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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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2 hours ago, NicciBobThai said:

Those sentences are ridiculous, 2x live for 61 pills, damn, what kind of justice system is that????? If you are a 1st time offender, with this amount of pills and a half good lawyer in most of European countries, you wouldn't even go to jail. And that's how it should be. Asian countries are far behind and barbaric when it comes to drug cases, just ridiculous and stupid. Indonesia executes a couple of guys for a bit of heroin, young guys, not hardened criminals, who made a mistake, that's just unbelievable, what a shit of a country. And Thailand gives a young guy, obviously not a real criminal either 2 life sentences for 61 pills, what kind of a <deleted> up place is this. It's just a <deleted> joke how these countries handle cases like this. Hipocrisy at it's best.


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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I probably do less drugs than you, (no drink, no smoke, no pills except aspirin) but I support an adult doing a mild mind-altering drug which doesn't impact badly on anyone and/or doesn't pollute or harm the environment.  


In contrast, I'm annoyed by people, whether drugged or not, who ruefully annoy/harm others and/or harm the environment.  As you can tell, I have a very different outlook from gov't authorities, who want to severely criminalize people causing for relatively little, if any harm.


I'd rather have some ecstasy takers next door, dancing and singing and staring at flowers, than an alcohol-fueled wife beater.  How often do you hear of an ecstasy user taking a gun and shooting people?  Never.  How often with an alchie? Daily or weekly.  Same for serious car accidents or fights when bars close.    


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You all think it was quite cute and a display of bravado, boasting about your years of former and current illegal drug use.  Some even promoting it for their children.  Sad bunch here.  How crazy are you?  Take a good long look in the mirror.  Madness, indeed.  If this thread doesn't attract the attention of Law Enforcement to your IP addresses I don't know what will.


It's like jumping up and down holding a neon sign saying, "I do illegal drugs and think your laws are bullshit!!!"


And you guys are complaining about "Tracking sim cards." This is the result of the drug damaged brain,  Frightening...

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7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

That still doesn't explain away two life sentences as opposed to one. 


Ignorance (of what drugs are about) combined with vindictiveness (because the young man didn't play their game re; money transfers), on the part of officials.   I'd like to hear the Aussies' part of the story and what they think transpired, both leading up to the bust, and the kangaroo court shenanigans afterwards.


3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Maybe now that their memories are shot, brain damage has occurred, all sorts of neurological issues, they've learned something?  They're passing on their knowledge and experience.  We're not here long enough to make every mistake there is to make for ourselves, and it's better you learn from someone else's.


There you go, echoing establishments' worse-case scenario.  What's your opinion on MSG, for example?  Did you know MSG has been fatal in some cases?  Google it.


Nat'l Geographic magazine declared sugar is addictive.  It's written in an article about the history of sugar.  Have you been to the US, for example?  Roughly 75% of all adults are seriously overweight, and much of that is from sugar (other culprits: trans-fats and not exercising).  Being that fat is a health problem.  It also impacts badly on everyone else, running up hospital costs (taking up hospital beds, doctors' time, resources, etc), and demand for replacement organs, and running up insurance for everyone.  


Just those three items: MSG, trans-fats and sugars, are each arguably more harmful than ecstasy pills.  And I didn't even mention alcohol or pharma drugs or steroids or smog or cigs.

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17 minutes ago, joeyg said:

You all think it was quite cute and a display of bravado, boasting about your years of former and current illegal drug use.  Some even promoting it for their children.  Sad bunch here.  How crazy are you?  Take a good long look in the mirror.  Madness, indeed.  If this thread doesn't attract the attention of Law Enforcement to your IP addresses I don't know what will.


It's like jumping up and down holding a neon sign saying, "I do illegal drugs and think your laws are bullshit!!!"


And you guys are complaining about "Tracking sim cards." This is the result of the drug damaged brain,  Frightening...


You should campaign to abolish alcohol and smoking too. These 'legal' drugs not only kill the indulgers but also affect their families .. on a significantly larger scale than drugs. Or how about people who drive recklessly around Thailand, more people will be victims of road accidents than ecstasy tablets or hash.


The guys were stupid to deal in drugs, but the prison time imposed bears no relation to the crime ... it is beyond harsh.






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Just now, AlexRich said:


You should campaign to abolish alcohol and smoking too. These 'legal' drugs not only kill the indulgers but also affect their families .. on a significantly larger scale than drugs. Or how about people who drive recklessly around Thailand, more people will be victims of road accidents than ecstasy tablets or hash.


The guys were stupid to deal in drugs, but the prison time imposed bears no relation to the crime ... it is beyond harsh.






No interest in campaigning.  This has been more of a social experiment to see how delusional and prone to making reckless statements in an open forum TV BMs are capable of.  My opinion was and still is drug dealers should be executed.  Can't I have an opinion.  Many goverments and even local Thai Officials have taken this very action.  So you see it's an open forum.  I have my opinion, you have yours. It's just that mine is with law enforcement yours and most otheres are not.  Hey good luck with that.  In addition, Thai Law Enforcement monitors this board regularly.  I'm sure they have several new "persons of interest."


Knock, knock...

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55 minutes ago, joeyg said:


What you guys that have never took an E don't know is this guy is an absolute F'kn heaven right now, he does not care what anyone thinks, he's non agressive. The worst thing about this video though....the fact it was filmed and posted online. It's "grassing/snitching" I know i speak for ALL of us that were bang at it in the 80's and 90's when i say i am so glad we didn't have social media and camera phones back then :D 

He's no danger to anyone. I want to highlight though that this is an extreme end of the effects and rarely do you see someone like this. Another fact is that we do look after each other in our own environment wither it's in a club or at an after party. I know i have talked to 100's who are caked and vice versa just letting them know they are with friends.

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It's always a good idea to follow the law and respect the people in the country you live,  just because you don't agree with the law doesn't  mean you're exempt;  alot of things alot of people don't agree with but if I went about dealing  with it their own way then they too would be serving multiple life sentences.  ?????? next story. 

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5 minutes ago, joeyg said:

No interest in campaigning.  This has been more of a social experiment to see how delusional and prone to making reckless statements in an open forum TV BMs are capable of.  My opinion was and still is drug dealers should be executed.  Can't I have an opinion.  Many goverments and even local Thai Officials have taken this very action.  So you see it's an open forum.  I have my opinion, you have yours. It's just that mine is with law enforcement yours and most otheres are not.  Hey good luck with that.  In addition, Thai Law Enforcement monitors this board regularly.  I'm sure they have several new "persons of interest."


Knock, knock...


You have an opinion. Did I dispute that? Am I allowed to have one? Or is it just a one-way street?


Strange that the very places that execute drug dealers have the biggest drug dealing problem? Doesn't seem to be working, does it? I read recently that the Thai Government are considering de-criminalising certain drugs that are currently illegal. So you might not be on the side of the law for much longer, you'll be on the other side. 


As for 'persons of interest', I don't recall anyone confessing to crimes on here, do you? When you talk about the delusional, are you really just referring to yourself?





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45 minutes ago, joeyg said:

You all think it was quite cute and a display of bravado, boasting about your years of former and current illegal drug use.  Some even promoting it for their children.  Sad bunch here.  How crazy are you?  Take a good long look in the mirror.  Madness, indeed.  If this thread doesn't attract the attention of Law Enforcement to your IP addresses I don't know what will.


It's like jumping up and down holding a neon sign saying, "I do illegal drugs and think your laws are bullshit!!!"


And you guys are complaining about "Tracking sim cards." This is the result of the drug damaged brain,  Frightening...

What a frankly, stupid post.

I think it's clear all of us have said those days are in the past with maybe the odd night back at it. I did, in the UK nearly a year ago, my first venture back on a dancefloor in years.

We are not showing off, we are letting you know our experiences on it, nothing more, nothing less.

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On 7 September 2016 at 3:30 AM, RaoulDuke said:

I have had more bad experiences than I would ever want to remember with alcohol. Never had that problem with MDMA, LSD, or mushrooms. It is horribly hypocritical and ignorant for anyone who drinks beer, wine, hard alcohol, as well as people addicted to nicotine and caffeine to run around saying how evil all drugs are. The crap at the pharmacy causes far greater harm than most party drugs. Only weak minded people prone to addiction have problems with these drugs. Pcp, heroine, and cracked are hard drugs. MDMA is 6-8 hours of feeling happy and forgetting just what a truly horrible world we live in, and the come-down is a billion times less harsh than the average hangover.


I really hate people who take drugs. Especially, Customs :coffee1:

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I have never taken ecstasy but I find NO joy in this story of a young man being stupid (as many are) then he gets to share a jail cell with up to 30 others who may not speak the same language for 50 years?  it's madness!


more appropriate deport him for sentencing in Auss. I just feel compassion, stupid?  yes!  a sentence in excess of most child raping murderers here?  no! 

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Thats how Thailand works. Everyone knows that. 

You can kill multiple people under the influence while driving and pay your way out, as long as the families accept it and it won't even go to trial or court.


This guy was just really stupid to sell his stuff to Thais. Everyone knows who runs the show.


Those foreigners that bought themselves out didn't pay more than 400,000 baht which is about 12k USD. Certainly you don't have to be RICH to buy your way out of trouble here. 


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5 minutes ago, brownknees said:

So what did all those teenagers who died after taking ecstacy really die of?Why do you have to take drugs to feel happy ,are all the drug takers depressed then?


Heart failure, overdoses etc.


No they are not all depressed, they are just not saying 'yes' to every rule and every law some politicians made up. 

Go to the netherlands and lots of clubs willl have small 'drug-testing' stations in front of the entry, so you know if you bought a pill full of garbage or if its safe to take. 

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1 minute ago, brownknees said:

So what did all those teenagers who died after taking ecstacy really die of?Why do you have to take drugs to feel happy ,are all the drug takers depressed then?


They didn't die from the drugs.....they didn't drink enough water, or perhaps drank too much water, danced too hard, took an aspirin at the same time, whatever you want to blame it on except illicit drugs.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Ignorance (of what drugs are about) combined with vindictiveness (because the young man didn't play their game re; money transfers), on the part of officials.   I'd like to hear the Aussies' part of the story and what they think transpired, both leading up to the bust, and the kangaroo court shenanigans afterwards.



There you go, echoing establishments' worse-case scenario.  What's your opinion on MSG, for example?  Did you know MSG has been fatal in some cases?  Google it.


Nat'l Geographic magazine declared sugar is addictive.  It's written in an article about the history of sugar.  Have you been to the US, for example?  Roughly 75% of all adults are seriously overweight, and much of that is from sugar (other culprits: trans-fats and not exercising).  Being that fat is a health problem.  It also impacts badly on everyone else, running up hospital costs (taking up hospital beds, doctors' time, resources, etc), and demand for replacement organs, and running up insurance for everyone.  


Just those three items: MSG, trans-fats and sugars, are each arguably more harmful than ecstasy pills.  And I didn't even mention alcohol or pharma drugs or steroids or smog or cigs.


I'm a product of my background/environment, always had to plan on the worst case scenario.  It's what kept me alive.


Sure, everything can kill you, even life!!   Who was the comedian who said, "This is life....no one gets out alive?"


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1 minute ago, brownknees said:

I suppose thats cause drugs dont come with instructions?


Legal drugs do.   It's only the illegal, produced and sold by unscrupulous low lifes for no reason other than to enrich themselves financially, that don't come with instructions.  If they did, the instructions should read.....DO NOT PUT THIS IN YOUR BODY!!!

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1 hour ago, joeyg said:

You all think it was quite cute and a display of bravado, boasting about your years of former and current illegal drug use.  Some even promoting it for their children.  Sad bunch here.  How crazy are you?  Take a good long look in the mirror.  Madness, indeed.  If this thread doesn't attract the attention of Law Enforcement to your IP addresses I don't know what will.


It's like jumping up and down holding a neon sign saying, "I do illegal drugs and think your laws are bullshit!!!"


And you guys are complaining about "Tracking sim cards." This is the result of the drug damaged brain,  Frightening...

Agree with what you say about pathetic statements from some who would be "happy" for their children to do extasy when they are adults...obviously these people have never had to tell parents that their "child" has overdosed on it or literally had their heart explode at the age of 15...MDMA is a synthetic substance concocted from all types of chemicals...the criminals who produce it do not care what effect those chemicals will have on the users, they just want to make it as cheaply as possible. Having seen many MDMA labs first hand, I've no doubt users would be shocked to see what toxic chemicals they are putting into their bodies. Every pill taken, especially in Asia, is like playing Russian roulette in my opinion...sooner or later you'll get a bad one, and that could be fatal. I've seen teenaged kids die from their first ever extasy pill...I'm yet to see a kid die from his first ever beer...If this Aussie DJ sold my kid a pill that proved fatal, no gaol sentence would be enough...just saying.

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On September 7, 2016 at 9:18 AM, rwdrwdrwd said:

I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.



It is so refreshing to hear such progressive thought, on this forum. There is so much nonsensically harsh dribble, when it comes to drugs. If I had my way, all drugs would be legalized. Even heroin. If one has the cash, one can always find it. Does making it illegal make it harder to find? Usually. Does it prevent people from using? Almost never. Do the laws destroy lives and families? Yes, absolutely. When someone is locked up for five years for relatively soft drugs like ecstasy and pot, it destroys lives unnecessarily. It does not accomplish anything. And there are people getting locked up here for pot possession, if they do not have the 100,000 baht to "be let off". 


Locking someone up for life for possession of 61 pills is the very height of insanity, and social disorder. It is emblematic of a broken system, and a government that has lost sight of it's vision and priorities. It is Saudi style justice. And only the poorest of the poor get treated this way here. Is that justice?

Edited by spidermike007
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2 hours ago, joeyg said:



This video is actually pro-MDMA in a fun way, if you actually watch it. The YouTube cover image is not even part of the video. The video shows people letting go and having a great time at events. There are some falls or slips which of course can happen to anyone when dancing - they just happened to have been captured and included in this video compilation out of light jest.


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13 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



It is so refreshing to hear such progressive thought, on this forum. There is so much nonsensically harsh dribble, when it comes to drugs. If I had my way, all drugs would be legalized. Even heroin. If one has the cash, one can always find it. Does making it illegal make it harder to find? Usually. Does it prevent people from using? Almost never. Do the laws destroy lives and families? Yes, absolutely. When someone is locked up for five years for relatively soft drugs like ecstasy and pot, it destroys lives unnecessarily. It does not accomplish anything. And there are people getting locked up here for pot possession, if they do not have the 100,000 baht to "be let off". 


Locking someone up for life for possession of 61 pills is the very height of insanity, and social disorder. It is emblematic of a broken system, and a government that has lost sight of it's vision and priorities. It is Saudi style justice. And only the poorest of the poor get treated this way here. Is that justice?



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12 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

I feel sorry for his ruined young life but anyone who sells drugs in Thailand, infamous for its Bangkok Hilton, is an absolute idiot. He had a job as a DJ already so his drug dealing sideline was sheer greed 


You'd be surprised how many foreign 'DJs' are selling drugs in Bangkok on the side. In the club and after work with free home delivery as well...  

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