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Pretty Thai girl pays price for wanting to be prettier - now she is suing


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Pretty Thai girl pays price for wanting to be prettier - now she is suing



Image: Daily News


BANGKOK: -- An attractive Thai woman is suing a doctor and hospital in Nonthaburi over a cosmetic surgery that went wrong.


Nong Ploi - or Ploinatchaya Siriphatdeejiranon, 26 - who formerly worked on a music video and in smoothie advertisements says she can't get work now, reported Daily News.


She told Nonthabui police that she can't speak clearly any more and dribbles.


Life used to be great for Nong Ploi who was doing a masters degree in 2013 and earning money on the side in music video and advertising work. 


She said that after she got some money together she went to a hospital in Nonthaburi to get facial cosmetic surgery done on her neck and cheeks.


But the 190,000 baht surgery all went wrong. After many visits back to the hospital she claimed she was told that she would have to start paying more to put it right. 


She alleges that a surgical instrument caused an injury under her chin and her cheek bones are out of line causing her mouth to be distorted.


She asked her mum what to do and ended up going to another hospital for many treatments at 15,000 baht a time. They advised her that she would be in serious danger if she did not visit for treatment on her face every six months.


Yesterday she went with her mother and lawyer to lay civil and criminal charges of negligence causing dangerous and serious harm against the original hospital and doctor neither of whom were named.


In tears Nong Ploi told police receiving her complaint: "I have lost confidence and can't get work. I can't speak clearly and I dribble. I have lost serious earning potential and I ask for justice".


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-21
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the insanity lies with the doctors who are prepared =to ignore basic health principals and perform just about any cosmetic surgery without any real thought to the patient.

unenforced regulations and almost total impunity for practitioners means that Thailand is a fertile breeding ground for shyster medical operations  aimed both a Thais and foreigners who bedazzled be the adverts and furniture undertake dangerous and ill-advised procedures.

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Met some wealthy expats and their Thai wives, and I was shocked at how awful some of their missus' were.


These women were in their 30's and three of them had done some sort of facial surgery. It was ugly. I'd never call anyone ugly as it's a horrible and shallow word, but these women looked ridiculous (self inflicted). Looked like they'd been stung by a swarm of bees. 

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When reaching for the stars sometimes you fall and impale yourself. We live in a morser world wanting more and more and never satisfied with our small successes and the status quo. Oh the joy of being 78 years of age and having the privilege of being an observer rather than a participate. 

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29 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

When reaching for the stars sometimes you fall and impale yourself. We live in a morser world wanting more and more and never satisfied with our small successes and the status quo. Oh the joy of being 78 years of age and having the privilege of being an observer rather than a participate. 

Oh, roger that! It's so much fun to watch how much of a c*ck up people can make of their lives! :thumbsup::smile::wai:

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32 minutes ago, bark said:

Great answer. And if this was your daughter ? You would say same thing ??

If she were my daughter she wouldn't have been in this situation as I would have done my best to talk her out of her stupidity. Yes it's sad but she wasn't exactly forced to carry this operation out was she ?

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1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Life used to be great for Nong Ploi who was doing a masters degree in 2013 and earning money on the side in music video and advertising work.


She did not get what she asked for thus her post. She opted to have surgery to remove some immperfections and to inhance her beauty not have some quack surgeon damage her jaw and facial muscles.

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Okay, maybe the girl is vain. And okay, maybe she didn't really need the op. But what sort of bent logic demands that we blame her for the doctor's incompetence? If your new S****** phone explodes and you lose a couple of fingers, is it your fault for not  keeping your old but serviceable phone?

Edited by Hayduke
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Sounds like most of posters are perfect decision makers who never make mistakes or smart a***s just wanting to post a flippant remark .

The report, as is often the case, is one sided as neither the Doctor nor hospitals comments have been given.

There are a lot of people who trust in the medical profession & at time mistakes are made that can cost dearly.

As for research, the Doctor should have given the patient sufficient information to understand the risks involved with such surgery & in fact, all surgery has risks attached.It's unknown if that occurred or not.

The sad part is when the Doctor/ hospital do not offer the patient all the remedial steps possible to resolve the unfortunate situation , again article does not state what actions they have taken by Doctor or hospital. It's unfortunate it has become a legal issue & has now become part of the social media circus!!

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5 hours ago, Alive said:

Again and again these desperate girls volunteer to cut up their faces only to be disappointed with themselves. Most who can't get work realize their time is up. Insanity.

i am sure all cases do not go wrong. unfortunately for this young lady, it did not work out. hope she succeeds in her legal battle.

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20 minutes ago, Gracas said:

For those that want to have this type of cosmetic surgery (self improvement when not needed) they should be made to watch the TV series Botched.

Maybe she would have changed her mind, but then again maybe not.

you always think that it will not happen to you.

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it is best to research the credibility of the surgeon and the hospital ( from friends and online) before undertaking any surgical procedure. many dubious establishments will either wash their hands off in case there is a problem or squeeze more money out before rectifying the  damage.

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