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Israel constructing underground barrier along boundary with Gaza


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Israel constructing underground barrier along boundary with Gaza




JERUSALEM: -- Israeli sources cited by Reuters news agency said that construction has begun on an underground barrier along a small stretch of its boundary line with Gaza.


In the past Hamas militants have used underground tunnels to attack Israel.


“The Palestinian people and the resistance can overcome all the obstacles made by the occupation,” said Hamas spokesman Salah Al-Bardaweek, refering to Israel. “The resistance is creative and advanced and doesn’t care about the occupation’s procedures.”


The Palestinian High Court in Ramallah has suspended local elections that were scheduled for next month.


The ruling was made after a dispute over party lists and the inability to hold the vote in East Jerusalem, which is annexed by Israel.


Interfax news agency reported Russia’s foreign ministry said that the Palestinian president and Israeli prime minister had agreed in principal to meet in Moscow.


No date was given for the meeting.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-09
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" In the past Hamas militants have used underground tunnels to attack Israel "  In the past? they're are digging as we speak now, hundreds of workers are employed and paid by Hamas and UN  misappropriated funds and busy digging several tunnels day and night, using cement and construction material to rebuild home in Gaza for the purpose in reinforcing those tunnels, while crying to world that Israel doesn't do enough to help rebuild Gaza.....

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Good. The terrorist tunnels will be under control. Every time the Palestinians come up with new underhanded tactics, Israel shuts them down.  :thumbsup:

"Every time...".  Believe that and one is naive in the extreme.

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8 minutes ago, xineohp said:

"Every time...".  Believe that and one is naive in the extreme.


Iron Dome to stop rockets,  the West Bank Wall to stop suicide bombers, the underground security fence to stop Hamas from sneaking into Israel through terrorist tunnels. You are very uninformed. :rolleyes:

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Good. The terrorist tunnels will be under control. Every time the Palestinians come up with new underhanded tactics, Israel shuts them down.  :thumbsup:

And every time Israel comes up with a new illegal tactic the palestinians will find a way to react, time for both sides to start jaw jaw and stop war war

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A cheaper and effective way would be to bury mines. Only a post hole digger would be required. When a tunnel digger hits one of those, the tunnel would be pretty much finished.


The post hole digger should stop every couple of meters and bore a hole. As long as the lunatics see that work being done, they would have no idea whether it was a mine or not.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Iron Dome to stop rockets,  the West Bank Wall to stop suicide bombers, the underground security fence to stop Hamas from sneaking into Israel through terrorist tunnels. You are very uninformed. :rolleyes:


On the contrary, I am neither Jewish nor from Israel so I am able to look at this without the absurd and blatant bias that apologists for that state frequently display.  

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3 hours ago, yardrunner said:

And every time Israel comes up with a new illegal tactic the palestinians will find a way to react, time for both sides to start jaw jaw and stop war war

How is a defensive tactic like building a barrier to stop terrorists tunneling considered as being "war war"?


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I dunno about this one. Sounds like an awful lot of resources being invested in something a bit meh.

Not so much a question of countering potential terrorist attacks, but of the economic feasibility taking this particular road.


Overall estimated (initial) costs are circa 500-600 million USD (and no, that's not coming out of the US AID package).  Despite politicians promising no funding issues, the actual budget allocated amount to 160 million USD.  Considering how related (if less complex) Israeli projects fared, I wouldn't hold my breath for this one to be completed.


Re Trump - perhaps it is Israel who ought to take notes, as in make the Palestinian pay for construction. If nothing, this whole things serves to highlight just how nonsensical Trump's Wall of Mexico is.


The headline is actually the least important bit of the OP.  The main story being the suspension of Palestinian local elections. The OP fails to mentions that the dispute over party lists was more along the lines of Hamas (via controlled courts) preventing candidates associated with Fatah to stand for election.


This is not very surprising as there was previously (a few months back) some talk that Fatah candidates and officials were desperate to postpone or suspend the elections, in order to avoid an anticipated Hamas victory (to be clear, overall victory, not just in the Gaza Strip).

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This sounds like an entirely reasonable DEFENSIVE measure by Israel. My only question is about the reasons why it's only going to be in a SMALL area. Other than cost of course. 


The total length is about 60 km. The first phase of construction will prioritize protection of civilian settlements near the border. If I had to take a guess, I'd say the Israelis can gauge which areas are under greater threat (distance, tunnel construction constraints) and plan the project accordingly.




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8 hours ago, xineohp said:


On the contrary, I am neither Jewish nor from Israel so I am able to look at this without the absurd and blatant bias that apologists for that state frequently display.  


I am not Jewish or from Israel either. You display your OWN absurd and blatant bias by protesting against using defensive tactics against violent Islamic terrorists.

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8 hours ago, Galactus said:


and Palestinians will never lose there and every aggressive action from Israel means israel is losing.


Baloney. The Palestinians have been losing continually since they started the war in 1948 and lost badly.

Israel is a thriving country with more high tech companies than anywhere in the world, other than Silicon valley. The Palestinians do not have a pot to piss in and they have no one to blame but themselves.


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Baloney. The Palestinians have been losing continually since they started the war in 1948 and lost badly.

Israel is a thriving country with more high tech companies than anywhere in the world, other than Silicon valley. The Palestinians do not have a pot to piss in and they have no one to blame but themselves.


And Israel continues to behave like Nazi germany in the late twenties and early thirties

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52 minutes ago, yardrunner said:

And Israel continues to behave like Nazi germany in the late twenties and early thirties



This statement is stupid beyond belief. It shows the utter ignorance of the Israel-haters.

Jews were expelled from society in Nazi Germany, stripped of their rights and property. Jews were deprived of their citizenship.  Laws were passed banishing Jews from the civil service, judicial system, public medicine, and the German army. German Jews were rounded up in ghettos and shipped to death camps.

Today, 20 percent of the Israeli citizens are Palestinians and Israeli Palestinians have the same rights as everyone else. Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in truth, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Arabs in 2011 held 14 seats in the 120-seat Israeli Parliament. Israeli Arabs have also held various government posts, such as Israel’s ambassador to Finland and the deputy mayor of Tel Aviv. An Arab is also a Supreme Court justice. An Arab professor was named Vice President of Haifa University.

Growing numbers of Palestinians in East Jerusalem have been applying for Israeli citizenship and, given the choice, many say they would rather live in Israel than Palestine. In short, Israel is NOTHING like Nazi Germany

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Baloney. The Palestinians have been losing continually since they started the war in 1948 and lost badly.

Israel is a thriving country with more high tech companies than anywhere in the world, other than Silicon valley. The Palestinians do not have a pot to piss in and they have no one to blame but themselves.



those tech companies work on know how from Us. israel has nothing but sand if no Us help.

palestinian lands are invaded by asymmetrical attacks of israel again with guns and aids coming from us.

israel is nothing alone. and dont get surprised if israel it will be nothing soon as humanity is waking up.


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9 minutes ago, Galactus said:


those tech companies work on know how from Us.



Another foolish statement with absolutely no evidence - other than irrational hate - to support it. In fact, the U.S. often looks to Israel for help with technology :rolleyes:


Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 145 per 10,000, as opposed to 85 in the U.S., over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of its work force employed in technical professions. Israel places first in this category as well.


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11 minutes ago, Galactus said:


israel is nothing alone.



Then how did they beat numerous Arab armies numerous times - with little help? The USA did not become an close ally of Israel for several decades after the country was born. Israel is more than able to stand on its own if necessary.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Another foolish statement with absolutely no evidence - other than irrational hate - to support it. In fact, the U.S. often looks to Israel for help with technology :rolleyes:


Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 145 per 10,000, as opposed to 85 in the U.S., over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of its work force employed in technical professions. Israel places first in this category as well.


Israel has a lot to be proud of! The demonizers focus only on the negatives. There are so many positives. What an amazing SUCCESS story of a very young nation. 

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am not Jewish or from Israel either. You display your OWN absurd and blatant bias by protesting against using defensive tactics against violent Islamic terrorists.

 Should one have first hand knowledge of the Palestinians and their pursuit of self determination, one would know that many are neither Muslim nor terrorists.  The actions they take differ little to those employed by the Haganah some seventy years ago.  But then again as one who consistently leaps to the defence of Israel whenever the subject arises your OWN absurd and blatant bias is palpable in the extreme.   

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25 minutes ago, xineohp said:

 Should one have first hand knowledge of the Palestinians and their pursuit of self determination, one would know that many are neither Muslim nor terrorists.  



Your answers are getting more and more absurd. You really do not know what you are talking about.

The Palestinians are governed by Hamas and Fatah. Both groups have committed terrorist acts and both groups call for the destruction of Israel in their charters. Hamas shoots rockets into civilian areas of Israel regularly.

Your assertion that Palestinians are not Muslims is even more ridiculous.

Obsessive hatred of Israel seems to affect cognitive functions in a very negative way.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Your answers are getting more and more absured. You really do not know what you are talking about.The Palestinians are governed by Hamas and Fatah. Both groups have committed terrorist acts and both groups call for the destruction of Israel in their charters. Your assertion that Palestinians are not Muslims is even more ridiculous.


If only you knew!  Should one wish to put forward constructive and informative arguments one should first read carefully and absorb those comments from those with a differing opinion (or knowledge).  This may be somewhat difficult without displaying ones own ignorance, arrogance and insulting manner.


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36 minutes ago, xineohp said:

 This may be somewhat difficult without displaying ones own ignorance, arrogance and insulting manner.



You are certainly demonsrating that on this thread. So far, you have posted mostly fiction and baseless insults. No one but pathological Israel haters take that kind of rhetoric seriously.

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1 hour ago, xineohp said:

 Should one have first hand knowledge of the Palestinians and their pursuit of self determination, one would know that many are neither Muslim nor terrorists.  The actions they take differ little to those employed by the Haganah some seventy years ago.  But then again as one who consistently leaps to the defence of Israel whenever the subject arises your OWN absurd and blatant bias is palpable in the extreme.   


I think the Palestinians would have something to say about not being Muslim. I would be interested how you come to that conclusion?

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50 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


I think the Palestinians would have something to say about not being Muslim. I would be interested how you come to that conclusion?

Regrettably, there are some that appear to be unable to understand and comprehend written English.  The exact words used, should one care to check, were, "...one would know that MANY (my emphasis) are neither Muslim nor terrorists".   Of course they are in the minority however, they exist and maintain a deep conviction in their pursuit of a homeland. 

One would welcome disclosing the source of one's knowledge but I await with anticipation Ulysses G. doing likewise as his/her phraseology and comments thus far appear either plagiarized directly from Wikipedia or Israeli Foreign Service publications.

The use of proxies to spread a doctrine is well known within social media and given the volume and spirited enthusiasm which some exhibit here, TV is no different.    


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