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Clinton blasts Russia, Trump softens immigration stance


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Clinton blasts Russia, Trump softens immigration stance



CLEVELAND (AP) — Setting the stage on Labor Day for a critical month in their testy presidential campaign, Donald Trump softened his stance on immigration while Hillary Clinton blasted Russia for its suspected tampering in the U.S. electoral process.


In a rare news conference aboard her new campaign plane, Clinton said she is concerned about "credible reports about Russian government interference in our elections."


"We are going to have to take those threats and attacks seriously," Clinton told reporters traveling with her from Ohio to Illinois.


Clinton's comments follow reports that the Russian government may have been involved in the hacking of Democratic National Committee emails just days before the party's national convention. The emails, later revealed by WikiLeaks, showed some DNC officials favoring Clinton over her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders — who has since endorsed Clinton for president.


She said Russian President Vladimir Putin appears "quite satisfied with himself" and said Trump "has generally parroted what is a Putin-Kremlin line."


Meanwhile, Trump extended a rare invitation to journalists to accompany him on his private plane from Cleveland to Youngstown, Ohio. The billionaire businessman appeared to pivot away from his hard-line position on immigration, saying, "I'm all about jobs now." Any immigrants who want full citizenship must return to their countries of origin and get in line, he told reporters — but he would not rule out a pathway to legal status for the millions living in the U.S. illegally, as he did in a long-awaited policy speech last week.


"We're going to make that decision into the future," Trump said.


Clinton powered through a coughing fit at a Labor Day festival at a Cleveland park, sharply criticizing Trump's recent trip to Mexico as "an embarrassing international incident." Unwilling to allow Trump to modify his immigration stances, she said his address later that night in Arizona amounted to a "doubling down on his absurd plan to send a deportation force to round up 16 million people."


"He can try to fool voters into thinking somehow he's not as harsh and inhumane as he seems, but it's too late," Clinton said.


Clinton's 25-minute question-and-answer session was her first extensive availability with reporters since early December. Beyond Russia, she answered questions about the ongoing controversy surrounding her use of a private email server while secretary of state, which Trump has used to cast doubt over her ability to protect classified information.


"I take classification seriously," she said.


Trump told reporters Monday that "on occasion," he will invite journalists to travel with him.


The two campaigns arrived in Cleveland within hours of each other, underscoring Ohio's quadrennial role in presidential campaigns. No Republican has won the White House without carrying the state, and the airport offered vivid imagery of that crucial role.


The airplanes of Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, were parked on the tarmac as Clinton and her vice presidential pick, Tim Kaine, arrived in separate planes. It was a near-encounter that even forced the Trump press corps to the side of the road as Clinton's motorcade whizzed by.


"It's kind of interesting to have all the planes here on the same tarmac," Kaine said after he and Clinton greeted supporters. "Just shows you how important Ohio is. We're going to be here a lot."


While Labor Day has traditionally been the kickoff to the fall campaign, both Clinton and Trump have been locked in an intense back-and-forth throughout the summer.


The start of full-fledged campaigning opens a pivotal month, culminating in the first presidential debate Sept. 26 at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Polls show Trump trailing Clinton in a series of must-win battleground states, meaning the debates could be his best chance at reorienting the race.


Trump told reporters he does plan to take part in all three presidential debates, joking that only a "hurricane" or "natural disaster" would prevent him from attending.


Clinton will have millions of dollars at her disposal this fall to air television advertising and power a sophisticated get-out-the vote operation in key states.


The former secretary of state raised a combined $143 million in August for her campaign, the Democratic National Committee and state parties — her best month yet. She began September with more than $68 million in her campaign's bank account to use against Trump, who has not yet released initial fundraising totals for August. Trump followed through with his vow to spend some $10 million on commercials in key states over the past week.


Peoples reported from aboard Trump's private jet over Ohio. Kathleen Ronayne in Cleveland and David Eggert in Detroit contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-06
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OK, so seems both candidates very astutely made numerous comments about multiple issues and yet still managed to say absolutely nothing about anything. No doubt their avid supporters were frothing at delight with their greater sense of illumination that actually equated to being completely in their fervid imaginations. The media went away delighted seeing that they could succinctly report on the breaking issues without of course having to quote anything of any substance, just the way they, and their readers prefer it.

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When it comes to trump you can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth, he say one thing and after backfire he changes the statement. Don't know how voters can decide to vote for him. I haven't heard anything concrete what he will do except this flip flopping around immigration and job market. As a businessman he should understand that US need some kind of trade agreement with the rest of the world you can't produce everything in the country or add a high tax on imported items. If all apple products that are made in China would have 15-50% tax nobody will be able to buy these things. Or the fashion industry that make most of their cloths in Asia. He should start to bring home the outsourced jobs like hotel, airline, bank, call centers and it would bring back hundred of thousand jobs from India and Philippines back to the south were they ones was. Could be a start.

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I recommend watching this video.  Trump fans will hate it and hate the commentator, as they always hate any messenger who doesn't sing praises of Trump.  But it's eye-opening for its history, its sound bites from Trump's most recent speeches, and its bullseye on what's going on with the once-decent Republican Party.


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3 hours ago, CharlieK said:

Blame the Russians if Trump wins! Is that what she is saying?

Did she say that?  No.  She did, however accuse the Russkies of interfering in the US campaign, and the Russians haven't denied it.

As for blame.  Trump is on record for declaring that if he loses, it's because the elections are rigged.  It sounds like he's already written his speech for November 9th.  Imagine if an Olympic runner, before the big race, said, "If I lose, it's because the race officials conspired against me."   If you want to see what a complete loser Trump is, there is a new segment each day put out by 'The Young Turks.'  They're popular on Youtube, and their "Loser Trump" series is on the bullseye.


I wouldn't be surprised if he chickens out from one of the debates, like he did during the primaries.


2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Boy crooked hillary must have proof russia is interfering in the USA electoral process….is she waiting like assange to produce it…..we are all waiting.


There is proof.  Get informed.  I'm not waiting.  I've heard the proof and and it's compelling.  Plus, Assange and the Russkies don't deny it.

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Here's the latest news about the Putin-Wikileaks-Assange-Trump crew and their supporting fanboyz...... 



“Intelligence and law enforcement agencies are probing what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in US political institutions,” the Boston Globe reports.


“The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia’s ability to spread disinformation.”



The Globe article pointed out James Clapper, director of National Intelligence wants to make the electoral systems of the 50 states a part of the critical national security infrastructure. 


National security.


Critical. Russia.


Director of National Intelligence. 

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Quite frankly, it does not bother me in the slightest that it seems the Russians hacked into the DNC computers.  Look what we learned.  The DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave preference to Hillary.  Didn't matter what the people wanted.  Just shows how corrupt the political process really is in the USA.  Wish hackers would help the American people out a little more.  If someone or some institution is doing something unethical, I don't care where the information comes from as long as it is made public.

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It would bother me if Putin put polonium in my soup. It would bother me a lot (but not for long eh).


The cyberwarfare against American democracy by Putin matters not to the rightwhinge extremist radicals who dis Hillary by name while ignoring Putin's attack on the Constitution. 

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8 hours ago, Trouble said:

Quite frankly, it does not bother me in the slightest that it seems the Russians hacked into the DNC computers.  Look what we learned.  The DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave preference to Hillary.  Didn't matter what the people wanted.  Just shows how corrupt the political process really is in the USA.  Wish hackers would help the American people out a little more.  If someone or some institution is doing something unethical, I don't care where the information comes from as long as it is made public.


Trump fans first deny it as paranoia and untrue.  Then, with mounting evidence to the contrary, they reluctantly acknowledge it's probably true, but in the same sentence, justify it insipidly.


Get this: when the story first broke, Trump said the same, including (in his mock-incredulous posing with hands in the air); "maybe it's the Chinese, we don't know."


Later that same day, he says, "Lots of people say it could be the Chinese, who knows?"


The clincher is: NO ONE EXCEPT TRUMP assumed it might be the Chinese.  So there's an example (and not the only one) of Trump assuming something (wrongly, of course), and then later quoting his earlier statement by saying, "many people are saying"   .....YET HE'S THE ONLY ONE WITH THE FALSE THEORY.   He's amazing!  He uses his earlier statements to bolster his later statements, adding that "many people are saying......."  !?!!


He did the same about the birther tempest in a teacup.  He said "People in Hawaii are saying they don't have anything proving Obama was born there."   Press corps later found out that NO ONE was saying that, and in fact NO PEOPLE had gone to Hawaii to ask those types of questions.  The authorities at the state office where records are kept said no one had inquired.   It's akin to Trump saying the NFL sent him a letter, whereas the NFL home office said no letter was sent.


Trump is not only the world's biggest liar, he even quotes himself as a source for his lies.  What a gargantuan loser he is!

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More on Trump unending trail of lies:  He lies so often, that when there were conflicting statements from Trump and Mexico's Nieto about whether there was discussion of the Wall and who would pay for it, ....EVERYONE, INCLUDING TRUMP FANS, BELIEVED NIETO AND NOT TRUMP.


But Trump fans don't care when he's caught in a tangle of lies every day.  They'll rabidly stand beside him no matter what he says or does.


Worse, is Trump saying one thing to the Mexican prez, and then a few hours later shouting contrary things to his cheering room full of fans.  Do you know the message that sends to world leaders?  Of course:  NONE ARE GOING TO TRUST HIM OR ANYTHING HE SAYS. 


The world's greatest deal maker just shot off both his feet.  He's like a fire breather who puts lighter fluid in his mouth but swallows it each time, instead of spitting it out as a flame.  Good luck America, if you elect the buffoon of buffoons to highest office. 

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17 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Did she say that?  No.  She did, however accuse the Russkies of interfering in the US campaign, and the Russians haven't denied it.

As for blame.  Trump is on record for declaring that if he loses, it's because the elections are rigged.  It sounds like he's already written his speech for November 9th.  Imagine if an Olympic runner, before the big race, said, "If I lose, it's because the race officials conspired against me."   If you want to see what a complete loser Trump is, there is a new segment each day put out by 'The Young Turks.'  They're popular on Youtube, and their "Loser Trump" series is on the bullseye.


I wouldn't be surprised if he chickens out from one of the debates, like he did during the primaries.



There is proof.  Get informed.  I'm not waiting.  I've heard the proof and and it's compelling.  Plus, Assange and the Russkies don't deny it.


OK, Why should the Russians deny it? Surely the implication that they are interfering, suggests HC could lose because of that interference? Even if she isn't actually saying so! How many extra votes is it worth by making that implication? If she has proof let her expose it, Ah but then maybe the emails are her real problem.


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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump fans first deny it as paranoia and untrue.  Then, with mounting evidence to the contrary, they reluctantly acknowledge it's probably true, but in the same sentence, justify it insipidly.


Get this: when the story first broke, Trump said the same, including (in his mock-incredulous posing with hands in the air); "maybe it's the Chinese, we don't know."


Later that same day, he says, "Lots of people say it could be the Chinese, who knows?"


The clincher is: NO ONE EXCEPT TRUMP assumed it might be the Chinese.  So there's an example (and not the only one) of Trump assuming something (wrongly, of course), and then later quoting his earlier statement by saying, "many people are saying"   .....YET HE'S THE ONLY ONE WITH THE FALSE THEORY.   He's amazing!  He uses his earlier statements to bolster his later statements, adding that "many people are saying......."  !?!!


He did the same about the birther tempest in a teacup.  He said "People in Hawaii are saying they don't have anything proving Obama was born there."   Press corps later found out that NO ONE was saying that, and in fact NO PEOPLE had gone to Hawaii to ask those types of questions.  The authorities at the state office where records are kept said no one had inquired.   It's akin to Trump saying the NFL sent him a letter, whereas the NFL home office said no letter was sent.


Trump is not only the world's biggest liar, he even quotes himself as a source for his lies.  What a gargantuan loser he is!


Exactly to the point.....


Jon Favreau: “The reason Trump succeeded isn’t that complicated after all. He didn’t win the nomination by tapping into some nascent political movement. He won by doing a fairly good impression of a right-wing media celebrity. Every issue, every conspiracy, every applause line has been ripped from their websites, radio shows, and television programs. It’s why he became America’s most prominent birther. It’s why he floated rumors that Ted Cruz’s dad killed JFK, and that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster. It’s why he talks the way he does about Mexicans and Muslims and women and African Americans. It’s why he’s been able to get away with knowing little to nothing about policy or government or world affairs — because Trump, like any good talking head, only speaks in chyrons and clauses and some-people-are-sayings.”



It is how he won the nomination of a party primary and caucus process owned and dominated by rightwhinge cranks. Now Trump as the ex officio leader of the Republican Party, i.e., its nominee, has inherited tens of millions of Republican party loyalist voters. Quite the coup.


All for naught however.


Still, it's a long, grinding and torturous route to defeating him on election day. 

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