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Anybody knows where I can get a fireplace surround, the mantel? If possible made from sandstone, or alternatively wood. Size about 2m wide x 1.5m High.

There are three or four stone works along Mahidol Road between the Ping river and Airport Plaza. Why not check with them and see what they would charge for putting one together for you?

The Fly Fisherman


On a similar note, has anyone got any ideas where to get hold of a cast iron wood burning stove.

I've been unable to find any in Thailand on the internet, they make alot of them in China but only seem to sell them by the container load.

Im thinking a pot bellied stove would be perfect for winter in the mountains.

On a similar note, has anyone got any ideas where to get hold of a cast iron wood burning stove.

I've been unable to find any in Thailand on the internet, they make alot of them in China but only seem to sell them by the container load.

Im thinking a pot bellied stove would be perfect for winter in the mountains.

I had a steel wood stove welded up years ago out of mild steel. It is about 18" x 28". The door is the problem of course, as it won't stay air tight as the mild steel warps a bit with the heat. But it is still quite usable. The biggest problem I had was finding someone who could make sheet metal chimney pipe with the required elbows. We bring it into the house come December and January, when we are there, and then store it under the house for the rest of the year. Damned cosy when it gets down to 6 degrees. I place a few good sized river stones on the top to warm them up before slipping them under the bedcovers.



I love these northern Thais who get absolutely frigid when the temperature goes below 20 degrees. My partner asked yesterday about a space heater, which uses electricity worse than an air conditioner. He goes to bed wearing a middle-weight jacket, and then needs a medium blanket, when the room only gets down to 18 degrees.

Blasting down the highway at more than 120 kph, in Dec. and January, is frigid. But sleeping at 18 degrees is only cool. I used to sleep at 2,100 meters with only a light blanket and light underwear. In the winter.


Steel drums can be easily made into wood heaters....the door won't be air tight but do you really need that? It might be possible to order a barrel stove kit from the US. It should have a cast iron door and frame, an exit flue, four legs and mineral fibre caulking to make the connections air tight....about US$60 last time I priced them....you just attach these fittings to a steel drum.



I've considered welding one up from mild steel & also read about the oil drum stoves, but I want something that looks good as well as being practical.

But short of going hunting around in China I seem to be stuck.

I've considered welding one up from mild steel & also read about the oil drum stoves, but I want something that looks good as well as being practical.

But short of going hunting around in China I seem to be stuck.

You can order cast iron woodstoves, steel woodstoves, pot bellied wood stoves, stone woodstoves, and even the stove kits (cast iron doors, legs, flue pipes, caulking, etc.) to make very nice looking oil drum stoves (even double barrel models!) from Lehman's of Kidron, Ohio. They service the Amish communities with every conceivable non-electric product for the home or farm, and will ship internationally. See their website at http://www.lehmans.com

I've bought many different items from them, and find them to be completely reliable, ship quickly, and have great customer service!

The Fly Fisherman

You can order cast iron woodstoves, steel woodstoves, pot bellied wood stoves, stone woodstoves, and even the stove kits (cast iron doors, legs, flue pipes, caulking, etc.) to make very nice looking oil drum stoves (even double barrel models!) from Lehman's of Kidron, Ohio. They service the Amish communities with every conceivable non-electric product for the home or farm, and will ship internationally. See their website at http://www.lehmans.com

I've bought many different items from them, and find them to be completely reliable, ship quickly, and have great customer service!

The Fly Fisherman


Looks just what the doctor ordered BUT!!

Inexpensive Cast Iron Box Stoves

Heat for under $200

Don't buy one of these cast iron stoves if you desire high quality. They are for places where a cheap stove makes sense: cabin, shop, garage or basement. Not air tight so it burns hotter and faster. Built-in stovepipe damper controls fire. Exempt from EPA requirements. 1-year warranty, imported.

With a $200 price tag plus the $500 shipping charge to Thailand AND the twelve week delivery, would hardly seem a plausable option. Not forgetting the excessive duty on arrival. It would also arrive just in time for the hottest time of the year! The OP is freezing his nuts off now, and needs a quick solution.

There is a company in Chotana that welds and fabricates steel security shutters out of heavy gauge steel, and I'm sure if you gave them a sketch of what you are after, they could come up with what you need. Thais are great at innovation. I'll try and get their exact address for you...MM

I've considered welding one up from mild steel ....

Somchit (I DANG) at Dang Krong Pratu could probably weld one up for you. He has the sheet metal tools, experience and speaks English.

This will probably get you there. Go south on Chanklan Rd to the first traffic light past the Empress Hotel and turn right at that light. Go straight, through the first traffic light and in about 80 meters, you will see the shop on the right, before you go up a rise and over the small canal. Lots of automotive stuff in front of the shop. PM me if ....


Thanks for all the interest.

The Lehmans stove is just the sort of thing Im interested in, but as MM says its the shipping thats the problem. Also Im guessing that stove is made in China, which is alot closer than US.

A google under "cast iron stove" will find you plenty. including lots on alibaba in China.

Im sure a welder in CM could make me one, but I doubt its going to look good.

Im not actualy in a big hurry, I havnt built the house yet, will start in about 2 weeks.

In the meantime im living in a shed which doesnt have room for a stove.

So here's another question for TV'ers that are living in the cooler parts, if I was stupid enough to go through the hassle of bringing a truck full of this type of stove from China, how many would be interested in buying one, say I could do them for under 10,000 B (just guessing) ?

Im sure a welder in CM could make me one, but I doubt its going to look good.

Depends on the detail of the plans you give them, their skills, how close you stay to the work, and what you call "look good". There are some very good welders in CM who have and can make to spec.


Im sure a welder in CM could make me one, but I doubt its going to look good.

Depends on the detail of the plans you give them, their skills, how close you stay to the work, and what you call "look good". There are some very good welders in CM who have and can make to spec.

Agreed. Chiang Mai has some great welders around. :o

Blasting down the highway at more than 120 kph, in Dec. and January, is frigid. But sleeping at 18 degrees is only cool. I used to sleep at 2,100 meters with only a light blanket and light underwear. In the winter.

Hey PB, some of us are not as rugged as you. :D After being used to 30-40 degree temperatures then suddenly it is upper teens lower twenties I have problems with that. I'm already using a heavy blanket and covering my head at night and will probably add a 2nd one soon. I've even gone as far as to use a hair dryer to heat under the covers before I get in. :o Know where I can get a space heater in Chiangmai? Mainly for trying to take a shower in the morning and like to pre-heat the bathroom.


I seem to remember we get into this same banter about wether its cold or not every year.

I live up in the hills & in Dec & Jan it gets down to 7 deg C in the early morning, maybe im a wimp but I call that pretty nippy when your living in a house thats little more than a shed.


I've made several stoves myself from mild steel and the problem with mild steel is that it warps from the heat...especially any flat pieces.....even if you use heavy guage. Of course my experience is in a cold climate where a stove is run really hot. If you had a mild steel stove in Thailand you probably would just have a very small fire inside so you might get by without warping especially if you fitted it out so that the firebox was lined with thin firebricks which are called "splits" in the US.

Cast iron stoves do not warp....but its really difficult to weld cast iron...



You can order cast iron woodstoves, steel woodstoves, pot bellied wood stoves, stone woodstoves, and even the stove kits (cast iron doors, legs, flue pipes, caulking, etc.) to make very nice looking oil drum stoves (even double barrel models!) from Lehman's of Kidron, Ohio. They service the Amish communities with every conceivable non-electric product for the home or farm, and will ship internationally. See their website at http://www.lehmans.com

I've bought many different items from them, and find them to be completely reliable, ship quickly, and have great customer service!

The Fly Fisherman


Looks just what the doctor ordered BUT!!

Yeah.........but DO NOT forget that elbow !

I did manage to find an incredible Thai chap who understood what I rquired and constructed a sheet metal elbow. They have to be able to 'swivel' to line up with the chimney. Not an easy task to hand make.

A good wood stove is one consideration for that one month of cold, but a truck/car heater running off the engine would be another assest that would make night time driving up country a damned site more pleasant. Any of you have heaters in your trucks/cars ?


Inexpensive Cast Iron Box Stoves

Heat for under $200

Don't buy one of these cast iron stoves if you desire high quality. They are for places where a cheap stove makes sense: cabin, shop, garage or basement. Not air tight so it burns hotter and faster. Built-in stovepipe damper controls fire. Exempt from EPA requirements. 1-year warranty, imported.

With a $200 price tag plus the $500 shipping charge to Thailand AND the twelve week delivery, would hardly seem a plausable option. Not forgetting the excessive duty on arrival. It would also arrive just in time for the hottest time of the year! The OP is freezing his nuts off now, and needs a quick solution.

There is a company in Chotana that welds and fabricates steel security shutters out of heavy gauge steel, and I'm sure if you gave them a sketch of what you are after, they could come up with what you need. Thais are great at innovation. I'll try and get their exact address for you...MM


Think somebody hyjacked my original question. Anyway, thanks Physherman, will check out the places you mentioned. Think the metal ones are Ok if you do not mind some smoke in the house. In the meantime . . still looking for some kind of mantel if anybody knows.


Sorry about that, I have kind of hijacked you thread, but to be honest I think the only answer is as FM says, go & see the stone & marble people & take a photo of what you want.

There probably are no fire surrounds in Thailand as fireplaces as westeners know them are few & far between.

However back to the hijacking, I found an article on Mother Earth News about a barrel stove made from an electric hot water heater tank instead of an oil drum, they say the walls of a tank are upto 4 times thicker than an oil drum, so last longer & are available in various sizes.

I think the small one in the corner picture looks ok.

post-22588-1164558080_thumb.jpg post-22588-1164558115_thumb.jpg


Blasting down the highway at more than 120 kph, in Dec. and January, is frigid. But sleeping at 18 degrees is only cool. I used to sleep at 2,100 meters with only a light blanket and light underwear. In the winter.

Hey PB, some of us are not as rugged as you. :D After being used to 30-40 degree temperatures then suddenly it is upper teens lower twenties I have problems with that. I'm already using a heavy blanket and covering my head at night and will probably add a 2nd one soon. I've even gone as far as to use a hair dryer to heat under the covers before I get in. :o Know where I can get a space heater in Chiangmai? Mainly for trying to take a shower in the morning and like to pre-heat the bathroom.

tywais,you have to be joking eh?It's not that cold at night.


My dad used to make stoves for his friends. He would use two tracker trailer rims, and weld them together, end to end, and then weld a plate on the end, and order a flue and door kit and weld a plate on the front with an opening to assemble the door, and then blow torch a hole where the flue assembly wouldgo and assemble that...the finishing touch was welding on four pieces of angle iron for the legs. Far as I saw, he and various friends used them all the winter as their main source of heat in the Winter time in northern Maine.


Think somebody hyjacked my original question. Anyway, thanks Physherman, will check out the places you mentioned. Think the metal ones are Ok if you do not mind some smoke in the house. In the meantime . . still looking for some kind of mantel if anybody knows.

I think you are going to have to find someone to make one for you. The granite/marble shops usually can connect you with a man to put stone in for you based on your spec/drawings . For wood, you need to find a carpenter or try the furniture shops at Baan Tawai. A good brick and concrete man or a granite/marble man could probably do sandstone, ask at the shops that sell the stone.

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