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Germany’s AfD – a flash in the pan or here to stay?


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Germany’s AfD – a flash in the pan or here to stay?




BRUSSELS: -- For insight into the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Germany, euronews spoke to Jean-Michel De Waele, Professor of Political Science at the Free University of Brussels.


“It seems that something is happening in Germany, but it must still be confirmed over several elections. There have often been surges by the far-right in German regional elections, that are then not confirmed afterwards. France has had the National Front for decades. In Germany this is something new and it will see if it stabilises or if it’s a flash in the pan,” de Waele said.


The AfD, which was founded only three years ago, pushed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party into third place in a key regional election on Sunday 4 September, and is now represented in nine out of Germany’s 16 regional parliaments.


“It’s too early to say if the AfD is installed permanently in the political landscape,” de Waele told euronews. “Neo-Nazis have been installed in some of the regional parliaments, behaved ridiculously, and voters then learnt their lesson.”


De Waele said refugee policy will continue to play a crucial role in the party’s development.


“We must see if in the coming months the debate on refugees is still the number one issue, or socio-economic issues.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-06
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AfD is NOT the far right . These are people that want to protect their country & culture from invading roaches.

How they only got 21 % in recent elections is beyond me . I guess they like terror , crime & rape ... it is so familiar to them , like the period after WW II .

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15 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

AfD is NOT the far right . These are people that want to protect their country & culture from invading roaches.

How they only got 21 % in recent elections is beyond me . I guess they like terror , crime & rape ... it is so familiar to them , like the period after WW II .


Perhaps they only got 21% on Sunday due to the election taking place in Merkels constituency, which surprisingly enough, has one of the lowest immigration figures in Germany :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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44 minutes ago, BuaBS said:

AfD is NOT the far right . These are people that want to protect their country & culture from invading roaches. How they only got 21 % in recent elections is beyond me . I guess they like terror , crime & rape ... it is so familiar to them , like the period after WW II .


Assuming you have read the manifesto one can only conclude you're in denial. AfD's manifesto complies with a number of definitions of 'far right' politics.

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25 minutes ago, simple1 said:


Assuming you have read the manifesto one can only conclude you're in denial. AfD's manifesto complies with a number of definitions of 'far right' politics.


The AfD are classed as being right wing. Not far right wing


Post war far right politics in Germany



Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists


Autonome Nationalisten

Deutsche Heidnische Front

Deutsche Rechtspartei

Deutsche Reichspartei

Free German Workers' Party

German Alternative

German League for People and Homeland

German People's Union

German Social Union

Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front

Identitarian movement

National Democratic Party of Germany

National Offensive

Nationalist Front


The Republicans

Socialist Reich Party

Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit








The Alternative for Germany (German: Alternative für Deutschland, AfD) is a right-wing populist[11][12][13] andEurosceptic[14][15][16][17] political party in Germany.




Quit with your branding of everything as being far right if it does not adhere to your personal beliefs.


It is tiring, it is false, it no longer works, it has lost all meaning and it reduces you to mediocrity. 

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27 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


The AfD are classed as being right wing. Not far right wing


Post war far right politics in Germany










Quit with your branding of everything as being far right if it does not adhere to your personal beliefs.


It is tiring, it is false, it no longer works, it has lost all meaning and it reduces you to mediocrity. 


Look up definition of 'far right'. A number of AfD policies meet the criteria . As usual those who openly articulate support for the far right will 'like' your and others' similar posts. A number of members who rabbit on about being patriots also utilise, one would have thought in contradiction to Rule 11, words such as cockroaches, insects etc to describe the entire Muslim population and is the classic language of those who incite genocide.


Nearly all mainstream media describe AfD as 'far right', no doubt a number of members will retort it's a leftist conspiracy blah, blah

Edited by simple1
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1 minute ago, simple1 said:


Look up definition of 'far right'. A number of AfD policies meet the criteria . As usual those who openly articulate support for the far right will 'like' yours and other posts. A number of members who rabbit on about being patriots also utilise, one would have thought in contradiction to Rule 11, language such as cockroaches, insects etc etc  to describe the Muslim population and is the classic language of those who incite genocide.


Nearly all mainstream media describe AfD as 'far right', no doubt a number of members will retort it's a leftist conspiracy blah, blah


Why should I look up the definition of far right ?


You made a claim that a number of AfD Policies meet the criteria of being far right.


So you provide the Policy that you deem to be far right along along with an explanation of why it is far right.


I will ignore the rest of the hubris in your post.

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1 minute ago, SgtRock said:


Why should I look up the definition of far right ?


You made a claim that a number of AfD Policies meet the criteria of being far right.


So you provide the Policy that you deem to be far right along along with an explanation of why it is far right.


I will ignore the rest of the hubris in your post.


I assume you are well aware of the definitions, so no, it's self evident when you read the manifesto. End of...

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1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


You assume ?


Well aware ?


Self Evident ?


End of ?


How does any of the above apply to AfD Policies that YOU are claiming are far right ? You need to produce the policy that you are claiming is far right and an explanation of why it is far right.


Buzz words are so 90's. You need to drag yourself forward a couple of decades.




It's always convenient to label any party that is right of center as "far right, nazi, fascist" in the hope of dismissing all their policies as irrelevant and making people guilty in voting for them. Of course the far left are celebrated as the psuedo liberal champagne socialists who'll deliver utopia for us all.


The biggest trick of the devil is to convince you he doesn't exist - refers to far more than religion.

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1 hour ago, canopus1969 said:

Does not matter a flying <deleted> what sort of 'Right' you call them, at least they are standing up to the left wing loonies who want to turn Europe into a Muslim state


Yep, and that means the PC liberal left feel they have to shout them down. EU buffoons in Brussels have already 'warned" the German people that if they elect the AfD to government then the EU bureaucrats and parliament will refuse to work with them.


They want to turn EU into a socialist state, where only "approved" political parties can stand; with central control where power resides in bureaucrats appointed by the leaders of the "approved" parties. That effectively means things can never really be changed, as one or two of the more senile EU politicians have let slip. Muslims are a convenient influx who help to break the traditions culture, beliefs, heritage and christian based societies within the EU. And, Islam is a political system as well as religion that has always been on friendly terms with the left wing one party socialist state models. 


If the French National Front, Wilders in Netherlands, and AfD continue developing, watch out for some EU rules, regulations and laws suddenly appearing to prohibit them.

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the afd is established as a peoples party for the made it already into 9 out of 16 state parliaments averaging more than 15 % each time. thereto latest polls on the national trend is 14 %, meaning afd is the third strongest party in germany now.....berlin will have state elections on the 18.09.16 , where the afd is poised to gain 15 %.


germany received due to merkels failed policy 1.5 million wanna bees which incurring expenses of euro 1300 per head per months, if family reunion is calculated then another 8 people per head will enter germany, most of them unskilled muslims. hence by 2017 germany might be loaded with 9 million unskilled muslims due to family reunion. the social expense bill incurred out of the influx 9 millionen x euro 1300 ea.per monthsx 12 months...billions to be paid for them, since only 5 % are educated the remaining 95 % will stay as a burden to the german social system. 


that is not  the end to the story 900.000 unskilled africans waiting in libyia to make a safeway passage into northern europe with its generous social welfare system. wbr roobaa01


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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

The biggest trick of the devil is to convince you he doesn't exist - refers to far more than religion.


Good observation which applies to those "to the right of centre" who so busily deny & deflect.

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4 hours ago, BuaBS said:

AfD is NOT the far right . These are people that want to protect their country & culture from invading roaches.

How they only got 21 % in recent elections is beyond me . I guess they like terror , crime & rape ... it is so familiar to them , like the period after WW II .

Yes that surprised me too. Angela's party come in at 19% so people still have the desire to suffer more from the refugee rampage overrunning the country. I seem to sense a more tolerant citizenry in some areas and that scares me. We cannot become to complacent or all will be lost in the future. 

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34 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Here to stay; as long as such immigration policies continue- ABSOLUTELY. Merket doesn't listen to the citizens- she wil be punished in the elections.

if your german is as good as your english you should not be surprised if your chancellor does not understand you...:thumbsup:


only joking, but in the long run no confrontational political party or government has any chance of success.

the suffering the afd will impose on some will eventually spread to everyone - as it has done before and before.

and only the short sighted, gullible and easily led will believe in their quick fix solutions, until it is to late.

and then you will all stand there again and claim you did not know anything.

i know you don't know, but i do.




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4 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Why should I look up the definition of far right ?


You made a claim that a number of AfD Policies meet the criteria of being far right.


So you provide the Policy that you deem to be far right along along with an explanation of why it is far right.


I will ignore the rest of the hubris in your post.


You refuse to debate the issue. Why?


Five minutes work is all it takes to demonstrate the veracity of simple1's assertion. Yet you retreat to the usual bluster and meaningless waffle to divert attention. There is a definition of Far Right. AfD policies are there for anyone who speaks English or German to read.


Hubris is something best left to Ancient Greek Tragedy. It is a woefully inappropriate word to use in this context. Far Right policies are not ordained by God, despite the best wishes of the AfD's of the world that it be so.


When will someone from the Far Right have the courage of their convictions to actually debate a point?

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2 minutes ago, PTC said:


You refuse to debate the issue. Why?


Five minutes work is all it takes to demonstrate the veracity of simple1's assertion. Yet you retreat to the usual bluster and meaningless waffle to divert attention. There is a definition of Far Right. AfD policies are there for anyone who speaks English or German to read.


Hubris is something best left to Ancient Greek Tragedy. It is a woefully inappropriate word to use in this context. Far Right policies are not ordained by God, despite the best wishes of the AfD's of the world that it be so.


When will someone from the Far Right have the courage of their convictions to actually debate a point?

because they probably can't. the reason why the far right exists is because it caters for the uneducated and unintelligent who think that you can solve all the worlds problems by building walls.

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@manfredtillmann israel has successfully built a wall against terror, unwanted illegal immigrant, australia implemented a similar successful policy, thats what the afd wants for the sake of the country. multiculti social  insane politics has been abraising itself, that for people denying reality.


cheers roobaa01



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20 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

@manfredtillmann israel has successfully built a wall against terror, unwanted illegal immigrant, australia implemented a similar successful policy, thats what the afd wants for the sake of the country. multiculti social  insane politics has been abraising itself, that for people denying reality.


cheers roobaa01



yes, i know. and the DDR has successfully built a wall against the 'invasion of imperialism' straight through germany, and korea has a 'demilitarised zone' type of wall keeping apart brothers and sisters. and israel... yes, yes, yes. i know all these things, we all do.


multiculturalism has worked really well for decades in australia and the usa and canada... and germany. a lot of germany's industrial wealth was built on the backs of 'gastarbeiter', foreigners, having come to germany as result of the lure of a better life, better wages, freedom of thought and speech.


if we humans do not manage to embrace and respect the differences of others we will just end up eating and destroying each other - just like it happened so many times before.


and i am as guilty of intolerance as many others here, given what i just posted about indians on a different thread.

we all have to learn to live WITH each other.

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6 hours ago, simple1 said:


Look up definition of 'far right'. A number of AfD policies meet the criteria . As usual those who openly articulate support for the far right will 'like' your and others' similar posts. A number of members who rabbit on about being patriots also utilise, one would have thought in contradiction to Rule 11, words such as cockroaches, insects etc to describe the entire Muslim population and is the classic language of those who incite genocide.


Nearly all mainstream media describe AfD as 'far right', no doubt a number of members will retort it's a leftist conspiracy blah, blah


So the main stream media are in charge to decide who is good and who is not. They can't be biased can they?


Fact is the majority of the German population does not want that group of people in their country and the Government does not care. They feel betrayed by their own government and rightly so.

Edited by sweatalot
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17 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

we all have to learn to live WITH each other.


You are preaching to the wrong people by posting the above in this thread.


This should be aimed at the hate preaching death cult that cannot live with anyone other than others like them.


I would give you a list but it would be deemed off topic and probably removed.


You might want to ask yourself why the Saudi's offer of support to Germany was the building of 200 Mosques and not one iota of humanitarian aid for the migrants, that will put you on the right track.

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...the hate preaching death cult...?

sorry, mate, i did not know we are discussing the catholic church.

and what was that about the 'saudi's offer'? you are quoting my post supporting unison and all you have to reply is division?

we have all had that for hundred's of years. muslims are people like you and me, they just believe in the same fake god figure as everyone else who prays on this planet.

there is no god, no religion, no bible, no koran - there are only misguided people, just like you. so much evil has been done on this planet in the name of some perceived god...

only education will change attitudes. you build walls and you build resistance. blind and stupid resistance.


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1 hour ago, manfredtillmann said:

multiculturalism has worked really well for decades in australia and the usa and canada... and germany. a lot of germany's industrial wealth was built on the backs of 'gastarbeiter', foreigners, having come to germany as result of the lure of a better life, better wages, freedom of thought and speech.


history learnt that rebuilding germany ended 1949, hence the italians, spanish, portugese, who came were fiinding their luck and integrated for their values are christian ones as well as vietnamese buddist. whereas muslim turks, arabs or the like built paralel societies not integrating. they created no go zones like dortmund nordstadt, duisburg marxloh, neukoeln where arab criminal clans preside with shariah law.


cheers roobaa01

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18 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

wake up, all of you. this is going to end in tears!!!!!!!!!!!


We already know. There was no end of people telling / advising Merkel that it would all end in tears.


She knew better and invited all and sundry.


Hence the reason the reason that Merkel and the CDU got their @sses handed to them on a plate on Sunday.


It is beyond belief that people are still struggling to understand why right wing groups such as AfD are growing in popularity throughout Europe.


You will note that I said right wing and not far right wing, who for obvious reasons are not growing in popularity.

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Can"t take sides but what she done without any talks with her Empire (she is the EU)

I believe brought about BREXIT i cannot thank her "not in my make up"but at least

the UK will be out of it, the woman is an idiot of the highest order,never trust an ex

communist . 

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7 hours ago, manfredtillmann said:

because they probably can't. the reason why the far right exists is because it caters for the uneducated and unintelligent who think that you can solve all the worlds problems by building walls.

Ideological crap.

Germany IW study (30.04.2016) : The AFD is a party of high earners and educated.
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a party of the better-off. 33.9 percent of all AFD sympathizers belonging to the richest fifth of the population, less than ten percent of the AFD-Followers are very worried about their personal economic situation. This emerges from a study by the Institute of German Economy in Cologne (IW Köln).

Educate yourself first!

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