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Justice minister slams doctor for saying DSI officers murdered suspect


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Paiboon told reporters Sunday that Rienthong prematurely went public with his opinion.


He wasn't complaining previously when the DSI went public with their apparently bogus and premature explanations that a) the guy had hung himself with his socks, and when that explanation failed, b] that he had died of internal injuries from CPR.


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23 minutes ago, toybits said:

How many similar mysterious deaths while in custody of authorities in Southern Thailand have occurred in the past? I would be very interested to hear from an investigative journalists what they find out. Oh!  Sorry! Yeah! It won't EVER HAPPEN. ha ha ha...


There was a recent time in Bangkok when mysterious and fatal blood infections seemed all the rage... :whistling:

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3 hours ago, scorecard said:

This is very much an ongoing, complex, and very serious investigation, why is the cell and immediate area not cordoned off to ensure no tampering or destruction or removal of evidence, until there is a clear supported decision? 


Because they've learnt nothing/everything from the murders on Koh Tao?

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2 hours ago, Hawk said:

"The head of the Justice Ministry said Sunday that a hospital director discredited law enforcement by blaming investigators for the death of a suspect in custody last week."



Nobody accept the police had access to the detention area so who else could have done the deed?  Not the victim.


Think about it, a guy with a beat up liver who has a secret pair of "very" long socks handy, manages to hook a sock on a small very smooth door hinge and kill himself?  Its hard enough to hook a thin bit of string on those hinges so forget about hooking a sock on one. And how long would the sock have to be anyway, to go around his neck and up to the second hinge while he passively sat on the floor?  And to add more bull**it to the story, the detention area had no cctv cameras, and I suppose no duty officer either!  Also, why were the family going to burn the body so fast, not even one day when must funerals in Thailand go on for about 3 - 5 days before the cremation?  I would suspect that the close family of the man were warned to back off and get rid of the evidence otherwise their lives would come under close examination.


But after the police investigate themselves it will eventually be ruled a suicide.

Way to go Sherlock you covered all the bases. Just way to many coincidences here to make a case for suicide. A bit like being killed by an elephant falling from the sky at night. Its obvious to us TV armchair detectives but the ordinary Thai may swallow it. Then again our opinion does not matter in the end. This case has more tentacles than a herd of octopuses. It would take a battalion of super detectives years to figure it out honestly with no brown envelope diversions.  Sadly people will really get away with murder on this one. The cops just have no moral turpitude (Porkys)

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Devil's Advocate: If they wanted it to appear as a hanging suicide why wouldn't they just hang him i.e. hands held/tied? This doesn't mean I totally reject the beating theory; wrong doers are often just clumsy, thoughtless, cocky. They probably have good reason to be cocky given they could get away with it even if evidence suggests otherwise.

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2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

The doctor's assertion might well be correct, but it was pretty stupid of him to say so without any proof.

The guy probably was beaten to death (going by the injuries) and the area access would have been controlled, but ....

Did his Flip Flops have shoe laces ?

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If I was a justice minister, and I got a medical report that a prisoner had not died of a suicide as claimed, I would consider it my honour bound duty to place under house arrest all of the persons concerned with the imprisonment and start an investigation straight away. Wouldn't you?

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3 hours ago, Hawk said:

"The head of the Justice Ministry said Sunday that a hospital director discredited law enforcement by blaming investigators for the death of a suspect in custody last week."



Nobody accept the police had access to the detention area so who else could have done the deed?  Not the victim.


Think about it, a guy with a beat up liver who has a secret pair of "very" long socks handy, manages to hook a sock on a small very smooth door hinge and kill himself?  Its hard enough to hook a thin bit of string on those hinges so forget about hooking a sock on one. And how long would the sock have to be anyway, to go around his neck and up to the second hinge while he passively sat on the floor?  And to add more bull**it to the story, the detention area had no cctv cameras, and I suppose no duty officer either!  Also, why were the family going to burn the body so fast, not even one day when must funerals in Thailand go on for about 3 - 5 days before the cremation?  I would suspect that the close family of the man were warned to back off and get rid of the evidence otherwise their lives would come under close examination.


But after the police investigate themselves it will eventually be ruled a suicide.


May have been able to tie his soaks to the hinges... 





                                                                                                                  ...if the door was open. :facepalm:






Edited by Basil B
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2 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

For custodial deaths Police should take responsibility first. And Doctor should submit the postmortem report to the court, not to disclose to public so that someone try to manipulate the evidence. And a third party commission should investigate such incidents. Probably Khuning Porntip will take responsibility to lead the probe, she is the only has power to handle this.


Problem is that if the doctors report was submitted to courts, as reporters are not allowed to take notes so the doctors report will not be known to the public, therefore the judicial system can get away with murder unchallenged... :(

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

Too early to speculate that the poor man was beaten to death.

Poor Man  ??? , Poor Man ??? you clearly don't know who you talking about !!!

Beaten to death ? he was for sure.....I Would not speculate if he deserved it or not !?!? but he was far from been a Innocent person !


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3 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


Of course, there's always the possibility that someone not employed by the DSI surreptitiously crept into the DSI building, broke into the holding cell, beat Thawatchai to death, and left the scene without being detected, but Occam's Razor would suggest that the person who beat him to death was a member (or members) of the DSI.

And let's not forget they managed to get past the 3 dsi officers that were guarding and protecting the victim from the evil outside forces. 

It's taksins fault. 

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5 hours ago, chrisinth said:

If the doctor carried out an autopsy on the victim and reported his findings, what has he done wrong? This is traceable as the evidence has been proven, or is still there to be disproved in the highly unlikely event that he was wrong.


If the justice minister has a grievance, it should be directed at the conflicting statements given by the DSI.


Until this sort of public belittling, caused by someone/some organization losing face, right or wrong, becomes a thing of the past, nothing will change in this country.



It's not clear how good the autopsy was. When Khunying Doctor Porntip says the family should employ a pathologist, there's clearly grounds for suspicion. Of course her relationship with the police department has been contentious since she came back from studying in the States and started demanding forensic examination of evidence, but she has widespread trust among Thai people. On the other hand, given normal decay processes it's very possible that it's no longer possible to determine the cause of the liver injury. Has the body been kept at low enough temperatures to inhibit decay?

If they want to put a stop to the stories, instead of just waiting until another bright shiny comes along to distract everybody, they really need to release photos of the cell and show how they think he hooked his socks to the hinge. Take a look at a door in your house. Which side are the hinges on? On the side that the door opens toward, right? Does it make sense to construct a jail cell (or detention room) so the door opens inward? Possibly allowing the prisoner to jam the door so guards can't get in? At least allowing the prisoner to try to hold the door so two or three guards have to push him/her back? Jails aren't constructed that way. Hotel rooms are, though. Maybe that's what they were thinking of when they concocted this yarn.

Edited by Acharn
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let me guess the black marks are suposed to be from his hands when gasping for last breath................


seriously the explanation is impossible,

he would need to be unconcious already and even then still extremely unlikely

but would not be suicide if he is unconcious


it absoultely baffles me, how they can keep coming up with such ridiculous explanations for killing people,

like the public actually beleive them,

Thais know its all BS but they also know they are not in any position to do anything, so life goes on


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1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

It's possible!





So they're saying he threaded his quite thick sock through that tiny gap between the hinge and the door??


Look at the top of the hinge: it is angled down so has absolutely nothing for the sock to cling to. Even in the sock was looped over the top, and pulled straight down, it would simply slide off - let alone stay while being pulled down and forward.


So he either threaded his quite thick sock through that tiny gap between the hinge and the door, or I'm even more sure they're telling lies.

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5 hours ago, DoctorG said:

The doctor's assertion might well be correct, but it was pretty stupid of him to say so without any proof.

The guy probably was beaten to death (going by the injuries) and the area access would have been controlled, but ....


Even if he had proof, saying so would expose him to a possible action for defamation. Organizations can bring such actions if those at the top believe someone is defaming their fiefdom. 


So the doctor is man enough to stick his neck out.

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5 minutes ago, jamesbrock said:


So they're saying he threaded his quite thick sock through that tiny gap between the hinge and the door??


Look at the top of the hinge: it is angled down so has absolutely nothing for the sock to cling to. Even in the sock was looped over the top, and pulled straight down, it would simply slide off - let alone stay while being pulled down and forward.


So he either threaded his quite thick sock through that tiny gap between the hinge and the door, or I'm even more sure they're telling lies.


The police should have given a physical demonstration on how the guy managed the impossible, to hook a sock to a shiny sloping hinge. 


Anyway, I believe a normal (basic instinct) reaction when one cannot breath is to claw at the item that is strangling you, even if you are semi-conscious, that's why people who get hanged have their hands tied behind their backs.

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This is B.S.!

The hospital director did not blame anyone, he simply said that hanging was not the cause of death, which is withing the directors area of expertise.

Looks like someone is being overly defensive!

Wonder why?

"The head of the Justice Ministry said Sunday that a hospital director discredited law enforcement by blaming investigators for the death of a suspect in custody last week."

Edited by KenKadz
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