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Berries in hot climate


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Hi all,

I am chasing all around tropical forums with minor sucess.

Since dormancy is needed to have some Blueberries, Straw and Raspberries and so on in the hot areas of LOS,  I have let my fingers off growing them in my garden.
The only temperate fruit that is bearing sucessfull is an apple tree in my auties garden. But this only when she strips once a year all leaves off and lies it into dormancy.

Are there any Berries that you have in your garden and go well along with whipped cream like Strawberries or Raspberries do?

I have a Peanutbutter Tree and Babados Cherry and the taste like a kick in the teeth and (black) Mulberries give me the sandy impression like I took a bite off the beach, so not really something that could compare with our European Berries regarding taste.
Are there any tropical plants you would say, they are making you remember how your neighbor was whipping your ar*se with a willow stick, but that were his Strawberries worth? 


If YOU have the ultimate Berry Tree, Shrub, Bush, and willing to give me a sapling or cutting,  I will have a go at Pattaya Discovery Garden in November and make a big haul of plants and seeds they offer there so we might could do a trade. 





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Most strawberries seem to be cultivated in the North (Chang Mai) and that is where I bought some plants. Down here in Isaan, they 'survived' and gave an uneven crop of sour tasting berries, on about 4M2 I was getting two or three a day, not much of a harvest season as such. Despite mulching, fertilising, watering, they decided to die at the onset of the rainy season although I can see a few in the shelter of my fig tree. Soil exhaustion I think, after three years. I couldn't grow them in pots. Anyway, we are increasingly going over to herbs, chili, figs, dragon fruit, Pak bung, chinese cabbage,  and maize, even beans won't grow here. You can do a lot to persuade things to grow here that don't want to but there are so many delightful fruits and vegetables to be grown, that want to grow here, I tend to take the 'easy' way out.

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I am growing Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and Mulberries all year round up in Chiang Mai. I am experimenting with several varieties of each plant and several methods of getting them to fruit at the desired time of year. It's my hobby and an ongoing process.


My wife has a farm and from next week she will be selling Thai Royal 80 Strawberry runners out to many locations all over Thailand. We believe that it will be possible for our Customers to produce decent fruit as long as they use our fertilizer mix that we provide with their plants. The other key to success is for the plants to spend a week in the fridge prior to planting. We will monitor plant performance this season and will be a little wiser next season.


Our Strawberries are very sweet. I'm from England and there are none on the supermarket shelves over there that taste anywhere near as good. We currently have agents in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chon Buri and Koh Pangan - so you'll be able to test them from late December onwards if you are around those areas. We will be looking for more agents throughout the country over the coming months.


See Will: Mulberries don't have to taste like a mouthful of sand. Take care of them correctly and they'll give you some good fruit.

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Karaka Black, Loch Ness, Loch Tay, Black Butte, Triple Crown, Chester plus an unknown variety. I've had a massive yield of 3 fruits to date but that's pretty much as expected. I have been focusing on propagation so that I have more plants to experiment with.


They are all due a spell in the fridge to give them their chill requirement and hopefully things will start to progress from there.

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I have seen it with grapes, they water them with Ice cubes and this cheats them into dormancy. Same counts for apples, rip all leaves off and they will bear fruits without chilling. My wife's auntie does this with her apple tree.

Raspberries & Co into the fridge seems for me not suiting my view on permaculture. But there is a black raspberry found that fruits well in the tropics, a FB Friend just sends me a bunch from Jamaica.  

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  • 3 months later...

I have made up some contacts in Jamaica and there is a raspberry growing that can stand tropics and is a heavy bearer.

It is called mysore raspberry. The fruits are dark blue to violet when ripe, unlucky it has no shelf live but can be frozen for a year or made to compote.

Is anyone here in LOS already owning some shrubs and willing to give, swap or sell some mysore raspberry saplings?

Much appreciated as they can send them from Jamaica bare rooted but somehow the pacel services are delivering slow when the box enters LOS territory and the outcome is a dead plant, so not worth it.


A swiss mate and owner of 'Pattaya Discovery Garden' is also searching everywhere with no success. 



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  • 1 month later...

How about Waxberry, Myrica Rubra.
It's not actually a typical berry more a small tree.
I can't say anything about their ability to grow and fruiting in Thailand.
Also don't know about the fresh fruit.
I only tried them as dried fruit in China.

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They should be bearing fruit here around Rayong but I doubt they will further south.

I haven't found out if they are slightly toxic but is on my List. 

Tried them twice in Penglai and Ghaoshan from the market but didn't see the tree anywhere there.


I also found some quite heat resistant Srawberries and hope for some runners to plant them in my home Aquaponics. I got told they can stand the heat and sun but need wet and cool feet all time. Fingers crossed.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Mysore raspberries are for sale in thailand, i've seen them...also other berries like blueberries. Are you only into berries?


I have miracle berries now, also a few too many abiutree's, blackberry-jam fruittree (want to trade that for a peanutbutter seedling or seeds?), maybe an icecream bean, the rest has to fruit first.


curry leaf tree seeds just came up.



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That Discovery Garden has strawberry guava, doesn't it?  It's not exactly a berry but it's pretty close in general character.  I used to pick those walking on the ridgelines in Hawaii, where they grew wild.

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