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Cheap but comfortable island.


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So I was talking with my friend who normally stays at low end or backpacker style places on the cheap. I told him the places where I stay and he said I am basically spoiled. I told him I used to stay at places like him but these days I stay in upper end places because you can't take it with you. So after a few beers and some deep thinking we came up with a friendly wager. He doesn't believe that I am capable of slumming it if I have to. The bet is I pick an island of my choice but I can only use 2,000 Baht a day. The period of stay is one month.  He wanted to say 1,000 Baht a day at first but this I think is unrealistic these days. Seems even a regular backpacker would go through more than this. I am also not willing to stay in dorms although I guess this would make a budget of under 1,000 feasible.


So where would you guys go on a budget like this? If I can't spend much nightlife isn't that important or maybe I can economize with a place that has buckets? lol The beach and sea should be clean to swim in as this would really help to kill time and is free. Also if the environment is good I can make do with a simple room if it is just for sleeping. Wifi is important as if on a limited budget I think wasting time online is a good cheap way to go. 


This time of year weather is a consideration. So I am considering what location to go to that would have decent weather and hopefully good swimming conditions. It would be lovely if I could go snorkeling off shore with no boat needed as again that is free. Transport to get there doesn't matter or the way back. I can bring anything I want upon leaving Bangkok. The only condition is a 2,000 Baht per day budget and the duration of a month. Island hopping is also okay from one place to another as long as I stay off the main land. IE. Koh Samui to Koh Tao, Koh Lanta to Koh Phi Phi. You pick an island or a chain and that's what you have for the month.


I haven't back packed in over 15 years so am out of practice lol. So what island do you go to if you had to choose and at this time of year and why? Where can you live the best on this sort of money if you have to? I know it can be done easily on this budget but how can you do it and maximize one's enjoyment? 

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20 minutes ago, Mooner said:

2000 a day is reasonable. For an island this time of year with half decent weather then I would say Ko Samet, driest island in Thailand.

Yeah was wondering if it could be done on Samet. One thing is that in the spirit of the wager the money doesn't roll over. If I spend 1,000 Today I don't get 3,000 the next day. Also if I come in under 2,000 the difference is added to the bet if that makes sense. 

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Are the beaches on Samet decent for swimming? What I worry about is I will go crazy out of boredom because I won't be able to take tours or do other things. So it seems to me you want a place that some of the basic attractions are free. If you can snorkel off of Samet for nothing and there is something to see this would kill time.

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For the sake of the bet it can't be  long term because I can only access 2,000 on any given day. That means I can't pay a lump up front. Remember part of this is basically a dare with conditions so I have to adhere to the terms of that. If it was just me going to an island without conditions I wouldn't be asking in the same way

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How will you prove you stayed at 2k?


A big surprise island is Koh larn just off Pattaya. Its a national park with lovely beaches and clear water , cheap rooms but no nightlife really however you could easy cheat and get the 30 min ferry back to walking st for a night

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Lamai Beach, Ko Samui. at this time of year some decent looking rooms for less than 500 baht. Should be plain sailng after that. Hire a bicycle to get around, get fit, visit nearby resorts and stave off the boredom. Lamai Central on booking.com at 400 baht per day looks pretty good

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Still can do on Samui or Koh Phangan for  about 1000 baht per day ... There are still places around and not slums for 350 to 550 a night,  (550 will give you A/C TV fridge etc  in some places on Samui)  Bike rental say, 150 to 200 baht a day.  Food and drink would depend on taste. Swimming good now,, but not much in the way of snorkeling. ( Maehaad Koh Phangan might still be OK for that) One could actually rent a house with limited amenities for about 4000 to 5000  baht month. on Samui, plus electric. (Basic, but some tourists do rent them,) 


Right now weather and sea conditions are pretty darn nice.... (one of the best times in my opinion)  January to April same.


 You won't be in the middle of Chawang, ... but there are some nice peaceful areas. November probably the time to avoid...as rainy season.  Water levels in summer months get a little low. 


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2k/day is hardly slumming.  I'd say more like 500B/day! LOL  I know many places on/near the beach where you can get a nice room for 800-1k/night.  Easy.  Food is cheap as is beer.  That budget is really easy.  The islands make it a bit more difficult.  Prices on Samet and Chang, as elsewhere, have been going up dramatically.  And lower end places have been replaced with high end ones.  But, you can still find places, but they won't be on the sea.


Time of year also makes it more difficult due to the weather.  We spent a month in Phuket during the rainy season many years ago.  Some places in the north were closed, impossible to swim, and afternoon storms made lounging around the pool difficult.


2k/day is easy!  Have fun and please report back what you end up doing.


Here's a place that's a good example of what you can find:



We didn't stay there, but nearby.  Under 1k/night, right on the beach.

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1 hour ago, rogeroc said:

Lamai Beach, Ko Samui. at this time of year some decent looking rooms for less than 500 baht. Should be plain sailng after that. Hire a bicycle to get around, get fit, visit nearby resorts and stave off the boredom. Lamai Central on booking.com at 400 baht per day looks pretty good


Book here http://www.lamaicentral.com/ for 300 a day at Lamai Central and live like a king on the 1700 a day left. :)

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I reckon you could manage a private-hut, and fairly-simple beach life, for a thousand-per-day towards the southern-end (not the dirtier North) of Koh Lanta.


Two thousand per-day, over a month, would include your airfare & some luxury-money.

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20 hours ago, mcfish said:

How will you prove you stayed at 2k?


A big surprise island is Koh larn just off Pattaya. Its a national park with lovely beaches and clear water , cheap rooms but no nightlife really however you could easy cheat and get the 30 min ferry back to walking st for a night


It is a wager between friends he will take my word for it. If I get too bored and have to tap out I will man up and say it. The bet is easily won but the only challenging part is will I be able to not break down and go for cocktails or want to take a tour etc. 


So it isn't really a matter so much if it is possible but rather if I will have the self control to live a relatively boring existence for a month. I will draw the money in 3 lots of 20,000 Baht and what is left after each day i will put aside. Whatever that comes to at the end of the month he has to match so it is incentive to try stay as low as I can. 


The size of the bet isn't huge but it is enough to hurt a little bit if you lose. If won it is going to pay for a very nice weekend of partying in Pattaya on my my way home. :) 

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12 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

2k/day is hardly slumming.  I'd say more like 500B/day! LOL  I know many places on/near the beach where you can get a nice room for 800-1k/night.  Easy.  Food is cheap as is beer.  That budget is really easy.  The islands make it a bit more difficult.  Prices on Samet and Chang, as elsewhere, have been going up dramatically.  And lower end places have been replaced with high end ones.  But, you can still find places, but they won't be on the sea.


Time of year also makes it more difficult due to the weather.  We spent a month in Phuket during the rainy season many years ago.  Some places in the north were closed, impossible to swim, and afternoon storms made lounging around the pool difficult.


2k/day is easy!  Have fun and please report back what you end up doing.


Here's a place that's a good example of what you can find:



We didn't stay there, but nearby.  Under 1k/night, right on the beach.


Cheers for the info Craig. As my other post said I think 2,000 is easy to survive on but will test my patience. If it is all I had it would be easy but because it is an artificial limit I think is where it becomes difficult. It means I will have to avoid temptation. If cocktails at the beach bar taste too good and I go ever 2,000 even one time I lose. If the money rolled over it would be a much easier proposition but as it doesn't this makes it a bit trickier.

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On 04/09/2016 at 6:10 AM, samuijimmy said:

Still can do on Samui or Koh Phangan for  about 1000 baht per day ... There are still places around and not slums for 350 to 550 a night,  (550 will give you A/C TV fridge etc  in some places on Samui)  Bike rental say, 150 to 200 baht a day.  Food and drink would depend on taste. Swimming good now,, but not much in the way of snorkeling. ( Maehaad Koh Phangan might still be OK for that) One could actually rent a house with limited amenities for about 4000 to 5000  baht month. on Samui, plus electric. (Basic, but some tourists do rent them,) 


Right now weather and sea conditions are pretty darn nice.... (one of the best times in my opinion)  January to April same.


 You won't be in the middle of Chawang, ... but there are some nice peaceful areas. November probably the time to avoid...as rainy season.  Water levels in summer months get a little low. 


PM me and I can get you a fully furnished (European Standard) Vila with cooker, microwave, kitchen air con, wifi and TV, near the beach for 550 per night.  Might even get you a m/c to rent for 140 baht per day as well!  All you have to decide is what you are going to do with the 1,310 baht per day?  You might need to save a bit for the electric as that 6 baht per kw, but you also get free drinking water.  Sounds like you are on a winner and quids in!

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I'd live like a king on 2000 Bt a day. Myself and the wife just come back from 5 days on Samet. Nice clean rooms there from 400 Bt. up, free Wi-Fi and near the beach. I had already booked online at 700 Bt.

   Never seen the logic in paying huge money for a room just to sleep in it?

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You can rent a basic house on Koh Phangan for a month, with wifi, fridge, TV, kitchen, hot shower, fan for 6000- 9000 Baht.
So accommodation is 200-300 for a day. If you can drive, you rent a motorbike for 3000 Baht per month and can drive to all beaches.
From your daily 1000 baht budget, then still remain 600 Baht for food and fun per day.

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OMG 2,000 is plenty, even on Phuket island. Hell you can get rooms in Patong, good ones too, clean and with ensuite through Agoda for 400B per night, I live on less than 200 baht per day per food. Get a meal for 50 baht and a tall Chang beer for another 50.

I live quite comfortably on 50,000 baht per month, less than 2,000 pper day. Paying 15,000 for rent per month for a 2-bedroom 3 bathroom, 2 storey suplex house in Samkong, on Phuket island. I allow myself up to 1,000 baht per day for epenses, but rarely get over 500. The remainder I'm saving goes toward unexpected expenses and a travel fund.

You can get a room in Patong for as little as 6,000 baht per month that includess A/C and Wi-Fi. God, 2,000 is  plenty.

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