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Like taking candy from a baby - Thai women want a western husband so badly they are easily parted from their money


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36 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


What a sorrowful live you must have had to be so judgmental of victims of crime. 

My S-i-L nearly got ripped off. Some crook, false FB profile etc. Chats her up, promises he's coming over to see her, wants to look after her, loves her - all the usual conman crap. Then sends photos of all the goodies he's sent in a big packing case to her - jewelry, fashion goods, luxury items. Copy of shipping manifesto etc. Next day she get's a call asking for money for clearance and delivery.

Very elaborate scam - well prepared FB profile, shipping documentation. Only one or two minor mistakes which luckily for her I could spot when M-i-L insisted she check with me.


Greedy, stupid, arrogant - certainly not. Vulnerable, emotionally drained from pathetic Thai husband and boyfriend, naive and desperate for a better live and some genuine affection most certainly.




They're both as bad as each other. I have sympathy for old people who get duped. I really have zero sympathy for someone who wants a quick and big return on their cash and loses out. 


Also, let's simply ignore the money these people are willing to pay in the form of a bribe. 





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7 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


The boiler rooms have been active here for years but the predominantly Brits, Canadians and Americans who typically run them aren't banned, are they? If farangs who come to the kingdom were vetted beforehand, I doubt there'd be even half as many of us here as there are

speak for yourself tonto! I can freely go anywhere in the free world I want to because I do not have a criminal record, my paperwork is ALWAYS in order and I present a neat clean appearance to the immigration people AND I am Polite!

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2 hours ago, gdgbb said:


Obviously you don't understand either that there are no officials involved so they are clearly not guilty of trying to bribe an official.


There is still criminal intent and in many systems would be treated exactly the same as if they had been officials.

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...again pretending Thai women are innocent victims....


...they seek out foreign men for one reason....




...as exemplified by the next step....


...paying a small fee to get millions...






...get with it and start representing foreign concerns on this forum for foreigners.....



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8 hours ago, hdkane said:

A long time ago, I had a Thai gf who fell for this scam.  Her family did not like me because I did not support them.  So they encouraged her to find a new bf on a dating website.  I found out she was cheating (at least on the internet) when she borrowed the life savings of her family to send to her "new bf" who needed the money to clear customs and deliver her millions of baht in gold.  The best part was that the family (who knew she was ditching me for the new bf)  wanted me to reimburse everyone who gave my gf money.  After my stunned reaction, all I could do was scratch my head and smile. As further evidence of Thai character, her family ostracized her when I wouldn't pay.  


Crazy Story

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I'm always surprised people do not do their homework more.


My ex aunt in law, was getting messages, about a package with an iphone, jewellery etc in it for a very very discounted price from the UK, a simple google search revealed the company was fake and I explained such. But my ex had to physically go to the bank to stop her transferring any money because she didn't want to believe me initially. 

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22 minutes ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...again pretending Thai women are innocent victims....


...they seek out foreign men for one reason....




...as exemplified by the next step....


...paying a small fee to get millions...






...get with it and start representing foreign concerns on this forum for foreigners.....




"...again pretending Thai women are innocent victims....


...they seek out foreign men for one reason....




Not true at all, most just want some financial security, that is not avarice, that is a normal way to think, for some it is that they hear that Western men are gentlemen and would never beat them like their last husband did, some simply find Caucasians attractive, no doubt for some the size of my penis is enough to seek me out...

Edited by Shawn0000
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It is built into humans to be greedy .... Most comments are slagging Thai women off saying they are greedy and desperate to get a foreign husband, fact is 85% of Thai women aren't interested in foreigners, i have been going to Thailand for over 15 years and NOT once have i been approached by a normal hard working Thai woman for a date ... However if you wish to frequent the bars and nightclubs of resorts such as Pattaya then you will litterally get your pants pulled down ... For information only, there is a little pink book that is only available to certain women of Thailand, the foreigner of Ferrang as we are known never gets access to this book, a lady who frequents bars knows everything to tell the unsuspecting Ferrang to extract as much money from him during his stay, people on here say these Thai women are stupid but that also goes for the thousands of men who visit Thailand every year ... You flash your cash you attract snakes .... Everywhere there is money you will find women wherever you are in the world, i wouldn't say Thai women are desperate for a foreign husband they just want a better standard of living, NOTHING wrong with that ... Having a Thai girlfriend or wife is an expensive journey, its not just about greed its about their culture also, it is a Thai womans duty to provide for her family, understand the culture then you will understand the expense!! If you don't want the expense then don't get involved with a Thai woman and the culture it is that simple!!! And finally ANY man that believes any woman loves him is a fool, it doesnt matter what country a woman comes from it will cost you!!! I love you is easy to say but so hard to prove .. I wouldn't say these women who have been scammed are stupid and deserve what they get, i would say they were naieve and gullable

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10 hours ago, captspectre said:

Oh No! not a nigerian!  everyone knows that those people are law abiding, in other words what else is new? those scum bags have been active in thailand for years! and still they are not banned or vetted before coming in to the kingdom!



Interestingly enough they are banned entry to Uganda....

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5 hours ago, elgordo38 said:


Your quote button was frozen I don't know why but I am about 90% non racist. I will not discuss who the 10% are. If you take a long look at Nigeria and its bountiful riches which never have trickled down to the people you will understand my meaning of scammers in Nigeria. African injustices by reigning politicians has been going on for decades yet this scam called the United Nations does nothing but talk talk talk. Then here in Thailand we have loads of scams to many to mention. To many serious crimes that get swept under the carpet and then there is the Red Bull case and a couple other serious crimes like the Mercedes deaths and the young lady who did a little community work in exchange for killing I think were 6 people in a van while she was intoxicated. Thus birds of a feather flock together. 


OK, so you were generalizing on Nigerians and Thai's, I see.  Nigeria should be one of the richest countries in the world, their corruption is at a completely different level, not so many years ago the entire cabinet fled to Brazil and were still reaping in the oil money while remaining untouchable and leaving the country to rot, shameful stuff, but of course just about every poor country in the world, and most of them are poor, is largely poor because of corruption, there is nothing particularly unusual about Nigeria, they are just a very big country with very large resources and so the corruption is also very big and the people are fairly well educated, very aware and reduced to absolute poverty, the reasons for scammers are clear, Thailand's excuses are more tenuous.

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10 hours ago, Shiver said:


Sounds like you should be writing another "Farang experiences in Thailand".  If you make a little bit by saving your readers a lot, then I could sleep well doing that.  Maybe do it "Thai Fever" style and have Thai on one page and English or another farang language on the other.  The Thais getting scammed seem to be increasing in frequency (or maybe more are just surfacing rather than being hidden behind face), but the Thais need this information too.

A friend of my GF is in constant contact with a USA guy who plans to come here, and I'm always being asked "what does this mean, or that mean" (LINE typing) although she can speak okay English herself since her stepfather is farang.  I pass on warnings and things to look out for, and it does get through because it is coming from her friend (my gf), whereas if I told her directly I'm sure she would disregard it.

She's a decent girl, and she wants to know if I will talk with him to 'vet'  him so to speak.  I said I would if asked, but first I want to know if there is anything you haven't told him or have you lied to him? "no, you can tell him anything you like".  "Okay, so he knows that you've lived in New Zealand with your mother and are learning a legitimate skill, and are only back in Thailand to take some cursory brushing up of your skills and get an official Certificate for that job so that you can get a Work Permit back in NZ? "Oh no, don't tell him that bit".  I said "Look.  I'm quite prepared to chat with the guy and clear up any things they can't communicate directly too well until you get the hang of his slang, but I will not lie to him (that includes lying /misrepresentation by withholding information), so maybe you and I need to talk first before I talk to him as a character witness for you").  I'm s great believer in keeping it simple and not complicating things by lying and possibly irreparably damaging things.  Maybe don't give away everything on a first date, but things like the NZ job are certainly something he needs to know before traveling half way around the world to meet you, especially since he has intentions to investigate getting a WP here and starting a business.  No cash has been asked for or offered in either direction ...so far.

Go on, write that book, for Thais and foreigners alike.  "Thai Fever" was invaluable to me when I was fresh off the boat, and gave me at least a 6 week head start to hit the ground running ...into my first lamp post :)





it is a beautiful thing when you call someone out on their lies. I was in Samui years ago, when some fool smashed into my parked motorbike, and four others, because he did not want to wait 20 seconds to let a car pass. He actually asked me to lie to his insurance company so he could collect the money to pay me for the damage. I told him he was a fool, a fat wimp, half a woman, a pussy, and a lying, thieving good for nothing. He was rather shocked to hear all of that. He then asked me again, will you please lie for me?



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8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Not only greed but also laziness to try and secure their financial future instead of working their way up and earning it. and as you say; there are those who will take advantage of people who think there is gold in those hills when in fact it`s fools gold. These have become known as catfish scams.


Difficult to feel sympathy for these people and doubt if many do.

working their way up and earning it ???   sure,  there is a lot of opportunity for that to happen, especially for girls from Issan ..  

not a lot of education 30 years ago for them, leave for a city to work 12 hours a day for 300 baht.  

Finding a Westerner to marry and look after them is really the only option they have...  or winning the lottery !!! 

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I know for a fact there is a lot of scammers out there male and female, the country that I know of are Russia, Nigeria, Ghana, USA, Canada, perhaps way more but one never know till it happen.

If it is too nice of a deal it is not a true deal. It seen these days it is like going to work and wonder how many people will fall for this kind of business.

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22 minutes ago, mettech said:

I know for a fact there is a lot of scammers out there male and female, the country that I know of are Russia, Nigeria, Ghana, USA, Canada, perhaps way more but one never know till it happen.

If it is too nice of a deal it is not a true deal. It seen these days it is like going to work and wonder how many people will fall for this kind of business.

If it looks to good to be true, is usually is...

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1 hour ago, slippery snake said:

working their way up and earning it ???   sure,  there is a lot of opportunity for that to happen, especially for girls from Issan ..  

not a lot of education 30 years ago for them, leave for a city to work 12 hours a day for 300 baht.  

Finding a Westerner to marry and look after them is really the only option they have...  or winning the lottery !!! 

I can only put it like this. If there are men who are ready to take on a total dependent with maybe family in tow, committing themselves to a loveless relationship both partners having different motives for staying together, the men not having an ounce of trust for their female partners knowing that if the women`s situation was different those men wouldn`t be their first choice of a partner, probably not even their last choice under normal circumstances, then good luck to those women because men only get the women they deserve and vice versa.

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28 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I can only put it like this. If there are men who are ready to take on a total dependent with maybe family in tow, committing themselves to a loveless relationship both partners having different motives for staying together, the men not having an ounce of trust for their female partners knowing that if the women`s situation was different those men wouldn`t be their first choice of a partner, probably not even their last choice under normal circumstances, then good luck to those women because men only get the women they deserve and vice versa.

Some western men, after having had miserable western wives take them for almost everything in a divorce seem to think this is a better way, I wonder why?

I have several friends with Thai wives who have been together very happily for decades, just as I have western friends who have had the same amicable relationship. There are many Asian and African cultures that still have arranged marriage, oddly a lot of them seem to work too.

Horses for courses... The right jockey and the right horse can make a winner, whatever the reason they got together.

It reminds me of the old Rolling Stones track: "You can't always get what you want" and the second line, "but if you try sometime you just might find you get what you need."



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Well, the frauds goes many ways.

some years ago there was 7 men at ARN, Sweden waiting for the same woman.

they all payed much overpriced tickets and "movingmoney"

The lady was ID´d but the thai police did abosutely nothing, including the travel company in CM!

Stuid people are everywhere, but maybe the BIB could look at home sometimes.



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4 hours ago, mettech said:

I know for a fact there is a lot of scammers out there male and female, the country that I know of are Russia, Nigeria, Ghana, USA, Canada, perhaps way more but one never know till it happen.

If it is too nice of a deal it is not a true deal. It seen these days it is like going to work and wonder how many people will fall for this kind of business.

You missed one. 


Hint: one of their nationals was involved in this scam. 

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22 hours ago, JAG said:

Yes - but the point is she has never physically met this fellow. So he has whatever passport he tells her he has, and that is the case for all the other claims. And promises too.

My point being I presume the guy 'claimed' some nationality, and we are looking for one that requires a visa to enter Thailand.

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On 16/09/2016 at 7:19 AM, shirtless said:

You wont get any truth off the internet scammers like these guys should have been banned from dating sites, 

an impossible task. they can come up with pseudonyms and no will be any wise and the whole crime chain will go on.

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