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Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary--- in defense of free speech

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Sometimes its difficult to put something on here without the usual knee jerk reaction

So we have to start with……

 I think ISIS--ISIL whatever they go by are vermin, I actually find all religions are nuts--but possibly their one is nuttier than most.


To me there is a bigger picture--I also don't like the loss of our free speech, & I think in our dislike of something, we allow laws to be drafted that take away some of our rights. I have always thought that anyone who wants to fight for ISIS should be allowed to go----hand your passport in as you leave, I would much prefer to see you over there with a gun in your hand then here.


But we don't allow that, people get jailed for just wanting to go. People get jailed for speaking in support of them.


What is the difference between this enemy & any others we have had...?


Until open war was declared UK had a Nazi party (called the black shirts) As did every other Allied country. Going around speaking at rallies in support of the Nazi aims. They weren't banned in the UK until war was declared--Then their leader was arrested.


Innocent people were being blown up in UK during the  70s--80s by the IRA but you could speak out for their cause---- I mean they even tried to blow up the Prime minister , but she (Thatcher) didn't like the view from that hotel room so --or something so 5 other MPs got killed instead , they killed one of the royal family ---they gunned down people in the streets, on Bloody Friday (1972)  At least twenty bombs exploded in the space  half hour . Most of them were car bombs. Nine people were killed,  130 were injured But you could speak out for them if you believed in their cause. In fact they got enough votes at that time to put an MP into parliament.



In America they had a 20 year war 1955-1975 in Vietnam (some of those years clandestine) where its estimated that about 1.5 million died, which included Allied military deaths of 282,000, & many more are affected to this day---this was open warfare, but you could still stand up with free speech and oppose what your own country was doing--if you felt that way.

You could speak up and support Russia as it invade Czechoslovakia

China in Tibet


You could speak out in support of Saddam in Iraq----while the western solders lay dying there.


But they are jailing people for speaking out for this mob--in the USA a 19 year old girl has just got 4 years in jail for writing on facebook that she was going to join them.


What makes us so scared of these people that we are willing to give up our free speech for?


They have a speakers corner in most cities of the UK....it’s a place where you put your soap box down stand on it & tell everyone what's wrong.

The Americans have their 1st amendment - which they are rightly proud of.


If our governments are willing to sacrifice the future of anyone being allowed to speak---no matter how nutty the cause... then maybe vermin like ISIS have won this particular battle in the war on terrorism already…………..:coffee1:


**btw – All stats from Wikipedia



When people believe in something and cannot provide evidence  ie ALL religions  then this is what you get, why people cant use only logic and reason not  myth lies and superstition I REALLY DONT KNOW, when  an answer cannot be ascertained just admit "we dont know yet"

Look at ANY religion all of them are equally unbelievable yet many "believe"

Immaculate conception................. a  Thousand Virgins.............. being born again and a  thousand  others many of which have disappeared down the  ages all long forgotten religions laughed at by todays religious fruitcakes as " hilarious" yet they have equally ridiculous views.

It can be compounded beautifully by squabbles over territory resources.

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