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Like taking candy from a baby - Thai women want a western husband so badly they are easily parted from their money


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You are so special. You are the love of my life. You mean so much to me, even though I have never even set my eyes upon you, I will give you millions of baht, just for the promise of a meeting with you. I have no idea who you are, where you come from, who your family is, what kind of upbringing you had, whether of not you are a good and decent person, whether of not you are fit physically, emotionally or spiritually, and you do not know any of that about me either. But, we can devote our lives to each other, regardless. I am a desperate man. I am desperate for love, and emotionally vulnerable. And you are desperate for financial security. I love you very much. Believe me. It is true. I no lie. I am honest man. Send me your life savings so you can be rich beyond your dreams. 


It is always amazing to me the things people will do. The desperation, the greed, the foolishness, the ignorance. You are a policeman and want me to send alot of money. No problem. Just let me know which office you work in, and I will come to visit, and see your credentials, and have a look at all of the paperwork. Then we can talk. I do not send money to people I do not know, and since the vast majority of your fellow policemen and customs officers are corrupt, that makes me even more suspicious about you. 


That is all it takes to defuse a scam like this. When you do not hear back, you know you were dealing with a scam artist. 


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Just a simple application of common sense. Oh wait a minute, I forgot where I was. 

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


These scammers and others are playing on and with one of the oldest human's trait. Greed....

all those ' suitors " have nothing else on their minds but financial gains and bettering

their lives by being attached to a foreigner, any foreigner for that matter, not love, not

affection and not caring in on their minds, money and better life for them, their kids

and their extended family,  I don't blame them, is just that the world is full of scoundrels

and schemers and scammers take takes advantage of good honest people....

Don't think you could call them honest in the real sense, they were prepared to stump up the cash to bribe officials - so their honesty has just been knee-capped, plus do anything for a quick return - from unsighted and unconfirmed suitors -- as you said  - greed, although some of them might not be playing with a full pack.

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2 hours ago, hdkane said:

A long time ago, I had a Thai gf who fell for this scam.  Her family did not like me because I did not support them.  So they encouraged her to find a new bf on a dating website.  I found out she was cheating (at least on the internet) when she borrowed the life savings of her family to send to her "new bf" who needed the money to clear customs and deliver her millions of baht in gold.  The best part was that the family (who knew she was ditching me for the new bf)  wanted me to reimburse everyone who gave my gf money.  After my stunned reaction, all I could do was scratch my head and smile. As further evidence of Thai character, her family ostracized her when I wouldn't pay.  


Sounds like you should be writing another "Farang experiences in Thailand".  If you make a little bit by saving your readers a lot, then I could sleep well doing that.  Maybe do it "Thai Fever" style and have Thai on one page and English or another farang language on the other.  The Thais getting scammed seem to be increasing in frequency (or maybe more are just surfacing rather than being hidden behind face), but the Thais need this information too.

A friend of my GF is in constant contact with a USA guy who plans to come here, and I'm always being asked "what does this mean, or that mean" (LINE typing) although she can speak okay English herself since her stepfather is farang.  I pass on warnings and things to look out for, and it does get through because it is coming from her friend (my gf), whereas if I told her directly I'm sure she would disregard it.

She's a decent girl, and she wants to know if I will talk with him to 'vet'  him so to speak.  I said I would if asked, but first I want to know if there is anything you haven't told him or have you lied to him? "no, you can tell him anything you like".  "Okay, so he knows that you've lived in New Zealand with your mother and are learning a legitimate skill, and are only back in Thailand to take some cursory brushing up of your skills and get an official Certificate for that job so that you can get a Work Permit back in NZ? "Oh no, don't tell him that bit".  I said "Look.  I'm quite prepared to chat with the guy and clear up any things they can't communicate directly too well until you get the hang of his slang, but I will not lie to him (that includes lying /misrepresentation by withholding information), so maybe you and I need to talk first before I talk to him as a character witness for you").  I'm s great believer in keeping it simple and not complicating things by lying and possibly irreparably damaging things.  Maybe don't give away everything on a first date, but things like the NZ job are certainly something he needs to know before traveling half way around the world to meet you, especially since he has intentions to investigate getting a WP here and starting a business.  No cash has been asked for or offered in either direction ...so far.

Go on, write that book, for Thais and foreigners alike.  "Thai Fever" was invaluable to me when I was fresh off the boat, and gave me at least a 6 week head start to hit the ground running ...into my first lamp post :)



Edited by Shiver
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1 hour ago, dru2 said:

At the very least the  headline should be in inverted commas. Not all Thai women - in fact very few except for the bar girl type - think like this or even want Western husbands at all. Taken as is, the headline is deeply insulting to Thai women as a whole. Thai Visa should not impose, consciously or otherwise, the tunnel vision of so many Pattaya residents on the rest of us.


It is offensive, shallow, and simply wrong.

Correct, we (members) are always pretty quickly dragged over the coals for not be PC,  maybe there is a need for moderators to moderate the moderators.

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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I've heard about this scam before. The reason why the women in this story got stung is because they're greedy, stupid and arrogant. 


Some foreigner wants to give you gold and iPhones, etc? Why? Do you really think you're so special that some stranger can't wait to just give you expensive items? 


Then some immigration official says they have him but can't release him until a fee is paid. So because you're so desperate for the free loot, you're willing to break the law and bribe a government officer? 


Sorry, I have no sympathy at all. These fraudsters are bad and will get their punishment. The women who were duped under the guise of 'love'. No! You were greedy and were taught a lesson in life. Ain't nothing in life for free. 




Yes, I don't understand why the "victims" do not also get charged in these cases as they are clearly guilty of attempting to bribe an official.  The same for the old scam, pay me money to help me get the money I am trying to steal out of my war torn country and I will give you a share, the person attempting to help is very much a criminal but they are seen as a victim by both the press and the police, crazy. 

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I have a (man) friend in Issan who was also duped by this scam. 

And lost aprox 200,000 baht I believe it was. 
He showed me ALL the paperwork he had as far as emails and letters and official looking documents. 
I proceeded to google the name of the company that he sent the money to, and immediately saw that his was far from the first. 

Always research anything like this. 
The girl who duped him spent a lot of time (over a year) sending long, love letters to him, so apparently, he was a bit in love. 

But Google can be your friend as it is apparently a  common scam. 


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3 hours ago, captspectre said:

Oh No! not a nigerian!  everyone knows that those people are law abiding, in other words what else is new? those scum bags have been active in thailand for years! and still they are not banned or vetted before coming in to the kingdom!

Hello Kid Sir, Hope you are Happy in your Life.

I am the Prince of Nigeria, I want to bless you for your kind words. Please believe that this man really for Congo, Africa.

My father just died 5 minutes ago, and he leave with 10,000 million USD. If you could be so kind as to help me, by paying the Government tax of only 50,000 Farang dollars; sorry I mean USD. I will give you 100 million USD, in return.

I will also will the choice of one of my 4 sisters, all are beautiful girls.

thank you so much. Possible, you can send cash ? 

Also, I will give you two female goats.


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3 hours ago, captspectre said:

Oh No! not a nigerian!  everyone knows that those people are law abiding, in other words what else is new? those scum bags have been active in thailand for years! and still they are not banned or vetted before coming in to the kingdom!


Nope, Thailand is really not about to ban the citizens of one of their biggest rice buyers just because a small minority of the Nigerians who come to Thailand engage in crime, to do so would be one of the worst moves Thailand could possibly make, sure it would pander to a few bar stool inhabitants of Sukumvit but it would also cripple the rice market and textile industry.  Those "scumbags" are worth $3 billion in trade to Thailand.

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1 hour ago, dru2 said:

At the very least the  headline should be in inverted commas. Not all Thai women - in fact very few except for the bar girl type - think like this or even want Western husbands at all. Taken as is, the headline is deeply insulting to Thai women as a whole. Thai Visa should not impose, consciously or otherwise, the tunnel vision of so many Pattaya residents on the rest of us.


It is offensive, shallow, and simply wrong.


And you are simply wrong if you believe that Thais looking for foreign husbands are restricted to the bars. I have two ladies in my family who would dearly love to have a foreign husband, and there are several women in my wife's village who have succeeded. None are or were bargirls and haven't taken part in any scam. Maybe it's because of the shining example I've set :P;)

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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12 minutes ago, bark said:

Hello Kid Sir, Hope you are Happy in your Life.

I am the Prince of Nigeria, I want to bless you for your kind words. Please believe that this man really for Congo, Africa.

My father just died 5 minutes ago, and he leave with 10,000 million USD. If you could be so kind as to help me, by paying the Government tax of only 50,000 Farang dollars; sorry I mean USD. I will give you 100 million USD, in return.

I will also will the choice of one of my 4 sisters, all are beautiful girls.

thank you so much. Possible, you can send cash ? 

Also, I will give you two female goats.


And the figures show that one in 10000 western idiots will send it!!

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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Yeah, he got a try out at one of Thailand's top teams, must be completely crap at football, presumably you are a Premier division player?

Actually If you can read the story again (twice should be enough) HE WAS TURNED DOWN for a Thai football team and is now about 200KG  therefore YES i would conclude that  he must be crap - actually yes I am a Premiership player … obviously you’re not though or you wouldn’t think failed footballers in crap countries were good!!

Edited by bizboi
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9 minutes ago, umbanda said:

Next scammer?..A Nigerian Buddhist Monk......selling Lottery numbers....


Seems to me that the Nigerian wasn't doing anything thousands of farangs do when they come here; namely, pretending to have a lot of money in order to blag women.


The women only realise they've been duped when they discover the farang's chump change pension or TEFLer's salary doesn't go half as far as he's led them to believe.



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19 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


And you are simply wrong if you believe that Thais looking for foreign husbands are restricted to the bars. I have two ladies in my family who would dearly love to have a foreign husband, and there are several women in my wife's village who have succeeded. None are or were bargirls and haven't taken part in any scam. Maybe it's because of the shining example I've set :P;)

Absolutely agree, I have heard of several. Quite often due to bad experiences with Thai men. 



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11 minutes ago, bizboi said:

Actually If you can read the story again (twice should be enough) HE WAS TURNED DOWN for a Thai football team and is now about 200KG  therefore YES i would conclude that  he must be crap - actually yes I am a Premiership player … obviously you’re not though or you wouldn’t think failed footballers in crap countries were good!!


Once was enough for me because I understand what "try out" means.  


I also know what a 200KG person looks like, nothing like him who is probably considerably less than 100KG, what on earth were you thinking there?

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4 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

And after they marry the FARANG'S money is soon parted too.


Yes its a vicious circle. Its like asking a 100 girls if you can have sex with them. 98 will slap your face and two will do so willingly. These scammers contact 100's of lonely women and a 2 to 3% success rate in today society seems fair. When you mix up greed and love the rate is surely higher. I cannot understand this couple seemed to be doing the majority of the work yet forwarded 90% to Mayalasia. Methinks they were being scammed as well. 

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