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Land Transport Dept to take legal actions against Uber Thailand over its driver’ assault of a passenger


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Fake, fake, fake. From the article this was not an Uber ride as there would be no negotiation of the fare as it is set at 300THB from the airport to any part of the Bangkok metropolitan area.  Also if the passenger was assaulted he wouldn't use FB to file a complaint as he would have complained to the company through the Uber app or contact number.  And Uber is super responsive to passenger complaints so I don't believe they would stonewall the passenger.  The motorcycle taxi (mafia) operations have already succeeded in shutting down UberMoto and the public taxi (mafia on steroids) operations desperately want to eradicate competition so this sounds like a staged act to discredit the company.  Anyway why would the authorities go after Uber when in cases of drivers assaulting passengers in public taxis, only the driver is brought up on charges?  It's also possible the reporter might have been paid to "create" an incident that is not quite what it seems. TiT!

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Thai taxi drivers are among the worst in the world. Robbing many people and extortion tactics is accepted by every cop and poli. Its there way to destroy Thai tourism. Uber is not to blame here lol. The Thais had only tried to copy there system but failed. Very simply the thai taxi is the most dangerous and unregulated service in the world. A joke crooks on the road with no criminal background checks. Uber are in the wrong country and best leave the Thais as they are.

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22 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


I have had a similar experience.  Usually an Uber ride is fine.  Several of them, however, have been unable to locate my soi to pick me up.  So, they just stop somewhere in the area, even on the next soi.  I wonder if they expect me to go find them?  It's very puzzling.



Glad, (but sad) that it's not just me. The drivers do not seem to understand GPS, and few of them have SAT NAV, or know how to use it. Added to that soi numbers are bonkers - I live between sois 1 & 3 on a major road, and my soi is brilliantly numbered 27/2. What does that mean in a sane world?! When I have my concierge explain where to soi is to a driver, it takes them several minutes...."let me tell you a story....just past the big tree on the right, before the sign which says....blah blah" 

Edited by samtam
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On 9/17/2016 at 0:36 PM, richard_smith237 said:

That Said, I still find UBER better than the available alternatives.....


That's 'cause Uber is still on the 2nd "I", but apparently rapidly rounding the corner into the 3rd "I":





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