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High Waters Close Ta Mok Bridge

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Authorities in Oddar Meanchey province’s Anlong Veng district have suspended traffic on the Ta Mok bridge since Monday night after the water level rose beyond the warning level because of heavy rain. The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology said yesterday that traffic was suspended from using the Ta Mok bridge in Anlong Veng district’s Anlong Veng commune while it was still raining and after the water level in Ta Mok lake increased beyond the 2.9-meter warning level.

Commune police chief Vong Chan said yesterday that authorities placed signs and positioned some police at the bridge to prevent people from crossing until water levels subsided. “We have not allowed people to cross the bridge since late evening Monday because we are worried about their safety while the current is too strong.

“That’s why we decided to ban it for a while until the water level drops,” he said. Mr. Chan said the heavy rain on Monday evening caused the water level in Ta Mok lake to rise and flood a few houses, but there had been no accidents.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/29707/high-waters-close-ta-mok-bridge/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 14/09

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