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Regime moves to ease drug laws starting with meth, marijuana


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I see this as a possible ploy to lure expats from the Philippines. Since the election of President Dutarte, about 600,000 arrests/murders have occurred, all for drug possession/use/sales.  The guy is not playing...he has allowed common citizens to be vigilantes, paying them 200 USD for each drug user that is killed.

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12 hours ago, anotheruser said:

What are the medicinal uses of meth? What a weird way to do this... starting with meth.

Rumour is it that a general's son was caught with a whole lot of meth - tipped off by a foriegn drug enforcement agency(hint hint)- it was either send him up for decades or change the laws beforehand so he can walk. 

This Thai government will make sure they find the medicinalsuse of meth- lol

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12 hours ago, anotheruser said:

What are the medicinal uses of meth? What a weird way to do this... starting with meth.


Depression, weight loss and possibly social anxiety disorder. 


In California, where medical marijuana is legal, getting a prescription for it is not a problem for hundreds of thousand of people in the state. I fear methamphetamine will become easy to obtain legally in Thailand for truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, pilots, etc. and anyone who wants to work long hours. If you think Thailand's motor vehicle fatality rate is high now . . .  Guess they're shooting for the #1 spot.  

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46 minutes ago, hdkane said:

I see this as a possible ploy to lure expats from the Philippines. Since the election of President Dutarte, about 600,000 arrests/murders have occurred, all for drug possession/use/sales.  The guy is not playing...he has allowed common citizens to be vigilantes, paying them 200 USD for each drug user that is killed.


According to the UN hundreds or even up to 1200 got killed. Can you provide a link of 600,000 arrests murders?

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Seems that Meth can be used to treat ADHD and yes obesity so weight loss is not so much a joke but a reality.


The medical doses are about the 5th or less than a typical street dose to get high.


It is not prescribed much in the US but it is used because it has less side affects than other treatments.




If you read the article linked in the main post here you will see that this move does not make these drugs legal to use it would only be to reclassify them for medical study not use...


Read the articles not just the headlines... =]

Edited by moon47
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13 hours ago, anotheruser said:

What are  the medicinal uses ogovernmenthat a weird waGeneralthis... st arting with meth. 


To wean addicts off a drug unfortunatly we have to use another drug and reduce that one slowly until the addict is clean.

It's called "Substance Replacement Therapy". Here are some Drugs and their replacement examples, but not limited too do so:

Alcohol repaced by Diazipam (Valium)

Heroin replaced by Methodone

Hope you get the idea.

But with methamphetamine (Ya ba, or Ya maa) there is no available replacement drug that can be reduced in the minute quantities required, and therefore we use the initial drug itself, and under strict medical supervision (The reason for declassifying it so that it cann be prescribed) .

As isaid in another thread, all of this is not exclusively a Thai goverment instigated approach, but a fall in line to the outcomes of the recent United Nations Geneeral Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS).

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Hmm, this is quite a surprise. The military government acting more like a libertarian government. I don't see it as Progressive politics, all those hypocrites push is political correctness and increased Muslim immigration, they are as actually progressive as Stalin.

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1 hour ago, MobileContent said:

According to the UN hundreds or eveo 1200 got killed. Can you pro. vide a link of 600,000 arrests murders?


Re The number of deaths in the Philippines. Between 30th June and 26th  August this year, 1,900 deaths by shooting and leaving the body where it was shot, along with a note to say words to the effect, "This is what happens when you take drugs".


If your interested, go to the BBC website, and search:

"Phillipines drug war: Woman who kills dealers for a living".

Theres a video, approx 5 mins, that outlines this.

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This could be Thailand's 'Portugal' moment.

Portugal decriminalised EVERYTHING back in 2000. Sixteen years later they have their drug problems under control, uptake has plummeted, HIV has plummeted too.
The Conservative lobby seem to see anything other than total prohibition as 'giving up' on drugs.
The wilfully ignored reality is that Portugal stopped the war, and won their battle.

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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I can understand relaxing the rules for Marijuana because it is not that addictive and has medical benefits, but I thought Meth was banned from drug use in the West because of it's addictive nature. Go Figure?

Nicotine and alcohol more addictive than Meth.
You're learning your 'drug facts' from a propaganda machine, not science.

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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Dear Kobkarn: Forget Pokemon and all your ridiculous Orwellian schemes! Legalise marijuana and I guarantee a boost in tourism as well as tax revenue.

Pokémon Go at tourist sites?
They'll spend billions on this idiocy just to launch as this halfwits fad dies in the arse, as it deserves to!

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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When are you neo cons going to get it?
If you decrim everything, you GAIN control of it.
Prohibiting anything drives it right into the waiting arms of organised crime.
Even your police chiefs are increasingly telling you this.
Time to wake up and stop living in fear of things that simply aint gonna happen (society unraveling).

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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15 hours ago, anotheruser said:

What are the medicinal uses of meth? What a weird way to do this... starting with meth.


Narcolepsy is the only use that the benefits definitely outweigh the side effects, it has also been prescribed for ADHD and weight loss but many doctors do not feel the side effects make it a worthwhile choice.

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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

If they go soft on meth watch the crime rates soar.


Why would that happen?  Softer penalties means less risk for dealers which means more dealers which means lower prices which means less crime.  Unless of course you are assuming that a softer approach will encourage new users which there is nothing in the way of evidence to suggest and plenty to suggest that it will discourage new users as demonstrated in various countries.

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Depression, weight loss and possibly social anxiety disorder. 


In California, where medical marijuana is legal, getting a prescription for it is not a problem for hundreds of thousand of people in the state. I fear methamphetamine will become easy to obtain legally in Thailand for truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, pilots, etc. and anyone who wants to work long hours. If you think Thailand's motor vehicle fatality rate is high now . . .  Guess they're shooting for the #1 spot.  

Pilots on meth?
Where? When?
Plenty drunk pilots to be googled.
Where's the moral panic about that?
Anti drug propaganda has been so well funded over the years, most TV posters are as brainwashed as North Koreans.
Brainwashing includes denial you're brainwashed!
Brainwash comments are easily identified by the unscientific lame old arguments they echo in their blind accepting ignorance. Proudly on display in this and countless other drug threads.

Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

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Hemp is a crop that could really make a difference to farmers here, it is the strongest plant fibre known to man. Rope, clothes, plastics, and many other uses.  Good stuff and I hope it happens. The big chemical and oil companies won't like it so don't hold your breath.

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