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My name's Bond, David Bond..... alleged sex pest rumored in Thailand


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Many women leave themselves vulnerable by sheer stupidity. They send naked photos or videos of themselves sometimes doing sex acts online or by emails to guys they have only known for short while, or boyfriends not considering what happens if they break up. Then they are at a disadvantage, the imagines and videos can turn up all over the Internet, their reputations ruined. It`s because people can be too trusting when lust over rules the mind. Having safe sex today can mean more than just using a condom, not only their health but also their lives can be ruined in the process, the 21st century technology syndrome loaded with dangers.

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8 minutes ago, LotusBoy said:

Ohhhh poor Mr. Bond, blah blah blah. He looks like a tw-at-packer in Khoa San. 


He does but he got pick-up skills and lots of women fall for it. Not so many guys have the 'balls' to walk up to any girl and ask her out. He does and seems pretty good at it - sadly. 

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The morality police at it again followed swiftly by the (bullied at school) ego police.

The guy has a website with tips about travel in Asia part of which is dating/shagging.

There is a market for this as the complete newbs have no idea what happens vis a vis sex and dating in Asia.

There is also a market for this stuff among the emasculated men of the west who have been neutered by political correctness and third wave feminism.


It looks like some girl or girls whom he bedded and then left (as is his prerogative) have become bitter and twisted and launched into a shaming program to get even.

Hell hath no fury . . . . and weak men throw their brothers under the bus in the hope of scoring some pussy . . .sad bastards.


He may be a <deleted> but that's all . .

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

A sex pest in the largest whore house on the planet, where's the news.  Thailand needs sex tourists as places like Pattaya would be no more

You're right, but the problem is he is bashing Thais and Thailand while posting videos.

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A non story.  


He creates his own news. That's what he does. He leaks invented stories to the media and even pays people to leave negative or controversial comments on his videos. 


The end goal is to get eyes on his videos, where he is a content creator on YouTube. For you old fellas,  he makes money from the ads that play on his videos and other places. 

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He needs to Google Cuba Dave in Costa Rica!


Cuba Dave was arrested by the Costa Rica Police at the airport for similar allegations and has been in an over crowded prison cell for a year without a trial or being sentenced.


News reports that he is wanted in several other countries as well.


Cuba Dave alleged in a news conference he is a political prisoner. He has spent his life savings on lawyer's fees.  As I recall Dave is 67 years old.  He may be facing a life sentence!


Many countries, including Thailand don't want their countries advertised as sex destinations and new Internet laws can land ignorant bloggers and posters in prison for sexual content, photos and videos.

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1) this has nothing to do with Thailand, as it happened in China and Korea as well, and it seems appropriate action was taken.

2) taking secret Videos and publishing them on top of that?
Would mean getting a visit from, as it is called, "other people",
or seeing the Judge if he were lucky.

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Reminds me of the Julien Blanc sex pest.  A cautionary tale in these days of viral news.  For those who don't know about him, he's a "pickup guru" who posted advice and clips of himself sniffing Japanese women's crotches on the street, taking their flustered reaction as consent.  He became the face of marauding Western sex pests in Japan (giving all white foreigners a bad name), and now can't travel anywhere without causing a stir.  I remember him being denied a visa for Australia and Singapore, probably several other places.   Also, imagine applying for a job later and what comes up if an HR manager googles his name.  Serves him well.  It's all good and well wanting to pick up girls,  but guys like that are on a wholly different kind of trip, and taint us decent guys by association.     

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7 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

Apart from the filming and uploading without their permission, it's all good.


Edit: suggest everyone read this!



THX interesting read, says a lot about the media if not all.....!


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5 hours ago, bark said:

I think the 69, sorry 6-9 % ; is only calculated on hotel and food. Think about all the Thai girls who are getting paid; at 2000

baht per meeting. They spend their money on clothes, and families. And what country can lose 9 % of GDP and not

be hurt ?


Most of that 9% of GDP for tourism is not sex tourists but normal tourism with families and such.  So if you're talking strictly sex tourism, then it might be about 10% of all tourism at most, which means sex tourism accounts for less than 1% of GDP.  And frankly, that's being generous.   

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why are you all commenting and talking about this dweeb thats what he wants he is like spoiled child manipulating people and looking for notice,  everyone has fallen into his trap and if he is making sex videos of girls without permission he should be locked up. As far as I can see he  started the rumors himself to get all this attention. 

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7 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Most of that 9% of GDP for tourism is not sex tourists but normal tourism with families and such.  So if you're talking strictly sex tourism, then it might be about 10% of all tourism at most, which means sex tourism accounts for less than 1% of GDP.  And frankly, that's being generous.   

Unless you have a PR you are still doing the tourists thing. I guess have never been to Nana or Cowboy ?

2015 GDP was over  400 Billion USD .

It is not just the guy paying the girl 2,000. Take that money over a year. Spent over and over again.

Buy shoes, clothes food, rent. supports shoe factories, cloth factory, send money home. Buys rice seeds , vegetables,

feeds families. Send food to supermarkets. You buy the food. etc. etc. There is no way to calculate.

Big wheel that goes round and round.

And you are part of it.

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The only real "sex-pests" in Thailand are those who try to chat up a bar-girl to get a free ride.  They are not in it for the sex my man, it is the baht that really turns them on.  (however, many women expect your best effort, even if you are paying for it)  

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10 hours ago, Docno said:

Eds: Next time you're dealing with a slow news day, can I suggest something more significant, such as something on the Kardashians or a cat video....

or space.  the big bang (not banging)... "david don't"  isn't as half interesting as thailand thinks he is

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13 hours ago, freebyrd said:

After 42 years of official adulthood, including 20 years a soldier, I have never understood the attraction of watching a male and a female going at it?!

Some psychologist claim that all porn is gay based; all about the "money shot."

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4 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

The only real "sex-pests" in Thailand are those who try to chat up a bar-girl to get a free ride.  They are not in it for the sex my man, it is the baht that really turns them on.  (however, many women expect your best effort, even if you are paying for it)  

Very true; it's a game/fantasy.  Thus, it makes for good times: less uncomfortable for both parties and  proves good manners never go out of style.

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14 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

think most of us here would be considered sex pests by many western woman.

Yea! But many western women consider us men here as sex pests, even those of us who are married, not picking up bar girls and even those who are monks... All because we are men living in Thailand!

Edited by Kasset Tak
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