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Australian DJ Jake Mastroianni a victim of legal bungle in Thailand, says lawyer


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23 minutes ago, The manic said:

The war on drugs is a war on the people. The execution of said war is an indicator of the moral bankruptcy of the nation.  It is used to empower the mafia and the police. Look at the UK where the filth at the Notting Hill Gate carnival were causing near riots by busting people for dope and laughing gas. Al drugs, by and large are less harmful than surfing or cycling.  All drugs do less harm to the individual than the legal process that enforces these corrupt backward laws.


Can't have everyone running around selling the stuff. If you need to sell, you better be thinking about paying off on some protection. Don't expect that protection will be available if you go off the deep end and get greedy.  Also, you might want to reserve one or two million baht for bartering.


Al Capone knew his turf in Chicago...and the first thing you do is get rid of the cats and dogs. Nobody cut in line until Capone got his cut.  


Few people would have the stomach for this. I sure don't. I would not expect things to get easier...for dealers.


Not so much a Shakespeare tragedy, but a very big fall indeed. He was living the life...and got sucked into the "Force".


This young man is going to suffer a fate we can't even dream of. I met one guy who was jailed on drug charges, and he went totally stir crazy after a lengthy sentence. Never said a word to anyone...just drank and stared at the wall. 


I hope this DJ can make it back to a facility in Australia, after six years.






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Don't rush to conclusions please.


So the DJ was hanging at his girlfriends place, the cops broke in and ceased 61 pills from her apartment, I didn't see in the story where she was, suffice to say, regardless of her whereabouts, one would think as it is her apartment, she would be partly responsible as the pills are in her property, but then again, she must have connections being a Thai ?


The DJ's friend was out selling pills, and then his mate get's done for having 61 pills in the girl friends apartment, I smell a rat, could it be that she played part in the bust, the mind boggles ?


My sister in-law was sitting watching TV in her (new) boyfriends apartment one night, when the door suddenly burst open with undercover cops entering and arresting her (new) boyfriend for selling pills, e.g. he was out beforehand and they followed him home after he sold some pills to an undercover cop.


They found 13 pills, 1 year for each pill, apparently the sister in-law knew nothing of the pills, although I have seen her high on many occasions, anyways she was told to admit to it and get a reduced sentence or do 6 and a half years for half the pills, she pleaded guilt and got 3 and a 1/4, sent to the other end of Thailand so family couldn't visit her, she shared a room with 30 other inmates, and was let out after 2 and a half years for good behaviour working hard in the sweat factory making clothes, and King & Queen birthday reductions for being a good little girl.


That was 4 years ago, she had to report to the local police station when she was out once a month for 2 years with urine samples, suffice to say when I see her, she still has that high smile :)   

Edited by 4MyEgo
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9 hours ago, Bob9 said:

So quick to judge, but so slow to think.  Calm down and think about it.


He is a DJ where use of those pills is rampant - the guy caught with pills on him is his best friend - he dobs in his mate hoping for a reduction - they raid his mates place and find another 60odd pills - that the place is in the gf's name is irrelevent - that he doesn't have the pills on his person is irrelevent - he uses a cheap incompetent lawyer - he denies all charges and refuses to plead guilty (his mate does) - he then employs a decent lawyer - too late.


I think that just like the people complaining about the 'unfairness' of it all, he didn't understand the Thai law and how the Thai legal system works - this aint Australia. You dont have to be caught with the drugs in/on you here - this aint Australia. Proof of guilt does not have to be absolute here - this aint Australia.  Proof that you are selling them (or attempting) does not have to be proved - this aint Australia.


He is a DJ and his best mate was caught with 100s of pills, and the police found 60+ more at the place where he lived, and his mate dobbed him in (and pleaded guilty). That is not enough to convict in Australia - but it sure is here.  And here it is a very serious offence.


Do you really think he had nothing to do with those pills??  Come on  - get real !!  At best je is an idiot that was taken advantage of by his mate and girlfriend. Either way - play with drugs in Thailand and you are in deep poo poo if caught. A decent lawyer would have helped at the start, and would have convinced him to plead and do a deal.




Are you working on the presumption that every place that employs a DJ, the sale of drugs is rampant? Are you also saying that every place that employs a DJ, the DJ is heavily involved in the sale of drugs? Seems like a monstrous generalization to me....

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Are you working on the presumption that every place that employs a DJ, the sale of drugs is rampant? Are you also saying that every place that employs a DJ, the DJ is heavily involved in the sale of drugs? Seems like a monstrous generalization to me....

Yes drug use is rampant in that scene.

No the DJs make their money DJing, not drug dealing. But they would be the people with easy access to anything.

Anyways what happened in this case is the DJ supplied his friend who got caught selling 200 pills. The police like in most jurisdictions wanted the supplier. So through fear or hope of leniancy, he ratted out his good friend.

This is why the fact the pills were not found in the DJs direct possession is not relevant.

The weight of the testimony that the DJ was indeed the supplier, was sufficient in conjunction with the same pills being found in a place he resides.

That said, the DJ was not a drug dealer in the usual sense, he just hooked his friend up when asked as he as a DJ would have easy access to such drugs.

Furthernore, the police allege it was pure MDMA and even if I tried, I would never be able to source that here. Heroin, cocaine, yaba? No problem, I could find in 20 mins.

Pure MDMA is a very niche drug which only people heavily involved in the DJ scene would be able to source.

And finally, the guy who ratted out the DJ alleges he was tortured in a safe house for 4 days before he finally ratted on his friend. And to be honest, I would probably do the same in his spot.
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19 hours ago, dcnx said:

Mr Feeney told Fairfax Media that no drugs were found on Mastroianni or in any of his belongings.

He pointed out that the 61 ecstasy pills were discovered in an apartment rented in the name of his Thai girlfriend who was never charged with any offence.


That's incredible. So the DJ had no pills on him or in any of his possessions,  and got life in prison. His life is ruined. The Thai girlfriend didn't get a single charge and 61 pills were found in her apartment. 


That makes my blood boil. 

It's obvious why,because no Thai would ever do that!

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The truth is most of the time a foreigner with a Thai girlfriend it is the foreigner up to dodgy things and the Thai girlfriend as an unsuspecting bystander,this is fact.So if he kept the pills at his girlfriend's apartment he is a scumbag that deserves a life sentence,it's like someone that gets his girlfriend addicted to Heroin!
His job makes it more likely that he was the guy at the top of this little chain,with his mate out there dealing pills for him that he stashed at his innocent girlfriend's apartment.The more I hear about this case the more it sounds like he thought the was being a real smartass,letting his mate serve up the dancing tablets while stashing them at his girlfriend's apartment.
The Pattaya Police know a scumbag when they see one,put two and two together and Bingo!
There may not be a single ounce of truth in that scenario but to me it seems the most likely one.

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1 hour ago, MyFrenU said:



e truth is most of the time a foreigner with a Thai girlfriend it is the foreigner up to dodgy things and the Thai girlfriend as an unsuspecting bystander,this is fact.So if he kept the pills at his girlfriend's apartment he is a scumbag that deserves a life sentence,it's like someone that gets his girlfriend addicted to Heroin!
His job makes it more likely that he was the guy at the top of this little chain,with his mate out there dealing pills for him that he stashed at his innocent girlfriend's apartment.The more I hear about this case the more it sounds like he thought the was being a real smartass,letting his mate serve up the dancing tablets while stashing them at his girlfriend's apartment.
The Pattaya Police know a scumbag when they see one,put two and two together and Bingo!
There may not be a single ounce of truth in that scenario but to me it seems the most likely one.


I think your scenario is probably not far from the truth.

One thing i wonder is where was the stuff made and by who?

Obviously, someone who had the good sense to be invisible when the shit hit the fan.

But yeah, Ego, Stupidity and Arrogance in big doses on the Aussies part.

It just amazes me how these guys want to be the big profile hot shot and think they are gonna get away with it.











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49 minutes ago, bamukloy said:


I think your scenario is probably not far from the truth.

One thing i wonder is where was the stuff made and by who?

Obviously, someone who had the good sense to be invisible when the shit hit the fan.

But yeah, Ego, Stupidity and Arrogance in big doses on the Aussies part.

It just amazes me how these guys want to be the big profile hot shot and think they are gonna get away with it.











Probably from Indonesia or Cambodia,they have the Sassafras Oil needed to make Ecstasy there?

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18 hours ago, dcnx said:

Mr Feeney told Fairfax Media that no drugs were found on Mastroianni or in any of his belongings.

He pointed out that the 61 ecstasy pills were discovered in an apartment rented in the name of his Thai girlfriend who was never charged with any offence.


That's incredible. So the DJ had no pills on him or in any of his possessions,  and got life in prison. His life is ruined. The Thai girlfriend didn't get a single charge and 61 pills were found in her apartment. 


That makes my blood boil. 

action  is what is needed to sort it out if the man is really innocent as he claims.

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13 hours ago, Doc46 said:

Well it looks like he was to close to the shit and he got some shit on him,,,,maybe he should have be more careful as to whom he associating with,,,,and maybe he was into the shit,,,,,cheap lawyer   over his head in the shit /jail,,,,

I think your post is full of shit.


'looks like'   'maybe he should'    'maybe he was'


Do you have any facts?

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12 hours ago, halloween said:


No, all 8 claimed the bag was not theirs, so the judge applied simple possession, and laid it on all of them. Except the driver (body #9) who the police never charged. My SIL served 9+ years, BIL 10+ as all royal pardons during that period excluded drug convictions.

This happened before I met my wife, but when I found out (after I was married, the wife was ashamed of the situation), I talked to a lawyer with the intent of perhaps improving their situation. Not a chance, too far in. He explained simple possession to me.

In most jurisdictions, if you are offered a bag of weed and take it your hand to inspect quality, you are not in possession until you pay for it. Here you are gone as soon as you hold it.

In Australia you are in possession if it is in your hands.  Ownership passes when the agreement to purchase is made. Payment is another thing entirely.

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18 hours ago, slipperylobster said:


Knew of some street girls that would plant drugs and call the police for a bust...hoping to share in the profits. Let me just say, in my younger days, a girl I lived with (20 years ago) wanted to do this to another foreigner. I told the guy to get out of town quick.  It had something to do with her sister (the guy dated).  Not out of the question. The man got out, with his wallet and freedom...I broke off that relationship quickly.  


Phil. is not much different than here, and I would consider that possibility.




This happens still far too often and is almost never reported and written off as 'urban legend'.. 

Seen it first hand from an angry ex-gf I tried to get 'move out'. 

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The sentence is beyond the realm of common sense, however, one thing appears to be missing from the press' reporting of this incident, and that is how the police knew where to find the DJ or did  I miss it?  The so called friend was caught selling drugs and arrested, then later Police and others raided the apartment where they allegedly discovered a separate quantity of the drug and then apprehended the Aussie.


So did his so called friend give him up?  is he a snitch? If he didn't, then how did police know where he was.  if this occurred, then one would expect those reporting the incident to highlight this aspect and then one could confidently say that with a friend like this then you don't need enemies. 


Given the poor reporting, how much more aren't people being told?  None of us know the antecedents of the DJ, is there something in the background that has not been disclosed.  Even if there was, would it justify the sentence handed down, I really don't think so.


Why wasn't the g/f taken into custody and at least interviewed? I understand that she wasn't present but this is no excuse.   Someone said that if she denied any knowledge then nothing would happen to her.  Again police should do what they are paid to do, investigate.


What is it with authorities, obviously they have no idea what the word investigation means, either that or it isn't part of their vocabulary.  It appears they are happy to grab the foreigners, one a known pusher, not the suppliers then confine the rest to the waste paper basket and case closed, .  Very poor policing.

Edited by Si Thea01
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43 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


e sentence is beyond the realm of common sense, however, one thing appears to be missing from the press' reporting of this incident, and that is how the police knew where to find the DJ or did  I miss it?  The so called friend was caught selling drugs and arrested, then later Police and others raided the apartment where they allegedly discovered a separate quantity of the drug and then apprehended the Aussie.


So did his so called friend give him up?  is he a snitch? If he didn't, then how did police know where he was.  if this occurred, then one would expect those reporting the incident to highlight this aspect and then one could confidently say that with a friend like this then you don't need enemies. 


Given the poor reporting, how much more aren't people being told?  None of us know the antecedents of the DJ, is there something in the background that has not been disclosed.  Even if there was, would it justify the sentence handed down, I really don't think so.


Why wasn't the g/f taken into custody and at least interviewed? I understand that she wasn't present but this is no excuse.   Someone said that if she denied any knowledge then nothing would happen to her.  Again police should do what they are paid to do, investigate.


What is it with authorities, obviously they have no idea what the word investigation means, either that or it isn't part of their vocabulary.  It appears they are happy to grab the foreigners, one a known pusher, not the suppliers then confine the rest to the waste paper basket and case closed, .  Very poor policing.



Yes , the so-called mate grassed him up. That is pretty much what the whole case for the police is centred on.

The Aussie supplied the gear and it is then found in his appartment.

No stitch up there


The gf issue does look very bad for the police, if they dont explain her involvement in this.

For all we know, they probably interviewed the gf first and told her to get out of dodge. She probably denied any knowledge of it and put it all on him.


Surely, if a Thai was the dealer and the gear was found in a farangs appartment, he would be in the soup for sure, whether he knew about it or not











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14 minutes ago, bamukloy said:



Yes , the so-called mate grassed him up. That is pretty much what the whole case for the police is centred on.

The Aussie supplied the gear and it is then found in his appartment.

No stitch up there


The gf issue does look very bad for the police, if they dont explain her involvement in this.

For all we know, they probably interviewed the gf first and told her to get out of dodge. She probably denied any knowledge of it and put it all on him.


Surely, if a Thai was the dealer and the gear was found in a farangs appartment, he would be in the soup for sure, whether he knew about it or not












Thanks for the info.  If the Aussie supplied the gear, which I was not aware of, then sure, no stitch up and like I said, not knowing his, that is the Aussie's, antecedents, then there may have been something in his background that the Courts are aware of and we're not.  However, if there was then it would have to be horrendous to see him given 2 life sentences.


Unfortunately, the way things are reported it leaves a lot to be desired and allows many to assume or suggest various scenarios that may or may not be taken seriously.  The last para, I think you would be correct in making that assumption. :wai:

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44 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Thanks for the info.  If the Aussie supplied the gear, which I was not aware of, then sure, no stitch up and like I said, not knowing his, that is the Aussie's, antecedents, then there may have been something in his background that the Courts are aware of and we're not.  However, if there was then it would have to be horrendous to see him given 2 life sentences.


Unfortunately, the way things are reported it leaves a lot to be desired and allows many to assume or suggest various scenarios that may or may not be taken seriously.  The last para, I think you would be correct in making that assumption. :wai:



The more sensational the headline, and with  less real info as possible..is sure to get more clicks/readers. It does get frustrating.

I cant see how ' victim of a legal bungle' is anywhere near accurate in this story.

I guess, by western legal  standards:

-not having the stuff on his person

-the appartment not being in his name

These few things would probably be enough to get him off on a technicality in other countries.

That is one aspect of the legal system back home that sucks..guilty parties can walk because of a technicality.

Very different here and this guy must have known this.


yes, you will find it hard to find anyone on Earth morally defending a system where  "connected" murderers can get off free and a small time drug dealer gets a double life sentance but it is what it is

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12 hours ago, hohososo said:


Yes drug use is rampant in that scene.

No the DJs make their money DJing, not drug dealing. But they would be the people with easy access to anything.

Anyways what happened in this case is the DJ supplied his friend who got caught selling 200 pills. The police like in most jurisdictions wanted the supplier. So through fear or hope of leniancy, he ratted out his good friend.

This is why the fact the pills were not found in the DJs direct possession is not relevant.

The weight of the testimony that the DJ was indeed the supplier, was sufficient in conjunction with the same pills being found in a place he resides.

That said, the DJ was not a drug dealer in the usual sense, he just hooked his friend up when asked as he as a DJ would have easy access to such drugs.

Furthernore, the police allege it was pure MDMA and even if I tried, I would never be able to source that here. Heroin, cocaine, yaba? No problem, I could find in 20 mins.

Pure MDMA is a very niche drug which only people heavily involved in the DJ scene would be able to source.

And finally, the guy who ratted out the DJ alleges he was tortured in a safe house for 4 days before he finally ratted on his friend. And to be honest, I would probably do the same in his spot.


Sorry but I disagree, the fact that the drugs were not found on him is very relevant. Saying he is a drug dealer because some drugs were in his girl friends house and a guy he knows did have some makes the accusation purely anecdotal. I've read the article from the link and I read nothing to base your accusation on.

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On 9/9/2016 at 10:38 PM, Alwyn said:

Are you working on the presumption that every place that employs a DJ, the sale of drugs is rampant? Are you also saying that every place that employs a DJ, the DJ is heavily involved in the sale of drugs? Seems like a monstrous generalization to me....

So I take it you dont agree?  I would (maybe) care if you actually made a point.


But anyway - I googled "monstrous generalization" - but I had to 'verbatim' it to get any results. All I could see was websites about Theoretical Mathematics, Neitzshe - Gay Science, Virginia Woolf, and Forensic Psychiatry. Seems those words are only used in circles that I would never want to mix with. Good luck in there - hope it all goes well for you.

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13 hours ago, Bob9 said:

So I take it you dont agree?  I would (maybe) care if you actually made a point.


But anyway - I googled "monstrous generalization" - but I had to 'verbatim' it to get any results. All I could see was websites about Theoretical Mathematics, Neitzshe - Gay Science, Virginia Woolf, and Forensic Psychiatry. Seems those words are only used in circles that I would never want to mix with. Good luck in there - hope it all goes well for you.


13 hours ago, Bob9 said:

So I take it you dont agree?  I would (maybe) care if you actually made a point.


But anyway - I googled "monstrous generalization" - but I had to 'verbatim' it to get any results. All I could see was websites about Theoretical Mathematics, Neitzshe - Gay Science, Virginia Woolf, and Forensic Psychiatry. Seems those words are only used in circles that I would never want to mix with. Good luck in there - hope it all goes well for you.

You should try taking the two words apart as I did not hyphenate them. I guess you know what generalization means? Monstrous? I'm not shocked you didn't understand

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