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Vicious sadist who murdered a maid and tortured a young man arrested


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I find it strange that he is dressed exactly like the others in CSD in the photo and is allowed to do so, despite the crimes against him. I guess they feel it helps the prosecution case? 

In a country where you cannot cash a check from the branch of THE SAME NATIONAL BANK located another province about 50 km away, without the bank 1) calling the other branch to ensure validity and 2) waiting for the funds ' to clear' .... I bet nobody was sure he was a cop or not for a long time. Even after he was accused of heinous crimes. And so, I wonder how many more crimes he has committed? Perhaps the police in Khon Kaen have some thoughts?


Could someone please point a finger so I know who the culprit is !?!?!?!


They seem to be handling him kindly with a touch on the shoulder, etc. Nobody standing over him. I guess this pic is taken in a court, ref the guy on left with photo props. And yet he wears sunglasses? 


This reeks of more story. Was he actually a cop of some kind who 'went rogue' ?




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2 hours ago, djayz said:


staked spread eagle , naked ,face-down , on top of a red ant hole , pecker covering ant hole opening , a 9'x9' white awning over him and a 5 gallon jar of sugar water nearby with a flex straw in it . the water and awning will insure it will be a long lingering slow death . maybe 2 weeks .



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I adjuducated criminal cases for nearly 30 years. I never could understand the  depravity that that some could  engage in without damage to their own conscience. I came to accept the fact that some are  more reptilian than human. Without conscience or soul. 

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2 hours ago, asean said:

Allowing him to wear the hat and sunglasses in a police photo is a sure bet way of knowing that he will get off.

If you saw the news on one of the channels you would spew at the way he was treated at the usual photo op.

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2 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

Murder carries the death penalty, it is hoped he gets that sentence. Because he is Thai is no excuse for giving him anything less

This country is too chicken to enforce the death penalty...! For crimes like this, it is begged...!

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


This thread is about the capture of an evil man and the fact he now faces a trial and hopefully Justice. 


Members are expressing what they feel that "justice" would be.




2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


This thread is about the capture of an evil man and the fact he now faces a trial and hopefully Justice. 


Members are expressing what they feel that "justice" would be.




2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


This thread is about the capture of an evil man and the fact he now faces a trial and hopefully Justice. 


Members are expressing what they feel that "justice" would be.



not really - they are just expressing animal-like revenge.

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2 hours ago, timewilltell said:

So this Neanderthal runs around Korat with a gun tsrrifying the locals pretending to be a policeman, presumably for a while, and the police do nothing? It's not possible they didn't know surely? Or is that behaviour commonplance so he fit in perfectly and was hard to spot. That he evaded capture for three years rather gives the lie to the reasons only foreigners need traceable sim cards as Thais are easy to find. This bull really gets my goat. I hope he is given justice which seems so hard to find in la la land

"This bull really gets my goat. "

I had difficulty picturing that one.

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5 hours ago, seahorse said:

Put him away forever so that he is no longer a danger to anyone else. He will not change or be reformed.

Why feed him ? If someone ever deserved death penalty , it's this one...!

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5 hours ago, seahorse said:

Put him away forever so that he is no longer a danger to anyone else. He will not change or be reformed.

But first pull out ALL his teeth so that he won't lie to the investigators. And cut off his nipples...

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You cannot even make this up it's so bad.  He's right up there with the mother and step dad if I recall that did horrific things to a child.  Just wipe these types out.


Though this part is tame in comparison, nice DD by those insurance companies.



Edited by Friendly Stranger
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Having read and reread about  this insane piece of shit. I actually Hate Him. Hopefully, he ends up with a loada involuntary boyfriends each night laden with every appalling disease known to man suffering in the same vein as his victims  :coffee1:

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7 hours ago, harada said:

I'm sure that he'll get the appropriate treatment for his bi polar in Bang Kwang over the next 50 years, if he lives that long, but personally I think the victims families should be allowed to sort it out.

They would accomplish more than the justice system provides. I am amazed at all of these types of stories that have come about since arriving in Thailand yet you never see any follow through trials prison sentences mentioned. They just seem to go POOF!

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paint him with honey and tie him in a nest of fire ants for as long as he lives dirty rotten s.o.b the wife should be charged also surely she knew what he was doing with the boy. All his assets should be taken from him and divided between the injured parties . Hope that poor boy will be ok 

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"he said that he has bipolar disorder that makes him uncontrollably angry if he does not take his medication"


if this is true, then some one should be asked why he was allowed to live free instead of being confined in a mental institution.



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7 hours ago, soalbundy said:

who knows, this man must turn the stomach of even a Thai judge

Trouble is money overrides the moral compass here, be nice if we ever get to hear any outcomes to these cases, which seemingly vanish as quickly as they appear 

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:


You get up in the morning fresh and hopeful for a nice, good day and than you read

stories as this one and you get filled with anger and rage and disgust of how human

being like me and you can go and to such things to another human being just like them,

there's no words to describes the punishments that this maggot deserves, I hope he

will be dealt with accordingly...



Wanna stay happy?


Stop reading the "news".

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