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Your Signature On A Forum ?


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I received an interesting question from Jezchesters:

"LaoPo - is there any reason why you always sign your name"

I answered as follows, more or less:

"As a matter of fact I expected that question a lot earlier along the line, thinking of it....

As for the signing with my member-name 'LaoPo' (which means 'my Wife' or 'Spouse' in Chinese):

I think it has to do with the 'drilling' of my Father (may he rest in peace) in who's business I was teached how-to-do-things, write letters, memo's etc.

He would 'correct' everything and anything and since we were doing business with foreign countries and therefore had to write in several languages I didn't know any better than to follow his 'teaching'

I was teached to sign everything (be responsible son!) and I am so used to it that I still sign automatically and for no special reason.

I suppose I am a kind of old fashioned the way I still write and sign my letters, memo's, emails and even notes (about business) to my wife; hmmmmm...strange enough I might add.

Should I change ? I wouldn't mind and I am in no way offended if someone would tell me....

I'm curious to learn if anybody has the same experience with signing with their (forum)-name, whatever the reason.

Very interesting question though !

no signature this time... :o "

Is it odd what I'm doing, signing every message with my name ?


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Actually, looking back at a few of mine, I do actually sign off with 'Jez' every now and again...

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, so I'm not sure why/when I do it either...


I think it also has to do with a kind of respect and: stand-for-who-you-are-and-what-you-write.

The 'age' of the web and email has overpassed the normal written or typed letter.

Previously EVERYBODY who wrote a letter just signed that particular letter, it was quite normal.

Maybe 'we' have forgotten all about it...? :o

What's your opninion ?

LaoPo (sorry I'm doing it again :D )

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Actually, looking back at a few of mine, I do actually sign off with 'Jez' every now and again...

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, so I'm not sure why/when I do it either...


I think it also has to do with a kind of respect and: stand-for-who-you-are-and-what-you-write.

The 'age' of the web and email has overpassed the normal written or typed letter.

Previously EVERYBODY who wrote a letter just signed that particular letter, it was quite normal.

Maybe 'we' have forgotten all about it...? :o

What's your opninion ?

LaoPo (sorry I'm doing it again :D )

I agree entirely with your sentiments. The only difference is that when writing on a forum, it is obvious from whom the post came, thus negating the need for a signature. But then again, I sign emails unnecessarily, as my name is always included in the 'from' field. I guess it really is down to habit...

Interesting though...

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Actually, looking back at a few of mine, I do actually sign off with 'Jez' every now and again...

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, so I'm not sure why/when I do it either...


I think it also has to do with a kind of respect and: stand-for-who-you-are-and-what-you-write.

The 'age' of the web and email has overpassed the normal written or typed letter.

Previously EVERYBODY who wrote a letter just signed that particular letter, it was quite normal.

Maybe 'we' have forgotten all about it...? :D

What's your opninion ?

LaoPo (sorry I'm doing it again :D )

I agree entirely with your sentiments. The only difference is that when writing on a forum, it is obvious from whom the post came, thus negating the need for a signature. But then again, I sign emails unnecessarily, as my name is always included in the 'from' field. I guess it really is down to habit...

Interesting though...

More likely that LaoPo and Totster realise that the attention span of the average Thai visa punter is not so long ... saves everyone the time of scrolling to the top to check who actually wrote the post ... :D

Now what did I write again .... ?!! :o

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I rarely sign posts, though sometimes when I'm asking for something I do.

I do though quite stupidly sign notes that I might leave for the gf in the apartment, the one only us two occupy. Thats a bit silly I suppose, another thing that come from doing it as a kid when leaving notes at home.

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But why always Blue font? :D

I'm a kind of colour blind -true- and blue is more 'easy' for my eyes so to speak.


Why does your signature line read 'Humans, don't urinate in the ventilation?' :o

You're THE man bkkmadness :D you are absolutely the first who asks.

"Humans, don't urinate in the ventilation' is close.

It's Latin for a free translation of: "(a) Man should not urinate/p_ss against the wind" :D

Homo Sapiens Non Urinat in Ventum is written in beautiful Golden 'Roman style' letters on an official building in Amsterdam...-true- !


in my guests toilet as well, painted by an artist I know..... :D

The funny thing about the last is that NOBODY ever asked what it means.....men nor ladies :D


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But why always Blue font? :D

I'm a kind of colour blind -true- and blue is more 'easy' for my eyes so to speak.


You probably already know what you've written. :o

You need to get everybody else to use blue! :D

:D That's what I question myself all the time.... :D


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I would use a signature if I knew ho

who's ho? or do you mean 'a ho'? :D

:o oops, I think I meant how - do you know him?

don't know anyone called ho but I know lots of....actually better not. :D

re signature:

go to 'my controls' at top of screen then - down the left of your screen - the 'edit signature' option should appear under 'personal profile'.

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I would use a signature if I knew ho

who's ho? or do you mean 'a ho'? :D

:o oops, I think I meant how - do you know him?

don't know anyone called ho but I know lots of....actually better not. :D

re signature:

go to 'my controls' at top of screen then - down the left of your screen - the 'edit signature' option should appear under 'personal profile'.

Thank you very much! I will have a go with that then after ive finished watching Ghostbusters :D

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Sunday, 26th November 2006

Kayo Publications

c/o thaivisa.com


c/o thaivisa.com

Geachte Laopo,

I trust this correspondence finds you well.

It would be plain rude of me to not post here hence I'll post something

Soph, after you finish your movie, your quote may read :

" I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me. " (This is one of Bill Murray's lines that I have quoted for the past 20 years).

Laopo I have written this in purple. I sign my posts generally only when it is something serious I am on about. When I'm kidding around, I treat it more like a pub chat with friends. When I'm having a beer with folk, I don't finish every contribution with my name. Same with online chats and as such I treat this similar in general. This is my particular way and I've often alliterated to thaivisa.com being like a local pub to me, where I go to get my mind off things, or to get info some of my pub regulars know a bit more about.

Thank you for your kind attention,

I remain

Yours sincerely,

Kayo the Wabbit Klown.

cc: Soph c/o thaivisa.com

edit: Each to their own. I've always liked how Laopo puts his name on his posts, and I've always smiled everytime I see Totster and :o at the bottom of his posts, even after what? two years or more.

kayo :D

Edited by kayo
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Sunday, 26th November 2006

Kayo Publications

c/o thaivisa.com


c/o thaivisa.com

Geachte Laopo,

I trust this correspondence finds you well.

It would be plain rude of me to not post here hence I'll post something

Soph, after you finish your movie, your quote may read :

" I don't have to take this abuse from you, I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me. " (This is one of Bill Murray's lines that I have quoted for the past 20 years).

Laopo I have written this in purple. I sign my posts generally only when it is something serious I am on about. When I'm kidding around, I treat it more like a pub chat with friends. When I'm having a beer with folk, I don't finish every contribution with my name. Same with online chats and as such I treat this similar in general. This is my particular way and I've often alliterated to thaivisa.com being like a local pub to me, where I go to get my mind off things, or to get info some of my pub regulars know a bit more about.

Thank you for your kind attention,

I remain

Yours sincerely,

Kayo the Wabbit Klown.

cc: Soph c/o thaivisa.com

Almost profound!

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you were last believed to be watching ghostbusters, so you are probably near your telly somewhere.

Hope I've been of some assistance,


:o:D:D Funniest post ive read today. And you are indeed right, thanks for your help.

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