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Lost In Love


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Well London Croc - I've seen non BG behaviour out do anything a BG could ever come up with.

I know happy/successful lads who've married former bg(s), and I also know quite a few lads who married non-bg and absolute disaster has occurred. I also know of successful non-bg relationships and some disasterous bg relationships.

So....What I am saying is you can't categorize because not every lady or relationship fits the same situation.

Extremely well put Britmaveric...

You should never generalize..

Problem here is we only ever get one side of the event..

It takes two to tango,,have a relationship, make babies, have fights, get it wrong..

Could go on forever but wont ..Think you all get the message..

sorry mr duck,

i got your message but cant agree with it at all. :o

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im talking staight of the street normal bloody thai girls....

Thai girl is a thai girl - profession means nought!!! :D

How can you say profession means nought?

If you start a romantic and sexual relationship with someone that is a prostitute it's a bad choice. By the very nature of her 'job' she does this for a living not for the love. (or are you different) :D

steady on there london crocodile,

your making way to much common sense and you do know how sensitive some of the boys are about there bar girls. :D:D:o:D

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You can be in what ever forum you choose to be. :D

I'll try to help you with your question, this is my perspective.

Women from different countries are pretty much the same, you've got good lookers and those not so pleasing to the eye, personally I'd prefer a european woman compared to a Thai, but then some just strike you as 'the one'.

There are some very attractive Thai ladies, like Mrs Robski, I have to say that because she has eyes in the back of her head and can read through walls. Yes Mrs Robski sure is one of the better ones, but do you know how she managed to pull this butterfly's wings off?

she knew how to play the game.

Women from different countries play the game differently, some can't get it right, they've taken their eye off the ball so to speak, but Thai women know how to play it very well.

The game comes down to a simple formula (guys you're going to thank me for this one)

and if it sounds chauvinistic, thats because I'm a man and can't help it.

It is the difference between a bad woman and good woman.

When your with a 'bad' woman, the first time you meet, when you're 'hitting the hay', when you're getting into a relationship or getting married, it is all about what she wants, and she will let you know it.

When you are with a good woman it is all still about what she wants, but she makes you think it is all about what you want.

Of course it is an illusion, but it is one that Thai women in general are very good at making.

That was quite a lot of thinking for me, I have to go and chop some wood or put up some shelves or some other manly activity.


Yes, a knowledgeable person once told me that in cultures where women have less formal power and status, they tend to develop, to a higher degree, other avenues of wielding their influence, eg. "feminine wiles", manipulative skills, and so forth. Haha this reminds me of when I was a teenager, my girlfriend told me "A woman't tears are her best weapon". :o

Thanks Robski, you are a lucky guy to have all that, and she has got you thinking it is a great deal for you! Well, considering the alternatives, I think perhaps it is, too!


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my gf is full blood thai and i am full blood australian,

we are of different cultures, religion and background, but it never causes problems, she is so beautiful and loving. we just learn about each other, it had never caused a problem ever, just makes things interesting. i love her to death, and she cooks awsome thai food.

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I wonder if he's met Apple yet....?



hiya zaz ol' bugger! :D

Good to see you on board again!


I've not yet looked at the link you posted but before my system crashed, I noticed it was T-pop categorized, as are many of my "favourites" on you tube, so I've a pretty good idea.

I've also not read half the replies here, this time, but I'm going with the lust theory Rajah.

Ayway, though. One very accomplished storyteller once wrote that desire is an addiction.

It is just like any recreational drugs.

You may start out slow and think you are under your own control.

Inevitably though, if you continue, you take more and more, maybe explore harder drugs, until one day you wake up, and you realise you are / have been out of control for some time.

Or like Masturbating, even.

You start out with a wee twiddle, then you get into it more and more.

Some may go home during the day, specifically to masturbate.

Others may go even farther, and masturbate in public.. trains, buses, restrooms...

Or like sex. Everything is going along fine, with normal and somewhat less "normal" but much more exciting games taking place from time to time... Then it gets stronger....

and you start to do things you would never have done /had done to you...

All these things have a commonality.

As does your infatuation with thai ladies.

It is a case of nipping it in the bud mate

Control your lust.

Try to retain it to a healthy appreciation of their absolutely undeniable beauty, in many cases.

Often it helpps toobserve their shortcomings. Maybe it's a zit on their nose. maybe this one picks her nose. maybe that one had a not so attractive mole.

Whatever it may be, but I don't mean it in a manner to denigrate the girl.

I mean it in a mnner that you may retain your control.


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zaz, check out This Page

No indecency, great little short vdo, and the track has been the biggest club track in latin ameerica for the past... few years already.

In all fairness, this track grew on me.

Bear in mind Latino-s love the whole arse thing.

Gasolina is suppsedly a metaphor for one or two things:

either, the energy boost you get from gasoline : ie central american drugs,

but more likely,

Gasolina is pumped into the rear of ...

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Well London Croc - I've seen non BG behaviour out do anything a BG could ever come up with.

I know happy/successful lads who've married former bg(s), and I also know quite a few lads who married non-bg and absolute disaster has occurred. I also know of successful non-bg relationships and some disasterous bg relationships.

So....What I am saying is you can't categorize because not every lady or relationship fits the same situation.

Extremely well put Britmaveric...

You should never generalize..

Problem here is we only ever get one side of the event..

It takes two to tango,,have a relationship, make babies, have fights, get it wrong..

Could go on forever but wont ..Think you all get the message..

sorry mr duck,

i got your message but cant agree with it at all. :o

Terry... What part didnt you agree with...

We shouldn't generalize..

one one side of the story..

takes two..

as I said in previous post Keep clear of BG..

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I'd be more than happy to help you find your way around. :D

(that is you in the picture, right?) :o

Lost as well? :D

My avatar is an eye-opener? Watch this: :D


I'm not sure what the point of the post or the youtube link is. The only thing i can fathom if the youtube vid is you, which is to cute and cringy for me, is that your trying to get noticed. Usually this is because of low self esteem and posting questions like this maybe gives you something.

I had a cyber friend who like to call her self TAO. Oh bugger i can't be arsed to tell you the rest.

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Or like sex. Everything is going along fine, with normal and somewhat less "normal" but much more exciting games taking place from time to time... Then it gets stronger....

and you start to do things you would never have done /had done to you...


I know it's bloody marvellous isn't it................ :D

Cheers Kayo. :D

Wheres Rajah, can't even put a reply into his own thread.

Too busy spanking the monkey to teeny pop vids? Can I say that? :o

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Sorry, but I don't have the same reference points as you. After 2 years in LOS, I find that their physical beauty has no relationship to sexual performance. I encountered one "pro" in BKK who I would give high marks to, as good as a high school prom date and looked like one. They rest of the pros were robots. As for the regular girls, there are a lot of cold fish - passive and unresponsive. For starters they don't like to kiss, many claim they don't do sex in the daytime, etc, etc. The list goes on. I never found such "dead in the water" ladies with Koreans or Chinese.

Physical beauty has no relation to sexual perormance, agreed on that. The res is just &lt;deleted&gt;.

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Or like sex. Everything is going along fine, with normal and somewhat less "normal" but much more exciting games taking place from time to time... Then it gets stronger....

and you start to do things you would never have done /had done to you...


I know it's bloody marvellous isn't it................ :D

Cheers Kayo. :D

Wheres Rajah, can't even put a reply into his own thread.

Too busy spanking the monkey to teeny pop vids? Can I say that? :o

I should think he is.


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Sorry, but I don't have the same reference points as you. After 2 years in LOS, I find that their physical beauty has no relationship to sexual performance. I encountered one "pro" in BKK who I would give high marks to, as good as a high school prom date and looked like one. They rest of the pros were robots. As for the regular girls, there are a lot of cold fish - passive and unresponsive. For starters they don't like to kiss, many claim they don't do sex in the daytime, etc, etc. The list goes on. I never found such "dead in the water" ladies with Koreans or Chinese.

I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

I've had a regular for several years now that is around 21 years old and better in bed than anyone I've ever met - including "real" girlfriends back home - besides that, she is as pretty as a fashion model with large breasts and the face of an angel.

My Thai is OK and I pay the going rate, but I think my secret is that they make me happy, so I am happy around them. I don't judge them and I don't fall in love with them, I just enjoy them for what they are: Sex workers. :o

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I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

I've had a regular for several years now that is around 21 years old and better in bed than anyone I've ever met - including "real" girlfriends back home - besides that, she is as pretty as a fashion model with large breasts and the face of an angel.

My Thai is OK and I pay the going rate, but I think my secret is that they make me happy, so I am happy around them. I don't judge them and I don't fall in love with them, I just enjoy them for what they are: Sex workers. :D

:D:D:D:D:D Pataya sexpat by any chance are we? :o

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Ulysses G,

You had me with the believability of your post, I was just about willing to join the dark side with you, then you hit the self destruct button right at the end which was a shame.

Robski, Swagman, Holygrail, have a bit more heart so I'll sit back down and buy another round of drinks for the boys. :o


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Sorry, but I don't have the same reference points as you. After 2 years in LOS, I find that their physical beauty has no relationship to sexual performance. I encountered one "pro" in BKK who I would give high marks to, as good as a high school prom date and looked like one. They rest of the pros were robots. As for the regular girls, there are a lot of cold fish - passive and unresponsive. For starters they don't like to kiss, many claim they don't do sex in the daytime, etc, etc. The list goes on. I never found such "dead in the water" ladies with Koreans or Chinese.

Physical beauty has no relation to sexual perormance, agreed on that. The res is just &lt;deleted&gt;.


thats a wonderful bit of inside information and thanks for that. :D

dont bloody keep us hanging, tell us some more will you. :D:D

cheers :o

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Sorry, but I don't have the same reference points as you. After 2 years in LOS, I find that their physical beauty has no relationship to sexual performance. I encountered one "pro" in BKK who I would give high marks to, as good as a high school prom date and looked like one. They rest of the pros were robots. As for the regular girls, there are a lot of cold fish - passive and unresponsive. For starters they don't like to kiss, many claim they don't do sex in the daytime, etc, etc. The list goes on. I never found such "dead in the water" ladies with Koreans or Chinese.

I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

I've had a regular for several years now that is around 21 years old and better in bed than anyone I've ever met - including "real" girlfriends back home - besides that, she is as pretty as a fashion model with large breasts and the face of an angel.

My Thai is OK and I pay the going rate, but I think my secret is that they make me happy, so I am happy around them. I don't judge them and I don't fall in love with them, I just enjoy them for what they are: Sex workers. :D

mr G,

the more i read your posts the more i like you, as you tell it how it is and your 135% strait up. :D

i nearly forgot you got a huge great baton as well. :D:o

cheers mr G and more power to you. :D

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Ulysses G,

You had me with the believability of your post, I was just about willing to join the dark side with you, then you hit the self destruct button right at the end which was a shame.

Robski, Swagman, Holygrail, have a bit more heart so I'll sit back down and buy another round of drinks for the boys. :o


mr G was being very honest mate and is under no illusion to the nature of the beast . :D

he dont need know self destruct button as he never needs to push it as he is well tuned in the what the reality of the situation is. :D

keep on drinking fella. :D

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Sorry, but I don't have the same reference points as you. After 2 years in LOS, I find that their physical beauty has no relationship to sexual performance. I encountered one "pro" in BKK who I would give high marks to, as good as a high school prom date and looked like one. They rest of the pros were robots. As for the regular girls, there are a lot of cold fish - passive and unresponsive. For starters they don't like to kiss, many claim they don't do sex in the daytime, etc, etc. The list goes on. I never found such "dead in the water" ladies with Koreans or Chinese.

I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

I've had a regular for several years now that is around 21 years old and better in bed than anyone I've ever met - including "real" girlfriends back home - besides that, she is as pretty as a fashion model with large breasts and the face of an angel.

My Thai is OK and I pay the going rate, but I think my secret is that they make me happy, so I am happy around them. I don't judge them and I don't fall in love with them, I just enjoy them for what they are: Sex workers. :D


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I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

I've had a regular for several years now that is around 21 years old and better in bed than anyone I've ever met - including "real" girlfriends back home - besides that, she is as pretty as a fashion model with large breasts and the face of an angel.

My Thai is OK and I pay the going rate, but I think my secret is that they make me happy, so I am happy around them. I don't judge them and I don't fall in love with them, I just enjoy them for what they are: Sex workers. :D

:D:D:D:D:D Pataya sexpat by any chance are we? :D

Got to join in with a heartfelt thankyou to Mr G for that, cheers mate. :D

CB I you've obviously got some issues.

We're here for you if you feel you want to get them off your chest. :o

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I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

By the way are you talking percentages or ball park figure? :o:D

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I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

By the way are you talking percentages or ball park figure? :o:D

Ha!!!! They must be good if their doing all the work :D I'll say one thing your one horny toad though. :D

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I'm about as fat and homely as you can get and don't put a lot of effort into love-making, but I find about 80-90 of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers.

By the way are you talking percentages or ball park figure? :o:D


Sorry that was supposed to read: "I find about 80-90% of the BGs that I take to be from good to fantastic lovers" and when they are great at their job they do inspire me to return the favor, but it's not like I lure them in with my amazing technique. :D

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