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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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8 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

I note that you specify that it is the dealing of illegal drugs that you have a problem with. Tell you what, why not do a search on high school shootings or teenage murderers and what were the most common drugs that had been ingested by the killers. Don't think you'll be finding too many mentions of MDMA in the toxicology reports... In fact, you probably won't find many illegal drugs mentioned at all. And yet the "pushers" of the drugs a lot of these kids were on are still walking free, still dishing out their product to other kids... Are you OK with that, because what they are pushing is legal? The big difference here is that typically deaths attributed to MDMA usually involve only the user, unlike what you'll find if you do your research on the above. I'd be interested to hear your views on the subject after you've read up about it. Forget about the legalities - they are clearly laid out in black and white. You applaud the sentences that were handed down in this case - is that because you are a law-abiding citizen who feels that drug enforcement laws must be obeyed? What I would like to know is how you defend or otherwise respond to the pushers of drugs that are deemed legal but may be implicated in a significant number of murders and suicides. Do you also applaud the fact that these pushers are still walking the streets because it also shows that the laws regarding drugs are being upheld?


P.S. If your struggling, try adding the term SSRI to your search...

Alcohol is legal, and causes death and destruction, pain and suffering, but this is excepted by society.  Ridiculous.  The drug war is dead.

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8 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:

The penalties for dealing drugs here are severe. These guys knew that going in.


Yes the sentences are harsh but they're no more so than they are for Thais caught at the same game.


Why should the courts demonstrate leniency? Because they could be the sons of any of a bunch of Western expats on an anonymous forum?


Just because they weren't perched on a stool at a street bar on Lower Sukhumvit doesn't mean they deserve soft-touch sentencing. 

Here here.My thoughts exactly

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1 minute ago, Redline said:

That was a nice video, but completely out of context.  Life is not meant to be fair, but laws should be fair in their context

Thanks!  You guys have been great really.  I'll be here all week then on too Koh Chang, Koh Tao winding up the show on Koh Larn.  Again really thanks for coming you guys were really great.  Get the tissues out for this one... 


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11 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.


With that outlook on drugs, I'm glad you and your children are not anywhere near me or my children.

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3 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Thanks!  You guys have been great really.  I'll be here all week then on too Koh Chang, Koh Tao winding up the show on Koh Larn.  Again really thanks for coming you guys were really great.  Get the tissues out for this one... 


Yes indeed, look forward to seeing you next week when you can shirk the difficult questions again... should be fun - can't wait, and... kinda... missing you already...

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4 hours ago, gandalf12 said:

Totally agree with you. We never seem to hear what a Thai gets for the same crime. I assume it is a simple I large sentence. Does anyone know what a Thai is likely to get?

13 months for use....no possession,no dealing.They are subject to the same rules

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15 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

I note that you specify that it is the dealing of illegal drugs that you have a problem with. Tell you what, why not do a search on high school shootings or teenage murderers and what were the most common drugs that had been ingested by the killers. Don't think you'll be finding too many mentions of MDMA in the toxicology reports... In fact, you probably won't find many illegal drugs mentioned at all. And yet the "pushers" of the drugs a lot of these kids were on are still walking free, still dishing out their product to other kids... Are you OK with that, because what they are pushing is legal? The big difference here is that typically deaths attributed to MDMA usually involve only the user, unlike what you'll find if you do your research on the above. I'd be interested to hear your views on the subject after you've read up about it. Forget about the legalities - they are clearly laid out in black and white. You applaud the sentences that were handed down in this case - is that because you are a law-abiding citizen who feels that drug enforcement laws must be obeyed? What I would like to know is how you defend or otherwise respond to the pushers of drugs that are deemed legal but may be implicated in a significant number of murders and suicides. Do you also applaud the fact that these pushers are still walking the streets because it also shows that the laws regarding drugs are being upheld?


P.S. If your struggling, try adding the term SSRI to your search...


Your asking me about high school shootings and teenage murderers ????


I am talking about supplying and dealing drugs deserves a harsh sentence. Nothing more.


At the end of the day, we can dance around for an hour but lets save a little time.


1. What they were doing was illegal.

2. Doing it in a Country like Thailand is risky to your freedom.

3. Nobody planted or cohersed them, they did it of their own free will.


They knew what they were doing was wrong and they did not care.


I am not interested in hearing about, toxicology reports of murderers and the like, so you can X isnt that dangerous, we all know different, so no pint even going there mate.


Don't do drugs in Thailand, you will end up spending the rest of your life in Prision.  Questions ???

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9 minutes ago, Redline said:

Alcohol is legal, and causes death and destruction, pain and suffering, but this is excepted by society.  Ridiculous.  The drug war is dead.


Your missing the point. Alcohol is legal in Thailand. No body ever got life in prison for being in possession of a Bottle of Chang.

Forget about work permits or licences, but if you wanted to sell alcohol on a beach, you can, its legal.  Selling X is not.

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1 minute ago, jimmybkk said:

Uhhmmm... yep, think we've all seen banged up abroad... bad things happen when you contravene the laws of a land. Some people think the sentences were fair enough - question I'm asking is why would you think they were fair enough - is it just because those are the laws of the land? If so then one shouldn't have a problem with kids being handed out SSRI's all the time despite all these violent events that are associated with their usage, such as mass murders at high schools etc...

OK!  Last one.  You are 110% correct the pediatric administration of SSRIs is unethical, immoral and criminal in my professional opinion.  I have lectured on this topic.  Major pharmaceutical research was covered up that exposed the danger of administering SSRIs to children leading to the biggest lawsuit and penalty in history handed out by the FDA/Justice Department.  Google it.  Of course no one went to jail and the government got a large commission as children died. "Nothing to see here."


Anyway my manager is yelling at me and the bus is leaving.  See ya next time guys!!!  


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4 minutes ago, Bighel said:

13 months for use....no possession,no dealing.They are subject to the same rules



Can I just bring some reality to some peoples Thai FairyTale.


Thailand is their Country. In their point of view, Foreigners have come to Thailand to sell drugs and take drugs.  Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, what if a load of Thais came to your Country and started selling drugs.  Of course their is going to be a difference in the sentence because they are probably hoping that the message gets out to the whole world.

Don't do drugs in Thailand, you will end up spending the rest of your life in Prision.

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16 minutes ago, jimmybkk said:

Yes indeed, look forward to seeing you next week when you can shirk the difficult questions again... should be fun - can't wait, and... kinda... missing you already...

I believe I answered your question in detail.  Oh and agreed with you by the way. You'll love these numbers and don't forget. No one went to jail... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements

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21 minutes ago, Redline said:

Alcohol is legal, and causes death and destruction, pain and suffering, but this is excepted by society.  Ridiculous.  The drug war is dead.


I agree with you, but that is society, we used to allow smoking at work, everywhere in the UK.  Now we don't.

You cannot even smoke in your own car, if you have children in the car with you.


There are alcohol exclusion zones in our largest cities. Alcoholism cause more deaths than probably all of the hard drugs put together, but it is socially acceptable because the vast majority of people drink responsibly.


There are of course other issues such as tax, which all governments make huge income gains from the tax and duties on alcohol and cigarettes.


My point is this, at the time of writing this drugs are still illegal.


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2 minutes ago, autanic said:


I agree with you, but that is society, we used to allow smoking at work, everywhere in the UK.  Now we don't.

You cannot even smoke in your own car, if you have children in the car with you.


There are alcohol exclusion zones in our largest cities. Alcoholism cause more deaths than probably all of the hard drugs put together, but it is socially acceptable because the vast majority of people drink responsibly.


There are of course other issues such as tax, which all governments make huge income gains from the tax and duties on alcohol and cigarettes.


My point is this, at the time of writing this drugs are still illegal.


People who smoke in cars with their children should be executed.

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Long story ,short,most are missing the point.whether you agree or disagree with drug use,if you flout the laws of whatever country you are in,be prepared to take whatever punishment is on the cards,whether or not you personally think it too harsh or not harsh enough.Some countries you cannot chew gum,spit in the street,women have to be covered,whatever the rule,just because you are not native to that country does not excuse your ignorance  or your downright stupidity.It is up to the individual to inform themselves of any law in a foreign country before arrival,and stop blaming the country and it's laws when things go pear shape.and expect to have sympathy from your fellow man for your own stupidity .As stated before,you have to be blind ,deaf and dumb for not knowing the drug laws in Asian countries.The Aussie would've known before he left the airport in Oz....it screams at you in the public restrooms ,and am presuming also in Uk.In this day and age of internet ,google,social media of any description we can arm ourselves with information,but strangely enough there are some of us who wing it then blame everything else......I will sit back now and continue to watch the debate go on,it's like a tennis match

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1 minute ago, Bighel said:

Long story ,short,most are missing the point.whether you agree or disagree with drug use,if you flout the laws of whatever country you are in,be prepared to take whatever punishment is on the cards,whether or not you personally think it too harsh or not harsh enough.Some countries you cannot chew gum,spit in the street,women have to be covered,whatever the rule,just because you are not native to that country does not excuse your ignorance  or your downright stupidity.It is up to the individual to inform themselves of any law in a foreign country before arrival,and stop blaming the country and it's laws when things go pear shape.and expect to have sympathy from your fellow man for your own stupidity .As stated before,you have to be blind ,deaf and dumb for not knowing the drug laws in Asian countries.The Aussie would've known before he left the airport in Oz....it screams at you in the public restrooms ,and am presuming also in Uk.In this day and age of internet ,google,social media of any description we can arm ourselves with information,but strangely enough there are some of us who wing it then blame everything else......I will sit back now and continue to watch the debate go on,it's like a tennis match

Another sane person huh?  Watch your back buddy you're in the "TV zone"  


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6 minutes ago, Bighel said:

Long story ,short,most are missing the point.whether you agree or disagree with drug use,if you flout the laws of whatever country you are in,be prepared to take whatever punishment is on the cards,whether or not you personally think it too harsh or not harsh enough.Some countries you cannot chew gum,spit in the street,women have to be covered,whatever the rule,just because you are not native to that country does not excuse your ignorance  or your downright stupidity.It is up to the individual to inform themselves of any law in a foreign country before arrival,and stop blaming the country and it's laws when things go pear shape.and expect to have sympathy from your fellow man for your own stupidity .As stated before,you have to be blind ,deaf and dumb for not knowing the drug laws in Asian countries.The Aussie would've known before he left the airport in Oz....it screams at you in the public restrooms ,and am presuming also in Uk.In this day and age of internet ,google,social media of any description we can arm ourselves with information,but strangely enough there are some of us who wing it then blame everything else......I will sit back now and continue to watch the debate go on,it's like a tennis match

I really do not think it is necessary.  You articulated yourself so finely, I believe this really closes the topic. :clap2:

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2 minutes ago, autanic said:


I vote for JoeyG to be made Secretary of State for Justice, in all Countries.

Thank you, thank you.  I couldn't have gotten to this point without help.  I also must thank the US Government for my tour of Vietnam.  Eye opening really.  Also thanks to the US government funding my  undergrad and grad studies facilitating a long and successful career as well as an early retirement.


I also want to thank all of my teachers both academic and spiritual.  Without them I'd still be in the dark and not realize this is all an illusion that could end after my next heart beat.


Finally, in accepting this nomination I'd like to thank all the BMs that contributed to this thread and helped me to count all my "lucky stars!"  Now back to business...  


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18 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


nonsense. if my kids had drug problems its because of ill informed people like you - who spread lies and hate. 99% percent of recreational drug users have a great time as it is part of growing up. The war on drugs is a war on the people.

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24 minutes ago, autanic said:


Your asking me about high school shootings and teenage murderers ????


I am talking about supplying and dealing drugs deserves a harsh sentence. Nothing more.


At the end of the day, we can dance around for an hour but lets save a little time.


1. What they were doing was illegal.

2. Doing it in a Country like Thailand is risky to your freedom.

3. Nobody planted or cohersed them, they did it of their own free will.


They knew what they were doing was wrong and they did not care.


I am not interested in hearing about, toxicology reports of murderers and the like, so you can X isnt that dangerous, we all know different, so no pint even going there mate.


Don't do drugs in Thailand, you will end up spending the rest of your life in Prision.  Questions ???

Just trying to understand where you're coming from. You are clearly passionate about what you believe and I respect that, but you're not really sending a clear message and I would like to understand. You state that "supplying and dealing drugs deserves a harsh sentence"... well that could apply to a pharmacist, right? So are you saying that it's the drugs they were dealing that you object to (MDMA) and you would object to that drug being supplied/dealt anywhere in the world, whether it was illegal in that country or not? Or is it that you are happy to see the law being enforced in this case and you are simply an advocate of laws being enforced, regardless of the crime?


As for the offer of a dance for an hour... you could at least offer to buy me a drink first...

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Just now, The manic said:

nonsense. if my kids had drug problems its because of ill informed people like you - who spread lies and hate. 99% percent of recreational drug users have a great time as it is part of growing up. The war on drugs is a war on the people.

Yeah the worlds in great shape right now isn't it? Try it in Indonesia.  Tell it to the judge... 


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16 minutes ago, Psimbo said:

Foreigner gets caught with drugs, despite the widely publicised effects of being caught with drugs in Thailand. Son nam na and no sympathy for him. At least he'll get a book out of it.

And yet so many, even farang, with far more get an "out" before it gets to court. 

How would you rationalize the sentence now you have a better understanding?

Your type of kindness to fellow man fuels the hatred this planet suffers so dearly from.


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