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So how was this attempted scam supposed to end?

The Dancer

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I know there was a thread on TV not too long ago about this very scam but couldn't find it. Here's what happened about 30 mins. ago in the Tops at the basement of the Century Mall.


I am standing with my cart looking around trying to remember what to buy. A mid-eastern guy and  gal approach me. The guy's 20ish short slight build sharply dressed, otherwise unremarkable. The woman seemed in her 30s, nondescript, plump with a head scarf and holding a baby in front.


Guy: Hello, you are Thai?

Me: No, but I can speak some Thai. Can I help you?

Guy: Where you from?

Me: US

Guy: I am from Dubai (offers hand, we shake). You know how much $100?

Me: About 3500 baht.

Guy: Oh, you have 1000 baht. Can show?


At this time a bell rings - thanks TV, you're worth the subscription - and the woman must have caught that on my face. She speaks rapidly to the guy in a language I couldn't make out (didn't sound Arabic though). The guy doesn't seem convinced and leans toward me and raises his hand like he's holding a note. The woman speaks some more and this time gets to him. The next minute they are gone. 


I check my belongings. Back pocket wallet, check. Side pocket phone, check. Ok, so I am unscathed. Curious still I look for them in the aisles. Nope, they've vanished.


So, what was supposed to have happened? It was an aborted scam of that I have no doubt. In any case, thought I should let folks out there know.


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Copied from da Innernet:




Today I got approached by a couple (mother and son) claim to be from Abu dhabi or Dubai on Sukhumvit Soi 24 one of the best areas, right by Marriott. They ask me for a indian restaurant first then asking me to show them Indian currency at the same time he pulled out a stack of $100 bills and said "I am rich and I like to spend money", the top one looked authentic. I told them that i am an indian american visiting BKK. The lady claim to be his mother was telling me how her son likes everything about india. Then I made a mistake by pulling out my wallet and showing them indian and thai currency, in the process I pulled out five 100 dollar bills which he instantly took it from my hand and said " I am rich, I wont steal your money" just take out more indian currency If I had in my wallet. then he distracted me pointing to the building front of him, which was at my back saying they live there. When I looked back I think that time he took out all $500 and gave me back indian and thai bhat. when I try to go thru it ..he said don't worry I did not take anything just put back your wallet and help me with the directions to the restaurant. As soon as he left..he flagged a taxi and that time I opened my wallet all $$$ were gone...I immediatey called police and made a formal complain.

If anyone reading this post find or hear anything about this couple please let me know. I am in bkk for a week.


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and again:


Hi I have encountered this middle eastern couple and they stop people in the way (especially Indians)
and suddenly start asking questions about Indian restaurant,Indian money and Indian food 
and start flaunting dollars and ask you to show if you have Indian money or dollars.
Indians are usually very friendly so they don't mind starting a chat with strangers.
That is when this couple takes advantage.They move around the area of 
Sukhumvit Soi 20, Soi 24 and Terminal 21-Asok which is mainly an Indian neighbourhood
I encountered them in Soi 20 luckily I wasn't carrying any money so I got saved.
After that (coincidentally)my cousin brother who was visiting us also encountered the same couple in 
Terminal 21 -Asok (area).He was hardly carrying a 100 Baht so they didn't con him.
I spoke to another uncle who also seemed to have been a victim of this couple a few years ago
and on speaking to him i realised what the scam was all about because he couldn't escape this couple.
That Uncle went to Terminal 21 and he was shopping with his wife and daughter when they decided to go to a store to do some ladies shopping.That's when the uncle was left alone waiting for them near the food court.
IT was when he was alone that this couple approached him and asked him if he could guide them to an Indian restaurant and the man is the main con artist.He speaks very fast and says a lot of things about how much money he has and how he wants to see how the Indian currency looks like and then he asks you to show your wallet and immediately checks how much money you have it is then that he decides if he has to go ahead with the con or not.
If he can see dollars or a lotta money in your wallet.He decides to hypnotise you and catch you off guard with his smooth talk and constant blabbering and immediately you will be distracted and he does his con meanwhile.
My uncle was left hypnotised in a mall with all his money gone and he wasn't even aware where he was.It was only when his family found him wandering lost in the mall.That they realised he had been hypnotised and conned.The catch is to not look into his eyes and not wait and have that conversation with this couple.Hope this helps



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I had a similar experience at a McDonalds on Sukhumvit.


The guy claimed he was from Dubai and struck up a conversation with me after shaking my hand.  At some point he started asking about Thai currency.


Him: "What color is the 1000 baht bill?  Is it yellow?"  

Me: "I think there's a bit of yellow on them."  

Him: "Do you have one?"


That's when my Spidey-senses started tingling.  I told him I didn't have any and left quickly as he had two friends standing nearby.

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Yeah happened to me in Bulgaria once, changing dollars to local currency on the black market, met up with the local money changing thug and he counts out currency in his hands, meanwhile a police officer walks around in the background making me nervous (an accomplice of course) and distracts me. Guy gives me the wad of local currency just counted in front of me but poorly observed by me due to the police.....turns out the wad had a few correct notes on top and bottom, in between only mickey mouse money.

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When you show your wallet to people you don't know, there is always the risk that they will follow you and when you are alone that they hijack you if they see a thick wallet with probably a lot of banknotes.


I never have more than 300 THB in my wallet and no credit card, pics or any other stuff that I would miss if I lose it or it's stolen.

I have some more banknotes in the "coins pocket" of my jeans and if I need more than 1000 THB, I keep it in a safe belt.

I do this not only since I live in Thailand... I started with it when I still lived n Europe!

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Approached by tourists, in a notorious tourist area and a discussion about 100 dollar bills, are you mad! Tell 'em to f' off before it evens starts.


There used to be an Indian Sikh who would hang around lower Sucky, I spotted him a number of times looking for targets and on a few occasions actually talking to them. He must have been having a hard day because as I saw him walking towards me I could see in his eyes and by his mannerisms that I was his target for the day. He had barely got the words "you have lucky..." out before I screamed at him to f' off and don't even think about it, uncharacteristic behaviour on my part but very effective, he never bothered me again and always gave me a wide berth.

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I had an almost identical scam tried on me back in the early nineties in the old Tops supermarket off Sukumvit so it has been going on for a long time. This time it was a young Saudi guy, or so he told me, and he opened up a wallet full of USDollars and wanted to know what Thai money looked like. I chatted to him but gave him directions to a money change booth close by.

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Why do these clowns even talk to these scamming muppets?


Why shake their hands?


Tell them to go get <deleted> before they even come anywhere near you.


We teach our children not to talk to strangers however you talk to these dirty bastards

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Do guys still keep their wallets in their back pocket in Thailand? Why not wear a sign that reads "pickpocket me." Carry your wallet in your front pocket. Plus, thin out your wallet so you don't have important things in it that you don't have to carry and it doesn't bulge a lot. Never keep money in your wallet, keep that in the other front pocket, opposite your wallet. Use a money clip (or office supply style binder clip).


I used to live in an area known for pickpockets. I carried an Altoid tin (the red and white metal tin with mints) in my back pocket where I used to carry my wallet. It bulges in my back pants pocket like a wallet. I did have a LB try and pickpocket me and sure enough she was going for the Altoid tin pocket when I slapped her hand and walked away.


Just my two cents.....



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13 hours ago, Pattaya28 said:

Is this "normal" behaviour to get out ones wallet and brandish cash about ?  And especially to strangers ?

These people that get scammed are idiots beyond belief.

What benefit can it be to anyone to look at a foreign note ?

Financially rewarding apparently if you approach the correct people

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13 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

I follow a simple rule.  I regard anyone who approaches me as suspicious and never engage with them.  I am sure I brush off some innocent people along the way, but that's my policy.

Exception being a beautiful,  sexy looking woman with a fantastic smile....lol


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On 23 September 2016 at 8:23 AM, Pattaya28 said:

Is this "normal" behaviour to get out ones wallet and brandish cash about ?  And especially to strangers ?

These people that get scammed are idiots beyond belief.

What benefit can it be to anyone to look at a foreign note ?


You are a right, in hindsight of course. But many people are walking around with their own thoughts and are taken unawares ... decent people will tend to give someone the time of day ... and that's what conmen take advantage of. 



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