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UN seeks new sanctions on North Korea after nuclear test


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UN seeks new sanctions on North Korea after nuclear test




The United Nations has strongly condemned North Korea’s fifth and most powerful nuclear test to date, agreeing immediately to draw up significant new sanctions.


The decision came after an urgent meeting of the UN’s 15-member Security Council, with the US, Britain and France all pushing for quick and strong-action against Pyongyang.


Ahead of the meeting US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said: ‘‘This is more than brazen defiance. North Korea is seeking to perfect its nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles so they can hold the region and the world hostage under threat of nuclear strike. The council must use every tool at its disposal to change North Korea’s calculus.”


North Korea conducted the nuclear test on Friday, saying it had mastered the ability to mount a warhead on a ballistic missile.


The blast triggered a 5.3. magnitude earth quake.


Despite a UN ban and several sets of international sanctions since 2006, the isolated communist state has so far carried out two atomic tests this year.


South Korea has accused the North’s leader Kim Jong-un of ‘‘maniacal recklessness’‘.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-10
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9 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

The UN. It's bark is worse than...

Bark Worse Than Bite.jpg

Especially when you have China and Russia blocking resolutions:






“Nothing should be done to exacerbate tension on the Korean Peninsula,” said Lui Jieyi, China’s U.N. Ambassador.

China blocked a United Nations Security Council statement condemning North Korea for firing two missiles earlier in the day during an emergency meeting Wednesday.



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After 78 years on this planet I tire of listening to that toothless tiger the UN. Its right against left, east against west, communism vs capitalism and on it goes useless clap trap. If words could kill people all the futile words exchanged would have eradicated everyone on the planet. 

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16 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

have to wonder if america dosent just keep north korea going so it has an arch enemy. rather than destroying iraq, syria and lybia why didnt they go ruin north korea?

Iraq II was a bad deal, for sure.  Syria was started by a maniacal dictator killing his own people, and turned into an internal civil war.  Libya, basically the same thing.  And it was a coalition of forces that went into Libya, not just the US. Facts are facts.  Can't blame the US for everything, though many try.





After the Arab Spring movements overturned the rulers of Tunisia and Egypt, Libya experienced a full-scale revolt beginning on 17 February 2011.[68] By 20 February, the unrest had spread to Tripoli. On 27 February 2011, the National Transitional Council was established to administer the areas of Libya under rebel control. On 10 March 2011, France became the first state to officially recognise the council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people.[69][70]


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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Iraq II was a bad deal, for sure.  Syria was started by a maniacal dictator killing his own people, and turned into an internal civil war.  Libya, basically the same thing.  And it was a coalition of forces that went into Libya, not just the US. Facts are facts.  Can't blame the US for everything, though many try.





iraq was being run by a brutal man and his sons but it was being run better than it is now from what i hear.  same goes for syria and libya.  i am not trying to blame america for their failures. if we have one world power then it could be a lot worse than having america. north korea could be assimilated into south korea with minimal effort. cant see too many losers from that happening.

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24 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

iraq was being run by a brutal man and his sons but it was being run better than it is now from what i hear.  same goes for syria and libya.  i am not trying to blame america for their failures. if we have one world power then it could be a lot worse than having america. north korea could be assimilated into south korea with minimal effort. cant see too many losers from that happening.

LOL.  Iraq was a mess and still is.  For a variety of reasons, very complicated.  Same with Syria and Libya.  None are places I would have liked to live before these civil wars.  And for sure wouldn't want to be there now!


Would be great for NK to be taken over by the south.  South Korea is a pretty good country.  As good as any other.

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so now we have another nuclear weapons power country to add to the list, the countries with nuclear weapons are USA, Russia, China, UK, France, Pakistan, Israel, India, and North Korea, my understanding is that once a country becomes nuclear, there's not much that can be done militarily to defeat such a country.

What will happen if USA decides to invade North Korea? I would assume that North Korea will use nuclear weapons to defend itself. This means 100's of thousands of USA troops will end up dead. Too risky!

What this means is that the USA will not use an Iraq type of invasion against North Korea, Sanctions? Well, based on the above article it seems that the USA and other allies have used 100% of the available sanctions and nothing has worked.

So, what's next, Maybe now we should send a 3 Billion dollars annual aid package to North Korea to help them manage the safety of their nukes? We already send about 2 Billion dollars to Pakistan (has nuclear weapons) and about 5 Billion dollars to Israel (also has nuclear weapons).

Formula: Get nuclear weapons = Get a minimum of 2 Billion dollars welfare check from the USA and Europeans taxpayers.


Edited by marcofunny
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Until China turns against PDRK, nothing can be done. PDRK is a useful buffer between China and (as China sees it) American puppet South Korea. Even so, Kim Jong un may provoke even China to turn its back on him and then there will be a very bloody, but probably very short, conflict.

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