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US flies bombers over South Korea in show of force against North 


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Maybe, just maybe, some folks do not know… No nation's military can be within another nation's boarders without that nation's wishes [unless, like Russia, they are invading]. S. Korea welcome the US military presents as it assures them of freedom from the North. This is an agreement with the US, And a promise made by the US to S Korea following the Korean war. Yep, that war was a long time ago and most here do not have clear knowledge of it! So, for those, I highly recommend brushing up on true history of it!


There are and have been many actions of the US I, personally, have disagreed over the last couple of decades. However, when it comes to Korea, folks, the US is only holding to it's promise. And, there is an interest, yes, for the US. As others have stated before me, no nation goes to great expenses and risks when they do not have anything in the game. Bar none! On top of that, as I've stated, there is a "protection treaty" with S Korea! Just as with Japan [and more in the Pacific].


All must also consider that missiles travel 360 degrees - that means the "little <deleted>%ker" might as well shoot them in any direction wished for whichever whim hits him at the moment... So, Actually, the REAL threat is NOT only toward the US, but many others as well! ... Plus, he has shown that he is willing to sell that tech to whom ever can pay the price... He does not care who they choose to use it on [YOUR CITIES?] So, with that in mind, I fail to understand WHY so many of YOU guys wish to push so hard at / on the US or attempt to make the US the "bad guys in this!?!? What, would you rather that you wait, and as in pre-WWII, until you are getting you asses run over and THEN plead with the US to come save you?! AGAIN?!


Frankly, I like many others in the US, are beginning to think we should just set back and be happy with our lives, and wait for you pleas once more,,, But, maybe not be so swift to come to your sorry aid the next time after the attitudes you now have! 


You might not enjoy giving that thought. But, maybe you ought to... :thumbsup:

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Hard reality is there are people who want the USA to withdraw and do nothing to stop CCP Dictators in Beijing, the lunatics in Pyongyang, Russia in Ukraine and elsewhere, and Iran too.


There are people who want CCP Dictators to rule over all the Korean peninsula -- and then some, from Japan and Taiwan down throughout the South China Sea. And then some...and then some more.


Until they have all of it all.


There are people who want this. They don't want to be 'rescued' or 'saved' from Beijing (or Moscow). They want to shut down the United States. Completely.

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You see, it is "There are people who want this. They don't want to be 'rescued' or 'saved' from Beijing (or Moscow). They want to shut down the United States. Completely." And most of the US people are seeking just that. 


Those folks might best take a close and hard thought to what I wrote. Because, I did not write it from anger, I wrote it from reality and what the folks are thinking and feeling in the US... People in the US are feeling 'insulted" and totally 'unappreciated'. It is like, there are so many in Europe have forgotten just how many Americans died for THEM. There were more AMERICANS died fighting for THEM than 'them' died for their own countries!


Americans are very tired of being 'unappreciated'! And 'put down'! They are very closet to telling everyone else to go "screw" them selves... Really!



Fine, if they "want" it, they have chosen it! Most Americans do not wish to run around risking their lives and throwing away their money attempting to "rescue or save" folks who have no with for things to be different! But on the other hand, for the people who ask for it and are thankful when they get it, Americans will do all they can do for those wonderful people!



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The population of South Korea want the US present in their country.


The population of Japan want the US present in their country.


There are posters here who do not want the US in either. The posters however do not represent the views of the governments or of the people of either country (which includes the Philippines). 


The B-1B nuclear capable supersonic bombers flying over the peninsula says the US is present and not going anywhere except in, if that might become unavoidable and necessary.


Still, no one at the thread criticises Kim Jong Un but they criticise the United States only and always in everything. This is because the posters have long ago taken sides in the world.

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14 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Yeah, why is the USA in South Korea ?  Yeah, they've got their reasons.  A cynic would say that Washington wants to have some soldiers in South Korea, got to be ready to attack China if or when World War Three breaks out.   :)



Another cynic would say "MacArthur is long dead".

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The US stays around Korea, as they have now the power of hindsight, of what will happen if they depart

(if you compare to what happened in Vietnam, during and after)


1953, Korea the North, South/Allies commence an unofficial ceasefire, with extends, unsettling, to today..


1973, Vietnam: The North and the South/Allies commenced an Armistice ceasefire, which extends to today


1975, Vietnam: The North, re-armed, re-equipped by the Soviets, takes over the South in a one-sided civil war.

This was after the Vietnam War ended in 1973, and the US/Allies, in 1975 were not involved militarily,

but there for humanitarian actions only.


20**, Korea - date to be advised - The North will try to either take over, or obliterate the South - if the US is not around to help.


1952 or thereabouts, Korea: the North had been virtually defeated and overrun by the South/US/allies, and only get through by the skin of their teeth - because China steps in and does the pushing back of the South/US/allies


20**, Korea: China is a big boy now, and has the experience of being a big, nationally recognised nation, that is self aware about the dangers of creating another Cold War. However the tinpot North regime is not that intelligent.


20**, Vietnam:  it's a very popular place now, that gets along with everyone, oh! except for the Chinese, and that little Island squabble



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