 times as likely to jump here than in Macau, Hong Kong, or Butlins Holiday Camp?  Forget the reasons why, just the stats Please  :thumbsup:.

Edited by LomSak27
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Warm Greetings From Thai Visa Swanny321 - I see you just joined almost 3 months ago! Any statistics on that balcony base jumper problem or are we just deflecting?  


Not that there is anything wrong with that

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  I think it's the preponderance of balconies in Thailand which creates a distorted perception.That said, if you add the

crime rate then; well it's not like the wealthy ex-pats in HK who only touch ground to climb into their limousines.  :thumbsup:

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On 8/30/2016 at 2:58 PM, boooker said:

I just had counted 176 jump/fall from balcony over the last 2 years.......some cannot be right as those numbers wake even the most crazy up.

Yes, the numbers are hugh because the idiot media here, including this shitty 'news' site, REPORT on jumpers, encouraging more, which is a medically proven fact among the mentally ill, who copy cat suicide.

In this case, he was drunk, and sadly now, dead drunk.

The fact remains, these stories serve only to bring out the ghouls, copy cat suicide sickos and idiot alex jones type armchair homicide 'dicks'.

They need to be redacted from the news cycle in the interests of public safety.

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