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Trump to make quick trip to Mexico before immigration speech 


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The President in Mexico has a low popularity rate at the moment, and many Mexicans will label him a traitor if he sucks up to Trump. Non of this makes much sense. I wonder If the Mexican President has invited them (Trump & HRC) down so that when Trump is there at the press conference he can state very clear to Trump that the Mexicans will not pay for a wall and that he owes all Mexicans a public apology. It would be nice to see Trumps face and subsequent reaction.

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I hope this isn't an ambush arranged by obama/crooked hillary and pena….these guys are running scared and will do anything.



So Trump slags off the Mexicans and says he is going to force them into spending billions on a wall, and because the Mexican President should rightfully put Trump in his place you have to imply that Obama and HRC will be complicit in it. Just like when Trump loses it can only be because the elections are rigged.  :coffee1:

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to Mexico.

with Loathing.

Wishing trump bad bad luck.

No respect for that destructive clown. 

God forbid he should ever be president (of anything).


To  be clear, as far as the U.S. government is concerned, he is NOTHING. 

He has less OFFICIAL authority than the mayor of a tiny tiny town as small as his hands. 

He is a private citizen. 

A notorious CON MAN. Rip off artist extraordinaire. 

He happens to be the nominee for president a major political party, much to their eternal shame.

But he has never been elected to any office. Ever. And most likely NEVER will be.

So as far as I'm concerned he's simply a fascist BOZO visiting Mexico. 

He does not represent my country in any way. 

In the tragic event of him being elected, well, that would be different. 




To sum up: Donald Trump is going to Mexico because he is losing. There is a small probability that this visit could reverse his electoral fortunes. But the odds are not in his favor.







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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

to Mexico.

with Loathing.

Wishing trump bad bad luck.

No respect for that destructive clown. 

God forbid he should ever be president (of anything).


To  be clear, as far as the U.S. government is concerned, he is NOTHING. 

He has less OFFICIAL authority than the mayor of a tiny tiny town as small as his hands. 

He is a private citizen. 

A notorious CON MAN. Rip off artist extraordinaire. 

He happens to be the nominee for president a major political party, much to their eternal shame.

But he has never been elected to any office. Ever. And most likely NEVER will be.

So as far as I'm concerned he's simply a fascist BOZO visiting Mexico. 

He does not represent my country in any way. 

In the tragic event of him being elected, well, that would be different. 





So you'll be disappointed to know that he came back.

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

So apparently mexcians are do the kind of jobs that americans shy away from….plucking fruit, mowing lawns, odd jobs etc….in that case the US needs to come up with a labourers visa where quotas are carefully set out and adhered to. 


I'll give you that, for sure. The few who do cross the border (rather than overstaying their visas) pay obscene amounts of money to their "coyotes" - and you can imagine it going into a legit US system that protects their rights, and allows them to visit their relatives back home without problems.

Edited by Freakin Musashi
slip of the tongue.
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10 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Not many Mexicans care for Trump and its a violent country.  

Maybe that's why he flew to Mexico in an unmarked areoplane?



DONALD TRUMP Flew into Mexico City in an Unmarked Plane

Donald Trump flew to Mexico City today in an unmarked plane.

Considering the death threats he has received from a prominent Mexican drug lord, it was a smart move.



Apparently Trump afraid to show off his trademark plane here in MEX airport; traveling in unmarked charter



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This is the second time Trump has in his statements and behaviors raised the question of whether he is violating the Logan Act. The Logan Act prohibits private citizens negotiating United States national security or any other matters with foreign governments.


The Logan Act was amended in 1994 to apply to nominees of the political parties for the office of Potus. The Logan Act establishes that only the Government of the United States discusses or negotiates United States policy with foreign governments to include of course leaders or officials of foreign governments.


The first issue was when Trump called on Russia to release the documents its cyberwarriors stole from the Democratic party (Russia is now accused by the US of cyber invading voter registration and voting information and records in two states).





Trump told reporters during the afternoon appearance that the two men didn't discuss who would pay for a cost of construction pegged in the billions. Silent at that moment, Pena Nieto later tweeted, "At the start of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall."


With the meeting held behind closed doors, it was impossible to know who was telling the truth. But clash cast a cloud over Trump's first meeting with a foreign dignitary and threatened to overshadow the evening address.





Nominees of each major party have in the recent past travelled abroad to meet with foreign leaders to make their own views clear. However, they have not issued demands or threats to foreign governments that the nominee would implement if he/she were elected.


Trump is a wildman radical nutcase who is completely and entirely out of bounds in both domestic and foreign affairs. Trump the ignoramus is now twice accused of violating the Logan Act which includes espionage crimes against the United States.

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Even those who used to work for Crooked Hillary are saying Trump hit it out of the park with his trip to Mexico.


To wit:


Ex-Clinton spokesman praises Trump's speech in Mexico

A former spokesman for Hillary Clinton on Wednesday offered praise to Donald Trump for his speech in Mexico alongside Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Howard Wolfson, who worked as Clinton's communications director in 2008, tweeted following the joint press conference that Trump's address was a "home run.


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


This is the second time Trump has in his statements and behaviors raised the question of whether he is violating the Logan Act. The Logan Act prohibits private citizens negotiating United States national security or any other matters with foreign governments.


The Logan Act was amended in 1994 to apply to nominees of the political parties for the office of Potus. The Logan Act establishes that only the Government of the United States discusses or negotiates United States policy with foreign governments to include of course leaders or officials of foreign governments.


Trump is a wildman radical nutcase who is completely and entirely out of bounds in both domestic and foreign affairs. Trump the ignoramus is now twice accused of violating the Logan Act which includes espionage crimes against the United States.


Negotiating with foreign governments?




National Security?


You can't be serious.


"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump proposed from a podium at his Doral Resort. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Even those who used to work for Crooked Hillary are saying Trump hit it out of the park with his trip to Mexico.


To wit:


Ex-Clinton spokesman praises Trump's speech in Mexico

A former spokesman for Hillary Clinton on Wednesday offered praise to Donald Trump for his speech in Mexico alongside Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Howard Wolfson, who worked as Clinton's communications director in 2008, tweeted following the joint press conference that Trump's address was a "home run.


Yes you are right again Boon Mee.

Trump is in for the home run, his trump tower in NYC.

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"You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon,” Clinton said.

“You do it by doing the slow hard work of building relationships. That was my job every day as your secretary of State. It’s more than a photo-op ... and it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. That’s not how it works.” 


The shrill, old, corrupt gasbag goes on even when no one's listening…everyone knows her real job…putting state security at risk with criminal carelessness, fiddling while benghazi burned and raking in top $$$$$$$$$$$$ for political favours to businesses.

She's digging her own grave. Mr Trump should ignore her.

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6 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

"You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon,” Clinton said.

“You do it by doing the slow hard work of building relationships. That was my job every day as your secretary of State. It’s more than a photo-op ... and it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. That’s not how it works.” 


Everybody who is anybody knows the way it works is you make a large contribution to the Clinton Foundation and say its for something like clean water initiative. Then bill invites you to some parties and introduces you as his friend. 


Then you donate more towards "clean water" etc and pretty soon you have a coalition with other groups that are very concerned and contributed  to "clean water" .


I have to say the more zi read on the Foundation, its really insightful as to the way power and influence are pedaled in the US.

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22 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Regardless, his poll numbers with the Latinos will only reflect this positive leadership move. :)


i don't see why legally naturalised, law abiding, decent latinos would have a problem with Mr Trump getting rid of illegal, undocumented and possibly criminal latinos threatening their way of life.


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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


i don't see why legally naturalised, law abiding, decent latinos would have a problem with Mr Trump getting rid of illegal, undocumented and possibly criminal latinos threatening their way of life.



The Mexicans I know in CO want Trump because they say he will bring jobs but they are angry at him because they think he said bad things about all Mexicans.


The beauty of the MSM.

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Clinton is fake.  So plastic.   She creeps me out more than Trump.  Her staff intended to insult Trump with that bit at the end of the OP about Trump always being Trump.  Ironically, they paid him a weird sort of compliment for being so authentic and consistent...... a stark contrast to their candidate. 

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


i don't see why legally naturalised, law abiding, decent latinos would have a problem with Mr Trump getting rid of illegal, undocumented and possibly criminal latinos threatening their way of life.


They don't, but as you've rightly pointed out elsewhere, the left MSM manufactured the outright lie that Trump Hates Mexicans.  They did so with malicious intent to foment ethnic outrage, and repeated it over and over and over again.  And now it's a talking point faux fact. 


Mass Media Programming 101.

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Even the low income blacks should be happy that the illegal Pedros who threaten their low wage jobs will be removed.

Trump makes sense while Hillary just makes more and more lies as per her corporate sponsors' wishes.

Americans don't want to be migrant farm workers or be dishwashers in kitchens. Get real.
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Clinton is fake.  So plastic.   She creeps me out more than Trump.  Her staff intended to insult Trump with that bit at the end of the OP about Trump always being Trump.  Ironically, they paid him a weird sort of compliment for being so authentic and consistent...... a stark contrast to their candidate. 

He's authentically ridiculous and authentically a con man. You can keep keep the real trump as far as you can flush him.
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Just now, Jingthing said:

Americans don't want to be migrant farm workers or be dishwashers in kitchens. Get real.


My quote does not mention americans in general but low income blacks specifically. I am sure many of them wouldn't mind an honest days work in a restaurant etc….rather than a life of hanging around the ghettos. The illegal Pedros deprive them of this opportunity..how hard is this to fathom?

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55 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's authentically ridiculous and authentically a con man. You can keep keep the real trump as far as you can flush him.

It would be worse if he tried to conceal it but he can't, and so he's not going to win the election.  Hillary is a hider, a concealer, a deleter.  But, she follows the guidebook, says as little as possible, and for that, she'll be the next POTUS. 

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Makes you wonder how america coped through the years when there was no onslaught of Pedros to mow the lawns and do the dishes at mcdonalds.


Of course the likes of Mcdonalds could pay americans a fair wage and keep the costs of their burgers from escalating wildly….and book maybe lets say 5% less profits…but that would make them….GASP... a good corporate citizen can;t have that now, can we….they'd rather pay hillary to enact legislation that would ship in more mexicans.

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On 8/31/2016 at 5:43 PM, Berkshire said:

Trump's going to come back and say that the Mexican President loves him.  And the Mexican people love him.  And the Mexicans have agreed to pay for the wall!  I mean, that's what pathological liars do.


Actually he didn't say any of those things, so who is?

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If Trump doesn't want illegals and drugrunning the border and Mexico doesn't like gunrunning the border from the US, then it's in both their interests to build the wall. Then they can share the cost. Art of the deal, problems solved



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1 hour ago, Linzz said:


Actually he didn't say any of those things, so who is?


Not yet.  But he already lied, didn't he?  Trump says they never discussed Mexico paying for the wall.  The Mexican Prez says he told Trump point blank that Mexico won't pay for the wall.  Can't your boy go through one day without telling a bold-faced lie?

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