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What is the best insurance provider for a 6-month sabbatical in Koh Samui?


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Hi everyone,
I was hoping to tap into the expat wisdom in this forum about insurance.
I, my wife and our 2 children are planning to come to Koh Samui for a sabbatical. These are the details:
  • We will arrive in Thailand on 15th January 2017
  • We will leave Thailand on 13th July 2017
  • Children will be 3 years old and 4 months old
  • Healthy family, no severe issues in the past


I was hoping that you would be able to recommend the best insurance provider for this situation. It is important for us to be fully covered because of the young children.


If anyone is also able to recommend which of the private hospitals in Koh Samui is the best, this is also very welcome.


Thank you very much in advance.




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Not easy because travel insurance normally covers you for 30 day trips and the stay is too short for longterm insurance.  Contact Bupa international and see if they can give you an extended travel insurance cover but it could cost you an arm and a leg. Bupa is well known here and used by many expats. 

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There is a bupa office you can go in and ask for a quote. Also a guy called Stephen ryder is an agent for William Russell. You can go in and take out the policy and once you don't need it anymore just cancel the payment. I and a lot of others use William Russell. They are both about the same price.

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I would make sure you bring plenty of condoms get plenty of exercise and eat healthy that should pretty well keep you well for 6 months.  There isn't any insurance that will save you in an emergency when in Thailand do as the Thais do... Put it off long enough then after 6 months determine if you need it. 


Hope it helps. 

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I wouldn't be very concerned about going uninsured for 6 months on Koh Samui.  I lived there for 6 months.  They have a small "so-called" hospital in Chawang Beach and a government hospital in on the west side of the island.  You can just pay cash if you need services.  Three areas of health concerns: motorbike accidents, stings from box jellyfish & the potential of food poisoning.  I am sure you will become bored looking at the same coconut trees by the three month point.  Hope you have a good time.



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Lloyds? Or get an insurance broker to help you. Or try all the above :wai:


And always remember, that an insurance company is only ever as good as their payment of claims! 

Edited by lvr181
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Bupa thailand has a Sunshine Plan for foreigners staying up to 6 month in Thailand...:)



You may only be in Thailand for a limited period of time but if you should need medical attention, you’ll want the best care
available without putting a strain on your finances. Bupa Sunshine plan is the short-term health insurance coverage for Thailand visitors who have the short stay less than 6 months. Bupa Sunshine Plan is designed to support your medical expenses for sicknesses or accidents during your stay in Thailand with insurance coverage up to 1 million baht of expenses for each disability and more than 300 Bupa healthcare providers of choice are available. 


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Khunper, good address but I think that a million baht will not get you far in a private hospital in Thailand. I've seen and heard of quite a few accidents and necessary surgery and  the surgery cost way more than a million baht. Is that they're top cover ? 

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The best insurance is always money in the bank and a stiff limit on your credit card.


Compensations of local (expat) insurances are always limited and many rule out certain serious issues in the first year. I you insist on insurance you better try from your home country.

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7 hours ago, geisha said:

Khunper, good address but I think that a million baht will not get you far in a private hospital in Thailand. I've seen and heard of quite a few accidents and necessary surgery and  the surgery cost way more than a million baht. Is that they're top cover ? 

Bupa Global (former International Heatlh Insurance) offers up to 1 year cover on Travel Insurance, you (probably) need to buy from home or global.ihi.com.

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Thanks everyone, really appreciated.


If it was not for the 2 children I would go with recycler's approach and just ensure my credit card can take the hit but with 2 children we want to be more cautious.


Started getting quotes from BUPA, Cigna and AXA to start with.


Thanks again

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