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Pretty Thai girl pays price for wanting to be prettier - now she is suing


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3 hours ago, cumgranosalum said:

the insanity lies with the doctors who are prepared =to ignore basic health principals and perform just about any cosmetic surgery without any real thought to the patient.

unenforced regulations and almost total impunity for practitioners means that Thailand is a fertile breeding ground for shyster medical operations  aimed both a Thais and foreigners who bedazzled be the adverts and furniture undertake dangerous and ill-advised procedures.

best  to research the hospital and  the surgeon, not only for their fee but also for their capability and credibility.

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2 hours ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

If she woz already attractive why bother wasting money to have cosmetic surgery?

Vain  & Stupid.


Well, she was using her face to make money on the side in advertising etc. while doing a masters degree. Perhaps she (reasonably) assumed that she could increase her opportunities with a little nip n tuck. I'm sure its rife in the industry (it's rife in Thailand), and she was perhaps only trying to improve her odds in a highly competitive field.  There may be a little more than vanity at play here... she has my sympathy. [And just to be clear, the world shouldn't be this way, but it is]

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Met some wealthy expats and their Thai wives, and I was shocked at how awful some of their missus' were.


These women were in their 30's and three of them had done some sort of facial surgery. It was ugly. I'd never call anyone ugly as it's a horrible and shallow word, but these women looked ridiculous (self inflicted). Looked like they'd been stung by a swarm of bees. 

leave the creation of mother nature alone. very difficult to create better than nature.

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I agree that plastic surgery is a solution when you are getting old, saggy or have a deformity that affects your mental wellbeing. But these youngsters are already fine and aprts from stuffing themselves with glut amine and carcinogens and just idiotic if they want a sharper chin,cheekbones higher and blah blah... whats wrong with em? Thai society is a mess..

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17 minutes ago, fantom said:

Many of the posts on this topic are ugly, cruel, and unkind.  Please just think how the person who is the centre of this might feel were she to read them.


Why did she allow reporters to get involved if she wanted privacy?

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6 minutes ago, csabo said:


Why did she allow reporters to get involved if she wanted privacy?

She was not looking for privacy, she was looking for competent surgery

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It`s na near impossible to sue doctors in England when they make botch ups of surgical procedures and would guess it`s going to be even more difficult in Thailand. Could go on for years and still get a negative result at the end.


Problem is people believe and trust in doctors and have faith in that they know what they are doing. The old saying; trust me I`m a doctor.


Feel sorry for this girl, a young model and now her career and future ruined. Very tragic actually.



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9 hours ago, Doc46 said:

You play with Fire you will get Burned,Plastic surgery is not like a panel beating and paint shop,Stupid people got to much money to waste.


    Not to mention plastic surgery is highly addictive for certain personality types!

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12 hours ago, sahibji said:

best  to research the hospital and  the surgeon, not only for their fee but also for their capability and credibility.

Frankly how is a layperson expected to effectively research a medical industry that releases little or no information has virtually no monitoring and will immediately close ranks at the first sign of any criticism?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Just think about if by chance you was the one to go to those quacks for one of those adadictomy (add a dick to me) procedures and it went all wrong as these did.....

Not that I am thinking about it but this item raises the thought.....................

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1 hour ago, sawadeeken said:

Just think about if by chance you was the one to go to those quacks for one of those adadictomy (add a dick to me) procedures and it went all wrong as these did.....

Not that I am thinking about it but this item raises the thought.....................




I think I'd rather have an Addadigitomy Balancectomy!

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15 minutes ago, johnnywishbone said:

So many young ladies have no idea how beautiful they really are.
This always surprises me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Beauty is is subjective and changes from culture to culture - however telling women they don't come up to standard is a common method used by men to subjugate women.

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17 hours ago, Hayduke said:

Okay, maybe the girl is vain. And okay, maybe she didn't really need the op. But what sort of bent logic demands that we blame her for the doctor's incompetence? If your new S****** phone explodes and you lose a couple of fingers, is it your fault for not  keeping your old but serviceable phone?


I am with you on this one.

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