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Philippine president wants US forces out of restive south 


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Duterte is not as on top of things as he believes he is. We know that, but our governments and others had known Duterte already. In the case of USA, Washington had been confronting the guy in Mindanao for a score of years....


The video presents Du30 by Central China TeleVision in May, during the campaign Duterte won in June with only 38% of the popular vote (no runoff in the Philippines). Duterte presents everything CCP and CCTV likes to be said and likes to hear...



Long before he was elected president, Rodrigo Duterte let Beijing know the South China Sea was theirs




The headline is a bit OTT to say the SCS belongs to CCP Dictators in Beijing, given especially the permanent and legally binding on CCP ruling in July by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague that implemented a current application of the UNILOS to the region. CCP got wiped out completely by the PCA and the UNILOS.


Everyone btw has been quiet since the ruling so that CCP Boyz can quietly and without a face-losing peep gradually and incrementally accept and incorporate the ruling and the UNILOS lest they become a universal and permanent international outlaw and rogue state. Which is what the Boyz have been doing and they're awful enough as it is. 


CCP Boyz are being cautious because they know there is not a major shift occurring under the Duterte presidency of the Phils. All of this is the work of one wild and crazy guy, Duterte himself. It is not the will of the Phils people or elites. It is not the will of Asean or the larger India-Pacific Strategic Region of nations.



Here's from the Global Times yesterday of the CCP which is run by the PLA and publishes in English also. The journal is just not being its usual strident, nationalist, militant self, as one can see in its cautious remarks... 



Philippine public sentiment remains uncertain

Global Times Published: 2016/10/25


Before Sino-Philippine relations took a nose dive in 2008, anti-Americanism had been the theme of Philippine nationalism. 


But it doesn't mean that their alliance will be completely destroyed or Manila will completely tilt toward Beijing. After all, Manila is unlikely to break away in a short period of time from its dependence on Washington both economically and militarily. It doesn't hold water that the Philippines could be dependent on the US militarily and on China economically. 


All in all, despite conflicts between Manila and Washington, their alliance will not be destroyed. If a solution to the South China Sea issue cannot be found soon, it will be wise for China to manage its differences with the Philippines and avoid letting the issue be manipulated by anti-China forces in the Philippines. 





CCP Boyz know the guy they're trying to deal with is Rodrigo Duterte from Mindanao and Davao City. Duterte has been in tight all of his rebel life with every armed insurgent group in Mindanao and throughout the Phils' South, to include Abu Sayyaf Group. U.S. military in the Phil's South has been Du30's constant foil. 

Edited by Publicus
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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Odd isn't it that nothing China does is ever legit or good enough for the western world to judge by it's ridiculous standards


Your characterisation comes from the ancient world of the celestial kingdom which was anyway a world of fantasy right next to the kingdom of the angels with harps. 


CCP clings on to the ancient beliefs such as dictatorship and rule by an elite statist oligarchy. CCP's only dalliance in the modern world is the failed notions of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism modified by a wannabe Trump, none other than Deng Xiao Peng (who due to China's particular history missed his calling by a generation supressed by Mao).


China's old verities are all of the falsehoods of the present millennia. You've been failing over there for 600 years without letup. Relentlessly.

This is just nuts. China has been failing for over 600 years?  Well, I know virtually nothing about ancient and even not so ancient Chinese History, but I have been around for China's resurgence.  And if what China has accomplished in the last 45 years is failure I'd like to know what a success looks like.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

This is just nuts. China has been failing for over 600 years?  Well, I know virtually nothing about ancient and even not so ancient Chinese History, but I have been around for China's resurgence.  And if what China has accomplished in the last 45 years is failure I'd like to know what a success looks like.

China has its share of problems,  but it has accomplished a lot in recent history. It does deserve credit for that!

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49 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

This is just nuts. China has been failing for over 600 years?  Well, I know virtually nothing about ancient and even not so ancient Chinese History, but I have been around for China's resurgence.  And if what China has accomplished in the last 45 years is failure I'd like to know what a success looks like.


Since the 15th century China had stopped inventing, creating, being dynamic. All that continued was the incremental advance of subsistence agriculture, hence the population growth. From the 15th century to the 21st century -- and counting.


Presently China is under the delusions of Marx, Engles, Lenin, Mao and then Deng. Now Xi Jinping and Party with his catchup slogan for 'em, "The China Dream." Pathetic. 


The Second Millennium was the Millenium of the West. A major reason is that China by halfway into it had drifted off into the maw of history. It's still in the maw as the present system of statism is built on quicksand too.


Welcome to the New American Century. I say that so that it sticks in the craw of those who don't know their Chinese history -- or their American history. Or their world history.

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On 10/22/2016 at 8:39 PM, ilostmypassword said:

I think China will find that dealing with a volatile thug won't ultimately work out. And I say this without holding any brief for the U.S. position in the Philippines. I think if Duterte wants the U.S. out, it should go. What's more, the USA should be doing more of what China is doing. Not invading foreign nations but doing much more with economic aid.


I think if Duterte wants the U.S. out, it should go.


Duterte is the only one who's talking about it and he's the single guy who's initiated the talk. The armed insurgent groups in the far South that Duterte has been integrated with all of his rebel life are opposed to the government in Manila and to the elites of Manila, Luzon, the entire Philippines north of Mindanao.


Anyone arguing for or concurring with Duterte in his long held anti-Americanism would need to establish that Duterte is not a one-man show, or that he is not a passing figure in national government and politics, to include showing that the Phils military are not deeply upset this insurgent-supporting firebrand idiot from the far South now sits in the presidential palace in Manila.



Here's from Business World Online in Manila, in yesterday's issue....


The souring with Washington could also hit counterterrorism operations against the Abu Sayyaf Group, which has been linked to Al-Qaeda and has carried out bombings, murder and kidnapping.

A faction of the Abu Sayyaf, largely known for its criminal kidnap-for-ransom operations, has associated itself with the Islamic State group (ISIS) -- a valid concern, according to the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict.

A new report by the Jakarta-based think tank has warned: “More deadly violence in the Philippines involving alliances of pro-ISIS groups is a matter of when, not if. It may also increase the possibility of cross-border extremist operations.”

The war on terror in the southern Philippines is also complicated by Mr. Duterte’s resistance to US troops operating there.





The Philippine time clock is ticking on the unstable but very predictable Duterte and his 38 pecent presidency.  CCP Boyz in Beijing know it too, as do Asean and all nations throughout the India-Pacific Strategic Region. 

Edited by Publicus
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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

China has its share of problems,  but it has accomplished a lot in recent history. It does deserve credit for that!


CCP have only a closed statist corporate rule by a new dynasty of emperors in business suits.


Their society and its political economy are built on ideological quicksand.


The rigid corporate state with its massive domestic security apparatus has already become too heavy to keep its head above the surface. The institutions of the global economy with the strong arm of the United States are pulling in unison to keep the statist dogmatists from going under. This can't last indefinitely.

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A poster mentioned that since the 15th century the Chinese have stopped inventing, creating, being dynamic

I will just refute and quote a few in the last 5 years

- Chinese launching world first quantum satellite communication model on space at the biggest scale ever seen to define the possibilities

- Tu inventing an anti malaria drug in 2015 reading ancient Chinese text on a Chinese herb / worm that can reduce the risks

- WeChat ...have you seen an messenging app in the world now which can act like Facebook / call a cab like Uber / Pay your utilities bills / Spilt cash among Friend like PayPal / Book Railway & Hotels & Flights like Expedia / Share photos like Instagram and used by 700 million ? Did I mention you can do all that without leaving the WeChat app ?

- Biggest radio telescope that could now possibly help us detect the unknown

All these are innovations in the last 3 years ...take your pick. The list can go on ...but TGIF is tomorrow so we should all take a break

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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Must be something in the water today cause just now one person fell into delusional recitations and another got seized by an attack of liver bile.


Is there a doctor in the house....never mind. A night's sleep will no doubt do 'em well.


In the meantime...


Highly recommended as a comprehensive summary of President Duterte domestically and in his foreign adventures, given by a SE Asia specialist at the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung Foundation in Germany....


"Duterte is relatively isolated when it comes to his strategy towards the US and China, with polls showing that Filipinos view the US much more positively than China. Duterte's inner circle consists of his close confidants from the southern city of Davao, where he had served as mayor for decades before winning the presidency. And they all lack experience at the national level.


"It's, therefore, very risky for Duterte to side with Beijing. Although he enjoys the backing of the nation's communists in this endeavor [three are in the cabinet], most Filipinos have closer ties to the US. This is particularly the case when it comes to the country's military, political and business classes, who are critical of Deuterte's polarizing rhetoric."  




For a couple of paragraphs there I'd though the guy was describing and discussing Donald Trump. Not, however, as Du30 squeaked by in his election to the presidency while Trump is going to get the Bum's Rush on November 8th.

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