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Hairdresser on trial for refusing hijab-wearing client in Norway


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On 9/9/2016 at 9:11 PM, Srikcir said:

Such right cannot be unconstitutional.

It is in every restaurant in the USA and is rarely challenged unless the refused customer can cite and prove it was due to some sort of discrimination.  Don't forget, private enterprises can do a lot more than a government entity can do. 

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17 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

When will we know the outcome of the court case?



Normally it should only take a few days when its started.Havent seen any outcome yet,but I would guess during this week.Unless the outcome is not politicly correct and keeps it hidden from the media.

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From french press today:

" Norwegian court today imposed a fine of more than 1,000 euros to a Norwegian hairdresser guilty of religious discrimination after refusing a Muslim woman wearing a hijab in her hairsalon

"The Court (...) has no doubt that the defendant acted intentionally, that she deliberately discriminated (Malika) Bayan by expelling her because she is Muslim," he estimated Jaeren's court..

The accused, Merete Hodne, 47, had spurned Bayan Malika, 24, in the village of Bryne in October, declaring according to the indictment that "she had to find another place because did not take people like her. " In her defense, Ms Hodne had explained during the hearing thursday that ite was not religious discrimination but was viscerally frightened by the "Islamic ideology" saying seeing the hijab as a "totalitarian symbol".

After the incident, she had refused to pay a fine of 8,000 norsk krones (870 euros) and the case was brought to court where she was liable to six months imprisonment.

She finally has been fined 10,000 norsk krones (1,076 euros), that is to say 400 crowns more than required by the police, and also was ordered to pay 5000 norsk krones for legal costs. Her lawyer quoted by the agency NTB, the hairdresser intends to appeal.

Edited by Opl
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On 9/10/2016 at 5:47 PM, stevenl said:

Yes, western countries behave been too lenient regarding integration requirements in the past. But still most immigrants, irrespective of religion, have integrated very well.


Your facts are your opinions.

Good point - they are my opinions - but they are based somewhat on facts.


In the last 30-40 years, there is one group of immigrants that has a very high percentage of 'failed' integration - and that is Muslims.  I come from Australia and we have seen them all - you name it and we have had a big wave of them since the 1970s. The one group that stands out is the Muslims. Everyone else (not all but the vast majority) eventually integrate. It is exactly the opposite for Muslims - and I had a couple of Muslim friends. They did not like how most Muslims refuse to integrate and actively undermine Australian values and cultural norms - and also demand that they do the same - accusing them of not being loyal Muslims by allowing themselves and their family to integrate. 


And that is the core of the issue and why Muslims are (overall) incompatible with western culture and societies - what we do and how we think and how we behave is alien to their religion.  But the big problem is that their religion demands that they refuse our beliefs and change us (force if needed) - Islam is a religion based on conquering non-believers - it was born out of war.  Many Muslims feel that they cannot accept and accommodate and be tolerant of others - for them, to do so is not being a good Muslim. Many Muslims just cant live and let live in the west - some can - but the majority cannot.

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5 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Good point - they are my opinions - but they are based somewhat on facts.


In the last 30-40 years, there is one group of immigrants that has a very high percentage of 'failed' integration - and that is Muslims.  I come from Australia and we have seen them all - you name it and we have had a big wave of them since the 1970s. The one group that stands out is the Muslims. Everyone else (not all but the vast majority) eventually integrate. It is exactly the opposite for Muslims - and I had a couple of Muslim friends. They did not like how most Muslims refuse to integrate and actively undermine Australian values and cultural norms - and also demand that they do the same - accusing them of not being loyal Muslims by allowing themselves and their family to integrate. 


And that is the core of the issue and why Muslims are (overall) incompatible with western culture and societies - what we do and how we think and how we behave is alien to their religion.  But the big problem is that their religion demands that they refuse our beliefs and change us (force if needed) - Islam is a religion based on conquering non-believers - it was born out of war.  Many Muslims feel that they cannot accept and accommodate and be tolerant of others - for them, to do so is not being a good Muslim. Many Muslims just cant live and let live in the west - some can - but the majority cannot.

Nonsense, the vast, vast majority can and is.

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And that is the core of the issue and why Muslims are (overall) incompatible with western culture and societies - what we do and how we think and how we behave is alien to their religion.  But the big problem is that their religion demands that they refuse our beliefs and change us (force if needed) - Islam is a religion based on conquering non-believers - it was born out of war.  Many Muslims feel that they cannot accept and accommodate and be tolerant of others - for them, to do so is not being a good Muslim. Many Muslims just cant live and let live in the west - some can - but the majority cannot.

5 hours ago, stevenl said:

Nonsense, the vast, vast majority can and is.

What planet do you come from?  Is it a Christian-Judeo based culture and society?  Are there Muslim refugees living there?  Perhaps your planet doesn't see all the news (worldwide) about violent Muslims - which is the just the tip of the iceberg.


You are missing the point and not seeing the truth. Let me explain:  The Chinese (Asians) have an enclosed seperate set of beliefs and social norms, and that is why in every major City in the West there is a 'Chinatown'.  But they are TOLERANT of the Western society into which they live.  However, many Asians become 'integrated' and whilst not throwing away their heritage, they become Western in their beliefs and attitudes.  The same applies across all groups of the people that have immigrated to the West for over 50 years - EXCEPT Muslims. Very few of them adopt Western beliefs and the majority are not TOLERANT of them.


Take a look at say Spain - a country that up until the 15th Century had been Muslim for nearly 1000 years - like many south/east European countries.  There was no 'integration' - the Muslims were driven out (or converted) - because they are incompatible.  The same thing in reverse occurred when the Muslims conquered them - the people were driven out (or converted). The history of the rest of Europe is one of conquer and integration - we all conquered and integrated each other for over 2 thousand years. EXCEPT the Muslims - we are INCOMPATIBLE.  


Either they conquer and convert us - or we do to them.  Two thousand years of history is clear evidence of what I observed directly for 20 years - they are still (as a group) incompatible with western beliefs. If they would just tolerate and adopt, like the Chinese and Asians have done everywhere, then things would be OK overall. BUT THEY DONT !!  History has shown that, and I have seen it - and it is everwwhere across the Western world. Including here in Thailand !!!!  




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