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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



When I was younger, myself, and everyone I knew did drugs. It was the late 60's, and we all got high. I preferred LSD, but had alot of friends doing coke, and some doing heroin. Never liked those two. Not my style. I do not believe in gateway drugs. I do believe in a weak will. If you are weak and susceptible, and quite pathetic, you might move on to heavier and more dangerous drugs. But, I still believe the lighter drugs such as pot, hallucinogenics, etc are not harmful in modest quantities, and should be legal. 


I know countless people who have died in car accidents due to alcohol. I have also met a number here who have died of liver or heart failure, primarily due to drink. So, that is not much of an argument in my book. 


I was not having an argument.


I was just saying how various people I have known in my life have died when they've gone before their time. How's that argumentative.

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Absolutely outrageous, what piece of shit country Thailand is (and a few other south east asian countries). Can't believe something like that. Nobody should go there anymore. I hope the guy(s) get(s) out somehow soon. This is like Saudi Arabia. What's going on with this people? Shame on them!!!!!

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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

Very disturbing to see so many condoning this outrageous sentence. Whatever ones views on recreational drugs ( which are used by huge amounts of people without issue ) , how can it be right that murderers and rapists routinely get punished in a far less severe manner , or in certain circumstances not punished at all.

I know if I step in front of a bus I'm going to get hit and probably die.  I'm smart enough to know if I throw all my life savings into some Nigeria scheme I will lose it and would people have sympathy for me even tho I knew exactly what I was doing.  I know very well if I get I involved in drugs of any form or quantity in Thailand I face life in prison or death.  He knew the odds but stilled wagered his life and lost, no sympathy for bloody idiots who won't listen and think they know best.

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3 minutes ago, Thechook said:

I know if I step in front of a bus I'm going to get hit and probably die.  I'm smart enough to know if I throw all my life savings into some Nigeria scheme I will lose it and would people have sympathy for me even tho I knew exactly what I was doing.  I know very well if I get I involved in drugs of any form or quantity in Thailand I face life in prison or death.  He knew the odds but stilled wagered his life and lost, no sympathy for bloody idiots who won't listen and think they know best.

the kid made a mistake, pills were not even in his posession and he's not a hardened criminal!!!!!!!!!!!  a life sentence for something like this, come on????

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Im against hard core drugs but ecstasy ? of the millions of pills popped around the world how many deaths?


Biggest danger is possible damage to the mouth from to much grinning. I was in the party scene at its peak and never met anyone who died or crossed over to heroin

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7 hours ago, tropo said:

My memory is fine mate. What happened here is no comparison to what's going on over there.


Duterte is nothing like Shin. No comparison is valid.


As I did say, I don't believe it will work in the long run, but it's certainly shaking the country up right now.



They are directly comparable in the respect that they have both carried out extra judicial killings of drug suspects.  They are also comparable by the fact that they both are right-wing populists who masquerade as socialists and also through the fact that they both won by a landslide.

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21 minutes ago, Thechook said:

I know if I step in front of a bus I'm going to get hit and probably die.  I'm smart enough to know if I throw all my life savings into some Nigeria scheme I will lose it and would people have sympathy for me even tho I knew exactly what I was doing.  I know very well if I get I involved in drugs of any form or quantity in Thailand I face life in prison or death.  He knew the odds but stilled wagered his life and lost, no sympathy for bloody idiots who won't listen and think they know best.


How was he involved in drugs? Some of us must be missing something here.


According to reports he was not found in possession of drugs nor were they in his system.


Not all DJs take drugs. You and I don't need drugs to appreciate or play our favoured type of music.


Some were found at his girlfriend's appartment, not his. That may arouse suspicion but it is not evidence let alone proof.


I would not have thought that even Thailand's strict laws regarding drugs would allow someone to be found guilty simply because of suspicion let alone then be given such a savage sentence.

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36 minutes ago, NicciBobThai said:

the kid made a mistake, pills were not even in his posession and he's not a hardened criminal!!!!!!!!!!!  a life sentence for something like this, come on????

 An Australian DJ caught with 61 ecstasy pills. 


A Melbourne DJ will serve two life sentences in jail for possessing ecstasy pills. 


Mastroianni was arrested in Pattaya in August 2014 with 61 ecstasy pills.

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On 7 September 2016 at 8:45 AM, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...


Let them go…. by the time young folk experimenting with drugs they are are no longer children, and they are not owned. 

Many youngsters everywhere experiment with various drugs; most come through unscathed. With appropriate education they would be better equipped to make their own choices. 


On 7 September 2016 at 9:48 AM, PremiumLane said:


What? Like alcohol? 


On 7 September 2016 at 9:50 AM, joeyg said:

Cute.  As you know it's legal. Everywhere...

 Cute, legal (to a greater or lesser extent, almost) everywhere….. And, as you know, as harmful as some illegal substances; more harmful than many.

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Not only Thailand has strict lawa when it comes to dealing with drugs, in Norway some of the sentences are stricter than commiting a murder. We had one case where the dealer was sentenced to 17 years in prison, maximum sentence for any crime in Norway is 21 years.

The point is a dealer is responsible for many lifes. It's easy to say don't do drugs but the people that make a business out of it are the worst kind.

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4 hours ago, joeyg said:


"There is a warning note on Australian passport covers that some countries provide for the death penalty for drug offences.  That information is advised as part of the arrival PA on some airlines in some countries, certainly Indonesia and Vietnam, and I think also Thailand."   Now that is funny... :cheesy:

I don't understand what is funny joey.


Funny that anybody would take any notice?   Funny that notice would be given?  What?

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Actually he can't complain since the possession of a e-cigarette brings 5 Years in jail. Mushroom pickers get 15 Years jail.


To kill a police officer under influence of cocaine and alcohol is free. No sentencing. Well, TiT.

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12 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Would you expect his lawyer to say anything else??


There would be little point in his lawyer saying that if the Police report for his arrest stated that he had drugs in his possession. That would be a fact recorded in the public record. So I think we can presume that his lawyer said that because it was true?





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You can presume that.  I have no objection.


But......lawyers do say what could only be described as bizarre things, at times, for the press.


There's another issue.  We selectively believe the press, but they misreport, and some may say blatantly lie, some of the time.


It's difficult to believe that if he didn't have drugs on him, or directly connected to him, that even the Thai justice system, as bad as some say it is, could possibly  hand down a guilty finding.


I have no personal knowledge of being arrested by the RTP, and doubt I ever will, but the whole story of not having drugs, not being able to be connected to drugs, yet found guilty, all seems  a little far fetched to me.



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11 hours ago, Don Mega said:


Because that how the penatlies are defined.


murder = 15 to 20 years imprisonment.

category 1 drugs = up to life imprisonment.


sucks but that the way it is.

Reality.  It can be tough when you're in it.


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6 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

I don't understand what is funny joey.


Funny that anybody would take any notice?   Funny that notice would be given?  What?

Funny that the Aussies needed printed out on their passports.  I mean really.  Is it in bold text, "dayglo", flashing? Some of the best guys to hangout with on R & R from Vietnam were the Aussies, "hands down."

Two of my best friends back in the states were Aussies.  The Aussies I've met here? It doesn't happen often but I'm speechless...:blink:

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13 hours ago, Thechook said:

I haven't seen anything in the aussie media either.  How many times can aussies be warn about drugs and asia, the warning go on and on and you would have to be a brain dead druggie not to hear and take note of them.

Maybe Aussie passports need to come with a battery that can "illuminate" the warning already printed there.

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19 hours ago, tropo said:

Can you please point me to the report that says he was selling the drug? I missed that. I only see "possession" as the charge. Is it not possible that a heavy user could buy that many tablets in bulk to use over several months?.. and maybe have some extra to give to friends?


I find the "hang him high" brigade to be particularly offensive. Some are even suggesting he should be executed... (which is probably a lessor sentence to life x2 in prison). 


I have a lot of sympathy for this young Australian.

I think the point everyone is missing is that murder, horrific as it is, carries as someone said 15 to 20.  In many cases life.  Dealing illegal drugs sets into of a cascade of events that are hard to calculate as far as how many people will be affected and how serious the disastrous consequences may multiply.  Possibly geometrically.


Murder is that murder.  I'm for capitol punishment in that case surprise, surprise.


I think drug dealers should be executed.  that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry to offend the former dealers on this thread.  Well not really...




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5 minutes ago, joeyg said:

I think the point everyone is missing is that murder, horrific as it is, carries as someone said 15 to 20.  In many cases life.  Dealing illegal drugs sets into of a cascade of events that are hard to calculate as far as how many people will be affected and how serious the disastrous consequences may multiply.  Possibly geometrically.


Murder is that murder.  I'm for capitol punishment in that case surprise, surprise.


I think drug dealers should be executed.  that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry to offend the former dealers on this thread.  Well not really...




Totaly agree with you joeyg.But I am also totaly for a fair trial.Everyone know that drugs kill you in Thailand.If they dont know that its their loss.So stay the hell away from it and youre safe.

Seen so much of it In my years down here.Tryed to help out a friend that was locked up.Payd her out for 20 000 for failing a pisstest.Lost case when the same shit happend again the week after.She went behind bars for 6 months.Ofcourse she was also innoscent.NOT.Just stay away from it is my advice.Walk as far away as you can even if its youre friend.If they are realy youre friend they will understand you if you kick them out.If they dont their not youre friend.Drugs is drugs and Im so sick of others that compare it with coffee and alcohole.The law say this.Follow it or <deleted> strait of from me.

Would never put my family at risk.Working offshore and my job would be history only to touch it once.

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32 minutes ago, joeyg said:

I think the point everyone is missing is that murder, horrific as it is, carries as someone said 15 to 20.  In many cases life.  Dealing illegal drugs sets into of a cascade of events that are hard to calculate as far as how many people will be affected and how serious the disastrous consequences may multiply.  Possibly geometrically.


Murder is that murder.  I'm for capitol punishment in that case surprise, surprise.


I think drug dealers should be executed.  that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry to offend the former dealers on this thread.  Well not really...





"Possibly geometrically." 


I guess, possibly, but it is a completely bizarre possibility to suggest, any particular ratio you propose for this geometric progression?

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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


"Possibly geometrically." 


I guess, possibly, but it is a completely bizarre possibility to suggest, any particular ratio you propose for this geometric progression?

That's profound man...

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20 hours ago, AlexRich said:


"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a f*cking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the <deleted> you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, f*cked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose a future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"


Trainspotting, by Irvine Welsh

I liked this movie.  My room mate in college was from Scotland.  Always loved the accent and had it down almost perfect by the time I graduated.

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1 hour ago, joeyg said:

I liked this movie.  My room mate in college was from Scotland.  Always loved the accent and had it down almost perfect by the time I graduated.


And yet... only 13 hours previous you completely failed to recognize it as being a quote from Trainspotting and responded as if they were the words of the poster AlexRich... 


Oops... was that the sound of the cat falling out of the bag? Something not quite right about them 2 posts joey lad... You've just confirmed what I was beginning to suspect - all is not what it seems around here. I'm out...

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2 hours ago, joeyg said:

I think the point everyone is missing is that murder, horrific as it is, carries as someone said 15 to 20.  In many cases life.  Dealing illegal drugs sets into of a cascade of events that are hard to calculate as far as how many people will be affected and how serious the disastrous consequences may multiply.  Possibly geometrically.


Murder is that murder.  I'm for capitol punishment in that case surprise, surprise.


I think drug dealers should be executed.  that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.  Sorry to offend the former dealers on this thread.  Well not really...





I'm glad I don't live near you.


You try to justify a comparison between a murder charge and that of possessing/intent to sell/whatever a few dozen 'illegal' pills which some people willingly choose to take recreationally? You are a strange individual.


What on earth are you on about with your cascades, geometrics, and disastrous consequences? Did you know you have long been able to buy another 'letter' here in LOS at pharmacies.....are you trying to tell me that you believe all those chemists should be executed...what about big pharma - or are those nasty chemical concoctions like methadone ok?


I mean seriously.....where does all this anger and ignorance stem from, and how are you so out of touch with reality?


Edited by denkiblue555
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